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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Oh, I was just in the kitchen getting my lunch salad. It reminded me of another thing DH does because we're so POOR! Wet paper towels get spread out on the counter top to dry out so they can be reused!!


He is a SICK man!

I wore a t-shirt special for him today.

It says,

"I see your lips are mo

but all I hear is


I showed it to him when he was complaining about DD & I going for manicures this afternoon.


I love it!!! I'd laugh, but it sounds too much like my house. God forbid we should die and not leave our kids anything. I've got more miles on my CRV than you do. Only good thing about it is that it is a Honda and it is just barely broken in. Do you ever get tired of hearing the birds at your house??? The sound of them just drives me up a wall. CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP

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Can this school year just be over please? I am so burned out it isn't even funny. I have so much grading to do that I can't get anything done. The kids have been horrible!!!!! I am not going to make it to the gym tonight because I have so much to do. The charter school hit its goal of enrolling 150 students so hopefully I will be there full time next year!

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Hi ladies. It's me. I'm back from a long hiatus. Too long. Thanks to Kari and Candace who left me best wishes on my Facebook Page. I've been meaning to come back and don't have any decent excuses why I haven't. Or even why I disappeared.

Things have been up and down for me. Mostly down, but unfortunately not on the scales. :sad: I disappeared as I became quite down emotionally. My husband's employer had promised to transfer us down to Australia where I have a lot of family and I was really looking forward to it and about to make the announcement on here. Then all of a sudden they changed their mind because they decided it was time to tighten their financial belts. Understandable, but hurtful to me nonetheless. I had really invested emotionally into moving there only to have it all yanked from under me.

A couple of months ago I got a UTI and that really knocked me back. I couldn't exercise, I couldn't eat right and I was on antibiotics which retained both Water and weight. :sad: I'd managed (finally) to get my weight just under 170 before disappearing. Now it's back up to 182 and it's really got me down.

Do I need a fill? No. I still have times when I struggle to get any food in at all. I also have nights every once in a while where I will wake up choking on my spit. I worry that if I get a fill, even a small one, it'll stop me from getting any food at all in.

But I've been making some very bad choices. I haven't been drinking properly. When I can't get chicken and veges to go down and stay down, I can get chips or buttered toast to move on through no problem. I'm often really hungry and try to make good choices, but the good foods don't want to stay down. The bad ones always do.

So once again I have come to the conclusion that I need help. I need people who understand. I need mothering (*kisses Janet and Phil*) and I probably need a swift kick up the butt too. :tt2::) Where else can I get all those things but here?

Sooooooooooooooooo, starting tomorrow it's back to Daily Plate for me. I've still been keeping up with my exercising so that's one battle I won't have to fight.

Now I have to go and change my ticker. :thumbup:

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Glad to see you back Ruby. It's amazing how just coming here and telling everyone how you are doing can make you feel so much better. sorry for your frustration with the move and the sickness. How horrible to have to do both of those together. But the move didn't happen for a reason and even though its hard to think that way, try to put a positive spin on it.

I've not done a lot today. A bit of housework and time with the kids. Didn't get to wii because I was watching the celebrity apprentice finale. Now nick is wii'ing and I have my biggest loser to watch tonight. All of a sudden I got very very tired. Go figure.

Talk to you later ladies. Again, Ruby, glad you are back to posting. Hugs 2 you.

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Finally got home about 7:30 tonight, bleck.. anyway food good today because i didn't have time to eat. my calories for the day are about 500 actually probably closer to 400. I haven't had time to eat dinner yet. I finally had the lapband epiphany today: Did you really go into debt to the tune of $7500 to eat crap. There where several times today that I was starving, but drank the Water, waited, resisted. I am back on track. I know...I'm a slow learner.

I head to Great Falls tomorrow for my 1st fill. I'll need to leave here at about 6 am. Nervous.... But Doris is quiet.

Ruby, you can do what you need to!! We are here to help!

Best go and get dinner and a shower. You all have a good evening.

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Glad you're back. We missed you.

Dear Abby column today is devoted to WLS. Read it if you get a chance.

Off to airport soon.... DD & SIL leaving for trip to Europe.

Four days until our Alaska cruise. Much to do.

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I stayed up late last night watching Mavs vs Nuggets and am tired. I was really, really tempted to eat something naughty because after all I was getting a fresh start again today. But then I thought to myself "Why?" That's an excuse fat people make! "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we diet." So it was just Soup and 2 slices of German Wheat toast for me and that was perfect.

This morning I have no appetite but I need to eat something to get me started for the day. Maybe I'll see if I still have some Creamed Wheat in the pantry or make a Protein Shake. I think part of my problem is not eating at proper times. Then eating poorly when I do. So my metabolism is screwed up.

Thank you all for still being here for me. :mad2:

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Hi ladies. It's me. I'm back from a long hiatus. Too long. Thanks to Kari and Candace who left me best wishes on my Facebook Page. I've been meaning to come back and don't have any decent excuses why I haven't. Or even why I disappeared.

Things have been up and down for me. Mostly down, but unfortunately not on the scales. :) I disappeared as I became quite down emotionally. My husband's employer had promised to transfer us down to Australia where I have a lot of family and I was really looking forward to it and about to make the announcement on here. Then all of a sudden they changed their mind because they decided it was time to tighten their financial belts. Understandable, but hurtful to me nonetheless. I had really invested emotionally into moving there only to have it all yanked from under me.

A couple of months ago I got a UTI and that really knocked me back. I couldn't exercise, I couldn't eat right and I was on antibiotics which retained both Water and weight. :) I'd managed (finally) to get my weight just under 170 before disappearing. Now it's back up to 182 and it's really got me down.

Do I need a fill? No. I still have times when I struggle to get any food in at all. I also have nights every once in a while where I will wake up choking on my spit. I worry that if I get a fill, even a small one, it'll stop me from getting any food at all in.

But I've been making some very bad choices. I haven't been drinking properly. When I can't get chicken and veges to go down and stay down, I can get chips or buttered toast to move on through no problem. I'm often really hungry and try to make good choices, but the good foods don't want to stay down. The bad ones always do.

So once again I have come to the conclusion that I need help. I need people who understand. I need mothering (*kisses Janet and Phil*) and I probably need a swift kick up the butt too. :thumbup::D Where else can I get all those things but here?

Sooooooooooooooooo, starting tomorrow it's back to Daily Plate for me. I've still been keeping up with my exercising so that's one battle I won't have to fight.

Now I have to go and change my ticker. :mad2:


Glad you're back. We missed you.

Dear Abby column today is devoted to WLS. Read it if you get a chance.

Off to airport soon.... DD & SIL leaving for trip to Europe.

Four days until our Alaska cruise. Much to do.

RUBY: WE are all glad you are back. Don't worry none of us here has acheived PERFECT BEHAVIOR with our Bands!! So you IN the club! You will see me posting my daily food totals so that "I" stay accountable, Janet knows me.... if I'm 'quiet' on the thread for a few days... she knows I am up to NO GOOD... LOL

IMHO I think you may be a tad tight. That's why the GOOD food is hard to get in... its frustrating so its easy to pick th bad foods, as you KNOW they'll slide around the band and go thru.

Chart your food intake, get some exercise and be accountable here... it's o.k. you havn't failed, you just took a Detour for a bit...

Get back on the Road to Recovery here with the rest of us o.k. Hun??? :(

Edited by peaches9

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Finally got home about 7:30 tonight, bleck.. anyway food good today because i didn't have time to eat. my calories for the day are about 500 actually probably closer to 400. I haven't had time to eat dinner yet. I finally had the lapband epiphany today: Did you really go into debt to the tune of $7500 to eat crap. There where several times today that I was starving, but drank the Water, waited, resisted. I am back on track. I know...I'm a slow learner.

I head to Great Falls tomorrow for my 1st fill. I'll need to leave here at about 6 am. Nervous.... But Doris is quiet.

Ruby, you can do what you need to!! We are here to help!

Best go and get dinner and a shower. You all have a good evening.

Best of Luck with your FIRST FILL today!!! Yippee!!! Its been a long wait...

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Karla, waiting to hear how your fill went. Check in darling, let us know how you did and what you thought of your Dr.

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Karla, waiting to hear how your fill went. Check in darling, let us know how you did and what you thought of your Dr.

Ya, how much of a fill di dyou get your first time out.????


Todays numbers...

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Geez, where ta heck is everybody tonight??? Is IDOL on or something???

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Well ladies I'm back...let's just say, 'that was an experience'. First, it is a 4 hour drive, Steph, I know you do more than that all the time, but if I hadn't had Elyse with me to drive the 4 hours home, I wouldn't have made it. Dr. Rohrer's personel are fabulous, the receptionist even got me directions for my favorite quilt shop. (I didn't know the way because I don't drive it when my summer quilt at the lake group goes in July). The doctor himself, left much to be desired. I arrived early because I knew that there would be paper work, however, after an hour in which patients who came in after me (4 of them) were given fills I finally was called back. I was given the line...'well since I didn't do your band, I don't know exactly where your port is, there is a good chance I will hit the tubing instead of the port. Oh, and you have the old style band that NO ONE uses anymore and it is going to take many more adjustments to get it right. Dr. Ortiz must have bought a bunch of them CHEAP.' Yeah right, like you remember 'exactly' where you put everyone's port. I can easily find my port, but the doctor 'dug' around for several minutes before I even got a shot of novacaine. Then the Water test...'you're not drinking fast enough.' That worked great, let's just stick an ice pick in my chest while we are at it. 'Must have over filled you, I'll take some out, you know with these old bands it is tough to put in just the right amount.' At this point I get to guzzle another full cup of water, who knows if I have enough of a fill or to much, I didn't really care. At least the nurse was nice enough to hand me a puke pan when part of the first cup came back. A kleenex to wipe away the tears streaming down my face would have been nice. Okay, I probably am being over dramatic, but I was irritated in paying $200 for the doctor to be very cold. I don't plan on going back unless I have to. I figure with the cost of gas and the cost of the fill AND the 8 hour drive it isn't worth it. There is a lapbander that recommended Chris Rost in Kalispell so I emailed him. He emailed be back saying he would gladly take me as a fill patient, and that if I pay cash, they will give me a discount. Kalispell is about 2 1/2 hours and the cost with the cash discount would be $135.For that cost and convience I don't care if they are jerks, actually Chris' email was very warm and welcoming. Dr. Rohrer didn't even go over post-fill diet or what to look for should problems arise, of course I didn't ask either, so that is my fault.

Anyway, the good news, I broke 220 pounds (with clothes on)!! So I have officially lost 36 pounds, not bad for 2 months. I will take it and be proud AND I wouldn't have made it with out you all.

So some stupid questions..

1. I know I need liquids for a couple of days, but should I do mushies after?

2. Dr. did say I have to stop eating after 20 minutes, but if I have a reasonable portion, can I finish it in a couple of hours? I eat VERY slowly during dinner. Mainly because I know I'm tired and have a tendancy to not chew enough, so I am extra careful with bite size and chewing.

3. When do you know you should have an adjustment? The nurse said I should have come in 3 weeks ago. I know I have been struggling lately, but I figured it was stress and head-hunger.

Ladies, sorry about the long post and I appreciate your time in reading it.

Okay, Karri, I'm with you on the students, I don't think I like them right now.

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Oh, I forgot to say...I got a 1.5 cc fill.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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