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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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morning ladies. Nothing much happening here today. I need to clean the garage. I'm putting it off. I hate that job. Plus Jeff found a convenient reason not to be here so he wouldn't have to help. He does that a lot! grrrr

Okay. I'll be back later. Looking forward to hearing from Phyl today or tomorrow. Today might be a little too soon since she's been gone. I'd have a million things to do.

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morning ladies. Nothing much happening here today. I need to clean the garage. I'm putting it off. I hate that job. Plus Jeff found a convenient reason not to be here so he wouldn't have to help. He does that a lot! grrrr

Okay. I'll be back later. Looking forward to hearing from Phyl today or tomorrow. Today might be a little too soon since she's been gone. I'd have a million things to do.

  • Not much happening here either I was trying to have a nap earlier and all I could hear was this buzzing from a BEE
  • problem was I didnt' know if this "BEE" was inside my bedroom or outside the window, just being really loud
  • I am deathly allergic to bee stings, so naturally I had to go hunt it down and KILL it before it landed on sleeping ME and it killed me.

Argh!! I was a super fat lazy house fly... it was HUGE, but I killed it.. now I am too awake to nap...


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ROFL!! That is way too funny Candice. I can't sleep if I hear a fly, bee, or squito...or if I know there is a spider somewhere in the room....like if I see one on the wall way over on the other side of the room. There's no possiblity of sleeping then.

Didn't clean the garaged. Washed the deck. Was going to do the front windows next but was time to go to a grad party. Did well with food....for a party....had 4 little smokies, 2 pieces of hard salami (cracker size), a few pieces of cheese, and then some fresh fruit. No cake, no mac. salad, no potato salad....3 potato chips.

Kids home napping now, but we have another one at about 6. The good thing is, this way I don't have to cook all day. Also going to walk tonight. At least 5 miles but may try for 7 today...just depends on how late it gets.

forgot to mention that I went out in the sun yesterday like a moron!!! and didn't sunscreen. Didn't burn, but my damned rash is all over my arms and the back of my neck is driving me crazy. How come I think every year it will be different and that I won't have it? It's been almost 10 years...I should have it figured out by now. Sunscreened today but it's a little too little too late. grrrrrrr

Okay...off to do something else for an hour or so. Have a good one ladies.

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Just got in from outside. Got most of the privacy fence back up, the hard part anyway. The girls will put the last pieces of lattice up while I'm at work. My Beast, 1977 Chevy 4 door pick up had a dead battery so I couldn't make a dump run and the dump is closed until next week AND I needed the truck tomorrow to bring a couple of yards of bark back from work. The Beast is awesome, got it for $500 last year and it purrs like a kitten. I do love an old beatter truck. So I will grovel to the boss tomorrow and see if I can borrow the nursery truck and bring some bark home that way. Otherwise I will have to go after school and it is a 40 minute drive to the nursery so by the time I'd get home it would be after 7 pm.

My PA daughter and her significant other are coming up thursday night so we can finish getting things presentable on Friday before the big shingdig. My lawyer daughter and her husband come in on Friday I think. Did you notice a little bit of bragging there? Yep, I am pretty proud that these 2 girls from nowhere Montana have done so well.

Well, it is my turn for the shower, so I best go scrub up. We are having sushi for dinner as a treat for a day of hard labor. I only hope that I can eat it. It will be such a bummer if it sticks.

Oh and talked to my kids about birthday/Christmas gifting funds towards our lapband cruise and they are on board. That way I will have a little fun money.

Chat later after the shower and dinner. Oh and Steph, when you are done with your garage mine needs done before friday, just come on up.

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ROFL!! That is way too funny Candice. I can't sleep if I hear a fly, bee, or squito...or if I know there is a spider somewhere in the room....like if I see one on the wall way over on the other side of the room. There's no possiblity of sleeping then.

Didn't clean the garaged. Washed the deck. Was going to do the front windows next but was time to go to a grad party. Did well with food....for a party....had 4 little smokies, 2 pieces of hard salami (cracker size), a few pieces of cheese, and then some fresh fruit. No cake, no mac. salad, no potato salad....3 potato chips.

Kids home napping now, but we have another one at about 6. The good thing is, this way I don't have to cook all day. Also going to walk tonight. At least 5 miles but may try for 7 today...just depends on how late it gets.

forgot to mention that I went out in the sun yesterday like a moron!!! and didn't sunscreen. Didn't burn, but my damned rash is all over my arms and the back of my neck is driving me crazy. How come I think every year it will be different and that I won't have it? It's been almost 10 years...I should have it figured out by now. Sunscreened today but it's a little too little too late. grrrrrrr

Okay...off to do something else for an hour or so. Have a good one ladies.

Oh my gosh Stephanie: I get sun rash too!!! SO itchy isn't it... What is it with our Northerner Skin???? It really sucks as I love to be out in the sun, always lifts my mood. I love to go to the Carribean but I always have to slather on SPF lotion... or wear long sleeves.

Where did we all decide we wanted to cruise? I hope its not the Carribean in JULY 2010!!! Perhaps Alaska??? or the Atlantic seaboard would be cool too.

Not so good on food today. Got my excersising in but I maxed out on calories.... won't go into the details .... cause I'll trigger somebody else...

Just finished watching a tear jerker movie. THE READER with Kate Winslet, OMG was it ever good... but a triple hanky movie:frown:

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I would like to go somewhere warmish not hotish. I melt under the hot and I burn after 5 minutes in the sun. I never get sun rash because I go straight to the burn. But I'm game for anywhere, like I said, I just want the cute Buns of steel cabana boy to flirt with.

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Whohoo, I was able to eat 2 pieces of sushi!!! Probably about 1/4 cup. But I ruined it when I decided it wasn't enough and had a piece of laughing cow cheese which overfilled me and now I am miserable. I'll learn someday soon I hope.

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Hi ladies. Just a quick check in after a long day of graduation parties.

food, okay, not great. I told you what I had for lunch. For dinner, I ate horsey doovers (since I can't spell the other, that's what we've always called them at my house), so it was more munching...but kept it pretty under control. They didn't have fresh fruit or veggies, had potato and macaroni salad galore, noodles noodles and more noodles. Hamburgers looked like they would be super dry...so held off. Just ate a second bowl of kashi/yogurt (1 for bf)...might need a smoothie tonight if we watch a movie. We'll see.

Was going to do a 5-7 mile walk tonight. Got a late start so only did a little over 4. That was disappointing but I think I will have a chance to do a long walk tomorrow. Funny how a short one anymore is 5 miles....used to be a walk around the block was a short one. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to fit in something around 10. Might have to be 2 shsort ones instead.

I'll check in tomorrow. Have a great night ladies.

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Steph, like you said, a walk around the block use to be a long walk. Remember how far you've come when you get down. Every time I look at your before pics I can't even believe you were hiding in there. Also, remember you are an inspiration. I would have NEVER had what it takes to do this without you blazing the trail for me. I hope that someday I will be able to pass on the inspiration. There is a teacher at school that I'd like to help. I haven't told her about my band. I am going to wait until she comments about how much I've lost and then I am going to share with her. Even though I have lost almost 40 pounds I really don't 'look' different. Fortunately, my quilting buddy that I told tells me each day how good I look. It keeps me going when I get down. I hope to be down under 200 by the time school starts again. I only weigh once a week because I don't want to get frustrated with any thing less than a pound. I don't even own a scale, I use the one at school.

So Steph, remember, you are my hero!!

Well, best get going, I have to work tomorrow. We will find out how good I fixed the fence. The wind is blowing like crazy!!!

Chat with you all tomorrow!!

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Okay.. I'm back.. and I'm reading and uploading photos to FB, reading, uploading photos, trying to work my farm, reading more LBT!!

I'm NOT going ziplining or bungy jumping.


I ate too much on the cruise, but not too many carbs, sampled a few Desserts and drank too much wine and "Northern Lights".. don't ask. And now that we're home.... can't eat. Breakfast on the ship this morning... 2 eggs over easy, sm amt of potatoes and some smoked salmon. Was home by lunch and couldn't eat. Had a small, thin slice of white cheese and a few Wheat Thins crumbs! Did go have a latte across the street and rode around the neighborhood. One of the grocery stores was grilling steak outside. Got a small sample... tight, tight, tight. Earl BBQd steak for dinner. I think he said we were splitting 5 1/2 oz. I couldn't eat it all. And can't drink anything. We'll see how tomorrow goes.

I need to go to bed! Will read more tomorrow. Hope I can lie down to sleep. It desn't feel good right now and it's been well over 5 hrs since we had dinner.

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Phyl, glad you are back!! have fun reading, we worked hard to give you lots of pages... Sorry you are tight, you all say, "Drink something hot" SO Phyl...'Drink something hot!' You've dropped over 20 on your BMI ticker, keep it up, great job.

I now see why you all talk about plastic surgery. Wore a tank top to work on the fence yesterday, and MAN where my upper arms waving!! Last time I lost weight of any significant amount, my skin tightened up, now that I am 50 (nasty) things are just flapping. I'm glad to loose the weight, and I am working hard lifting, carrying, pounding, so I hope it does tighten up. If I told my family that I was going to MX for plastic surgery, they may just flip.

Only 2 weeks of school...then I can relax a bit.

I hope Karri is having a good time on her hike. Steph, do you have more parties today? Ruby it is time to come back!!! I'm going to email you!!

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Thanks for the welcome home, Karla. Still reading! And I had to work on my virtual "farms" this morning!

Forgot to tell you guys.... one afternoon when I'd had a little wine, or maybe it was my "Northern Lights".... I talked all my Sr. Citizen, elderly friends in to getting airbrush tattoos with me... all except Earl, that is! I "negotiated" with the guy who was doing them (on the ship) and he gave us a "2 for 1" rate... $4.25 each! So I have a bright blue butterfly on my lower leg, which is supposed to go away in 5-7 days! But it's been about 3-4 days now and it shows no signs of fading so far!



Got on the Wii Fit to weigh this morning.

Earl gained NINE lb!!

Phyl gained just under TWO lb!

Edited by phyllser

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Hello Everyone,

I worked like a dog this week getting the house ready for our faculty end of the yr party at my house. The weather was supposed to be horrible, but it turned out perfect: Cloudy, so not too hot, windy, so not too hot, and no rain. The party was great, hubby's crawfish were perfect. We had a lot of fun. That was Fri. night. Went to a friend's annual pig roast yesterday, and when we crossed the river, the cruise ship was docked.

Carnival Fantasy, it has a huge waterslid on the top.

Did ya'll know we have cruises from New Orleans?

If ya'll (plus me) cruise from here, you can also stay here and sight see in N.O. a few days.

I am so tired from this week. Tomorrow is our last day with kids. Rumor is that I'm keeping the same job next year. You can't imagine how depressed I am. I CAN NOT do this job another year. I don't know how I made it this yr. I'm gonna email someone tonight, and ask if I am. I have to plan what to do, cause I just not doing it.

Phyl-enjoyed your pics, looks like you had a great time

Karri- Loved your story, here's mine from last week.

When the kids come in in the morning, they sit on the wall of the hall until the morning bell rings to go to class. I do duty watching them. I use a megaphone, because without it no one listens to me, I am invisible. With it, I am a 6ft black man with a gun. Well this 17yr old special ed criminal would not sit down. This school is 6, 7, and 8th grade, he's 17!!!! I told him, if he didn't listen I would just send him home. We can only suspend sped 10 days out of school for the whole yr. I saved a day on every bad sped, so I could put them out the last day if I needed to. So when the hall was full, he got up again and came towards me to the front of the school. I said go sit down NOW. He said, "Man you be blowing me." I picked up the megaphone, and yelled "I'll blow you all the way home." As soon as the words were out my mouth, I realized what I just said. He turns to the kids sitting, and cracking up laughing says did you here her. No one else even paid attention, thank GOD!!!!!!

About dieting, I have done horrible for a long time now. I don't know why. I don't like excuses, but maybe it's just because between my job and the pressure of my Mom, it's just too much. I can't take this job, and you can't imagine how unhappy I am. If I did not have my family to come home to, I would lose it. Some days I feel one step away from a nervous breakdown, and I am crying as I type this. I can't do this job again, I just can't. I am so unhappy.

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This one is just for you. First off, I gotta tell you that I think I had to hit at least 70 lbs before I could see a difference. Even my clothes size didn't change. That's frustrating.

Okay, now the situation with school. I had to wait till after chruch today to say anything cause I wanted to talk to Darren first. Anyway, he teaches 8th grade history and 8th grade Earth Science. I told him about your dilemma and he gave me permission to give you his e-mail address. He has everything on CD-rom so it isn't a problem forwarding it on to you. He said he'd be happy to help you in any way. So, his e-mail address is

hejnald@panthernet.net. His name is Darren Hejnal (haynal). Hope this helps. He's a great guy. He was my youngest daughter's softball coach. Good Luck.

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Hello Everyone,

I worked like a dog this week getting the house ready for our faculty end of the yr party at my house. The weather was supposed to be horrible, but it turned out perfect: Cloudy, so not too hot, windy, so not too hot, and no rain. The party was great, hubby's crawfish were perfect. We had a lot of fun. That was Fri. night. Went to a friend's annual pig roast yesterday, and when we crossed the river, the cruise ship was docked.

Carnival Fantasy, it has a huge waterslid on the top.

Did ya'll know we have cruises from New Orleans?

If ya'll (plus me) cruise from here, you can also stay here and sight see in N.O. a few days.

I am so tired from this week. Tomorrow is our last day with kids. Rumor is that I'm keeping the same job next year. You can't imagine how depressed I am. I CAN NOT do this job another year. I don't know how I made it this yr. I'm gonna email someone tonight, and ask if I am. I have to plan what to do, cause I just not doing it.

Phyl-enjoyed your pics, looks like you had a great time

Karri- Loved your story, here's mine from last week.

When the kids come in in the morning, they sit on the wall of the hall until the morning bell rings to go to class. I do duty watching them. I use a megaphone, because without it no one listens to me, I am invisible. With it, I am a 6ft black man with a gun. Well this 17yr old special ed criminal would not sit down. This school is 6, 7, and 8th grade, he's 17!!!! I told him, if he didn't listen I would just send him home. We can only suspend sped 10 days out of school for the whole yr. I saved a day on every bad sped, so I could put them out the last day if I needed to. So when the hall was full, he got up again and came towards me to the front of the school. I said go sit down NOW. He said, "Man you be blowing me." I picked up the megaphone, and yelled "I'll blow you all the way home." As soon as the words were out my mouth, I realized what I just said. He turns to the kids sitting, and cracking up laughing says did you here her. No one else even paid attention, thank GOD!!!!!!

About dieting, I have done horrible for a long time now. I don't know why. I don't like excuses, but maybe it's just because between my job and the pressure of my Mom, it's just too much. I can't take this job, and you can't imagine how unhappy I am. If I did not have my family to come home to, I would lose it. Some days I feel one step away from a nervous breakdown, and I am crying as I type this. I can't do this job again, I just can't. I am so unhappy.

Oh Denise, HUGS to you gf... I am so sorry to hear you are that upset with your job.. only a few more weeks though...

You WILL NOT HAVE A NERVOUS breakdown, you'l;l get thru this... just lean on US.

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