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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Did get some shopping done, bought some popcorn, yogurt (the flavor I like),etc. tonight is salmon with....haven't decided on the 'with' part. I know I should have veggies, but my broccoli over-kill from last night is still talking to me. I did great food wise today, oatmeal, yogurt with about 1/4 c granola, 1 small piece of Jerky, my SF/FF coffee, 1 string cheese, and then...oh gosh the 'then' is going to get me SO slapped and ticketed...and probably kicked of the website...I tried, okay, I kindof tried. I was given a Peanut Butter rice crispy bar with chocolate (for teacher appreciation) ,,,now you must know they are one of my all time favorites, thats why I NEVER make them. I looked for Alexa and couldn't find her. Then I did it, I took one bite, okay I figured, one bite and then I'll give it to Alexa when she comes in from work. And now you know the rest of the story...

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ya, and don't forget Kari in Michigan!!!!

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Did get some shopping done, bought some popcorn, yogurt (the flavor I like),etc. tonight is salmon with....haven't decided on the 'with' part. I know I should have veggies, but my broccoli over-kill from last night is still talking to me. I did great food wise today, oatmeal, yogurt with about 1/4 c granola, 1 small piece of Jerky, my SF/FF coffee, 1 string cheese, and then...oh gosh the 'then' is going to get me SO slapped and ticketed...and probably kicked of the website...I tried, okay, I kindof tried. I was given a Peanut Butter rice crispy bar with chocolate (for teacher appreciation) ,,,now you must know they are one of my all time favorites, thats why I NEVER make them. I looked for Alexa and couldn't find her. Then I did it, I took one bite, okay I figured, one bite and then I'll give it to Alexa when she comes in from work. And now you know the rest of the story...

Just add it to your daily tally, I'd say about 150 cals....

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Okay, dinner was 1 baked piece of salmon and 1/4c Pasta. I am nice and full. With the rice cripsy bar I am just barely over calories...but I must say, it really wasn't worth it, but I knew that before I ate it.

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Wow, I went back and read some of the old posts, only read some posts from Phyl and Janet, didn't run across anyone else. it was interesting to see you at the beginning.

I need to go quiz elyse for he A&P test, chat later.

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Hi, Gang! Yeah, I miss all those early posters, too. A lot of them are on FB... I think all those mentioned are on my FB friends list.

Okay... reposting from "I'm here to help"... so if you already read it there, you can stop reading now!!


Had my ortho appt today. X-rays don't show much change in the right knee... that's the one I had the partial.. about 5 yrs or so ago. He was concerned last year because the hardware was collapsing. Thinks that one can wait. Very little pain in that one. But left one is "shot", in his words... no cartilage. And lots of pain and immobility. But, lots of excess skin and fat just above the knee that concerns him because of increased risk of infection. So he is very reluctant to do it right now. He will if I press it, but wants me to see my primary care doc first, and even recommended a plastic surgery consult. I was glad he did that in front of DH because he has been fighting me on that "tooth and nail".

In the meantime, he injected the knee with cortisone, and I assume some novocaine because I had just about instant relief.

Even did some exercises on my Wii Fit tonight. Knee hurting a little bit after that.

Wii Fit says I'm down several pounds this week... maybe I'll make it back to -110!!

I'm not getting my liquids in lately... no where near as good as I do with that in the motor home.. and at Sky Valley. I get thirsty in the pool/hot tub and usually finish two 20 bottles before lunch. Not anymore!! Still working on my first one of the day!

Also checked the exercise log.

LOL.... first time I was back on it doing my balance games was Friday night.

Saturday morning.. that's when I woke up and couldn't put any weight on my left leg!

It didn't dawn on me until yesterday that it may have been Wii Fit that aggravated it. At any rate, this is the game plan... calling my primary care doc tomorrow for an appt. Ortho won't even talk to me about scheduling surgery until she gives me the okay. He says I am probably anemic and may have some other nutritional issues that need to be addressed.... because of "absorption" problems! I tried to tell him that was not the case with band patients, but he was not listening to that. Then I am going to get an appt for plastic surgery consult for my legs.

That's my story for now, and I'm stickin' to it.


Edited by phyllser

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Guess I shouldn't have done anything on the Wii Fit tonight!

PAIN, big time! Had to take a couple of tylenols!

Hope I can sleep tonight.

Trauma of the cortisone injection + 20 minutes on the Wii = PAIN!!

What was I thinking!!

Should've given it a day to recuperate!

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Phyl - Most docs don't have a clue about the band. I had to go through 400$ worth of testing for my PS because she was afraid of absorption issues. If you can get your lap-band doc to write a letter it helps! I am glad that he mentioned PS. Hopefully this will get you what you need!!

Well I am home sick today. The marathon, close to 10 hours of traveling, 3 consecutive 3:45 AM mornings, and an 18 hour work day yesterday did me in. So I am home and sleeping today. I am back to bed now!

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Did get some shopping done, bought some popcorn, yogurt (the flavor I like),etc. tonight is salmon with....haven't decided on the 'with' part. I know I should have veggies, but my broccoli over-kill from last night is still talking to me. I did great food wise today, oatmeal, yogurt with about 1/4 c granola, 1 small piece of Jerky, my SF/FF coffee, 1 string cheese, and then...oh gosh the 'then' is going to get me SO slapped and ticketed...and probably kicked of the website...I tried, okay, I kindof tried. I was given a Peanut Butter rice crispy bar with chocolate (for teacher appreciation) ,,,now you must know they are one of my all time favorites, thats why I NEVER make them. I looked for Alexa and couldn't find her. Then I did it, I took one bite, okay I figured, one bite and then I'll give it to Alexa when she comes in from work. And now you know the rest of the story...

Darling you will never get kicked off !!!! You might get chastied but that's it - and yes I have said oh one bite then that turns into 2 - alot of time I then throw it away - but have been known not too.. I just don't start and it works for me..

ya, and don't forget Kari in Michigan!!!!

My bad - I knew I was forgetting someone!!! Kari sorry !!!

Okay, dinner was 1 baked piece of salmon and 1/4c Pasta. I am nice and full. With the rice cripsy bar I am just barely over calories...but I must say, it really wasn't worth it, but I knew that before I ate it.

This is was I strive for with dinner each night I want to be full - last night we had pizza - Had 1.5 pieces - wasn't full so had some asparugus (sp) and popcorn and watched Slum Dog Millonaire - Excellent Movie !


Guess I shouldn't have done anything on the Wii Fit tonight!

PAIN, big time! Had to take a couple of tylenols!

Hope I can sleep tonight.

Trauma of the cortisone injection + 20 minutes on the Wii = PAIN!!

What was I thinking!!

Should've given it a day to recuperate!

Yep darling it didn't hurt when you did it cuz of the shot... No more balance board --- How's it feel this morning.

I seriousley doubt you have any nutirisional blood issues - you are good about taking all those vitimans.

Phyl - Most docs don't have a clue about the band. I had to go through 400$ worth of testing for my PS because she was afraid of absorption issues. If you can get your lap-band doc to write a letter it helps! I am glad that he mentioned PS. Hopefully this will get you what you need!!

Well I am home sick today. The marathon, close to 10 hours of traveling, 3 consecutive 3:45 AM mornings, and an 18 hour work day yesterday did me in. So I am home and sleeping today. I am back to bed now!

Glad you went back to bed.. !!! Take it easy today

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I had to run to the store to get some cold meds and HOLY COW they had a meat Bonanza. Considering that our freezer is empty and has been for a while I went a little "hog" wild. Pun intended. I bought 45 pounds of meat.;);) Hubby is probably going to kill me. But we have a food saver and I will be the one standing there grinding the chicken, cutting the fat off the chicken and pork, and portioning it all out into cute little 1 pound packages that stack very nicely in the freezer!

I ate a Protein Bar on my way home from the store and it is NOT settling with my tummy. Not a stuck thing...just a "yuck" feeling. Well best get going with the meat. Then I promise...back to the couch!

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Glad I'm not forgotten. I may not post very often, but I'm here every day reading (lurking) Of course, FB is keeping me really busy with this stupid dial-up.

Phyl - From what you've said, it sounds to me like a really good thing. Necessary to get legs done in order to get your knees done? Insurance should cover it. Run don't walk to the PS

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I had to run to the store to get some cold meds and HOLY COW they had a meat Bonanza. Considering that our freezer is empty and has been for a while I went a little "hog" wild. Pun intended. I bought 45 pounds of meat.;);) Hubby is probably going to kill me. But we have a food saver and I will be the one standing there grinding the chicken, cutting the fat off the chicken and pork, and portioning it all out into cute little 1 pound packages that stack very nicely in the freezer!

I ate a Protein bar on my way home from the store and it is NOT settling with my tummy. Not a stuck thing...just a "yuck" feeling. Well best get going with the meat. Then I promise...back to the couch!

45 lbs of meat :0) that's too funny that's 45 days of food :0) - Glad you aren't stuck maybe this will be the fill.

Rest til you have to do all that food saver crap - I have one too - but to use it the correct way you gotta sort pre-freeze meat so all that juice doesn't mess up the seal - I use that new wrap/seal stuff - It's easier and faster and cheap cuz i aint washing out the bags and reusing them..

Glad I'm not forgotten. I may not post very often, but I'm here every day reading (lurking) Of course, FB is keeping me really busy with this stupid dial-up.

Phyl - From what you've said, it sounds to me like a really good thing. Necessary to get legs done in order to get your knees done? Insurance should cover it. Run don't walk to the PS

Kari no you aren't forgotten - I knew I was missing someone - but it does go back to who had just posted - I apoligize- Hugs cuz I do love you and look forward to meeting you this summer.

why do you have dial up !!!!

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45 lbs of meat :0) that's too funny that's 45 days of food :0) - Glad you aren't stuck maybe this will be the fill.

Rest til you have to do all that food saver crap - I have one too - but to use it the correct way you gotta sort pre-freeze meat so all that juice doesn't mess up the seal - I use that new wrap/seal stuff - It's easier and faster and cheap cuz i aint washing out the bags and reusing them..

All I have left do are the chicken breasts. The pork is trimmed and packaged, I ground one bag of chicken breasts and packaged it (some in a 50/50 mix with hamburger) and packaged the rest of the hamburger. Now it is just the last 10 pound package of chicken breasts. These things are HUGE. One half of the chicken breast will feed us. This is at least 2 months worth of meat and it only cost me 66$.

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Phyl - From what you've said, it sounds to me like a really good thing. Necessary to get legs done in order to get your knees done? Insurance should cover it. Run don't walk to the PS

This is getting kind of funny.... kind of!

Catch 22: Ortho surgeon won't schedule knee replacement until I get clearance from primary care doc. So I went to see her this morning. She is a sweetheart and always has plenty of time for me, asks lots of questions, is truly interested in ME! I love her. But... she says she can't do pre-op clearance without surgery date (LOL), or at least, formal request from the surgeon detailing what exactly he wants done. She did all my routine blood work in Sept. and insurance won't pay again until next Sept. because all the numbers were GREAT. She thought the plastic surgery consult was a great idea and she documented, too, that the ortho guy didn't want to do the knee until I had some Lipo and skin removal on the upper thighs. She always has her laptop with her so she looked up the PS guy I was thinking of going to on the internet and we looked at his web page together. And then she put a note in my records that she was referring me to him. She is very pleased with my weight loss and BP was great (100/60).

SO, I came home and called the PS to get a consult appt.

LOL again!

First, earliest appt they have is July 23rd.

That date sound familiar???

Second, they don't take Medicare or Tricare.

Third, she gave me very little hope that Medicare/Tricare would cover PS on my thighs no matter what the ortho and primary care docs said. She said to plan on being a self-pay and it would be $8-10K. DH, of course, balked at that and wants me to just tell the ortho doc that I will take my chances with infection risk and get the knee replacement ASAP without pursuing the PS any further.

Now, if you've had the patience to dig through all this, I am ready for any input anyone might have. I'm feeling very discouraged about the whole thing right now and my attitude at this point is,


Ortho doesn't want to fix my knee until I have PS,

DH doesn't want me to have PS,

PS I picked doesn't take my insurance

and doesn't have any appts until the summer is practically over.

Is anyone on MY side here????

Edited by phyllser

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Phil, we are one your your side. Look for another PS, talked to to your GP and see what she can do to help you find a PS that will take your insurance.

Today was lapband hell. I know I asked for it when I had that rice crispy bar yesterday. I have been STARVING all day and couldn't find anything that would fill me up. I did stay with the right foods, but I just kept eating and eating. Even the 100 cal bag of popcorn on top of yogurt and granola still didn't fill me even when my band was saying, "Are you friggin kidding me!" The only thing that finally stopped me was when the popcorn expanded and felt like it was pushing on my band. PLEASE tell me one of you had this feeding frenzy and that you lived. I know it was out of control AND I know that it had the potential for damaging my band, but I couldn't stop. My stomach was actually still growling like I was hungry. I imagine it was growling because it was in pain. Okay, now that I have confessed to uncontrolled glutony, what do I do next time? I know that there will be a next time and Doris, the spawn of doubt, is SHOUTING...yep this proves that you can't do this. Fortunately I will be working my butt off this weekend, and the calories aren't as bad as they could have. But I am really disappointed and scared that I have lost the edge that has kept me in control. I know it is a life change, but yesterday showed me that I haven't really made a change. I know, I need to stuff Doris. I know I am high maintenance. So what do I do now?

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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