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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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This is todays food, Wed.....

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Hello Ladies.

I've been AWOL. Not even lurking, believe it or not. Seems that that stupid fun farm on FB is taking up most of my time. But that all stops tomorrow. Getting high speed installed. Expensive, but worth it. (really did some fast talking to the bird here). Can't wait.

Ruby, I am so glad you came back. I have really missed you. Everyone here is really supportive, but I really felt a connection with you. I mean, hey, Your posts could have been mine. It's kind of scary to see my thoughts and issues posted by someone else.

Karla - If you have an old style band, mine must be from the stone age. It's a 10cc but hey, it works. Okay, my fill doctor does fills every four weeks if needed. As for liquids and mushies, I asked him about it and he said no it wasn't necessary. Just eat what I could, so I've never done anything different.

Oh darn!! I know there was more I wanted to post, but I can't remember it. I need to get my head on straight and drop these 10 pounds before Canada. Been thinking of doing that 3 day pouch thingy but don't remember how it goes. Help!! Oh yeah, Janet. My exersize bike is a recumbant bike. It is so much easier on the knees than a regular bike. I've trying to get DH to put a new tire on my real bike and I'd ride with him but he won't. Tells me to ride DD's bike. Then I'd know if that kind of bike works for bad knees too. I'll let you know. Only a few more weeks and then it's summer, Karri. Then, watch, six weeks into it, you'll be chomping at the bit to get back to the classroom. (right)

Okay, since I don't get high speed till tomorrow, I've got to go do some farming. It'll probably take me the rest of the night to finish. So, have a great night and I'll see you all (or most of you) over on Facebook.< /span>

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Hello Ladies.

I've been AWOL. Not even lurking, believe it or not. Seems that that stupid fun farm on FB is taking up most of my time. But that all stops tomorrow. Getting high speed installed. Expensive, but worth it. (really did some fast talking to the bird here). Can't wait.

Ruby, I am so glad you came back. I have really missed you. Everyone here is really supportive, but I really felt a connection with you. I mean, hey, Your posts could have been mine. It's kind of scary to see my thoughts and issues posted by someone else.

Karla - If you have an old style band, mine must be from the stone age. It's a 10cc but hey, it works. Okay, my fill doctor does fills every four weeks if needed. As for liquids and mushies, I asked him about it and he said no it wasn't necessary. Just eat what I could, so I've never done anything different.

Oh darn!! I know there was more I wanted to post, but I can't remember it. I need to get my head on straight and drop these 10 pounds before Canada. Been thinking of doing that 3 day pouch thingy but don't remember how it goes. Help!! Oh yeah, Janet. My exersize bike is a recumbant bike. It is so much easier on the knees than a regular bike. I've trying to get DH to put a new tire on my real bike and I'd ride with him but he won't. Tells me to ride DD's bike. Then I'd know if that kind of bike works for bad knees too. I'll let you know. Only a few more weeks and then it's summer, Karri. Then, watch, six weeks into it, you'll be chomping at the bit to get back to the classroom. (right)

Okay, since I don't get high speed till tomorrow, I've got to go do some farming. It'll probably take me the rest of the night to finish. So, have a great night and I'll see you all (or most of you) over on Facebook.< /span>

Kari - have other pple do your harvesting - it may help and yes you need must have high speed - didn't know dial up was still around :0)

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Hello Ladies.

I've been AWOL. Not even lurking, believe it or not. Seems that that stupid fun farm on FB is taking up most of my time. But that all stops tomorrow. Getting high speed installed. Expensive, but worth it. (really did some fast talking to the bird here). Can't wait.

Ruby, I am so glad you came back. I have really missed you. Everyone here is really supportive, but I really felt a connection with you. I mean, hey, Your posts could have been mine. It's kind of scary to see my thoughts and issues posted by someone else.

Karla - If you have an old style band, mine must be from the stone age. It's a 10cc but hey, it works. Okay, my fill doctor does fills every four weeks if needed. As for liquids and mushies, I asked him about it and he said no it wasn't necessary. Just eat what I could, so I've never done anything different.

Oh darn!! I know there was more I wanted to post, but I can't remember it. I need to get my head on straight and drop these 10 pounds before Canada. Been thinking of doing that 3 day pouch thingy but don't remember how it goes. Help!! Oh yeah, Janet. My exersize bike is a recumbant bike. It is so much easier on the knees than a regular bike. I've trying to get DH to put a new tire on my real bike and I'd ride with him but he won't. Tells me to ride DD's bike. Then I'd know if that kind of bike works for bad knees too. I'll let you know. Only a few more weeks and then it's summer, Karri. Then, watch, six weeks into it, you'll be chomping at the bit to get back to the classroom. (right)

Okay, since I don't get high speed till tomorrow, I've got to go do some farming. It'll probably take me the rest of the night to finish. So, have a great night and I'll see you all (or most of you) over on Facebook.< /span>

Oh Janet, its 5 weeks until FRANCE!!!! where is Car? I havn't seen her post in a while?????

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Oh Janet, its 5 weeks until FRANCE!!!! where is Car? I havn't seen her post in a while?????

She does that - shows up for a while - then disappears...

Ruby where are you girl -

Well, my house is back to normal - but I am pissed Andrew got a speed ticket - got one about 2 months ago !!!

Going to the gym helped burn off some of that anger..

He says he is going to Move in a couple of months up to his dad's him & his cousin - we will see - I think it will be good for him - but then I'm going to have to clean my own house :0)

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She does that - shows up for a while - then disappears...

Ruby where are you girl -

Well, my house is back to normal - but I am pissed Andrew got a speed ticket - got one about 2 months ago !!!

Going to the gym helped burn off some of that anger..

He says he is going to Move in a couple of months up to his dad's him & his cousin - we will see - I think it will be good for him - but then I'm going to have to clean my own house :0)

Oh you will miss him!!! But I can totally see why your angry about the ticket. Will you make him pay for it from his own money????

I added another 140 cals to today. I am having a Fiber One Bar before going to bed... so I can, you know ... in the morning :crying:

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Oh you will miss him!!! But I can totally see why your angry about the ticket. Will you make him pay for it from his own money????

I added another 140 cals to today. I am having a Fiber One Bar before going to bed... so I can, you know ... in the morning :crying:

Yep and he paid for the last one too.. This is bs he need to slow his little A$$ down - He know's I am pissed - he can't stand it when I am pissed at him- it's too funny on that front..

Who knows if he will move - but I think it would be good to get out of indio and he would at least be by his dad - well living with them - til they get in a fight... Time will tell on that one... I would like him to - now that his dad is sober I think it would be good for both of them... but DS has a temper and so does GS - we will see - I can see it now - Mom Andrew is this or that - Lala Dad is this or that ...

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I finally got some 'food' down. Managed to 'eat' 1/2 cup of watery oatmeal without pain. Have gotten 2 emails back from Chris, the fill doc in kalispell that I am going to next time. He is offering me Saturday fills if I can't make it in during the week. He also wanted me to know that he is available anytime if I have questions. He also talked about my postfill diet, saying what you all did, take it slow and don't push the solids. He did ask me what I thought about Dr. Rohrer and I told him, but I also said to take what I said with a grain of salt in that I was pretty nervous. Chris said he appreciated my honesty and looked forward to working with me. I'll only need a couple of days notice for a fill appointment.

See you all tomorrow!

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Okay ladies, you all must be living the life of leisure, still in bed. Okay, not all of you, I imagine Karri is already at work. this darn LBT is starting to make me almost late for work. I 'have' to be there at 7:30, but I usually get there before 7:00, but lately I don't get there until a few minutes before 7:30.

I feel much better today since I was able to get some calories in last night. I even went to quilting, I haven't been lately, there is always some ooey, gooey desert. Last night it was lemon cream pie, didn't even think about having any. Had it been chocolate, I might have had a taste of chocolate... well actually not.

Today I woke up skinny, okay not skinny, but less fat. I imagine it is because I didn't get my Water quota in yesterday, but I could actually 'find' my ribs. They still have insulation on them, but at least I could find them.

You guys need to tell me about this 'farming thing', I could get into that. Maybe you shouldn't until school is out.

I suppose I best go and get ready, can't think of a thing to wear, to warm for jeans, too cold for a skirt. Plus there is the leg hair issue. Since I don't have someone to snuggle with, other than Miss Molly my doxi, I need the leg hair for insulation. Probably could braid the stuff and start a new fashion trend. Hummm, how grossed out I could make 7th graders...

I'm out of here, chat to you all later.

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Good morning ladies! I'm leading a life a leisure Karla. I can't deny it. I'm actually up and moving much earlier today. Maybe that is why I can't seem to lose any pounds.

I have a funny pain in my back today. It's right where my left kidney is I imagine. It only hurts when I move though...so it's not a kidney problem. Just a funny pulling sensation.

Need to get a bunch of stuff done today. Make suckers, clean house, edit my speech, get to the flower shop. I know there is more.

I have a question for anyone who used it. I have 2 big jars of Unjury that a friend gave me. I need to start using them or they will go bad. They are about to expire. The problem is that they don't have a "scoop" and the directions say add "1 scoop". I have no idea how big a scoop is supposed to be. If anyone has used it and has a scoop, will you measure it and compare it to a 1/4 cup for me. You don't have to be exact, but if you could, I'd appreciate it.

Karla, glad you got some calories in. It is so important. Without around 1000 you tend to get run down and frustrated. It's got to be wonderful to feel your ribs again! Just wait until you have hip bones. It was the most amazing thing I had happen.

I'm staying away from the farming on FB. I don't have the energy to be addicted to something else. I just can't do it! I have to stop. I keep hearing about all this farming and it makes me tired just thinking about it. besides, I'd go broke being a farmer. I know it.

Off to FB and then to get stuff done. Have a great day ladies! Talk to you tonight.

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Farming is funny - it really doesn't take that much time :0) depending on the crops you plant - You guys gotta try it - I will send you invites - trees don't go bad if you don't harvest them in a certain amount of time but your crops will - I'm up to level 14 have $50K+ heck Phyl started after me and she's at level 17 I think - but again she has more time than me :0)

Nichoel who use to post here is like a lever 26 :) she has a beautiful farm..

Steph I would say about 1/8 of a cup is a scoop - it seems like it was a big scoop - I have a scoop for my Jay White Protein just looked at it it says 80 cc national measure on the scoop and you know what - I would change that to 1/4 of a cup - it's a big scoop..

Karla - your new doc sounds wonderful...

- No much to report - HAPPY THAT KRIS is in the final 2 of Idol - think we should all vote for him !!! Don't get me wrong Adam is great - but he will make it without Idol - I love Kris's sweetness and they kind of music he sings - I can't say I am a big rocker chick..

Well back to the grind -cbl :)

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No...I was not up this morning. Couldn't get my hiney out of bed. I was exhausted. Still am.

Kari - I will NOT be chomping at the bit to get back in the classroom. Maybe if I get to go full time at the charter school...but not if I have be at the high school AND the charter school. While it will allow me to support my running habit...I don't know when I am going to find the time to actually run.

Well we are going on a 32 mile hike this weekend. It is supposed to be 86 degrees here and I have been anxiously awaiting to really get out in the weather and move. So we are going to travel about 2 hours north of here and then walk into the wilderness. I, however, will not camp without a tent. DH says to just throw a pad on the ground and sleep under the stars...Umm..NO. I don't want any bears sticking their tongues up my nose. I need to have that 1/100 of an inch piece of nylon between me and the wildlife. I love nature...I DON'T love wildlife!!! Then there is the Water issue. DH says that we can just purify water with the little tablets that you can buy...UMM...NO!! I don't drink fish pee. So...it is a good thing that I am in good shape because I have to haul my tent and extra water because I am a "pansy".

Well I must get ready for next period so I had best get off my butt and get it ready.

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OMW - you were busy - You leave Saturday - 1 week ...

I had a small lite mocha frap with extra shot of expresso after work yesterday - i needed the lift :0)...

I thought Thomas's parents where going - who's going to ck on the kids while you are both gone :0) Isn't someone else going on the cruise with you??

No, Thomas' parents have three little ones. I invited them because they wanted to do something special for their 20th anniv, which was last Dec. but they couldn't work it out. Other DD & SIL are going on their own cruise Sat... Greek Isles! Wish we were going there! They're sightseeing in Venice until then. Four people from our church are going with us.

I am getting really jealous about all of these trips you guys are taking. I'm going to Vegas in a couple of weeks, but that just doesn't sounds as wonderful as Europe, cruises, or BOTH! I need to convince Jeff we can afford a cruise. Honestly, I would LOVE that. Maybe once he feels better about his weight.

On that note, he's been pretty good about food. The problem is that we don't have a scale that will weigh him accurately and he doesn't want to go to the docs office to weigh in each week. He says that doesn't matter but I think it would inspire him. Okay...time to go. Talk to you later.

According to Norwegian website, this cruise can be booked last minute now for $299 for inside, $399 for ocean view and $599 for balcony. So tell me why agent wouldn't give me an upgrade when I called to ask last week...and I referred four other people to him!

Farming is funny - it really doesn't take that much time :0) depending on the crops you plant - You guys gotta try it - I will send you invites - trees don't go bad if you don't harvest them in a certain amount of time but your crops will - I'm up to level 14 have $50K+ heck Phyl started after me and she's at level 17 I think - but again she has more time than me :0)

Nichole who use to post here is like a lever 26 :) she has a beautiful farm..

Steph I would say about 1/8 of a cup is a scoop - it seems like it was a big scoop - I have a scoop for my Jay White Protein just looked at it it says 80 cc national measure on the scoop and you know what - I would change that to 1/4 of a cup - it's a big scoop..

Karla - your new doc sounds wonderful...

- No much to report - HAPPY THAT KRIS is in the final 2 of Idol - think we should all vote for him !!! Don't get me wrong Adam is great - but he will make it without Idol - I love Kris's sweetness and they kind of music he sings - I can't say I am a big rocker chick.. Well back to the grind -cbl :)

Farm game is fun, but extremely addicting! I'm always trying to make my farm (and Earl's) prettier, and saving money for upgrades! We like this stuff because of our addictive personalities, but I guess there are worse things we could be doing!

I don't particulary like Adam and was hoping finalists would be Kris and Danny!

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I finally got some 'food' down. Managed to 'eat' 1/2 cup of watery oatmeal without pain. Have gotten 2 emails back from Chris, the fill doc in kalispell that I am going to next time. He is offering me Saturday fills if I can't make it in during the week. He also wanted me to know that he is available anytime if I have questions. He also talked about my postfill diet, saying what you all did, take it slow and don't push the solids. He did ask me what I thought about Dr. Rohrer and I told him, but I also said to take what I said with a grain of salt in that I was pretty nervous. Chris said he appreciated my honesty and looked forward to working with me. I'll only need a couple of days notice for a fill appointment.

See you all tomorrow!

Good for you Karla, this sounds like a perfect set up for your fills in future.

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No...I was not up this morning. Couldn't get my hiney out of bed. I was exhausted. Still am.

Kari - I will NOT be chomping at the bit to get back in the classroom. Maybe if I get to go full time at the charter school...but not if I have be at the high school AND the charter school. While it will allow me to support my running habit...I don't know when I am going to find the time to actually run.

Well we are going on a 32 mile hike this weekend. It is supposed to be 86 degrees here and I have been anxiously awaiting to really get out in the weather and move. So we are going to travel about 2 hours north of here and then walk into the wilderness. I, however, will not camp without a tent. DH says to just throw a pad on the ground and sleep under the stars...Umm..NO. I don't want any bears sticking their tongues up my nose. I need to have that 1/100 of an inch piece of nylon between me and the wildlife. I love nature...I DON'T love wildlife!!! Then there is the Water issue. DH says that we can just purify water with the little tablets that you can buy...UMM...NO!! I don't drink fish pee. So...it is a good thing that I am in good shape because I have to haul my tent and extra water because I am a "pansy".

Well I must get ready for next period so I had best get off my butt and get it ready.

TEACHERS out there: What is the differance in a Public School and a CHarter school???? I am Canadian and don't know what's what...

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