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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Steph, you ARE a trophy and don't you think otherwise!!!

Going to try some walking today!! We will see how far I get.

Think of me at school today, trapped inside with my FAVORITE student who 'mooned' the class when I had a sub AND shouted penis during the class period while I was with my dad. Plus I get the privilage of having him for 2 periods in the afternoon.

Thanks for the support about finding a new career. I did a little research last night and they have an accelerated nursing program that people with bachelors in another field can complete. It takes about 12 months. I am going to look into it. I am slow to change and I like routine. I need to decide if this is just a mid-life crisis, hit 50 last month, or if I am really unhappy.

It bares repeating...you all are the most wonderful people. You have been my rock, my sounding board, and I couldn't have done this without you!!!

By the way, instead of Cookies last night I had a fat free schwan's fudge bar. I am going to have to figure out a variety of legal 'sweets', I seem to be craving it in the evening.

You all have a great day, it is Friday and I don't have to go any where this weekend. MAYBE I will get some quilting done!!!! or even better (but just barely) some gardening done. My daffies are blooming and I haven't even had time to go sniff them.

Denise, again, go with your friends on the trip. Get recharged!!

Karri, keep working to find the balance!!

dang I better go get ready for work...I'd rather chat!



Could you get me that info on the nursing program? My daughter has been thinking of going back to school for her RN ever since her daughter died, but it takes too long. This sounds like it would be right up her alley.

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I have taught on a 4 day school week and I HATED it. I saw the exact opposite. You know what it was like coming back after a 3 day weekend. The kids forgot everything. Now do that EVERY week. Of course the kids love it! Most teachers that don't care about the education of their students love it too because they only have to work 4 days a week. I don't mind 4 10 hour days...in fact I would prefer it...if I was any other profession. I have taught for 8 straight hours without anything but a 30 minute break before and it about killed me. Like you I am not a teacher that just throws on a video and calls it good. My job is a full body workout ALL DAY LONG. I would like to know when I am going to get a chance to eat during that time. It really isn't the 4 day work week that I am freaking out about, but more the 4 day work week WITHOUT a prep period. But I don't really have any other choice. I just went and talked to my principal and he BEGGED me not to even consider going anywhere else. He has put me on the "safe" list at the district office for people whose jobs should not get cut because we believe in the "movement and vision in the district." Because it will ultimately be up to the school board on who to cut when it comes to laying off people who have identical seniority, those people on the "safe" list will get to keep their jobs. This principal though is not going to be here, but rather be at the charter school so he is hell bent on keeping me here. I asked him how I would teach here 4 days a week (at 10 hour days) and still do the charter school. He said that I would have to schedule all of my meetings with the students at the charter schools on Friday. He is actually advocating for the 4 day week because many parents have said that if this school district goes to a 4 day week that they might as well put their kids in the charter school where they have access to the best teachers.

A lot of schools in Oregon have gone to 4 day weeks but they are all small schools. We are the amongst the largest schools in the state and THE largest in the eastern half of Oregon.

We all know that I don't like to be in limbo about things so I just feel like everything is spiraling out of control. This is one of the reaosns that I am not sleeping at night, eating right, or giving a DAMN about anything is because I don't know what is going to happen. I undestand that I can't and shouldn't worry about it then, but I do and that is just who I am. Well I have to get to Mr. RHS dress rehearsal and then go home.

On a good note however , I am still fully on plan. And bucking the new rule to only put 1 space after periods!!!! BTW it would take me longer to ONLY put 1 space cause I would always put two, then have to press backspace to get rid of it!

We must be behind the times here in the Desert - we still have 5 day school - Palm Springs Unified School District does have year round school for the elementary kids - but high schools are on regular schedule - and the district I'm in (Desert Sands) still has regular school schedule but they have something what's it called mathe & sicense combined and one week you have 2 hrs of math then the next week 2 hrs of sicience but they intermingle them - something like that I can't remember the word for it.. It was werid though ..

I don't know if I could work 10 hr days - I like having 3 days off but working from 7 to 6 (hr for lunch) would be hard - heck most days I can't wait til 4 - but my bosses are too old fashion - we did try to get then to do it a few years ago and they said no. We have to have pple here on Fridays - but they just don't get it - it can be staggered - but again my bosses are buffonos (sp)

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Steph, you ARE a trophy and don't you think otherwise!!!

Going to try some walking today!! We will see how far I get.

Think of me at school today, trapped inside with my FAVORITE student who 'mooned' the class when I had a sub AND shouted penis during the class period while I was with my dad. Plus I get the privilage of having him for 2 periods in the afternoon.

Thanks for the support about finding a new career. I did a little research last night and they have an accelerated nursing program that people with bachelors in another field can complete. It takes about 12 months. I am going to look into it. I am slow to change and I like routine. I need to decide if this is just a mid-life crisis, hit 50 last month, or if I am really unhappy.

It bares repeating...you all are the most wonderful people. You have been my rock, my sounding board, and I couldn't have done this without you!!!

By the way, instead of Cookies last night I had a fat free schwan's fudge bar. I am going to have to figure out a variety of legal 'sweets', I seem to be craving it in the evening.

You all have a great day, it is Friday and I don't have to go any where this weekend. MAYBE I will get some quilting done!!!! or even better (but just barely) some gardening done. My daffies are blooming and I haven't even had time to go sniff them.

Karla, you are a quilter too~~~~!!!!! So am I... Go smell those daffodils. my garden is just starting to awaken too. My Iris's are poking their heads up and are crying to be SPLIT

Denise, again, go with your friends on the trip. Get recharged!!

Karri, keep working to find the balance!!

dang I better go get ready for work...I'd rather chat!



Friday nights food tally... pretty good.

No Wii today though... I'll do it first thing in the morning o.k.???

Edited by peaches9

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Okay folks...do I get to go with my 'net' calories, subtracting the number of calories I burned while I walked 2.5 miles? Please say Yes,,,if so then my total calories for the day will be...904!! With 80 g of protein...and so far 40 oz. of Water. If not then my total for the day will be...1214, still not too shabby since I can not eat many veggies right now. Do I pass, or do I get a ticket?

Karri, as it has been said...VENT. You always have our shoulder..

Steph, hows the water going.. Oh and I did buy oatmeal and SF maple Syrup for Breakfast. I want you all to know I detest oatmeal, had it everyday of my life growing up. My sister made it and it was ALWAYS like glue. But I am going to give it a shot.

Dad update...talked to rehab people and they said they will probably keep him for 3 weeks. For the next 2 weeks he can not lift his left arm because of the pacemaker, so they plan on keeping him an extra week. They said he is progressing and his spirits are good.

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Friday nights food tally... pretty good.

No Wii today though... I'll do it first thing in the morning o.k.???

Well it's ok as long as you didn't quilt :):lol::sad: remember no quilting unless you exercise !!!!

Okay folks...do I get to go with my 'net' calories, subtracting the number of calories I burned while I walked 2.5 miles? Please say Yes,,,if so then my total calories for the day will be...904!! With 80 g of protein...and so far 40 oz. of Water. If not then my total for the day will be...1214, still not too shabby since I can not eat many veggies right now. Do I pass, or do I get a ticket?

Karri, as it has been said...VENT. You always have our shoulder..

Steph, hows the water going.. Oh and I did buy oatmeal and SF maple Syrup for breakfast. I want you all to know I detest oatmeal, had it everyday of my life growing up. My sister made it and it was ALWAYS like glue. But I am going to give it a shot.

Dad update...talked to rehab people and they said they will probably keep him for 3 weeks. For the next 2 weeks he can not lift his left arm because of the pacemaker, so they plan on keeping him an extra week. They said he is progressing and his spirits are good.

Karla nope on the net calories - exercise is your savings account - it's what is going to make the scales move on your weigh in day...

I never did that net calorie thingie -and I think it allows you to eat more - when you think like that

- oh I had a 1000 calories today and burned 300 so that 700 for the day - oh I get to eat 300 more calories to eat - well at the end of the week the scale is going to reflect all those extra 300 calories during the week...

This came up a long time ago with a lady who was really struggling - she did the net calorie thing and each week she was dissappointed with the scales.

So think of your exercise as a little extra insurance to keep the scales moving -

I only had 1 week during my weight loss phase that I didn't lose any weight - and I don't think that would have been true had done the net calorie thingi - heck if I hadadded 300 calories every day 300 x 5 = 1500 that's 1/2 a lbs (well really 1250 is but close enough) and some weeks that's all I lost -

Glad to hear your Dad is doing better...

Well gang I am getting off the computer

Will talk to ya'll in the morning

Sweet dreams..

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Hi ladies. Just a quick check in.

My food today was pretty good, but still over calorie. I was actually really surprised but when I went in and calculated I forgot how many cals Peanut Butter has, and that is what I dipped my apple in today. :)

However, I have always used the net cals on daily plate. I've set my profile to lose 2 lbs a week, it says I can have 940 cals a day. Well, there is no way I would be able to stay that low and still eat with my family. I have, however, never said I had any left over cals the next day. Every day starts anew. When I've been tracking honestly, drinking my Water, and exercising, I have never had a week without a loss. It's when I don't do those three things, that I started avoiding the scales.< /p>

So...from daily plate:

1300 cals, 30g Fiber, 68g Protein (gross)

after walking 5 miles in 1.5 hours

820 cals net

70 oz liquid today, including a 16oz coffee.< /p>

Have a good day ladies. I'll check in tomorrow.

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Dang, I was so excited, using the dailyplate, I calculated my daily calories to loose 2 pounds per week, and it said I could have over 1900 cals per day. Well...I checked my profile and it said that I was a male...so once I changed it to female, I can have about 1600 cals. I would like to know how it takes 300 extra calories to pack around an extra appendage. I would think that OUR extra appendages should take at least 500 cal since they are larger. It must be the ego that goes with the appendage.

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Dang, I was so excited, using the dailyplate, I calculated my daily calories to loose 2 pounds per week, and it said I could have over 1900 cals per day. Well...I checked my profile and it said that I was a male...so once I changed it to female, I can have about 1600 cals. I would like to know how it takes 300 extra calories to pack around an extra appendage. I would think that OUR extra appendages should take at least 500 cal since they are larger. It must be the ego that goes with the appendage.

I agree with Janet, use those workout cals as added insurance that you'll lose weight each week. Keeping up with the food Police's suggestions will make you a loser(hee,hee a winner)

a deficit of calories per day ...daily plate said 1600 that's to eat to MAINTAIN your current weight. So there are 3500 cals in a pound of lost body weight (I know it dosn't sound fair) therefore to loose 1 lb of stored weight each week you must be in a daily deficit of 500 cals. So YOU get to eat 1100 cals Total.. and you will lose 1 lb per week at a minimum... because all the exercise you are doing will only speed up that deficit process.. get it???

Before and After....Children

Before children I was thankful to have been born in the USA, the most powerful free democracy in the world.

After children I am thankful for Velcro tennis shoes. As well as being a time saver, I can hear the sound of my son taking them off, which gives me three extra seconds to activate the safety locks on the back seat windows, right before he hurls them out of the car and onto the freeway.

Before children I was thankful for the opportunity to obtain a college education and have a higher quality of life than my ancestors.

After children I am thankful to finish a complete thought without being interrupted.

Before children I was thankful for holistic medicine and natural herbs.

After children I am thankful for pediatric cough Syrup guaranteed to "cause drowsiness" in young children.

Before children I was thankful for a warm, cozy home to share with my loved ones.

After children I am thankful for the lock on the bathroom door.

Before children I was thankful for my wonderful family.

After children I am thankful for my wonderful family.

Thomas Ellsworth

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Good morning !!!

O.k. I've only had a coffee w/ double milk so far, but I am downstairs and have completed my Wii FIT for the day~

1:02 One hour, 2 minutes

O.k so who's up for the Wii challenge today? I know there is a keener out there somewhere who can beat 1 hour, 2 minutes!!!

Cammon, I know you're out there just waiting to beat the SOCKS off of me.. "Dianna" the demon girl is quite today!!! YEAH!!!:tt1:

I didn't exercise yesterday, but I didn't quilt either... DH took me out for supper... and I still did pretty well with my cal total yest. Because I ordered an Appetiser instead of a meal.

I had Steamed mussels!! God, the protien was really high and they were so good. I almost ordered their fresh Lake Pickeral, but I knew it would come with potatoes, veggies, roll etc... so I passed on that.

I was pleased with my choices, and I then had enough cals left over in the evening to have my Hot DIET Cocoa, and an AllBran Fibre bar...


O.k. now I am off to have some nutrition, and QUILT ha,ha.. all damn day if I want to. But DH is out doing Yard work, so I should go do some of that too.. I have IRIS's to move about.

Have a great day ladies...

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kirajh, here are some links to the accelerated nursing programs

general info

Registered Nurse Career


Accelerated BSN | Find Programs from All Nursing Schools

one of the online programs available

Undergraduate : Accelerated Online Nursing Program : University of Wisconsin Oshkosh College of Nursing

Hope this is helpful, also, tell your daughter to do an internet search on: 'Accelerated BSN programs'


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Dang, I was so excited, using the dailyplate, I calculated my daily calories to loose 2 pounds per week, and it said I could have over 1900 cals per day. Well...I checked my profile and it said that I was a male...so once I changed it to female, I can have about 1600 cals. I would like to know how it takes 300 extra calories to pack around an extra appendage. I would think that OUR extra appendages should take at least 500 cal since they are larger. It must be the ego that goes with the appendage.

Alright...the scientist and co-food cop (and believe me...I am back on my game so I don't feel like a hypocrit!) is going to chime in here.

Everybody is different. Period. Daily plate is giving you the amount of calories that it thinks you can have based on an "average" of the people that they may or may not have tested. It works for Steph because she happens to fit in to the "specifications" that they use on their website. Now personally...I don't use any of those things because they are not scientific enough for me. I did not use net calories...I went by total calories. Up until I started running (which was about 6 months after I started losing) I NEVER went above 1000 calories. Here is what I did to lose my weight. I lost 110 pounds in 9.5 months and while I have gained some back, I NEVER had a week where I didn't lose. This is what worked for ME. It may not work for you.

1. I only ate at specified times: 6:30, 10:30, 2:30, and 5:30. I would not allow myself to eat at anyother time.

2. I got rid of all crap food in the house. And yes I was living with someone so there could have been problems with them wanting stuff that I got rid of. But guess what...cookies, candy, ice cream and chips are not healthy for anyone. So if my DH wanted it, he knew he had to buy it and hide it. If he wasn't willing to do that, then he didn't get to have it. I am not sure why we would want to get healthy and not have those around us be healthier.

3. Kept track of everything that I was going to eat and I didn't allow myself to eat anything other than that. You have to pretend like you are a defiant 5 year old.

4. Realized that food was no longer a daily pleasure, but rather fuel. Yes...we will use food as a pleasure every once in a while, but NOT daily. I learned to listen to my body and never once did it really WANT pie or cake. My head did, but my body felt much better when I fed it with good quality food.

So the whole point of this is that you need to find what you need to do for you right now. No computer program is going to give you a perfect answer. Eat when you are truly hungry...not when you think you are hungry. This is NOT easy. There is a lot of hard work that must go into it. It isn't a game. When you start playing the exchange calories for exercise game you will lose everytime. Ask me...I have been doing it for the last several months.

Choose your foods wisely and believe me for the size of your pouch you can eat A LOT of food for 1000 calories. Most of the time I couldn't even make it to that.

Good luck!

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Dang, I was so excited, using the dailyplate, I calculated my daily calories to loose 2 pounds per week, and it said I could have over 1900 cals per day. Well...I checked my profile and it said that I was a male...so once I changed it to female, I can have about 1600 cals. I would like to know how it takes 300 extra calories to pack around an extra appendage. I would think that OUR extra appendages should take at least 500 cal since they are larger. It must be the ego that goes with the appendage.

Karla - I think you know this - but it's about their muscles vs our muscle mass ;0) - boobs are all fat - dingaling isn't.. :0)

I agree with Janet, use those workout cals as added insurance that you'll lose weight each week. Keeping up with the food Police's suggestions will make you a loser(hee,hee a winner)

a deficit of calories per day ...daily plate said 1600 that's to eat to MAINTAIN your current weight. So there are 3500 cals in a pound of lost body weight (I know it dosn't sound fair) therefore to loose 1 lb of stored weight each week you must be in a daily deficit of 500 cals. So YOU get to eat 1100 cals Total.. and you will lose 1 lb per week at a minimum... because all the exercise you are doing will only speed up that deficit process.. get it???

I agree cuz this worked for me !!!

Good morning !!!

O.k. I've only had a coffee w/ double milk so far, but I am downstairs and have completed my Wii FIT for the day~

1:02 One hour, 2 minutes

O.k so who's up for the Wii challenge today? I know there is a keener out there somewhere who can beat 1 hour, 2 minutes!!!

Cammon, I know you're out there just waiting to beat the SOCKS off of me.. "Dianna" the demon girl is quite today!!! YEAH!!!:tt1:

I didn't exercise yesterday, but I didn't quilt either... DH took me out for supper... and I still did pretty well with my cal total yest. Because I ordered an Appetiser instead of a meal.

I had Steamed mussels!! God, the protien was really high and they were so good. I almost ordered their fresh Lake Pickeral, but I knew it would come with potatoes, veggies, roll etc... so I passed on that.

I was pleased with my choices, and I then had enough cals left over in the evening to have my Hot DIET Cocoa, and an AllBran Fibre bar...


O.k. now I am off to have some nutrition, and QUILT ha,ha.. all damn day if I want to. But DH is out doing Yard work, so I should go do some of that too.. I have IRIS's to move about.

Have a great day ladies...

Doing Great Candice !!! WTG - I liked that you named your split personallity (Evil Dianna like the MJ songs) At first I thought who is she talking about - but then I got it - Love it :smile2: Yep just keep talking crap to her tell her how much stronger you are than her - I am a bit competative so that works for me :0)

Alright...the scientist and co-food cop (and believe me...I am back on my game so I don't feel like a hypocrit!) is going to chime in here.

Everybody is different. Period. Daily plate is giving you the amount of calories that it thinks you can have based on an "average" of the people that they may or may not have tested. It works for Steph because she happens to fit in to the "specifications" that they use on their website. Now personally...I don't use any of those things because they are not scientific enough for me. I did not use net calories...I went by total calories. Up until I started running (which was about 6 months after I started losing) I NEVER went above 1000 calories. Here is what I did to lose my weight. I lost 110 pounds in 9.5 months and while I have gained some back, I NEVER had a week where I didn't lose. This is what worked for ME. It may not work for you.

1. I only ate at specified times: 6:30, 10:30, 2:30, and 5:30. I would not allow myself to eat at anyother time.

2. I got rid of all crap food in the house. And yes I was living with someone so there could have been problems with them wanting stuff that I got rid of. But guess what...cookies, candy, ice cream and chips are not healthy for anyone. So if my DH wanted it, he knew he had to buy it and hide it. If he wasn't willing to do that, then he didn't get to have it. I am not sure why we would want to get healthy and not have those around us be healthier.

3. Kept track of everything that I was going to eat and I didn't allow myself to eat anything other than that. You have to pretend like you are a defiant 5 year old.

4. Realized that food was no longer a daily pleasure, but rather fuel. Yes...we will use food as a pleasure every once in a while, but NOT daily. I learned to listen to my body and never once did it really WANT pie or cake. My head did, but my body felt much better when I fed it with good quality food.

So the whole point of this is that you need to find what you need to do for you right now. No computer program is going to give you a perfect answer. Eat when you are truly hungry...not when you think you are hungry. This is NOT easy. There is a lot of hard work that must go into it. It isn't a game. When you start playing the exchange calories for exercise game you will lose everytime. Ask me...I have been doing it for the last several months.

Choose your foods wisely and believe me for the size of your pouch you can eat A LOT of food for 1000 calories. Most of the time I couldn't even make it to that.

Good luck!

My child is BACK YEA !!!! YEA !!! This is the Karri from a year ago !!!! You go girl - you got your game hat back on

- Yea :laugh:

Well I am back from the gym 3 miles 4. speed 2 incline, 15 incline 2.7 speed - jogged for one song and burned 350 calories - in less than 1 hrs - 50 minutes.

Do you know that I use to burn that many calories walking 3.0 for only 2 miles on 0 incline - tells that inorder to keep buring the calories you gotta up your intenstiy - infact if I walk 0 incline at 4 speed I burn like 1 calorie for every 2 steps - but if I put the incline up and decrease the speed - I burn like 3 calories for every step..

Well I should be in the shower getting dressed - I got stuff to do - but think I will play a game of pathword then get in the shower :0)


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Good morning ladies. Having a pretty quiet Saturday so far. Have to make suckers this afternoon and get them out around town on Monday. It finally quit raining so I can make them.

thanks for all of you chiming in on what works for each of you. It is funny that it isn't the same for all of us. Janet and Karri are the experts. I admit that. But I couldn't do what each of you do. There is no way I could eat fish and veggies every night for dinner. There is no way I could plan my entire menu and cook most of it on the weekend for the next week. Wish I could do those two things, but my family would divorce me. Our life is too chaotic.

What I'm saying, Karla, is that you have to find what works for you. And in these early months you've got to get very strict with yourself. My first 4 months I was very tough. I wouldn't eat with the family. I would cook for them, visit while they ate and then I would sit down and eat my dinner of whatever I was eating. I was very carb phobic. I wouldn't let myself eat ANYTHING without having a bottle of Water first, then waiting 30 minutes. Usually after 30 minutes my mind had moved on and that's how I learned what my food triggers were and what was head hunger and what was real hunger. I chewed a ton of sugarfree gum. I ate very slowly. Even liquids and mushies should take you a half hour. Once I was on solids my PA told me that I needed to set a timer for 20 minutes, take a bite, chew well, talk to someone for a minute or so, and then take another bite. Anything left when the timer went off went into the garbage. I also ate everything off of dessert size plates and small pyrex bowls that hold a cup at the most. In the evenings was the hardest and that was when I spent a LOT of time here, reading lots of threads, just keeping my mind on everyone's struggles and learning. This may be the only place I posted, but I read everything. And then the days went by easier and easier. that is what worked for me. Oh, and I kept beef Jerky in my desk at all times. Then when I was really hungry (after my water and 30 mins) I could eat that. No eating that until you are on solids though :tt1: the nice thing about jerky is that it rehydrates in your stomach and makes you feel full for a really long time. It takes FOREVER to digest.

So Karla, take it all in, and figure out what works for you. Know that support is here. And I will say it again, work your plan and your plan will work!

I'll find some of my older posts that show you how crazy with this I was. I struggled ALOT! These ladies helped me get where I was in November. We won't talk about where I am now because that was injury related. They will help me get these last 20 pounds off by listening to their advice. What worked for me before isn't going to work for me again because I couldn't do it forever. This has to be a forever change. I can't stay that obsessed forever. I will lose my mind. I have to find a balance. But these ladies here are VERY VERY VERY smart and know what they are talking about. They have been at it longer than I have and Janet is below goal, Karri is getting ready to run a marathon, Phyl has been a steady loser for 2 years. They are all dedicated to this new lifestyle and they are dedicated to helping others do the same!

Okay...enough from me. Later taters.

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Steph, you ARE a trophy and don't you think otherwise!!!

Going to try some walking today!! We will see how far I get.

Think of me at school today, trapped inside with my FAVORITE student who 'mooned' the class when I had a sub AND shouted penis during the class period while I was with my dad. Plus I get the privilage of having him for 2 periods in the afternoon.

Thanks for the support about finding a new career. I did a little research last night and they have an accelerated nursing program that people with bachelors in another field can complete. It takes about 12 months. I am going to look into it. I am slow to change and I like routine. I need to decide if this is just a mid-life crisis, hit 50 last month, or if I am really unhappy.

Wow, you are so brave to consider a change in career. But from what I hear about the economy Heath Care Field is booming while others are shrinking... Sounds like a super idea!!

It bares repeating...you all are the most wonderful people. You have been my rock, my sounding board, and I couldn't have done this without you!!!

No, YOU rock! You are making better choices, saying no to Cookies is HARD work... but you did it and made a better choice... good on ya.

By the way, instead of cookies last night I had a fat free schwan's fudge bar. I am going to have to figure out a variety of legal 'sweets', I seem to be craving it in the evening.

You all have a great day, it is Friday and I don't have to go any where this weekend. MAYBE I will get some quilting done!!!! or even better (but just barely) some gardening done. My daffies are blooming and I haven't even had time to go sniff them.

Denise, again, go with your friends on the trip. Get recharged!!

Karri, keep working to find the balance!!

dang I better go get ready for work...I'd rather chat!


What quilting project are you working on Karla? I am hand quilting (on the outer boarders now) a Double Bed size quilt. The blocks were given to me (12) by a friend who has decided to vet her closets and garage... so I was the benefactor... Lucky me huh??? So I put on the finishing borders, basted it and now I am on the home stretch of finishing it.

If you've read back a few pages you'll see that after candy, QUILTING is my next favorite addiction... albiet a much healthier one!

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Thanks for the kind words Steph, but I think the only thing that I have become an expert at is knowing my body. Turns out though...that is the key to weight loss. Listen, listen, listen. When you turn a deaf ear to your body...well...lets just say it figures that you can't hear it, so it gets bigger so it can yell louder. Not something that I wan't to have happen any more!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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