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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Here is a picture of my grand daughter. She was born on 2/5/09.

You lucky Grandma, she is just beautiful:thumbup:

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Good MOrning Ladies!

Breakfast is over and I am just getting ready to do my Wii for the day.

We had company last night, and yest afternoon I went into town to (finally) visit my MOM.. I thinks its been 4 weeks since I was able to visit. If you remember they had a RotoVirus that hit the place and it was on quarantine...

She was so glad to see me, and I was releived to see her too. Mom was sitting in the lounge when I arrived watching her GOLF tournaments.... Her nose has healed very well, and the graft that the surgeon did looks awesome... And he isn't even a plastics man... an Ear, Nose & Throat guy... he was so nice to my Mom too...

So that's one less thing to worry about now. My sister comes back from Mexico this weekend... That'll be goood for my Mom too.

NSV yesterday for me was I didn't PIG out on the way home from my Mom's and I didn't eat any Cookies while there either....

That place is a huge trigger for me, but I just kept telling DIANNA to shut the @$#% up....

THen when I got home I made dinner for our guests, they left around 9:30 so I did my 30 minutes of Wii then... Gosh, the weight it had me at was horrible.. but that late in the day I am just ignoring it and I'll take this morings weight instead...

Well I'd better get at it... then work this afternoon/evening.


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1ST I HATE HATE HATE MY FRICKING JOB !!! We had computer update over the weekend and then just given paper instruction to figure it out !!!!

Good MOrning Ladies!

Breakfast is over and I am just getting ready to do my Wii for the day.

We had company last night, and yest afternoon I went into town to (finally) visit my MOM.. I thinks its been 4 weeks since I was able to visit. If you remember they had a RotoVirus that hit the place and it was on quarantine...

She was so glad to see me, and I was releived to see her too. Mom was sitting in the lounge when I arrived watching her GOLF tournaments.... Her nose has healed very well, and the graft that the surgeon did looks awesome... And he isn't even a plastics man... an Ear, Nose & Throat guy... he was so nice to my Mom too...

So that's one less thing to worry about now. My sister comes back from Mexico this weekend... That'll be goood for my Mom too.

NSV yesterday for me was I didn't PIG out on the way home from my Mom's and I didn't eat any Cookies while there either....

That place is a huge trigger for me, but I just kept telling DIANNA to shut the @$#% up....

THen when I got home I made dinner for our guests, they left around 9:30 so I did my 30 minutes of Wii then... Gosh, the weight it had me at was horrible.. but that late in the day I am just ignoring it and I'll take this morings weight instead...

Well I'd better get at it... then work this afternoon/evening.


Candice - WTG !!!! Glad your Mom is doing well... You didn't eat cookies and you exercised... Keep it up !!!

Ouchy...I strained my back during the Mr. RHS talent show and my marathon is in less than 2 weeks. NOT GOOD!

Karri - What did you do to strain it - how bad is it hurting - I strained a tummy muscle 2 weeks ago - but it was ok within 3 days - I know you are training - can you go see a chriopratro (sp)

Also - You need to give me a ticket !!!!! :eek::sad::mad:

Yesterday afternoon I had some ice tea - well at 11 p.m. I am still wide awake - (remeber I get up at 5) so I went into Andrew room to see what Easter candy he had left...

1 pack of vanilla oreo cookies and 6 little choc candies (size of a quarter).

I know why I ate it - cuz real sugar will put me to sleep -and it did I was asleep a little after midnite..:wink2:

But I need a ticket :rolleyes:- I have gym at 5 with trainer tonite - will get there at 4:30 and walk for 1/2 - that will be 2 miles..

Just have to fess up here !!!!

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If we are doing "True Confessions" on this fine Monday morning, I had a FINE, FUN weekend and WAY too much wine! Did pretty good with food though. Jazz festival was a blast!

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If we are doing "True Confessions" on this fine Monday morning, I had a FINE, FUN weekend and WAY too much wine! Did pretty good with food though. Jazz festival was a blast!

Hey that's not so bad! If you can adrink wine and STILL stick to you food plan that is great.

As it turns out, I got way=layed from my Wii this morning.

My BIL called from Mexico(he's driving on his way back to Canada now) and my nephew is in a mental health crisis... But DNephew 'dosn't think there is anything wrong with him'.... oh my gosh.

So I spent an hour on the phone with him trying to convince him that he needs to get into see a mental health provider for an assessment... US (the family) are convinced that he is BiPolar but he dosn't see it.

This kid is 29 yrs old and has screwed up everything in his life with DRUGS, Alcohol, failed marriage, lost his kids to his estranged wife.... blah,blah, blah... just imaging "days of our Lives" and you get the idea.

I don't think I was successful, but I planted a seed anyways and gave him some resources to check out - if he's interested. I am not optomistic, but I told my BIL that I would try to get t hru to Nephew...

The rest is in God's hands... Nephew is GOing to church these days, since rehab in the fall... but to talk to him "everything" is always somebody elses problem... it is very sad.

But, I am NOT eating over it,.... It is not my problem - I can only be supportive if HE wants my help.. which he made clear he does NOT want.

So Wii will have to wait until after work tonight...

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Good morning ladies. Hope you are all having a great day. Just wanted to check in.

Saturday when we went out of town shopping, Jeff admitted that he HAD to do something about his weight. He says he is ready to go to Mexico but he has to see how bad the business taxes are going to be before he can commit to that. However, he has agreed to begin eating better. Of course we had to wait until Monday to start but that wasn't all that bad. He ate "normal" yesterday and that allowed me to track his calories on a regular day. Can I just say....damn men!!! Why are their calories THAT much more???? I set his profile up to lose 2 pounds per week and it said he could eat 2700 cals a day. I said nu uh!! Changed it to 4 pounds per week and now he's at 1700 cals per week. We will start there and see if those numbers are doable.

So I promised to get up with him in the morning and make his breakfast. We sat down and shared a bowl of kashi and yogurt for breakfast. I made him coffee with SF french vanilla Creamer instead of him going and getting a 20 oz cappacinno. Then when he came home for lunch was making him a grilled chicken salad and he says "that's all I get to eat?" So I added 1/2 cup of cottage cheese and 1/2 a pear. When I offered him the rest of my salad because I couldn't eat it all, he said, "No, actually I'm really full." Sent him back to work with a water bottle with directions to drink an entire bottle before he comes home from work.

I'm so proud of him.

Something my walking partner suggested to use instead of creamer for your coffee. She said she uses Silk soy milk as creamer. I've never had it, but she says it has a nutty flavor that gives a little bit of something that is great. All I could think was "creamer with protein! Yeah!!!"

So have a great day ladies. I will check back in later.

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I forgot to add that MY calorie allotment to lose 2 pounds per week is 950. That's what made me crazy. Me 950, he 2700! that is SOOOOO wrong.

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I forgot to add that MY calorie allotment to lose 2 pounds per week is 950. That's what made me crazy. Me 950, he 2700! that is SOOOOO wrong.

i HEAR you babe; I remember BEFORE banding when I'd sit down and eat spoon for spoon with my Hubby. Now, when I eat off of my Dessert size plate, I look over at him and wonder HOW I did it???

But their metabolizm is so much differnet than ours... eh?

Plus, they have MORE Muscle mass to draw on too. Just at rest MUSCLE burns more calories than FAT.. so it just dosn't seem fair!!! But it IS what it IS...

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Also - You need to give me a ticket !!!!! :eek::sad::mad:

Yesterday afternoon I had some ice tea - well at 11 p.m. I am still wide awake - (remeber I get up at 5) so I went into Andrew room to see what Easter candy he had left...

1 pack of vanilla oreo Cookies and 6 little choc candies (size of a quarter).

I know why I ate it - cuz real sugar will put me to sleep -and it did I was asleep a little after midnite..:wink2:

But I need a ticket :rolleyes:- I have gym at 5 with trainer tonite - will get there at 4:30 and walk for 1/2 - that will be 2 miles..

Just have to fess up here !!!!

No ticket for me, but I have a great idea...but it requires NO cheating. If either one of us deserve a ticket for the day then we actually get to give each other a ticket on parking wars. That way we can literally give each other a ticket. So we can start tonight if you would like! I could use an extra 5560$

Fortunately I don't get a ticket today. Water is good, food is good, exercise...I get a pass today because of my back. Tomorrow I will go back slowly to make sure that I can still work it without doing too much to hurt my back.

dinner is going to be London Broil with a salad. Then...I have a new favorite treat. I take some frozen berries and blend it with the Atkins Vanilla Protein Shake. MMMMMMM good. Now tonight I am going to make it even healthier. I don't need the extra Protein because I get enough during the day with my meals so since what I really want from the shake is the vanilla flavoring I am going to blend it with some water and vanilla extract and see if that works. If it does then it tastes WAY better than a milk shake with only 80 calories. Seriously a great after dinner snack.

So Janet let me know if I should ticket away!

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CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,275/201/53/59 nt3_dailygoal2.gif 1,000 - 1,100163 - 23632 - 5660 - 127

a little over goal calories for today... but that's o.k. its all accountable...

If I get a ticket, I get a ticket

TIred tonight, but at least I am done eating!!!! 8 p.m. here just got home from work and finished supper.

DH had made pizza , so that's why my numbers are higher than I'd like...

Had to rush to work this aft. after talking LD to Nephew... so I grabbed a 12 grain bagel & Cream cheese for lunch... threw away 1/2 the bread of the bagel, but geesh it still added up.

But I am being HONEST and its listed here..

Hugs, Ladies & have a super night.


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Ladies, I almost feel virtuous...AND I actually had an 'I am full moment' today.

Breakfast: oatmeal, skim milk, whey Protein, SF maple Syrup 285 cals

SF Jello 20 cals

Lunch: 1/2 c FF refried Beans, T salsa, 0.5 oz Shred cheese 190cals

AND I walked home from work...3 miles in one hour!!

Feet are tender, new shoes should be home tomorrow!!

AND I lost a pound since Wednesday!!!


No ticket for me today!!!! BUT I couldn't have done it without all of you, and your great recipes!!

Also, I found a great place for bariatic recipes and they also sell a large variety of SF products.

BariatricEating.com - BE, Inc. The number one bariatric website for protein, Vitamins, and success.

Let's hope tomorrow goes as well as today.

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Karri - I think if we get too comfortable at where we are at - that's what leads us back to eating the wrong things - thinking it's ok - I guess for me that's what has kept me on the straight and narrow for so long... I have lost the weight before (well not this much) and kept if off for a couple of year and then it came back plus some.. But that's cuz I would start eating again (sleeve of ritz crackers - saying I would have 4 - then before you knew it they were gone)

Well, I tried to highlight just this bit of Janet's post, but I ended up going back and deleting most of it. Well, this is the reason I haven't posted lately. I don't want a ticket. But, I am comfy where I'm at and I've become careless. Especially since my darling little grandkids gave me their colds and it's a nasty one. And of course I have to fall back on that old adage..........feed a cold, starve a fever. I did pedal though. Didn't make it to the gym though. Weather was nasty and I felt nasty. So I stayed home. Napped, started a new quilt, facebooked and grazed.

Karla - don't worry about boring us. We need to hear about all your problems and feelings. Cause, we've been there, done that, and we (I am) are still doing it.

So, I'm gonna quit here, go back and finish up Facebook and then play pathwords and then hit the sheets. Tomorrow's another day, even though they are forecasting snow flakes. It's gonna hit 76 Saturday.


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So the back is feeling better. I strained it while participating in the Mr. RHS fundraiser pagent that our school does every year. I was in the talent portion of one of the students. He was pretending to be Richard Simmons while we were doing "Sweating to the Oldies" Before the actual performance begain we were supposed to be doing typical stretching from the 80's. Well there is a reason the stretching should be Fluid and not Jerky. I have video that I will try to post on Facebook later that will show you my stretches!!! It was a hillarious skit but I kind of strained my back a little bit.

However it is feeling MUCH better. So I am going to try and do 15 miles tomorrow before I ramp it down to 3 miles per day.

food has been going amazing. I went grocery shopping tonight to get food for tomorrow and the next couple of days. One of the problems at work is that I can't do meat at work. When I try to eat it my tummy just feels sick. I want something lighter. So I went and got it. Good healthy foods that are light and look very similar to what I used to eat.

Well I am heading off to bed.

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Hi ladies. A quick check in tonight to give my totals. I deserve a ticket!

Gross cals 1320

net cals 850

Protein 56g

I did walk my 5 miles, up hill, so that was good, but had a horrible sweets craving today so ate 1/2 cup of raisins. Should have had 3 fudge bars, would have been better calorie wise, but this gives me my Iron so I guess that's a positive.

Jeff ended with 2200 cals for the day. We need to buckle down a little bit more. I need more focus. I'll weigh in on my wii tomorrow after the kids go to daycare and let you know how it's been since Friday.

Karla, way to go, but what did you have for dinner. Don't let your cals get too low, you need to keep healing. Stick at 1000.

Have a good night ladies. I will do my penance in the morning.

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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        That's a great choice! 😊

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      Surgery done!  Really looking forward to the next chapter 🥳😁
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        Fantastic! Best of luck to you & I hope you're healing nicely & not having much pain!🙏

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