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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Morning ladies. Trying to keep my mind off my upcoming appointment. I get so nervous. I know I'm going to do a horrible job advocating for my son. I have such conflicting emotions when it comes to him. There's the mom side, that wants my son to be taken care of, hugged, loved, happy, not picked on...and then there is the educator side that says he needs to accept responsibility, grow up, not make excuses, pushed....oh Lord, give me strength.

Karla,this is going to be long, but here are some of my ideas. Some of my best meals are just meat. costco has some AWESOME chicken sausages, I think they are Emeril, but not sure. They are lower fat, and sooooo good. I can eat one, cut small, chewed well, dipped in some honey mustard. And usually I'm full after that. They are precooked so if I don't want to or can't turn on the grill, they can be heated in the micro. Pork tenderloin is another great one. Sear it, put it in a pan with some great spices, onions, mushrooms...bake. Again, a couple of slices completely fills me up. Grilling season is upon us, and that means I'm going to LOVE my meat again. As for salad, I love my dressing too, but if I eat my meat first, and then dish my salad, I still put all the good stuff on it, I just don't have room for very much. My salads have lettuce, broc, cauli, mush, carrots, radishes, sunflower seeds, LF cheese, and then something crunchy for "crouts". Usually I can get in about 4 forkfuls...and even covered in dressing, that's not a lot of calories. Oh...cottage cheese, a definite staple. I can't do the lowfat stuff though, 2% is as low as I can take it. My evening snack, when I'm being good, is a cup full of Kashi Crunch. I can eat it dry like a bowl of nuts, but it has super protein...and great crunch. It gives me hand to mouth and a similar feeling to eating chips or something. Always measure it out though and put it in a bowl...otherwise I could eat half a box without realizing it. Wraps are another favorite of mine. I put down some kind of "dressing" a layer of meat, LF cheese, and then my salad mix. Makes a really good filling meal. One wrap usually lasts me two meals. I don't eat the curled in ends though, too much tortilla. For that chocolate fix that Candice was talking about, at the site where I get my proticcino, they have some pretty good Protein cocoa. I LOVE the amaretto and the mint choc. It gives me choc. AND 15g protein (if I remember correctly) for only 100 cals. The other thing I do to help me is when I set the table, I put out EVERYTHING. Pickles, cottage cheese, fresh fruit, fresh veggies, anything good for me that is in the fridge. Then when I'm done with my protein whatever and my veggies, if I still think (and the operative word IS think) I'm still hungry, all that good stuff is sittting there. The other positive, is that my family eats more of that good stuff.

Candice, no wii fit until doc says it's okay. I'm ONLY cleared to walk. I thought I would try the step aerobics but just that little step could hurt something Jeff says. I LOVE the boxing and the step aerobics. I can't do the yoga but when I get clearance I'm going to try again. Some of the ways they bend and such I can't do with my back, but know I need to. So for now, it's just my scale. I'll let you know when I'm cleared though and I'll challenge you.

hmmm....there was something else I was going to say. .... hmmmm...Oh. my post from last night is lost out there in cyber space somewhere.... I walked 5.5 miles last night. 5 of it in the rain!! I am so proud of me. Of course my walking buddy is the only reason I did it. She said "Rain never killed anyone, we'll be fine." And so off we went. at 1/2 mile the rain started. We walked past my house, I could have stopped, but continued another loop! My shoes and socks were squishy, I was soaked, it was only about 45...but I walked it. So that was a major NSV for me.

I know there is something else but I'm not finding it in my brain. I'd better stop now. Have a good day ladies. I'll update you on the SPED meeting. Keep sending me positive thoughts. I'll need them!

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yest food

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Oh I guess my post went to cyber land too.. I got off the computer about 7:45 last night

Candice - You did very well on your holiday !!! CONGRATS ON YOUR 2.5 LBS WTG GIRL :unsure: Yea on the exercise and gum or altoids will take care of the breath issues:wink: That was a great nsv :ohmy:

Karla - how did you cut your finger I missed that one.

Breakfast - yogurt - fruit - granola - lunch meat & cheese - eggbeaters on the weekend (omeletts) - hard boiled eggs - I have even had 4 oz of fish, chicken or meat for bf

Lunch - one pot wonders - left overs from the night before usually just Protein and veggies sometimes a litte carbs

dinner fish fish fish ( you will learn I have eaten cat fish for the last 21 months - still not sick of it) but do change it up to steak - chicken - turky meatload - one pot wonders - and 1/2 c rice and veggies.

Snacks - choc fix - Jello sf dark choc pudding cups - WW fudgecicles - hand to mouth feeding 100 c snack pack popcorn. - SB ceral bars or Fiberbone bars

I still use regular dressing - but my salads are smaller and I do try to stick to the 2 tablespoon serviing - I had the top of a cobb salad for lunch on friday ...

Try diff kinds of food you will find what works for you

I hate it when my angel gets me up at 4 - to go out - when I get up at 5 !!!

Ok back to work - TTYL

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Back from school. It seems I hurt all the teachers' feeling when I vented on facebook! I hurt THEM!?! grrrr

Okay...so Michael is of course playing both sides. telling me he's getting his work done and telling them he did it at home. Telling them he can't stay after school because he has to come home to babysit. telling them that I can't be bothered at home because I'm busy doing whatever. grrrr. Of course, they know he's a master manipulator and never called me to ask about that. Yeah...take HIS word for it no matter how much you know he manipulates. ggggggrrrrrrr.

So I'm meeting with the teachers tomorrow after school to try to find a solution. They don't think sp.ed. is for him because what services would they provide that could help him? The sp.ed kids are able to do this 3 strikes thing, so why can't Michael....ummmm...because they have SUPPORT to do it??? I don't know. I'm angry at them. I'm angry at him.

I'm going to be away next week. I have nothing really to do besides a doc appt. Mon. morning and then Board of Ed Friday...so I'm going to ask to have all his work for the week. Going to pull him out and he will "homeschool" for the week. I can teach all of that...and then some. He will see that I mean business and maybe THEY will see that he is capable of more than they are expecting.

Lord, give me strength! Now I'm going to go nap. This is just toooooo stressful!

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o.k. DIANNA is rearing her head today!

i had this px who is driving me nuts!!! she is comming to quit smoking- 3 tx so far. She is still smkg a pack a day, down from 2 (progress?)

her husb promised me that he'd throw the balance of cigs away - so they wouldn.t be in the house...

Well she threatened him! He gave in---she is still smkg...why do i bother? grrrr

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Back from school. It seems I hurt all the teachers' feeling when I vented on facebook! I hurt THEM!?! grrrr

Okay...so Michael is of course playing both sides. telling me he's getting his work done and telling them he did it at home. Telling them he can't stay after school because he has to come home to babysit. telling them that I can't be bothered at home because I'm busy doing whatever. grrrr. Of course, they know he's a master manipulator and never called me to ask about that. Yeah...take HIS word for it no matter how much you know he manipulates. ggggggrrrrrrr.

So I'm meeting with the teachers tomorrow after school to try to find a solution. They don't think sp.ed. is for him because what services would they provide that could help him? The sp.ed kids are able to do this 3 strikes thing, so why can't Michael....ummmm...because they have SUPPORT to do it??? I don't know. I'm angry at them. I'm angry at him.

I'm going to be away next week. I have nothing really to do besides a doc appt. Mon. morning and then Board of Ed Friday...so I'm going to ask to have all his work for the week. Going to pull him out and he will "homeschool" for the week. I can teach all of that...and then some. He will see that I mean business and maybe THEY will see that he is capable of more than they are expecting.

Lord, give me strength! Now I'm going to go nap. This is just toooooo stressful!

Good Luck on that one - don't kill the child please :0) !!! I know I would - we would end up in a big fight !!! I don't have the patience :0)...

o.k. DIANNA is rearing her head today!

i had this px who is driving me nuts!!! she is comming to quit smoking- 3 tx so far. She is still smkg a pack a day, down from 2 (progress?)

her husb promised me that he'd throw the balance of cigs away - so they wouldn.t be in the house...

Well she threatened him! He gave in---she is still smkg...why do i bother? grrrr

Candice its cuz you lost those 2.5 lbs - that's why - she's telling you you can eat - tell the Fing "B" to go jump in a lake - you want another loss next week - you got things to do pple to see places to go - you want the fricking weight gone!!

Well, take her $$$ if she want to pay for treatment and still wants to smoke - then take the $$$ and run - but again - look at how hard not eating is - equate that to quiting smoking - it's the same thing if not worse... It's not easy just like losing weight isn't... Are you hearing me gf !!!

Tell Dianna this story - she wants to eat even though it's not good for her to eat those donuts etc - just like the lady who won't quit smoking !!!! Same difference.... Addiction...

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OMG...I am always starving!!! I have been so hungry for the last several days that I thought I was going to die. So hungry to the point that I can't think straight. I have been making good food choices...it is just that I am above my calorie totals!!

But I am getting a fill on Monday so it is almost here. I just don't want to see the number on the scale at the Dr.'s office. I dont' think it is going to be pretty. But I am getting a personal trainer, have the body bugg and will have a fill. That WILL do the trick. I am trying something new at work too so hopefully that will help the stress. I am putting more of the pressure on the kiddos.

Okay off to finish dinner. Can't complain about DH not cooking tonight...He cleaned the entire apartment.

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This is Tuesday food so far, think I'll have a 150 cal snack later

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OMG...I am always starving!!! I have been so hungry for the last several days that I thought I was going to die. So hungry to the point that I can't think straight. I have been making good food choices...it is just that I am above my calorie totals!!

But I am getting a fill on Monday so it is almost here. I just don't want to see the number on the scale at the Dr.'s office. I dont' think it is going to be pretty. But I am getting a personal trainer, have the body bugg and will have a fill. That WILL do the trick. I am trying something new at work too so hopefully that will help the stress. I am putting more of the pressure on the kiddos.

Okay off to finish dinner. Can't complain about DH not cooking tonight...He cleaned the entire apartment.

I forgot my veggies this morning so I had my chicken thigh and a gf gave me a littel salad -

When are you starting with trainer... Becareful with that fill just a tweek.. You always seem to get too tight...

Well Im back from the gym - did my 3 miles burned 328 calories ... Drinking watered down crangrape juice - I have been BAD on my fluids today -

Well, it's slow here - I guess I will go play some pathwords

I got 4000 score today....

Idol tonite - I don't have to cook except for veggies - I have left over fish & rice ...


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This is Tuesday food so far, think I'll have a 150 cal snack later

Very Good Candice !!! I see you are not letting Dianna get the better of you !!!! WTG :drool:

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Very Good Candice !!! I see you are not letting Dianna get the better of you !!!! WTG :drool:

Ya I took the 40 lashes with a limp Linguini noodle!!!!!

Hey did you book your flight yet??

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OMG...I am always starving!!! I have been so hungry for the last several days that I thought I was going to die. So hungry to the point that I can't think straight. I have been making good food choices...it is just that I am above my calorie totals!!

But I am getting a fill on Monday so it is almost here. I just don't want to see the number on the scale at the Dr.'s office. I dont' think it is going to be pretty. But I am getting a personal trainer, have the body bugg and will have a fill. That WILL do the trick. I am trying something new at work too so hopefully that will help the stress. I am putting more of the pressure on the kiddos.

Okay off to finish dinner. Can't complain about DH not cooking tonight...He cleaned the entire apartment.


I think STRESS makes you hungry too!!! All that corticosterol swimming in your bloodstream....

You are so good at exercise though, that should be a good releiver for you right now.. Give hubby a big smacker for doing the cleaning... He's a Keeper!!!

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I ahve figured out how this 'life style' change works. You burn more calories chewing the food than what is in the food to begin with. I had a piece of chicken, asparages, watermelon. it took 45 minutes to eat the chicken, 4 asparagus, and the watermelon. gave up after that.

Janet, I tried to cut my finger off working at the nursery on Sunday. The boss got new shears, I was pruning some sedum and tried to prune off the last 1/2 inch of my finger. Should have went in for stitches, but I was dirty and tired, so I slapped it closed and taped it closed. Hey, the bone kept it on, so I least I didn't have to go digging in the dirt for it. So far so good, doesn't show any sign of infection. We dip all pruners and shears in bleach, so I should be good.

Candice, I'll get some pics on soon. i think Elyse has some pic of my quilt and projects, so I'll get her to down load some.

Steph, you are a braver soul than I. I had both my youngest in my classes. Alexa almost got a detention slip to the office from me. She could really push my buttons. The crowning glory was when she argued with me about what the science was that day. Wait a minute, I'm your science teacher!!! Those were just some of our better moments. Oh and then there was the math homework. Good luck, you have the patience of Job, so i know it will go great.

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When I get the fill I am just getting a small fill and I am having it done in the morning. My last fills have all been done in the afternoon which is when they can get you the tightest since most people loosen up. Since I am opposite I requested a morning fill and then they are giving me a small one. If I need one after I visit my mommy then I can just keep driving up I-5 and get one. Right now I am under negative pressure which means that all of the Fluid is out of the entire system...including the line to the port. When my doc does an unfill he takess everything out except what is in the line which leaves the silicon in the band slightly inflated. However since I had such problems the last time when I had my student teacher, they took everything out and boy can I feel it. My calories are so high because I am starving. Now they are no where close to what they were before banding, but higher than I have ever been. Pretty certain that I could swallow a bagel whole right now!

Well I need to keep working on school stuff. Chat later.

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Hi ladies. Hope you all are having good night. I'm not.

I did get 5 miles in tonight though, so I'm going to call that a win...probably my only one for the day. Well....the kids are still alive and Michael isn't bleeding.

I really don't know what has gotten into kids these days. I know it's not just mine. But....what makes them think they can talk to adults the way they do? I'll tell you, I would have lost teeth. I could type the crazy crap he said, but without the tone of voice, the effect would be lost. Suffice it to say, he asked why I went to the school, because he "told" me I could go for reason x only. What??? If he only knew what I had planned for next week. He's going to crap!

I made a good dinner tonight, but not overly healthy. Ate about a cup and then one piece of fresh pineapple. I think I'm going to have some kind of kashi snack tonight.

Karri, please be careful with the fill. I really worry about you. They never seem to do well for you. I'll keep my fingers crossed.

There was something else I was going to tell you all but who knows. I'll be over on FB if anyone wants to chat.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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