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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Okay...here's my day so far.

Food: bf, strawberry ff yogurt, 1/2 c kashi, lunch, 1/2 c chicken salad, top 1/2 of a croissant, snack, 2 cheddar cheese sticks

liquid: 1L propel, 16 oz iced tea, 8 oz diet pepsi

movement: push mowed front lawn, raked back yard of 5 months of dog plops, cleaned out fridge, 2 loads of laundry.

Plans for the evening: 5 mile walk, power wash my patio, chicken and apple sausage for dinner with some cottage cheese, one more 16 oz propel, 12 oz Protein smoothie.

I think that's all . We'll see. Have a good one ladies. I'll be around about 10 to let you know if I got it all accomplished.

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Finally home from school at about 7 pm, finally got the biome projects graded whohoooo. talk about a mind drain.

Food: Breakfast, Protein smoothie; snack 130 cal Protein bar; lunch 1/2 c Tomato soup; snack 130 cal protein bar; dinner 1/4 c chicken. Need to have less Protein Bars and more solid protein. It doesn't hurt as much, but I can't eat more than 1/4 c at a time. Alex made her famous chicken paprica which is very soft and juicy. I'm also not getting to the veggies, let alone carbs which is ok. So ladies what do I need to change. I probably need a little 'unfill', but it is going to have to wait until after school. Then there is there is a fear that if i get an 'unfill' I will be hungry all the time. Right now I am not really hungry, more head hungry when I am at school.

Steph, I'm not bailing yet, but I just can't think about it right now, like you said, I'm in survival mode. Let me get through graduation, and school. I have to deal with my dad's issues, he isn't coming for graduation, mom says he is afraid he will collapse. He isn't getting stronger, the question now: Is it physical? or is it depression? It isn't unusual for heart patients to have bouts of depression. Dad has been on depression meds (as well as mom, me, 2 of my daughters, can we say genetic) for a long time and they have increased the dosage. I am going to have to call the doc and find out what he thinks. Dad is 'going' to physical therapy, but isn't exercising at home.

Well best go get something done... check in later, k

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Okay I have been avoiding the defense of my eating plan for the last couple of days because most of the time I have diarrhea of the mouth and if I would just learn to not share EVERYTHING then I wouldn't have to worry about defending what I am doing.

First, this is my version of the 5 day "mind" test...instead of the pouch test because I frankly have no restriction. Like I said before they only filled my tubing not the actual band. So for the rest of you I am at what an "unfill" would be like. Normally they leave the saline in the tubing but because I got the flu, they took it ALL out. So my problem with food is that I have been feeling deprived. My mind keeps thinking that I am not getting enough at 1800 calories so I have been hoarding food and eating WAY more than I need to in order to feel satisified. So I went to 1100 calories just to show myself that I can eat plenty of food when I take the time to plan. When you only get to eat 1100 calories and you want to be able to be full at least once in a while...you plan well.

However, I didn't take into consideration that I dont' have the fat stores that I once did when I was eating 1100 calories. So this isn't about starvation and I did up my calories today to about 1500 but to me it is no different that doing the pouch test, except this was about challenging my mind...not my pouch. I have been making INCREDIBLE food choices that are all healthy and eating very balanced meals. I am not consuming 1100 calories of Protein drinks and bars, but rather 1100 calories of chicken, pork, veggies, brown rice, eggs, whole wheat toast, etc. Yes...I was hungry yesterday because I wasn't as well prepared. Today...I planned better and I don't think that I will be able to eat everything that I have planned so I will most likely be under the 1500 caloires that I set for a goal today.

I do appreciate all of the concern and know that it is coming from your love, but this is something that I need to follow through on. I am going camping this weekend with a bunch of friends from work and if I had been eating unhealthy all week I don't think that I would be able to handle the type of food that will be there. However, by truly showing myself how good I feel during the day when I eat right (we are not talking when I am trying to workout...totally different story) I will be able to overcome the temptations that will be staring me in the face. The list of food that they are bringing is enough to make me cringe.

But that is a totally different subject.

Well I gotta run. Will check in later.

I am not mad at any one...I just wanted to let you all know that i don't paln on doing this for a long time, just long enough to get my mind back in the right place.

Like I said...today my calories are higher. Now I just hope that I can actually get to to the gym tonight. Something just came up and the gym run might not happen. God I wish summer would get here!

Karri - Yep you do get mad at us :smile2: cuz we are alway harping on you and what you are eating :thumbup: calorie wise - but its was cuz you said you didn't have the energy you needed to do your training and girl you exercise ten time harder than the rest of us... That's all - 1100 well you know what you can get alot of food in for the but heck running for 4 miles burns how many calories (what did your body bug say) but anyway - and I don't think that we got that your 1100 calories was your verision of the 5 day pouch test and then you reviewed what you are doing and decided ya I may need to up my calories to 1500. I really thought you had more restriction than you do - cuz you know how you are with fills.

So I apolizied for getting your dander up :w00t: but I just want to make sure that you eat enought to be able to train like you want to..

You k now what this is no diff than Candice's Dh telling her not to eat ice cream - we know that you know what's best for you - I promise no more advice till you tell me you are eating candy ok :0)..Hugs Baby Girl.... :mad2: And it's ok to tell us to step off - back off and to get mad - we all do it at times :laugh:

Hope you got to run - that would help with all the crap that's going on at school... Those endorphine to help with our moods... and getting rid of all that pent up frustrations that we have with our jobs.. And us bossy Mom's on LBT:wink:

Okay...here's my day so far.

Food: bf, strawberry ff yogurt, 1/2 c kashi, lunch, 1/2 c chicken salad, top 1/2 of a croissant, snack, 2 cheddar cheese sticks

liquid: 1L propel, 16 oz iced tea, 8 oz diet pepsi

movement: push mowed front lawn, raked back yard of 5 months of dog plops, cleaned out fridge, 2 loads of laundry.

Plans for the evening: 5 mile walk, power wash my patio, chicken and apple sausage for dinner with some cottage cheese, one more 16 oz propel, 12 oz Protein smoothie.< /p>

I think that's all . We'll see. Have a good one ladies. I'll be around about 10 to let you know if I got it all accomplished.


Ok pick on you time - bread & soda :0)

My food today

Bf Pear 100 cal & WW string cheese 50 cal

Lunch: 1.5 cup Chicken Soup made with 1/2 red potato carrots zuchinne cabbage - 250 Cal

Snack: WW string cheese 50 cal & 14 tostido chips 130 cal with El Pato

Dinner - Fish 150 cal - asparuguss 40 cal - Rice 120 cal

Liquids - 2 16 oz coffee - 1 16 oz Ice tea and 1 16 oz watet

Snack tonite - popcorn 100 - Watermelon 100 - SF pudding w/walnuts 160 - 16 oz cran/grap juice 80

3 miles - burned 386 calories did 15 incline at 2.5 speed for 3 songs and the rest of the walk was 6 incline at 3.5 speed.. and jogged for 1 short song...

Candice - I Dianna talking to you again...

Karla - How's your day going...

Linda - did you get to take Cora for a walk...

Kari - How are you doing with your soda issues...

Denise - You !! how are you while I was on the treadmil tonite - I was thinking have you been doing yours :0)... Did you go get that permanet marker and write your Mom's name on her clothes...

Well, gotta ck andrew's dinner - burritos - well all I had to do is cook the meat...

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Good Evening Ladies

It's been a gorgeous day here in Michigan. I dug out my shorts and a summer top and I'm just lovin' it. Talked with my daughter about planning a cruise. What I need is a couple dates. about how many people, how many day cruise. She said there are fantastic deals in Mexico and if we book an early bird special we should make out like bandits.

Karri - I don't know why everyone is worried about you. I think you have got a good handle on this lapband stuff. Well, both you and Janet. I wish I were structured enough to do something like you are.

Steph - When you're done with all your stuff today, make a side trip to Michigan on your walk. I have lots of stuff that needs doing. And no desire to do any of it.

Karla - Get an unfill...........soon. There is nothing worse than being too tight and then waking up in the middle of the night with acid reflux. :thumbup: NASTY!!! I just don't know what to make of my band. Some days there is no stopping the food going in and other days, like today when I am stuffed with very little. And then again, there is the head hunger.......you know, that little horned guy that sits on your shoulder and says "go ahead, make my day."

Okay, I don't have anything else to say. It's the same old, same old here.........yada yada yada.

So, have a good night and I'll check back tomorrow.

Love you guys.

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Good Evening Ladies

It's been a gorgeous day here in Michigan. I dug out my shorts and a summer top and I'm just lovin' it. Talked with my daughter about planning a cruise. What I need is a couple dates. about how many people, how many day cruise. She said there are fantastic deals in Mexico and if we book an early bird special we should make out like bandits.

Karri - I don't know why everyone is worried about you. I think you have got a good handle on this lapband stuff. Well, both you and Janet. I wish I were structured enough to do something like you are.

Steph - When you're done with all your stuff today, make a side trip to Michigan on your walk. I have lots of stuff that needs doing. And no desire to do any of it.

Karla - Get an unfill...........soon. There is nothing worse than being too tight and then waking up in the middle of the night with acid reflux. :thumbup: NASTY!!! I just don't know what to make of my band. Some days there is no stopping the food going in and other days, like today when I am stuffed with very little. And then again, there is the head hunger.......you know, that little horned guy that sits on your shoulder and says "go ahead, make my day."

Okay, I don't have anything else to say. It's the same old, same old here.........yada yada yada.

So, have a good night and I'll check back tomorrow.

Love you guys.

Kari - I;m with you on the fickleness of my band right now - I will get full fast sometime - but it's not lasting more than 1/2 hr.. And ya the head hunger too....

Mexico sounds good - Spring Break next year for our teachers or after schoold gets out in June.... Say 6/15 - I think everyone will be done by them

I'll vote for phyl - I know her and earl would go - Linda LOVES mexico... Candice too - You Me Karla Denise & Karri - don't know who would be taking their dh's - I would like a baloncy room since as I right now I'm still smoking -

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I have no DH to ask, so my only issues will be money. I want SO MUCH to go. I'll have to bunk with Janet, yep Steph I didn't manage to beat the smoking demon. Actually, the doc says that as long as I keep it down to about 6 per day, it isn't a big issue. I'm game for either spring break or June after school. June would be better, money wise. But, right now, count me in! Maybe by then I could wear a swimsuit. Now my only demand is that there are cute, Buns of steel, cabana boys. maybe after 15 years I will finally get lucky. Janet, I'd share with you.

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Managed to get down about 1/3 c of FF yogurt and dried fruit and seeds/nuts. That should tide me over until breakfast.

See you all tomorrow, hey Karri, it is Friday!!! But my last weekend to get things done before Graduation!! The baby graduates, it is going to be so strange AND she will be 19 in June. How did I manage to get so old. I know I am on the path to a better me, I just hope I change more than my appearance. I need to change my attitude and be more outgoing. I'm fine when I'm in my comfort zone, but I have a very limited comfort zone.

You all have a good night, and Karri, you know your body best, we all just worry. I admire your committment to exercise. My exercise right now is yard work. See ya!

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Didn't get to the gym tonight but going to try like hell to get there tomorrow morning. Assuming my behind will get out of bed at 4AM...it won't be a problem.

Just in case you Wii people want to know...I burned 254 during 1 hour of boxing. BTW...I finally got my title of PRO at boxing. I don't get to play much though because it is a HUGE ordeal to get the front room ready to do so.

Okay off to bed. A little freaked out over the food that will be available this weekend on our camping trip so I am going to go shopping tomorrow after the gym to get some stuff for me to have. I bought cherry tomatoes (my favorite snack food in the world!) and some quaker popcorn cakes. Trying to decide what else to take. I had kind of a melt down today because food is one of the reasons that I dont' like to do things with other people. I am not afraid of going to Janets because I know that food won't be an issue. But I am going with a bunch of people who are over weight and a couple that are normal size. But they will all throw caution to the wind and eat whatever they want this weekend. I don't want to do that, but I also don't want to feel like the outsider. DH and I had a long conversation about this and I think it helped some. I just don't want it to turn into..."Oh, this is Karri's meal and this is our food." They all mean well, but I still feel akward. So I have to make the choice...is it better to feel akward or to eat too many calories. I know the most logical choice is to just feel akward and eat properly...but considering that I am still in my 20s (and do need some mommy advice every once in a while) I still just want to be part of the crowd sometimes. I have always felt like an outsider because of my weight and I thought that would go away after I lost the weight. However, I think it is going to take a lot longer for that feeling to go away. Cause I still feel like I don't fit in. I am a fat girl in my head and a thin girl on the outside. I don't fit in with either group. Hopefully this weekend will help me break out of that.

Well I gotta get to bed if I have any hopes of getting up at 4Am

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Okay ladies. Just checking in before bed. The rest of my night was pretty good.

Finished exercise with a 5 mile walk. It was really a nice one for an end of a very long day.

finished food with a smoothie, ff vanilla yogurt, 1/2 cup silk very vanilla, some choc Unjury. It was pretty good.

I'm very tired. It's been a very long day. I managed to get a lot of yard work done. All in all, it felt very very good. But my body is very tired. So that means I'm off to bed. Have a wonderful night. I'll talk to you in the morning.

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Karri, self image is always our problem, whether too fat OR too thin, too young or too old, pretty or plain. We have been fat because food makes us feel better. The issues that made us fat and are still there. We have to deal with those issues. How??? Probably accept ourself, putting history away, ??? I'm not sure, I'm still trying to figure it all out myself.

On that note, have a good Friday, whohooo a 3 day weekend. I will be working on Sunday, Saturday and Monday will be devoted to finding the house and yard. One more week before the friends & family arrive. Can I run away now?

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I'm in for a cruise, but best to plan on June as I don't know if we teachers will be able to coordinate our spring breaks. I don't know abut DH, and probably won't know till after Canada. I do know that for my part, Candice and I did real well together last year. . .

Candice--I have everything set for the big weekend, I haven't finalized it yet--waiting to hear from you about the return. If I don't hear today, plan on us arriving in Toronto at 4:45 pm on Thursday and leaving at 2:40 pm on Monday. We can check our bags at the airport when Janet leaves and spend the morning in Toronto doing a little shopping or sight seeing. Hopefully there's public transportation to and from the airport and downtown or other points of interest--or you or someone else with a car wants to join us?

Janet--you always say just the right things.

My thoughts are with you guys planning graduations and seeing kids moving on. I was there last year at this time. My last one--DD--moved out for good in August. Looking back, I think that depression was one reason I stopped posting--I was physically sick all the time and really depressed, and I didn't have one good thing to say to anyone. It was all I could do to go to work, and many days I didn't. I'm better now, thank the Lord. I still have that empty, useless feeling. I still wish I could go back and enjoy my babies more and worry less, but that horrible sense of loss is fading, and I find pleasure in seeing them finding their places.

Yesterday was a good food day--today will be too. I have the energy/desire to make it so!

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I have no DH to ask, so my only issues will be money. I want SO MUCH to go. I'll have to bunk with Janet, yep Steph I didn't manage to beat the smoking demon. Actually, the doc says that as long as I keep it down to about 6 per day, it isn't a big issue. I'm game for either spring break or June after school. June would be better, money wise. But, right now, count me in! Maybe by then I could wear a swimsuit. Now my only demand is that there are cute, Buns of steel, cabana boys. maybe after 15 years I will finally get lucky. Janet, I'd share with you.

Oh ya I forgot I have a partner in crime in the bad department (smoking :party:) - I had a love boat romance on my very 1st cruise back in 93 !!! We will have to figure out the do not distrub thingis :lol: - I gotta say on this last cruise didn't meet any of the cabana boys that rocked my world or that were freindly but again - it was cold on deck and I never made the disco - It will be great if we can put this together - cuz my 18's were boring on this last crusie..

Didn't get to the gym tonight but going to try like hell to get there tomorrow morning. Assuming my behind will get out of bed at 4AM...it won't be a problem.

Just in case you Wii people want to know...I burned 254 during 1 hour of boxing. BTW...I finally got my title of PRO at boxing. I don't get to play much though because it is a HUGE ordeal to get the front room ready to do so.

Okay off to bed. A little freaked out over the food that will be available this weekend on our camping trip so I am going to go shopping tomorrow after the gym to get some stuff for me to have. I bought cherry tomatoes (my favorite snack food in the world!) and some quaker popcorn cakes. Trying to decide what else to take. I had kind of a melt down today because food is one of the reasons that I dont' like to do things with other people. I am not afraid of going to Janets because I know that food won't be an issue. But I am going with a bunch of people who are over weight and a couple that are normal size. But they will all throw caution to the wind and eat whatever they want this weekend. I don't want to do that, but I also don't want to feel like the outsider. DH and I had a long conversation about this and I think it helped some. I just don't want it to turn into..."Oh, this is Karri's meal and this is our food." They all mean well, but I still feel akward. So I have to make the choice...is it better to feel akward or to eat too many calories. I know the most logical choice is to just feel akward and eat properly...but considering that I am still in my 20s (and do need some mommy advice every once in a while) I still just want to be part of the crowd sometimes. I have always felt like an outsider because of my weight and I thought that would go away after I lost the weight. However, I think it is going to take a lot longer for that feeling to go away. Cause I still feel like I don't fit in. I am a fat girl in my head and a thin girl on the outside. I don't fit in with either group. Hopefully this weekend will help me break out of that.

Well I gotta get to bed if I have any hopes of getting up at 4Am

Karri - This is when I eat what others are eating for the most part - as you state even the "normal" pple go hog wild in their eating during these kind of trips.. That is normal -planed treats - what isn't normal and what we can do is continue to eat that way once we get home - which you really know that you won't do cuz you don't have that kind of junk in the house -

So Mommy advice is go with the flow and take some healthy Snacks that everyone will enjoy - those toastedos (sp) bite size chips - you get like 24 for 140 calories - that and some salsa is great.. Jerkey is another packable good food choice

What are pple taking that you are worried about??

Plus since I'm a closet eater I can pretty much control my eating around others - it's when I have the sweets and I am alone that's the problem...

But around others I am really good about showing control - and it all goes to the fake it till you make it - not that I don't want that second helping of mac salad or another piece of cake - but pple are so impressed by my weight loss that - that in itself is enough for me to stay in control on the portion size.

And if I over do it on a weekend away - I know that come Monday I will be back in control.. I guess I allow myself weekend party eating and don't fret too much - but you all know that I did fret prior to my cruise but I think that pre-fretting helps you stay in control once you are doing your activity - On my cruise I had dessert - I had Cookies - but I took the stairs - I exercised and I didn't over do it at at meal time. Portion on cruise menus are great.

I'm in for a cruise, but best to plan on June as I don't know if we teachers will be able to coordinate our spring breaks. I don't know abut DH, and probably won't know till after Canada. I do know that for my part, Candice and I did real well together last year. . .

Candice--I have everything set for the big weekend, I haven't finalized it yet--waiting to hear from you about the return. If I don't hear today, plan on us arriving in Toronto at 4:45 pm on Thursday and leaving at 2:40 pm on Monday. We can check our bags at the airport when Janet leaves and spend the morning in Toronto doing a little shopping or sight seeing. Hopefully there's public transportation to and from the airport and downtown or other points of interest--or you or someone else with a car wants to join us?

Janet--you always say just the right things.

My thoughts are with you guys planning graduations and seeing kids moving on. I was there last year at this time. My last one--DD--moved out for good in August. Looking back, I think that depression was one reason I stopped posting--I was physically sick all the time and really depressed, and I didn't have one good thing to say to anyone. It was all I could do to go to work, and many days I didn't. I'm better now, thank the Lord. I still have that empty, useless feeling. I still wish I could go back and enjoy my babies more and worry less, but that horrible sense of loss is fading, and I find pleasure in seeing them finding their places.

Yesterday was a good food day--today will be too. I have the energy/desire to make it so!

Linda - Thanks - I don't know what I say that was so right - I talk plan old talk that I think we all relate to... :thumbup:

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better - I know how much you miss your kids. I love that mine are growing up (heck for Joseph who will be 38 in July it's taken awhile and Andrew - My baby ready to spread his wings)


Ok Phyl should be back tomorrow or sunday - gotta ck to see how many pages we have done while she was away....

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My run was FABULOUS this morning. I did 5 miles in under 55 minutes. I felt so ALIVE. Now...the getting out of bed...ugh...that was difficult but so worth it. The calories were just under 1500 yesterday and those few extra hundred calories did the trick.

I won't be on this weekend as we will be camping but this time I won't freeze to death. I brought enough stuff to keep me warm that DH was just laughing this morning when we were packing his car. He said that I could survive an Alaksan winter with what I brought. Better safe then sorry. However, I realized that in my determination to not get cold...I didn't pack any short sleeve shirts. So I am going to run home during my prep and throw some in a bag and bring them with me.

Okay...kiddos are almost finished with their quiz so I had best get ready for phase 2!

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So I did go and buy some stuff that I could eat and am going to do my best to eat healthy at least 50% of the time. I will be hiking some this weekend as well...so hopefully it will all work out. I bought some quaker popcorn mini cakes, strawberries and apples that are for me. Then I bought Snacks for the rest of them. I will probably have a few.

If I was just trying to maintain, I wouldn't be as nervous (I don't think), but I really want to lose these last several pounds. Oh well...I guess if I only maintain then it will be Mama's Boot Camp when I get to Indio.

My plan is to steer clear of the smores however. Maybe a couple of graham crackers instead...but no smores. That would be a disaster!!!

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:thumbup::seeya:I'm committed!

Booked the flights for 7/23-7/27.

Oh Canada, here we come:seeya::lol:


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