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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hello folks, I will be most likely having surgery in July too.. Dr. sent over referral last week, seminar 5-19, Dr. ordered sleep study..

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WOW!! is all I can say. I all knew you were my 'lapband' family, but now I realize you are my real family. Thank you, please note the tears staining the page. It helped to vent and you made everything better by listening to me AND being there AND....damn, just everything. I have a tendancy to think I am 'the only one'. But now I know I am not, feel free to slap me when I forget. This page will be bookmarked for when I let myself spiral down into the abyse and need a reminder that I'm not alone. Karri, you are so strong!! I don't know that I could have made it through your growing up. Fortunately, my parents were usually to drunk to do anything other than ignore us or just verbally put us down. I know my mother puts me down so that she can control me. I thought I had 'forgiven' my mother so I could live without 'regrets'. But all I did was bury everything and let it control me. I need to take control... I need to practice telling my mother to back off so that next time I can stick up for myself. It may not happen the next time, but I will work on it so that eventually I tell her to knock it off. Thank you all again.

Steph I am fine, spend the evening with Michael, he needs the 'mom' time. As I said, I am better AND I know that I can call WHENEVER I need it.

Janet, I have followed orders and am logging my plate. Yesterday was right on track, today is good. HOWEVER, did you know that FF 1/2 & 1/2 is 35 calories per tablespoon! I read the label and saw the 35 calories and ASSUMED (well you know what they say about assume) that it was per 1/2 cup, like skim milk. WELL to lower my 'coffee' calories I bought some coffee grounds, SF flavoring and the 1/2 & 1/2 and made a thermos of coffee for work. So when I made the thermos I put in 2/3 c of FF 1/2 & 1/2 and 1/3 c SF flavor. Can you imagine what the calories ended up being..... well I don't know yet, I haven't had the nerve to figure it out yet. I may have to have 1 carrot for dinner. I'll let you all know when I get back on LBT.

NDPrairie... I am a newbie, I have only had my band for 5 weeks, but this IS the best group on LBT. Everyone here will hold you up when you need it, slap you when you need it, and care unconditionally all the time. Post frequently, read frequently and start again to take control of your life. Basic questions..when was the last time you had a fill? Are you journaling your food and exercise? (dailyplate works for me) Walking? Regarding the meds, I had a total hysterectomy in 2000, lost everything including my cervix, instant menopause. I have had great success with the estraderm patch. I am also on a generic version of Lexapro. Also roasted soy nuts and soymilk help with menopause. Talk to your doctor about your med options. Stay active in the group. You CAN take control!! These ladies will help you!!

I must say, I love you all (note the tears again).

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Okay, I'm back. I misread the serving size & calories on the FF 1/2 & 1/2 AGAIN. It is 20 calories for 2 tbles..so my coffee wasn't as bad as I thought. the SF Syrup has 0 calories. So my thermos had 100 calories all together. I can live with that. It is better than my Cafe Vienna for 70 cals. per serving, and I NEVER have one serving. So I can have 2 carrots for dinner.< /p>

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So it is set. I WILL be running the Eugene Marathon on April 25, 2010! The biggest loser constant just beat my time and I am determined to beat her. I WILL beat 4:54! Training starts May 17 after the 2 week muscle repair.

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NO more talking about biggest loser! Its waiting for me on tivo at home. shhhh....don't tell me....I don't want to know. the suspense is KILLING ME. Oh..and Celebrity Apprentice is waiting there too....so sshhhhh....Don't make me cry!

Karla, didn't get a chance to call. Michael and I had to have a heart to .... (what exactly is it that a 14 year old uses to mash his mothers heart to bits with?) heart to something or other.

This too shall pass...tomorrow is another day....he's just a kid.....he will grow out of it.....they are all like that....I'm not alone. I know it all. You guys have been awesome....but no matter what my HEAD knows....my heart still hurts. I just keep repeating....this too shall pass...tomorrow is another day....he's just .......

I got stuck this morning on toast....dumb me for trying to eat it in the first place. no lunch....by 2 I was starving. Tried pineapple juice. Thought it had worked....tried some raisins....nope.....finally after 3 cups of coffee and a hot chocolate, this evening I got taco salad down. Damn the stress to hell. Tomorrow might be a complete yogurt day. my Water tonight is still funnelling.

Okay...off to bed. hopefully to sleep. tomorrow is another day.....he's just a kid....

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Steph, take the heart to ? pulmonary pump, when you can get them. Alexa ALWAYS thinks the best time for a heart to heart is around midnight. I am sure it is because she knows I am weakened. I'm a day person, she is a night person. I have been there when Alexa was in 6th - 8th grade and it is a killer. Let me mention the time that I came home early and found a boy sneaking out the back door and jumping the fence. The idiot broke the fence... this is one of many. Today, she is a sweet (okay aspertaine) young lady. I remind myself daily that she acts this way with me because she knows she has my unconditional love AND the person she really is, is the one that she shows everyone else. Alexa has complete empathy for anyone OUTSIDE of family. But she has a solid door inplace between her and I. I also know that the only time that she hangs around me is when she wants something. But she is a solid student with strong religious beliefs, did I mention that she originally wanted to be a youth pastor, who will accomplish great things, Michael will too. You can see his kindness in his eyes, he will find his way and do well. Yes he may take a few (okay, maybe a lot) of detours along the way, but in the end he will be okay.

Karri, I just shake my head, you have great committment. I could force my way through one marathon if a gun was held to my head, but to commit to a second within days of the first?

food was okay yesterday, just over 1200 cals. I know, it needs to be closer to 1000. I need to figure something out. I bought a different brand of SF Jello and it was like chewing on rubber. I should have gotten the clue when it was solid at room temperature. bleck. I have terrible munchies at school, it is midterms, and one of my lovely children thought maying paper clips into arrows, complete with 'feathers', would be the best use of his time. Knowing how to calculate percent was unimportant. The jewel refused to give it up since, and I quote, 'Do you know how long it took me to make that'. Yes, I do, I have been watching you the entire time that we were practicing percents. At least fake it a little better, get out the notebook and a writing instrument and pretend. Duh,,,that way I can 'pretend' that I didn't notice that you were constructing a projectile.

Well best get ready for work. It is Wednesday!!! and I only have to grade that stack of Biome projects. I'll come up for air in a week or four.

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Good Morning Gang !!!!

Sorry I didn't get back yesterday but went to the gym after work - then Target to get some veggies and when I got home gf called to come by and pickup her jewelry from the jewelry party - and then she said want to go to Kohl's with me - heck it was like 7 by then - but I said ya why not... Now this is very out of character for both of us -we are very rountine pple - Didn't get home til after 9... Watched Idol then to bed ... But for some reason I am not sleeping well - woke up like 3 or 4 times last night...


Hugs on your issues - I am in menopause to but lucky don't have any meds - Suggestion find low calorie foods to snack on - 100 c pack popcorn is a life saver for me and increase your exercise.


Omg - you made your Mommy cry on this one- how sweet :cool2:- but it's cuz I had a crappy Mom too so I totally understand where you are comming from and I know that's where our food issues come from and I truly wanted you to know that you were loved and that you could let go - I felt your pain and didn't want you to hurt or think these things were your fault - I think we all need a Good Mom in our lives - and I think that God put us all here to help each other - Look at those of us who have stuck around - there is a reason - We are Family !!!

Congrats on committing to your 2010 Marathon - You will beat your old time.

Muscle repair - I hope you mean rest and that you didn't hurt yourself...

Karla -Yes as I just said we are family.. We all have issues, they may not be exactly alike but they all have a common thread - abuse be it mental or physical or both..

I know that we all think we are alone with our problems but we aren't...

My GS (Andrew) always seend to start an heart to heart which seemed to turn into an argument at 9 at night.

Proud of you for reading labels!!! Sometimes I am in the grocery store for 2 hrs - cuz I am hungry want food - but I always read the lable to see what the serving size is and calories and 99.9% of the time I don't get what ever it is cuz the servicing size vs calories just isn't worth it...

Steph - Just keep repeating this too shall pass - Michael's age is the worse - Andrew and I battled weekly if not daliy at that age.

and just think you are like 16 yrs younger than I was - heck I was 50 dealing with a 14 yr old - I swear I was going to stroke out some days...

Yes he will grow out of it - Andrew and I get along much better - not to say we don't still have fights - but for the most part our house is alot calmer - and he did get through school and I was afaird he wouldn't... So just take a deep breath - and when things get to heated stop and walk away - I read that in some parenting book - don't aruge with them

If my Dad was pissed at me - he would always say - we will talk about it in the morning..

Phyl -How the knee - you have dr appt this week (tomorrow right)

Candice - Debbie asked about you & G - said to say HI !!!

Ok I gotta get to work - I really wanted to say more but - I got stuff to do and this took hr as it is... So will spout off later :0)

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No injury...just rest.

Warning...Long post...This is the detailed account of my marathon. Still haven't written my reflection on the marathon yet. Started it several time but haven't quite got it the way I want it.

The 26.2

So this is the best description that I can give of the marathon, remembered through my delirious mind.


We will start on Saturday, May 2, 2009. We arrived in Eugene and went to the Hilton for the expo, which was TERRIBLE. They had no vendors except for their sponsors and nothing for sale. I was hoping to get some new shoes since they usually have really good sales at the expo and I am in need of new shoes. After getting my t-shirt (long sleeve, technical shirt…which means that it wicks away moisture but is 2 sizes to big as a SMALL J), bib number, and goodie bag we headed for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants and then went shopping looking for some running tights that had pockets. We didn’t find any, but did find 2 pairs of shoes at Joe’s Sporting Goods’ going out of business sale. 2 pairs for the price of 1!! Lee was on fire finding all of these good deals. He found the CUTEST running skirt at Ross that was perfect for Eugene…a green polka dotted skirt. Then we found a running jacket that I could use as a shirt at Wal-Mart. This was a great deal but will turn out to be very painful by the end of the marathon. After all the shopping we headed to the hotel for some shut eye! Fell asleep and sat straight up TWICE freaking out about missing the starting gun. Woke up at 2:15 and 4:45…grr. I finally got up at 5:30 and got ready in my running outfit. I put on my tennis shoes for the last time, as they would be officially retired at the end of the run. These shoes carried me through my first official 5k, 10k, half marathon, and were about to carry me through my first marathon. They deserve a proper retirement! As I was getting ready I looked out the window into a parking lot that was being drenched by rain…but nothing was going to deter me. The butterflies were finally starting to set in.


We arrived at the starting line at 6:30 and the corrals were starting to fill up with runners. I took my place in the corral #2 which was designated for those who were running 10 minutes per mile and slower. I took my rightful place amongst the rest of the runners and waited for the race to begin. At 7AM the gun sounded and the front racers took off. I gave my hubby a kiss goodbye and then waited for the runners in front of me to take off. It took me a little over 4 minutes to cross the start line and I was off. Mile 1 came so quickly that I didn’t even have a chance to take the picture. It took a bit to get my breathing under control but once I did there was no stopping me. I kept telling myself that I was going to walk at the next mile. I said that for 8 miles. The course was so fast and was pretty much downhill. There was no way I was going to walk when it was downhill! After I crossed the 5K mark I realized that I ran my 2nd fastest 5k ever. That should have been the clue that I had gone out too fast, but I could have cared less. I was going at a GREAT pace and I wasn’t going to stop. The best mile by far was mile 8. Pretty much the entire track team from South Eugene High School was there and they were giving high fives and cheering like there was no tomorrow. In fact it was such a party atmosphere that I forgot to take a picture of the mile marker. As I rounded the corner just past mile 8 I say a fairly substantial hill ahead about .5 miles. So I knew at that point I was going to be walking for a bit. I walked up the hill and then ran to the point where my hubby was waiting (just after mile 9). I kept running because my legs felt so good. By the time I reached mile 11 I knew that I had gone out way to fast but I was on pace to destroy my half marathon PR and I figured that even if I had to crawl the last mile, I was going to get this PR. My determination kicked in and I ran like there was no tomorrow. When I crossed the half marathon split mats I just about cried I was so happy. However, I was actually laughing, because just as I was crossing the half marathon line Bon Jovi’s “Livin on a Prayer” came on. For those of you who don’t know, the chorus goes:

Whoooah, were half way there,

Livin on a prayer

Take my hand and well make it I swear

Livin on a prayer

Could it have been any more perfect??? But I kept telling myself that my race was not finished. I just needed to keep going. The next several miles were uneventful and by the time I reached hubby at mile 17 I knew I was going to have to walk most of the rest of it. My legs were cramping up and I had to stop and stretch for a bit. Then I started to power walk and I walked faster than I knew was possible. I was walking 12-13 minute miles. In fact…I was passing people that were running!!! At mile 20 I had to fight back tears. I had done a 20 mile run before but I knew that every step I took beyond that was a PR. But I couldn’t cry. I still had too much to accomplish. So with one more snap of the camera phone I kept putting one foot in front of the other. The only doubt that I ever had was not even a doubt…but just a sigh that I still had ONE HOUR to keep moving. But I flushed that thought and by mile 22 I just kept saying only 4 more miles. The next 4 miles were the fastest that I have ever come by. I could believe how fast they were going by. I didn’t even seem to have time to savor them. Along the way I saw some creative cheering techniques. The first was a man who put signs in his front yard that said “Too lazy to run…Hell, to lazy to stand.” Then he had a bell stuck on a pole next to the sign and a long string that was stretched to the front porch where he was sitting. He would pull on the string each time a runner went by. Then at mile 22 there was a guy with a bike that had a sign that said “Pride or 10000…either way you finish the race!” The funniest moment came at mile 25. Again it was all about the music. I swear…it wasn’t planned (Couldn’t have been cause I way underestimated my ability!). From mile 25 on here was the music

· Rocky Theme Song (Thanks Christine!!!)

· Bruce Springsteen: Born to Run (Why yes I am)

· Elton John: Pain (Ummm…ya think??)

At mile 26, the tears started flowing. I couldn’t stop them. When I rounded the corner and saw the finish line, every pain went out the window, there was nothing but me and the sweet sound of the cheering spectators. I started “sprinting” all the way to the finish. When I see the video I wasn’t actually sprinting…but it certainly felt like it. Just a few steps before the finish line I pulled out my phone for one last picture. As soon as I crossed the line my shoes came off and I was greeted by my wonderful hubby! I cried like a BABY!!!!

Edited by salsa1877

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No injury...just rest.

Warning...Long post...This is the detailed account of my marathon. Still haven't written my reflection on the marathon yet. Started it several time but haven't quite got it the way I want it.

The 26.2

So this is the best description that I can give of the marathon, remembered through my delirious mind.


We will start on Saturday, May 2, 2009. We arrived in Eugene and went to the Hilton for the expo, which was TERRIBLE. They had no vendors except for their sponsors and nothing for sale. I was hoping to get some new shoes since they usually have really good sales at the expo and I am in need of new shoes. After getting my t-shirt (long sleeve, technical shirt…which means that it wicks away moisture but is 2 sizes to big as a SMALL J), bib number, and goodie bag we headed for lunch at one of our favorite restaurants and then went shopping looking for some running tights that had pockets. We didn’t find any, but did find 2 pairs of shoes at Joe’s Sporting Goods’ going out of business sale. 2 pairs for the price of 1!! Lee was on fire finding all of these good deals. He found the CUTEST running skirt at Ross that was perfect for Eugene…a green polka dotted skirt. Then we found a running jacket that I could use as a shirt at Wal-Mart. This was a great deal but will turn out to be very painful by the end of the marathon. After all the shopping we headed to the hotel for some shut eye! Fell asleep and sat straight up TWICE freaking out about missing the starting gun. Woke up at 2:15 and 4:45…grr. I finally got up at 5:30 and got ready in my running outfit. I put on my tennis shoes for the last time, as they would be officially retired at the end of the run. These shoes carried me through my first official 5k, 10k, half marathon, and were about to carry me through my first marathon. They deserve a proper retirement! As I was getting ready I looked out the window into a parking lot that was being drenched by rain…but nothing was going to deter me. The butterflies were finally starting to set in.


We arrived at the starting line at 6:30 and the corrals were starting to fill up with runners. I took my place in the corral #2 which was designated for those who were running 10 minutes per mile and slower. I took my rightful place amongst the rest of the runners and waited for the race to begin. At 7AM the gun sounded and the front racers took off. I gave my hubby a kiss goodbye and then waited for the runners in front of me to take off. It took me a little over 4 minutes to cross the start line and I was off. Mile 1 came so quickly that I didn’t even have a chance to take the picture. It took a bit to get my breathing under control but once I did there was no stopping me. I kept telling myself that I was going to walk at the next mile. I said that for 8 miles. The course was so fast and was pretty much downhill. There was no way I was going to walk when it was downhill! After I crossed the 5K mark I realized that I ran my 2nd fastest 5k ever. That should have been the clue that I had gone out too fast, but I could have cared less. I was going at a GREAT pace and I wasn’t going to stop. The best mile by far was mile 8. Pretty much the entire track team from South Eugene High School was there and they were giving high fives and cheering like there was no tomorrow. In fact it was such a party atmosphere that I forgot to take a picture of the mile marker. As I rounded the corner just past mile 8 I say a fairly substantial hill ahead about .5 miles. So I knew at that point I was going to be walking for a bit. I walked up the hill and then ran to the point where my hubby was waiting (just after mile 9). I kept running because my legs felt so good. By the time I reached mile 11 I knew that I had gone out way to fast but I was on pace to destroy my half marathon PR and I figured that even if I had to crawl the last mile, I was going to get this PR. My determination kicked in and I ran like there was no tomorrow. When I crossed the half marathon split mats I just about cried I was so happy. However, I was actually laughing, because just as I was crossing the half marathon line Bon Jovi’s “Livin on a Prayer” came on. For those of you who don’t know, the chorus goes:

Whoooah, were half way there,

Livin on a prayer

Take my hand and well make it I swear

Livin on a prayer

Could it have been any more perfect??? But I kept telling myself that my race was not finished. I just needed to keep going. The next several miles were uneventful and by the time I reached hubby at mile 17 I knew I was going to have to walk most of the rest of it. My legs were cramping up and I had to stop and stretch for a bit. Then I started to power walk and I walked faster than I knew was possible. I was walking 12-13 minute miles. In fact…I was passing people that were running!!! At mile 20 I had to fight back tears. I had done a 20 mile run before but I knew that every step I took beyond that was a PR. But I couldn’t cry. I still had too much to accomplish. So with one more snap of the camera phone I kept putting one foot in front of the other. The only doubt that I ever had was not even a doubt…but just a sigh that I still had ONE HOUR to keep moving. But I flushed that thought and by mile 22 I just kept saying only 4 more miles. The next 4 miles were the fastest that I have ever come by. I could believe how fast they were going by. I didn’t even seem to have time to savor them. Along the way I saw some creative cheering techniques. The first was a man who put signs in his front yard that said “Too lazy to run…Hell, to lazy to stand.” Then he had a bell stuck on a pole next to the sign and a long string that was stretched to the front porch where he was sitting. He would pull on the string each time a runner went by. Then at mile 22 there was a guy with a bike that had a sign that said “Pride or 10000…either way you finish the race!” The funniest moment came at mile 25. Again it was all about the music. I swear…it wasn’t planned (Couldn’t have been cause I way underestimated my ability!). From mile 25 on here was the music

· Rocky Theme Song (Thanks Christine!!!)

· Bruce Springsteen: Born to Run (Why yes I am)

· Elton John: Pain (Ummm…ya think??)

At mile 26, the tears started flowing. I couldn’t stop them. When I rounded the corner and saw the finish line, every pain went out the window, there was nothing but me and the sweet sound of the cheering spectators. I started “sprinting” all the way to the finish. When I see the video I wasn’t actually sprinting…but it certainly felt like it. Just a few steps before the finish line I pulled out my phone for one last picture. As soon as I crossed the line my shoes came off and I was greeted by my wonderful hubby! I cried like a BABY!!!!

Karri, what a great report... I loved reading it!:thumbup:

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Hey All,

Just wanted to update ya'll. Well, I'm just getting home from the hospital. I recently started w/some bouts of nasty nausea and vomiting...unfortunately mine got much worse. All last week, I was puking. Thursday night/Friday morning (around 2:30 am), I started vomiting up black, tarry, coffee-grind like stuff. I was like whoa. We've gotta go to the ER ASAP.

Sooo, my Lap-Band doc is about 2 hrs away (in Northern VA). So we drove to the hospital there--the local hospitals aren't experienced w/the Band. They did admit me Friday morning. They said I had hyperemesis gravidarum (basically extreme/debilitating nausea and vomiting, beyond the normal morning sickness...leads to dehydration, malnutrition, etc). Also, I knew my band had slipped. With as much puking going on, it couldn't help but slip. They did x-ray and it definitely slipped.

They wanted to observe me over the weekend before doing surgery. Of course, surgery was the absolute last resort (I'm 16 weeks.).

So yesterday around 3:30pm, they removed my band. All went well and the baby is still going strong, so that's good.

I'm still a bit groggy right now, but wanted to share w/ya'll.

I'll pop back in probably tomorrow.

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o.k. I've had 4 bad days of eating, so I decided its best to re-iterate to myself what were the reasons for initially getting my Lap Band SUrgery.

1) I was tired of dieting and always regaining the weight

2) I didn't want to spend the next 1/2 of my life as a fat invalid

3) I was tired of having back problems

4) I was tired of having Knee problems

5) I wanted to avoid High Blood Pressure and Heart disease.

6) I wanted to be proud of my Body

7) I wanted to stop feeling ashamed (of my eating behaviour) and like a failure( for starting and stopping diets)

8) I wanted to not always be thinking about food

9) I want to shop for clothes in a regular dept.

10) I want my hubby to look at me and say "Wow".

These are the 10 things that I can think of right now, but I know there are probably more good reasons too.

What did it cost me to get the Lapband?

1) I had to get real about my relationship with food (still doing that)

2) I had to get acceptance of LB by my family Doctor

3) I had to borrow the money for the surgery , $16,000

4) I went and got a job so I could pay back the loan

5) I had to learn to drive in a big city again ( I was phobic) to get to my fill appts.

6) I had to explain to my DH why "this" plan was going to work, after so many other attempts failed(God he's a patient man!)

7) I had to convince my DS that I was 'NOT" insane for getting surgery. She really thought I'd lost it.

8) It cost me 2 days of post surgical pain, TWICE to recover from the surgery

9) I had to relearn how to eat as to not Upchuck my stuck food

10) I learned how to calculate my protien requirment so I didn't lose my hair, and stay healthy

What have I accomplished since July 07?

1) I have lost over 60 lbs that have not(for the most part) come back on. I still weigh significantly less than I did on surgery day.

2) I have learned that there is No Quick solution to my Weight issues. I am still battling with the demons. SOme days are easier than others.

3) I have had more days of 'Portion controled eating' than I have 'Reckless Abandon eating marathons... ' why is it the reckless abandon days are the ones that I use to measure myself worth.????.. NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!

4) I have become a respected member of my work team, in a feild that I had NOT considered prior to banding. And most days I'd tell you that I really like my job.

5) I have learned that there are people out there just like me, and who love me anyways inspite of all my warts.

6) I have met the coolest, foxiest ladies who have become my true friends, and all thru the internet... who knew???

7) I have acquired a sense of gratitude, and hope that I can give back as much as I've been given.

Sorry this is long and windy, but I just had to think outload and contemplate some thoughts.


Edited by peaches9

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Hey All,

Just wanted to update ya'll. Well, I'm just getting home from the hospital. I recently started w/some bouts of nasty nausea and vomiting...unfortunately mine got much worse. All last week, I was puking. Thursday night/Friday morning (around 2:30 am), I started vomiting up black, tarry, coffee-grind like stuff. I was like whoa. We've gotta go to the ER ASAP.

Sooo, my Lap-Band doc is about 2 hrs away (in Northern VA). So we drove to the hospital there--the local hospitals aren't experienced w/the Band. They did admit me Friday morning. They said I had hyperemesis gravidarum (basically extreme/debilitating nausea and vomiting, beyond the normal morning sickness...leads to dehydration, malnutrition, etc). Also, I knew my band had slipped. With as much puking going on, it couldn't help but slip. They did x-ray and it definitely slipped.

They wanted to observe me over the weekend before doing surgery. Of course, surgery was the absolute last resort (I'm 16 weeks.).

So yesterday around 3:30pm, they removed my band. All went well and the baby is still going strong, so that's good.

I'm still a bit groggy right now, but wanted to share w/ya'll.

I'll pop back in probably tomorrow.

Oh Dear Chim;

I am so sorry to hear that you've had such a rotten time of it. Morning sickness sucks, and you also had to be worrying about the band slipping too.

Thankfully, getting it removed will let all the nutrician you need to get to the baby. That's number one!

Once your healthy and happy baby is born, you can re-assess your LB decision.

Extra big Hugs to you girl, thanks for posting and letting us know how you are.


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Today was awful. I left my keys in my hubby's car last night and then when I called him to ask him if they were in there he said yes and didn't even offer to turn around and pick me up. So instead....I had to walk to work. Now mind you it is only 1.25 miles, but seriously making me walk 3 days after my marathon is NOT nice. It is that TOM and I am weepy anyways, but I was so seriously hurt that I couldn't think straight. Plus... I am exhausted. food was okay because I am still on mushies. Good thing is that I haven't been hungry...bad thing is that I still ate too much because I was so damn tired. Seriously I don't know the last time I was THIS tired.

Now...I have been trying to get ahold of him since 1:30 to see if he could pick me up. He has not answered his phone, sent an email or replied via text message. He knows I don't have my keys so there is NO way for me to get into the apartment building. We have to have key to get into the building and then a key to get into our apartment. So even if someone could take me home or I walked...I have NO way of getting into the apartment. So ...hopelessly tired...I am stuck at school. Crying because he has apparently forgotten about me. He was in a bad mood this morning, but this is ridiculous.

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Today was awful. I left my keys in my hubby's car last night and then when I called him to ask him if they were in there he said yes and didn't even offer to turn around and pick me up. So instead....I had to walk to work. Now mind you it is only 1.25 miles, but seriously making me walk 3 days after my marathon is NOT nice. It is that TOM and I am weepy anyways, but I was so seriously hurt that I couldn't think straight. Plus... I am exhausted. food was okay because I am still on mushies. Good thing is that I haven't been hungry...bad thing is that I still ate too much because I was so damn tired. Seriously I don't know the last time I was THIS tired.

Now...I have been trying to get ahold of him since 1:30 to see if he could pick me up. He has not answered his phone, sent an email or replied via text message. He knows I don't have my keys so there is NO way for me to get into the apartment building. We have to have key to get into the building and then a key to get into our apartment. So even if someone could take me home or I walked...I have NO way of getting into the apartment. So ...hopelessly tired...I am stuck at school. Crying because he has apparently forgotten about me. He was in a bad mood this morning, but this is ridiculous.

Good thing you had your mushie foods with you! You know you are just plain drained out right now. TOM & having just completed a grueling marathon...no wonder your teary... Your hubby isn't usually an unfeeling sort? Must be something up with him....

BUt personally, I'd still want to give him blast when he does come to get you from school! Hope he comes for you soon , HUGS Candice

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He did come and get me. He apologized before I even got to start in on him. I just cried. I am so exhausted. I am just going to finish cleaning up the house that is bugging the crap out of me and then probably just going to bed.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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