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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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So glad you're back, Ruby!

Keep hangin' out with us!

We need each other!

Thanks Phyl. You're looking fantastic in your avatar pic! You've lost a lot of weight and years. I'm looking forward to reading about your summer antics again this year. :blush:

Congrats Karla. It's always exciting and encouraging when you see the weight continue to drop. Good for you. :blink: I love it when a plan comes together.

Aw Janet. I wish we could have a pet. Dog or cat. But we live in a smallish 2 bedroom apartment and if we didn't have a 10 year old, perhaps we would. But I think it's unfair to any potential pet we have to crowd them that way. I can't wait to get our own place so we can invite a new furry family member into our lives. I totally understand where you're coming from with Andrew bringing a new dog home. As much as I'd love a pet right now, I'd be angry too. Just because you love animals doesn't mean it's a good idea to bring them into your home when there's no room and other established pets to think of first.

Well....... I had a pretty good food day today. I've decided to switch to Protein Shakes in the morning to start my day, then have a small bowl of Cereal for lunch. It's tough going foodwise until about 3pm, but I should be able to manage those things to keep my metabolism ticking over. I've also got to try to have an early-ish dinner. I've slipped into not eating until 9 or 10 at night when I get home from the gym or martial arts class, then I'm in bed at 11:30. I don't think it's a good idea to be eating so close to bedtime.

But it's tough adjusting to the times. I did okay with Breakfast and lunch, but trying to eat dinner earlier than normal wasn't very successful. I shall try again tomorrow.

I've thought about an exercise target in my signature like I used to have to spur me on to getting my butt moving, but I don't really need it because exercising has become my favorite hobby, so to speak. However, I think I DO need to get back on Water Patrol. I don't drink nearly as much as I should. :blush:

Well..... off to bed. See you all again in the morning. :mad5:

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Hummm, where is Stephanie?

Anyway, got a phone call from my brother, he is too busy to make it to graduation. Surprise....NOT. He has never made it to any of my girl's graduations. So neither my parents nor my brother will make it. Not a huge deal, just disappointed.

Janet I hope today is a better day.

Ruby, glad to see you back. I am envious about your committment to exercise. I know I have to get into a more routine exercise. Right now I make up for it with yard work and working at the nursery. But come fall, I always have difficulties. Hopefully this weekend I will conjole one of the 'men folk' into fixing my bike. The bolt that holds the seat is too tight and I can't loosen it to change the seat.

You all have a good day, only 13 more days of school. Mainly testing in math and labs in science. Oh and my 'favorite' student has had his Microscope license revoked for not following safety and equipment rules, slammed the microscope on the table (he laughed about it to a friend later), tried to disconnect the eyepiece and body tube from the microscope, and put pond Water into the wash bottle, so life will be much easier. Unless of course, I get the directive that I can not give him an alternative assignment and MUST allow him back into the lab.

Here's wishing you all good food day!!

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If it's any consolation Karla, I'm envious of your yard work. I would much rather spend all day working in the yard than an hour doing housework. Sounds crazy, but I adore pottering around outdoors cleaning up the yard, planting and nurturing things. Living in an apartment I don't have that luxury. I have a few pots out on our balcony and am currently mothering some Tomato, basil and a few other herbs. I was also given a Calla Lily a couple of years ago and got a lovely bloom out of it just last month.

Done my morning workout. Now I need to go make a Protein Shake and start on my Water intake.

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Hi ladies. Just a quick check in. Mom and sister are here, graduation was yesterday, I have house to clean, a hair appointment this morning....busy busy busy.

Going to chop hair very short for my trip to Vegas. I'm not sure how short I'll be bold enough for. I'll take a pic after I get it done.

Okay....gotta get something to done...my sister is cleaning and I'm on the computer...really not fair. Talk to you later.

Karla, Janet, I want to cry for both of you. how aggrivating!!! I'd be spitting mad, which means next I'd be in tears. Hugs from me!

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I have not been avoiding for any reason except that I am unbearably busy. However i have great news to share. I just found out that when I go to the charter school that I get a 14000$ raise so I should actually be able to attend some Lucky #7 functions next year. I get double pay checks in July and August so I will be able to pay off my lap-band surgery 1 year early. So excited!!! I can now support my running habit as well.

Gotta run...hours of work to do in about 45 minutes.

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Janet, I totally understand the pet issues, even though I was the one who got the last dog. Daughter #3 who is/was married to a Navy boy, is getting a divorce (he was cheating on her) but...she has 4 cats and 1 dog. One of the cats pees all over, and her dog is not house broken although it is 2 years old. She is always welcome, but I can not deal with all the animals. We have 3 dogs and a cat already, I can't handle 4 dogs and 5 cats. My house only is 1100sq.ft. What you are probably more upset about is the fact that you told him that he could not bring in another dog. Maybe it is easier for him to go when you are mad at him, so subconsciously he did the thing that he knew would make you freak. This is just my 2 cents, but dang the ones we love sure can twist us around. I too am looking forward, maybe, to living alone. The scary thing....I never have. Not once have I ever lived alone...if things work as my children plan, I will be alone come September. I am looking forward to it, I will miss my girls, but I think it will be a new adventure. My luck...my dad will take a bad turn and my mother will move in with me. If she does, Janet, can I move in with you? Hang in there, Andrew knows you love him and you DO have the right to establish your house rules.

Thanks everyone for the congrats...I am amazed I made it this far, 10 more pounds and I will be half way home. Also, Janet & Phyll, thanks for answering my questions.

Karla - the reason he did it was cuz he though I wouldn't stick to my guns !!! You see I am not the most stick to it ness with my kids - I say no then give in when the battle gets to much - but on somethings I stand my ground and this dog issue is one of them... He didn't go to Janelle's last night - he is suppose to be moving to his Mom's today... It's and ugly little chichuai (sp) -

He did apoligize - but still - I said no damn dogs - but I guess since I give in on most other stuff he figured he I would on this too..

I think he's a little hurt - said I was throwing him out

I have only lived alone twice 1st time for about 9 months when my son was in placement and then after dh and I separated the 1st time and that againg was for about 9-10 months and I had Andrew & Kaitlin on the weekends and during the week.

I am looking forward to it for the most part - you can run around naked.. I only have to shop and cook for 1 person - it may get lonely at times - well it's my time!!

Woah Janet! Andrew sure made it easier for you now didn't he? You absolutely did the right thing. What did he think was going to happen? Karla may be right on the money--otherwise it makes no sense at all.

Linda - it's like I said - I usually don't stick to my guns - I am a terrible parent !!!

Hummm, where is Stephanie?

Anyway, got a phone call from my brother, he is too busy to make it to graduation. Surprise....NOT. He has never made it to any of my girl's graduations. So neither my parents nor my brother will make it. Not a huge deal, just disappointed.

Janet I hope today is a better day.

Ruby, glad to see you back. I am envious about your committment to exercise. I know I have to get into a more routine exercise. Right now I make up for it with yard work and working at the nursery. But come fall, I always have difficulties. Hopefully this weekend I will conjole one of the 'men folk' into fixing my bike. The bolt that holds the seat is too tight and I can't loosen it to change the seat.

You all have a good day, only 13 more days of school. Mainly testing in math and labs in science. Oh and my 'favorite' student has had his Microscope license revoked for not following safety and equipment rules, slammed the microscope on the table (he laughed about it to a friend later), tried to disconnect the eyepiece and body tube from the microscope, and put pond Water into the wash bottle, so life will be much easier. Unless of course, I get the directive that I can not give him an alternative assignment and MUST allow him back into the lab.

Here's wishing you all good food day!!

Karla - OK I'd say this is a good thing - you don't have to deal with their $100K motor home in your yard and you don't have to deal with your Mother - I would say that's 2 good things. But they better send the $$$/gifts..

Hi ladies. Just a quick check in. Mom and sister are here, graduation was yesterday, I have house to clean, a hair appointment this morning....busy busy busy.

Going to chop hair very short for my trip to Vegas. I'm not sure how short I'll be bold enough for. I'll take a pic after I get it done.

Okay....gotta get something to done...my sister is cleaning and I'm on the computer...really not fair. Talk to you later.

Karla, Janet, I want to cry for both of you. how aggrivating!!! I'd be spitting mad, which means next I'd be in tears. Hugs from me!

Ok dear I am ok -no need for tears - Can't wait for hair cut pictures !!!

I have not been avoiding for any reason except that I am unbearably busy. However i have great news to share. I just found out that when I go to the charter school that I get a 14000$ raise so I should actually be able to attend some Lucky #7 functions next year. I get double pay checks in July and August so I will be able to pay off my lap-band surgery 1 year early. So excited!!! I can now support my running habit as well.

Gotta run...hours of work to do in about 45 minutes.



Good Morning !!!

Ok gang I got on the scale yesterday 143 - I guess my drinking on Friday & Satuday and Biscuts & gravy finally caught up with me and those little extra bites here and there

I keep thinking I need a fill - ya my brain filled but they haven't invented a fill for it yet - oh ya right that brain surgery - I never got around to reading that... Well I need it ..

So ladies - I'm here to tell you all I am totally back in the fricken LBT mode - no more bullsh*tting no more stupid freaking excuses !!! - No more extra bite of this or that - no more skipping my tuesday exercise...

So watch out the sheriff is back in town !!!!

I exercised Monday - Yesterday and I got up at 4:30 this morning and was at the gym by 5 - did 2.5 mile in 40 minutes - home showered and to work by 7:15..

I have gym tonite - Trainer - My new plan is to get up early at least 2 x a week and go in the morning and get a little extra excercise in.

Last night I cut the rice from my dinner - fish & broc - one sf fudgesicle and 2 oz chicken breast and 6 walnuts.

8 oz light juice..

This is to fricken scary - I just keep imagining myself at 250 again ...

So like I said - watch out cuz the sheriff is back on duty.. We can't get lazy - we can't keep making excuses - we gotta get this right - we can't go back to that ugly place we use to be - we gotta be strong !!!

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Aw Janet. I wish we could have a pet. Dog or cat. But we live in a smallish 2 bedroom apartment and if we didn't have a 10 year old, perhaps we would. But I think it's unfair to any potential pet we have to crowd them that way. I can't wait to get our own place so we can invite a new furry family member into our lives. I totally understand where you're coming from with Andrew bringing a new dog home. As much as I'd love a pet right now, I'd be angry too. Just because you love animals doesn't mean it's a good idea to bring them into your home when there's no room and other established pets to think of first.

Well....... I had a pretty good food day today. I've decided to switch to Protein Shakes in the morning to start my day, then have a small bowl of cereal for lunch. It's tough going foodwise until about 3pm, but I should be able to manage those things to keep my metabolism ticking over. I've also got to try to have an early-ish dinner. I've slipped into not eating until 9 or 10 at night when I get home from the gym or martial arts class, then I'm in bed at 11:30. I don't think it's a good idea to be eating so close to bedtime.

But it's tough adjusting to the times. I did okay with breakfast and lunch, but trying to eat dinner earlier than normal wasn't very successful. I shall try again tomorrow.

I've thought about an exercise target in my signature like I used to have to spur me on to getting my butt moving, but I don't really need it because exercising has become my favorite hobby, so to speak. However, I think I DO need to get back on Water Patrol. I don't drink nearly as much as I should. :thumbup:

Well..... off to bed. See you all again in the morning. :cry_smile:

If it's any consolation Karla, I'm envious of your yard work. I would much rather spend all day working in the yard than an hour doing housework. Sounds crazy, but I adore pottering around outdoors cleaning up the yard, planting and nurturing things. Living in an apartment I don't have that luxury. I have a few pots out on our balcony and am currently mothering some Tomato, basil and a few other herbs. I was also given a Calla Lily a couple of years ago and got a lovely bloom out of it just last month.

Done my morning workout. Now I need to go make a Protein Shake and start on my water intake.

Ruby thanks !!! Bear seems ok with the ugly little chichauas (sp) but my little angel was growling as Andrew walked past last night when he took the ugly little thing out to pee..

I love my animals but we have enough !! they are just another responsiblity and I am sick and tired of being responsible - I've been responsible for someone else since I was 16 - Bear is totally potty trained - Angel well that's another story - I will come home and find poop in my bedroom every couple of months !!! She is a little botch somedays.. The Cat is no problem - she goes in her boxes..

Ok girl - like I said the Sheriff is back in town - cuz she has to start policing herself - so plese note - I have already had one bottle of water and now am on my 2nds one. Am eating a carb free and low fat lunch (3 oz of fish 1 cup broc) and have already done 2.5 miles this morning and have gym again tonite...


Challenge time ladies - who's up for it - I have Karri comming on the 12th - so 2 weeks 2 days - So the challenge is going to be to lose 5 lbs by then -

Who's up for it - 5 lbs by 6/12 !!!! - Lets see if we put a challenge out there - if it won't help us get a little more motivated...

Whadda ya say gang !!!!! We can either post our weight as of today - or go on the honor system..

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I'm up for the 5 lbs challenge. :cry_smile: It's probably exactly what I need right now. I haven't even started on my Water yet. :thumbup: I've had a Protein Shake and a glass of cranberry juice, but I don't count those. So off I go to guzzle.

Oh, and congrats Karri. Extra cash is always a welcome friend. Glad things are going so well for you.

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Janet--5 pounds by 6/12? I'm IN! Only I'll be in MA on 6/12 and unable to weigh in. For me, it'll be 6/10. 2 weeks from today, but I'll go with my weigh-in on Sunday. You're on!

Karri--Great news on the salary! You deserve some good news--I'm so happy for you!!

Ruby--like I said, my address is 2709 Prairie Winds Ct., Sheboygan Wisconsin. We have about 1.75 acres--some of it is wooded and part of a pond. I'll provide a place to eat and acceptable, LBT food. Oh yeah, we have an almost 18-year-old Scih-tzu that you can take home with you in paymenbt! :thumbup:

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I'm up for the 5 lbs challenge. :cry_smile: It's probably exactly what I need right now. I haven't even started on my Water yet. :thumbup: I've had a Protein Shake and a glass of cranberry juice, but I don't count those. So off I go to guzzle.

Oh, and congrats Karri. Extra cash is always a welcome friend. Glad things are going so well for you.

Janet--5 pounds by 6/12? I'm IN! Only I'll be in MA on 6/12 and unable to weigh in. For me, it'll be 6/10. 2 weeks from today, but I'll go with my weigh-in on Sunday. You're on!

Karri--Great news on the salary! You deserve some good news--I'm so happy for you!!

Ruby--like I said, my address is 2709 Prairie Winds Ct., Sheboygan Wisconsin. We have about 1.75 acres--some of it is wooded and part of a pond. I'll provide a place to eat and acceptable, LBT food. Oh yeah, we have an almost 18-year-old Scih-tzu that you can take home with you in paymenbt! :wub:

OK We have 3 - I know Karri will join in - How about you Phyl - Denise - Kari - Karla - Steph - You all in !!!!

BF - PT Drink 15 grms 70 Cal 1 WW string cheese 50 Cal pt??

Lunch - 3 oz fish 100 cal - Broc 1 cup 50 cal

Snack - 10 cherries 80 cal

Pre-work out snack - fiberone bar 140 cal

Dinner - 4 oz Fish - Veggie - May have some rice tonite - think I am going to skip it every other nite..

Exercise - 2.5 miles this a.m. burned 286 cal - tonite weights dont know if we are doing arms or legs..

Linda - love your house - year 4 we are coming there :0)

ok back to work - doesn't this feel good - we are back to our challenges - love it.. am so motivated right now !!!!

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Ruby thanks !!! Bear seems ok with the ugly little chichauas (sp) but my little angel was growling as Andrew walked past last night when he took the ugly little thing out to pee..

I love my animals but we have enough !! they are just another responsiblity and I am sick and tired of being responsible - I've been responsible for someone else since I was 16 - Bear is totally potty trained - Angel well that's another story - I will come home and find poop in my bedroom every couple of months !!! She is a little botch somedays.. The Cat is no problem - she goes in her boxes..

Ok girl - like I said the Sheriff is back in town - cuz she has to start policing herself - so plese note - I have already had one bottle of Water and now am on my 2nds one. Am eating a carb free and low fat lunch (3 oz of fish 1 cup broc) and have already done 2.5 miles this morning and have gym again tonite...


Challenge time ladies - who's up for it - I have Karri comming on the 12th - so 2 weeks 2 days - So the challenge is going to be to lose 5 lbs by then -

Who's up for it - 5 lbs by 6/12 !!!! - Lets see if we put a challenge out there - if it won't help us get a little more motivated...

Whadda ya say gang !!!!! We can either post our weight as of today - or go on the honor system..

I am so freaking in. I was at 159 this morning :thumbup:. While I realize that this is 3 days before TOM...this is an unacceptable weight. So...I had already planned on challenging myself anyway but now a group challenge is even better. It is 2-3 hours of gym time every day. My calories will be around 1500 per day. There are no more excuses. School is just going to have to wait. I can't keep putting ME off until school is out. I have done that all year with not such good results. I am starting to not fit into clothing anymore.

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I am so freaking in. I was at 159 this morning :sad:. While I realize that this is 3 days before TOM...this is an unacceptable weight. So...I had already planned on challenging myself anyway but now a group challenge is even better. It is 2-3 hours of gym time every day. My calories will be around 1500 per day. There are no more excuses. School is just going to have to wait. I can't keep putting ME off until school is out. I have done that all year with not such good results. I am starting to not fit into clothing anymore.

I knew I would get you with that one :0) we have to go back to the same challenges that we had during our weight loss phase - our freindly competition !!!!

Ok I updated my ticker to reflect my Morning weight this morning...

So it's on :wub: - No more excuses :tt2: From now I/we will think about what we are putting in our mouths - especially we will think - OMW I bet so and so is doing well and I don't want to let her beat me :0)

We will all be winners in the end - cuz even if we don't get the 5 lbs off (that's 2.25 a week) we sure will have lost most of those 5 lbs... So that makes us all winners.

I don't know how you can do 2 or 3 hours gym - I am normally butt a$$ tired after about 1.5 max - 1 hour is about my limit at the gym - but I am going to go an extra couple of times in the morning - so that will help..

This is sorta cool - we are back to where we were a year ago :thumbup::):cry_smile: - As we all know this is an never ending battle but know what's great - We have each other :wub: to help us fight the fight !!!

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Janet, Naturally I'm in, although I must say that there will be all kinds of junk food this weekend, even carrot cake, one of my weakness. But I had to serve ice cream to 60 7th graders today and didn't even have a bite. I have to repeat this with the 8th graders and 6th graders who have not had any discipline referals.

My official weight as of Tuesday was, embarassing enough 213, but considering it was a 255 just over a month ago. So whats up for grabs by the winner?????

My daughters last band concert is tonight so I have to head out soon.

I had a rough food day, nothing would go down, not even Steph's yummy chicken which I consider a mushie. I struggled with low blood sugar all day with my stomach growling. I ended up having a Protein smoothie, 1/8 c chicken salad, even though it hurt, 2 130 c Protein Bars and a string cheese. I don't like eating the protein bars, okay i love the protein bars, because they go down just like candy but I get a sugar rush from them. I was despret (sp) for food. I can now see why being too tight is bad, I found myself searching for anything that would go down, and naturally all those things are fatening.

Well best get going.k

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yike over 2 months ago, sorry, miss type

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2 hours at the gym tonight. Tomorrow it will be the same. Tomorrow it will be cardio AND weights. I burned 850 calories today and am already at my goal for the day. I do get tired but I only do each machine for 10 minutes at a time so it doesn't seem like such a big deal.

Oh...and at the gym today they made me the first "Member of the Month" so that was really cool. I get my before and after picture with a little bio put up about me at the gym. Plus I get a free month added to the end of my contract. That was some extra motivation today!

food was good today but I think it was because I was so busy I didn't even have a chance to eat.

Well I need to eat dinner so I will chat later.

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