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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I certainly know when it comes to sweets that I don't even like them. I can eat them and my tummy doesn't hurt. I don't get stuck and I don't throw up. So therefore I just eat and eat and eat until my tongue is raw and my face is on fire. It isn't a good feeling. But at least I "feel" like I am in control. No one can make me stop eating. No one can take that away from m. I am in complete control of what my hands and mouth are doing. That is why I am eating. So that is why I went to the 5 day pouch test. I am still in control of what is going in my mouth but I don't have many choices. It is about going back to the basics. When I can eat "anything in moderation" it doesn't work for me. I need to have very specific rules. For me that meant going to back to the beginning. I WILL do this. I don't have a choice.

I don't know if it is at work that I have the most problems or in the morning that I have the most problems. I wake up starving every morning and if I don't eat within 20 minutes I will start dry heaving. I just can't seem to get satisified in the morning. It is that way on the weekend too but I can make a better food choices because I have better food at home. I can have an egg omelette at home...not so much at work. I am not making excuses. I have made POOR food choices over the last several months. But my nightmares last night were my aha moment. I think that it was the wake up call that I needed. I have also told 2 people to day that I appreciate that they care about my health but I do not feel healthy because of food choices that I have been making. They keep insisting that if I go back to the way that I was eating and exercising that I was going to be anorexic and that I was too skinny the way it was. I keep hearing this over and over and over again and it gave me a false sense of comfort. We know our bodies better than anyone and we have to do what makes them feel healthy. No one else can make those decisions for us.

So far I have done very well on the liquids. I have not been as hungry as I have feared and I feel so much better already. I think the mental shift that I have made is the same one that I made the day of surgery. I do have a fill scheduled and I need it. I have 15-20 pounds that I would like to lose. There are some that don't think that I need to but they don't have to live with my body...I do.

Well I have to get going. I need to get back to the students.

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I certainly know when it comes to sweets that I don't even like them. I can eat them and my tummy doesn't hurt. I don't get stuck and I don't throw up. So therefore I just eat and eat and eat until my tongue is raw and my face is on fire. It isn't a good feeling. But at least I "feel" like I am in control. No one can make me stop eating. No one can take that away from m. I am in complete control of what my hands and mouth are doing. That is why I am eating. So that is why I went to the 5 day pouch test. I am still in control of what is going in my mouth but I don't have many choices. It is about going back to the basics. When I can eat "anything in moderation" it doesn't work for me. I need to have very specific rules. For me that meant going to back to the beginning. I WILL do this. I don't have a choice.

I don't know if it is at work that I have the most problems or in the morning that I have the most problems. I wake up starving every morning and if I don't eat within 20 minutes I will start dry heaving. I just can't seem to get satisified in the morning. It is that way on the weekend too but I can make a better food choices because I have better food at home. I can have an egg omelette at home...not so much at work. I am not making excuses. I have made POOR food choices over the last several months. But my nightmares last night were my aha moment. I think that it was the wake up call that I needed. I have also told 2 people to day that I appreciate that they care about my health but I do not feel healthy because of food choices that I have been making. They keep insisting that if I go back to the way that I was eating and exercising that I was going to be anorexic and that I was too skinny the way it was. I keep hearing this over and over and over again and it gave me a false sense of comfort. We know our bodies better than anyone and we have to do what makes them feel healthy. No one else can make those decisions for us.

So far I have done very well on the liquids. I have not been as hungry as I have feared and I feel so much better already. I think the mental shift that I have made is the same one that I made the day of surgery. I do have a fill scheduled and I need it. I have 15-20 pounds that I would like to lose. There are some that don't think that I need to but they don't have to live with my body...I do.

Well I have to get going. I need to get back to the students.

Dear karrie; You sound like you are getting some good insight into why you are eating badly. The pouch test is a good place to start.

I had a shake for breaky today too, then a WW frozen dinner for lunch. Just now I ate 1 boneless skinless chicken thigh and it was PLENTY, I tried to eat some of my 1/2 cup of beets and it got stuck. SO.... I may re-try my beets this evening as a snack... geesh its already in my Spark totals for today.. plus I need the fibre... or tomorrow Pooping will be difficult! Sorry TMI!!!

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I got a call at 6 from the nursing home. They are sending my Mom back to the hospital. She had diar...... when I left, so the nurse gave her something. It didn't stop, and she started throwing up. They are concerned about the hernia, so I'm getting ready to go to the hospital.

So sorry to hear this, Denise! Hope things are looking up by now. When I couldn't get online back at the RV last night, I read all the LBT posts on my Blackberry and said a little prayer for all of the needs expressed. And keeping you & your Mom in my prayers today.

Phyl - you took the sun and heat with you ...It's 59 and today was only 68 and windy....

So sorry to hear that! Our next door neighbor said the wind blew like H.... all night and that it was a good thing we left on Tuesday and didn't wait until Wed!! It's been chilly since we got here and frost on the car this morning! But Jacki has the pool heated to mid 80's so we've done Water aerobics anyways past two days. Sunny and mid 60's today, but high 70's tomorrow (yeah, that's what they thought about today, too!) Maybe they'll be right this time. Supposed to be 90 on the weekend! Son, Chris my fly his airplane over here this weekend! That would be pretty exciting!

Been a LONG while...just an update...to let you know I haven't fallen off the planet!

I'm still hovering around 210, but I'm actually ok with it. Still working with my "new" fill doc here in Nome and will probably have another fill in May...last one was in Oct.

Looking into a Tummy Tuck. When I was married, weighing 180, I was SKINNY so I think if I were to actually lose another 10 and then have surgery, I'd be a skinny little thing (well, I'm tall so not really little).

I've learned to eat around my band pretty easily, but noticed today that I didn't have much in the way of Breakfast or lunch and when I sat down for dinner I could barely eat anything..then didn't really stop...just nibbled all evening...therein lies my problem. At least I figured that out!

HOLY HANNAH!! You're still alive and well!!!


So good to hear from you after all this time!!

Holy crap Indio!!! 138???WOW!

Yeah! She's one HOT CHICK! Be sure and check out her pictures! She looks GREAT!! Somewhere on one of these pages is a picture or two of her and I and Linda A. But her before/afters are the best!

Karri, I TOTALLY understand that 'at school' food issues. When I am at home, no problem, at school..if it resembles food I eat it. I know that is going to be my challenge. Fortunately we are heading into summer, so I can get some food issues worked out before fall. That or I need to find another career. I am checking into some options, now that I will be an empty nester I am not sure if teaching is what I want to do for the rest of my life. YEP I am in the throws of a midlife crisis. The students have changed so much, I just don't know if I can adapt, or even if I want to. I am checking into going into to nursing. Strange I know, but I have alway been interested. The question...can a 50 year old go back to school and then get a job at 53ish???? That or I just need to find that cabin in the wilderness and become a recluse, I have thought about that also. Except my mother would find me and try to move in. So who knows what the next stage of my life will be. But Karri don't give in to the stress, you are too good for that.

I step on the scale when I go back to school today. Don't own a scale at home and haven't decided whether I want one. So we will see if I have a loss or gain. I have been doing okay, but Molly (the baby doxi) woke up in the middle of the night to go potty and I put girl scout Cookies in milk and ate them. What was I thinking, okay what I was thinking was that, DAMN they tasted good. I need to get back off the carbs.

NEVER too old to go back to school or make career change! My friend was just telling me earlier today about a friend of hers who is a choreographer, director, etc. in Hollywood but couldn't get a job at a local college teaching dance because she didn't have a degree. So she got one, and the teaching job she wanted.... at 68 yrs old! I met her about 6 weeks ago and she is a delight, and I would've guessed her to be at least 10 years younger than that!

Yeah, Karri.... don't let the stress get you. Five day pouch test is a good way to get a new jump start. That should help you get things back in perspective, but, yeah, don't go anorexic on us either! You need those good cals to keep up your training schedule!

Oh..here is a completely random question. I was taught that when you type, after a comma is one space and after a period was two. Now....someone told me that the rule has changed to only one space always. Is that right??? I don't think I'll be able to change that habit! Who came up with THAT stupid change. Of all the things!!! Can you tell I'm freaked about that? It could kill me. Okay..off to do something, even if it is wrong. But not eating.

So glad your headache is gone and back feeling better! That was on my prayer list last night, too! About the comma, period spaces.... I bet it came about because of texting. I find I only do one space after a period when I'm texting, but I was surprised when you said it was a new "rule"!! I didn't know that, and i'm just guessing, but I wouldn't be surprised if it evolved because of the texting phenomena!

Ummmm, ya know me too well Janet.. When I am not on here with verbal diarrhea then YOU know what I am up to. No damn good!~ :laugh:

I have been pigging out on choc. almonds. ice cream, I was all determined to quit it yest. when my boss walks in with Foil wrapped Bunnies for me to eat!!!! Well that was it, yest was a disaster.

Work, tried to see Mom, candy Store, Casino ($100 lost), fabric store{now this was a positive move} I stopped and got some thread that I was needing to finish a project. Came home, no dinner... went down to the basement to sew... I stayed there all evening so I wouldn't be near the fridge/cupboards... Ate 2 pcs pizza for dinner and that was it.

This morning, I got out my Wii Fit that I bought yesterday {remember I gave the 1st one to the kids?} So this a.m. I had a shake, messed around hooking up my Wii and did Yoga, Strength training for 45 minutes. I was surprised as my wii fit age on the weekend was 66 yrs old. This morning, I did better 51 yrs old.

So here I sit again, {never quit quitting right?} today is day 1 of new eating patterns and new fitness patterns. I have NOT been going to the gym so I am thinking of cancelling that membership and just doing the Wii fit at home.

I know you ladies will keep me accountable on my Wii Fit as several of you have the console too - am I right???

In order to do any quilting, I MUST do 45 - 60 mins on the Wii Fit first o.k.?? does that sound reasonable?

I am sorry I havn't kept up with all the posts, I've just been very self-centred lately (yuk)

Hugs, and love


I will be using my Wii Fit for a lot of my exercise onece we get home. Earl usually goes to the hot tub at the condo every night for about an hour... that's whne I do my Wii/Wii Fit stuff. I usually do a little with the Wii, then switch to the Wii Fit. Before we left, I was doing the walk around the island thing for 10-15 minutes... which is a LONG time for me to walk! But, it is a good idea to make yourself a rule like that... mine... to get on the Wii when Earl goes to the hot tub. It's a discipline for me to turn off the TV and turn on the Wii, but I make myself do it.

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Forgot to say.... we are going to the Three Rivers JAZZ AFFAIR all weekend!! Been looking forward to this for a LONG time! Years, even! Every year I want to do this on our way back home and finally this year it worked out! Starts with dinner/dance tonight.

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Steph...on the space after a period, I use to teach keyboarding a few years back and the new rule is...1 space after a period. Some business efficiency person figured out how much it was costing to pay someone to press the space bar twice, so to safe money the rule was changed to 1 space after a period. For the most part, either way is acceptable as long as you are consistant through out the document.

Well, let me tell you about the girl scout cookies...they were a kind I hate but the girls like, so I figured I was safe. I was still under 1000 calories for the day, which is why I think I had problems. I hadn't had time to buy groceries when I got home so dinner was VERY lame. Puraed (sp) Soup. So I got out my diatitions (sp..damn I can't spell today, hope you all can interpret) instructions and...I am suppose to go from full liquids DIRECTLY TO SOLIDS, no mushies at all. I am suppose to go to solids on Monday, I am going to modify a bit and throw mushies in there. I can't imagine what will happen to my digestion if I go directly to solids.

I have lost the 2 pounds I gained, so that is good, especially since I spent the last 6 days sitting at the hospital. So, now it is time to start walking. I usually can only lose weight when I walk. I also think I found a simple elliptical machine for about $350. I am going with the Ironman, it doesn't have a lot of bells & wistles, but the machine itself is studier than most.

I do have to figure out what I am going to do at school. I know it is stress.

Anyway, you all have a good one.


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Yeah for us!!:crying:

I just ate my snack, and think I may go and have my beets that I didn't work in at dinner time...

Oh Phyl, I am glad you are a music lover!! My DH has a BIG surprise in store for you Lucky 7's that are coming to Canada this summer.

We also have to come up with some kind of itinerary or we'll run out of time to do stuff...

Should I do a poll on another thread???:rolleyes2:

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what is the latest time that you can eat in an evening??

This question is for the food POLICE

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what is the latest time that you can eat in an evening??

This question is for the food POLICE

As late as you want within your calorie budget !!!

this is per the offical food cop of the lucky #7's

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Yeah for us!!:lol:

We also have to come up with some kind of itinerary or we'll run out of time to do stuff...

Should I do a poll on another thread???:rolleyes2:




Ok here's something to try - when you want to buy those candies - talk to yourself like you would if it were me wanting to buy and eat 3 candy bars - tell yourself all the reasons you shouldn't -

but make it a conversation to your split personallity - give that person a name - and when she wants to take over - talk to her mean - tell her that you aren't going to let her keep on making you unhealthy...

Gand quit thinking of this as a diet - focus on eating healthy - say to yourself - I am going to eat healthy all week long - I will say no to all the treats at work during the week - on Saturday - I will allow myself 1 treat (small like only one candy bar not 3)

Promise me to give this a try for 1 solid week - ok - Promiss me...

I certainly know when it comes to sweets that I don't even like them. I can eat them and my tummy doesn't hurt. I don't get stuck and I don't throw up. So therefore I just eat and eat and eat until my tongue is raw and my face is on fire. It isn't a good feeling. But at least I "feel" like I am in control. No one can make me stop eating. No one can take that away from m. I am in complete control of what my hands and mouth are doing. That is why I am eating. So that is why I went to the 5 day pouch test. I am still in control of what is going in my mouth but I don't have many choices. It is about going back to the basics. When I can eat "anything in moderation" it doesn't work for me. I need to have very specific rules. For me that meant going to back to the beginning. I WILL do this. I don't have a choice.

I don't know if it is at work that I have the most problems or in the morning that I have the most problems. I wake up starving every morning and if I don't eat within 20 minutes I will start dry heaving. I just can't seem to get satisified in the morning. It is that way on the weekend too but I can make a better food choices because I have better food at home. I can have an egg omelette at home...not so much at work. I am not making excuses. I have made POOR food choices over the last several months. But my nightmares last night were my aha moment. I think that it was the wake up call that I needed. I have also told 2 people to day that I appreciate that they care about my health but I do not feel healthy because of food choices that I have been making. They keep insisting that if I go back to the way that I was eating and exercising that I was going to be anorexic and that I was too skinny the way it was. I keep hearing this over and over and over again and it gave me a false sense of comfort. We know our bodies better than anyone and we have to do what makes them feel healthy. No one else can make those decisions for us.

So far I have done very well on the liquids. I have not been as hungry as I have feared and I feel so much better already. I think the mental shift that I have made is the same one that I made the day of surgery. I do have a fill scheduled and I need it. I have 15-20 pounds that I would like to lose. There are some that don't think that I need to but they don't have to live with my body...I do.

Well I have to get going. I need to get back to the students.

Karri - yes we were all a bit worried about you in the beginning about being anorix (sp) but that was really cuz you were exercising so much and eating very healthy but very low calorie.. I think that you have that part on an even keel now - will I guess not cuz you aren't eating healthy - but once you get back into the better food choices - I think you will be fine...

I am with you on having a specific eating plan - I am 21 months tommorrow (4/17) I am still eating Catfish, Rice & Veggies for dinner most nights - I don't vary my eating that much - Remember you use to have a menu - you cooked and had food you could eat at your disposal all the time...

That's what its going to take - being prepared at all times - cuz when you take me out of my comfort zone - and put me in a restaurant and I'm hungry - the Old Janet orders the food - but one thing I can count on - is that my band will stop be from eating the whole meal...

I don't think the original 50 thread is still here - it maybe - but if you went back to that thread and re-read it - you will find a post by me when I first found lbt - it will say something like this

"Im not so worried about getting the weight off (well I am shocked that I got 112 lbs off) it's where I will be in 5 yrs.

I have lost weight before and after about 2 yrs it starts creeping back on - cuz you have a bit of this or a bit of that and before you know it you are eating 1/2 cake again - 5 tacos for dinner - etc - you all know the drill.

We get relaxed in our eating - Well I am super aware of this and I try my very hardest not to let it happen - yes when I am away from home - I order busicuts & gravey for breakfast but heck eating like that every few months is ok with me cuz when I get home - I go back to eating my Fish.... I just don't allow myself to eat like that here in town..

Well one thing you have to look forward to is that when you come to visit we will be eating healthy- I have a plan that you are going to cook me one of your healthy meals and then I'm going to cook you mine - Do you like fish ????:crying:

So sorry to hear that! Our next door neighbor said the wind blew like H.... all night and that it was a good thing we left on Tuesday and didn't wait until Wed!! It's been chilly since we got here and frost on the car this morning! But Jacki has the pool heated to mid 80's so we've done Water aerobics anyways past two days. Sunny and mid 60's today, but high 70's tomorrow (yeah, that's what they thought about today, too!) Maybe they'll be right this time. Supposed to be 90 on the weekend! Son, Chris my fly his airplane over here this weekend! That would be pretty exciting!

HOLY HANNAH!! You're still alive and well!!!

So good to hear from you after all this time!!

Yeah! She's one HOT CHICK! Be sure and check out her pictures! She looks GREAT!! Somewhere on one of these pages is a picture or two of her and I and Linda A. But her before/afters are the best!

but I wouldn't be surprised if it evolved because of the texting phenomena!

I will be using my Wii Fit for a lot of my exercise onece we get home. Earl usually goes to the hot tub at the condo every night for about an hour... that's whne I do my Wii/Wii Fit stuff. I usually do a little with the Wii, then switch to the Wii Fit. Before we left, I was doing the walk around the island thing for 10-15 minutes... which is a LONG time for me to walk! But, it is a good idea to make yourself a rule like that... mine... to get on the Wii when Earl goes to the hot tub. It's a discipline for me to turn off the TV and turn on the Wii, but I make myself do it.

Today was nice - it's suppose to start warming up this weekend with maybe even 100 sometime next week... And the Coachella Fest is this weekend !!! Roads are going to be busy..

Yes I agree the new rule about periods & comma - it due to Texting !!!




Forgot to say.... we are going to the Three Rivers JAZZ AFFAIR all weekend!! Been looking forward to this for a LONG time! Years, even! Every year I want to do this on our way back home and finally this year it worked out! Starts with dinner/dance tonight.

Well do you know that 281.144 people have veiwed our thread - I would say that we are quite popular and 13,493 replies :crying:

Have fun and your concert aka jazz fest tonite... It will be a blast !!

Steph...on the space after a period, I use to teach keyboarding a few years back and the new rule is...1 space after a period. Some business efficiency person figured out how much it was costing to pay someone to press the space bar twice, so to safe money the rule was changed to 1 space after a period. For the most part, either way is acceptable as long as you are consistant through out the document.

Well, let me tell you about the girl scout cookies...they were a kind I hate but the girls like, so I figured I was safe. I was still under 1000 calories for the day, which is why I think I had problems. I hadn't had time to buy groceries when I got home so dinner was VERY lame. Puraed (sp) Soup. So I got out my diatitions (sp..damn I can't spell today, hope you all can interpret) instructions and...I am suppose to go from full liquids DIRECTLY TO SOLIDS, no mushies at all. I am suppose to go to solids on Monday, I am going to modify a bit and throw mushies in there. I can't imagine what will happen to my digestion if I go directly to solids.

I have lost the 2 pounds I gained, so that is good, especially since I spent the last 6 days sitting at the hospital. So, now it is time to start walking. I usually can only lose weight when I walk. I also think I found a simple elliptical machine for about $350. I am going with the Ironman, it doesn't have a lot of bells & wistles, but the machine itself is studier than most.

I do have to figure out what I am going to do at school. I know it is stress.

Anyway, you all have a good one.


Karla - Ok since you were under your calories - but becareful -you are brand new and those little things aren't good habits to start now... You gotta reach for something else - I ususally drink my crangrape jucie at nite when my furr baby wakes me up to go out... I am a major nite time eater - so don't think it's easy for me but I know that I can't eat like I use to - those days are long gone 98% of the time...

And you have been under so much stress with your dad and all so - you are just getting a warning and not a ticket

I don't think you know this yet - but I'm the food cop - well Karri is too - We are the Lucky #7 police force and Also - Phyl gave me the title of Exercise cop too on my mentor thread... So You aren't going to get a ticket today - You have been given a freebie :laugh:

With every ticket you gotta exercise for an extra 20 minutes and just like a speeding the worse the offense the more you have to exercise :angry:

OMG - That a brilliant idea - OK gang - I am going to give ticket (myself included) and depending how bad the offense was - we are all going to have to start exercise more to pay for those tickets !!!!

oh ya I can't spell half the time - so don't worry about that everyone is use to me - i miss spell drop word type hear when I mean here - We understand anyway - who reads word for word anyways :0)

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I LOVE the idea of the Tickets!!!! Let's go for it..

Okay folks I need some help. as I said before, I am suppose to move directly to solids from liquids. I decided to transitions to mushies after doing a lot of reading on the internet. So tonight I tried some chicken & veggies. I got about 4 SMALL bites, with chew,chew,chew AND it hurt like hell. I had to quit. So now I sit, too afraid to eat anything. The liquids aren't keeping me full, so I thought some mushies. I didn't think I would have any problems until I got a fill. So NOW what do I do????

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They have my Mom in ICU. She had diar..... and vomiting so bad that she dehydrated. She has some kind of infection they can't clear up. When she went in on 3/25 for 2 weeks, she had an infection. They released her last Wed. I put her in the nursing home. She stayed for a week then back to the hospital with an infection again. They didn't clear is out the first time. They are giving her cipro and something else for infection and pain meds when she wants. She is sleeping most of the time.

This has been my day today: got home at 3 am from hospital, fell asleep near 4, woke up at 7:30 to get ready for my 9am dr appt. which turned out to be torture, see next paragraph. Take tylenol and a sip of vicodin at 8:30. 8:35 the phone rings. DD is stuck in the CBD and her car is dead. DH has to leave me alone at the dr. and go jump her car.

On to dr.

I got laser treatment on spider leg veins. Son of a @#!$%

it HURT!!!! and I took vicodin before I went.If that's what a tattoo feels like, HELL NO!!!! It felt like I was being stuck with a needle 1/4 inch deep into my skin and twisted over and over and over non stop for 30 minutes. Torture!!!!

Went to nursing home to get Mom's clothes to wash and find her teeth.

Spill a glass of coffee in the car and into my brand new purse which is the 1st purse that I can truly say I LOVE!! Hubby drives while my vicodin wears off, I didn't take much.

Come home, hubby takes pain meds. to go get a root canal. I drive him.

I wait for 1 1/2 while they work on him. They can't reach the root, they have to send him to a specialist. We leave and go get Chinese food.< /p>

Get home, DH went to school from CBD, car is dead again.

Someone jumped it for her. Now we have a car to fix.

Eat a few bites of Chinese. Puke, try again, Puke. They hell with it. Have to get to ICU before 2:30.

I go to the hospital. They are giving her pain meds. which keep her sleeping pretty much. They will run more tests tomorrow. Headache starts, probably because I didn't eat anything today. I have to take tylenol when I get home, doesn't work, take another sip of vicodin. I only have about an ounce left. Whoa is me!!!

I have a trip planned for this weekend in The Woodlands, TX. with 8 girls I went to school with. I am driving and one girl is riding with me. DD is coming and staying with a friend. If I back out my friend won't have a ride, and I REALLY want to go. I have never been away without DH before. It's a panic attack problem. I need to do this, and I want to.

Tomorrow they are running more test on Mom.

I will go see her tomorrow morning, then leave from here for Houston about 10:30. If they need me, I'll fly back and leave the car with DD and my friend to drive home. I really don't think Mom will get worse in the hospital. They need to clear up the infection and figure out wants causing it. It may be the leg that had the blood clot in July and was also infected. They probably never cleared that infection. Her leg has remained red and shiney. The dr. said mts. ago that it was just a rash and not infection anymore. I said how can you tell it looks the same. She said I can tell the difference cause I'm a dr. I shoulda got that on tape.

I can call my brother if she needs someone, and my DH will be here. He's a gem, he will help if I need him.

So, unless things are worse tomorrow, I'm going.

I'm trying to pack and hoping things are gonna work out.

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Karla- Even after almost two yrs. if we go on liquids it tightens up our bands. That's why people do the pouch test. It is my opinion, which a little more than opinion because I have a band and the person who told you to go straight to solids probably doesn't, that you must eat mushies first or solids are going to hurt. I say do mushies, or put your solids in a blender. Take advantage of the tightness as long as you can. It is going to go away, and if your dr. is slow with fills you may take mts. to get it back.

Can you tell I'm a little P.O.ed at know it all drs.?

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I LOVE the idea of the Tickets!!!! Let's go for it..

Okay folks I need some help. as I said before, I am suppose to move directly to solids from liquids. I decided to transitions to mushies after doing a lot of reading on the internet. So tonight I tried some chicken & veggies. I got about 4 SMALL bites, with chew,chew,chew AND it hurt like hell. I had to quit. So now I sit, too afraid to eat anything. The liquids aren't keeping me full, so I thought some mushies. I didn't think I would have any problems until I got a fill. So NOW what do I do????

Karla - where did you get the idea that chicken was a mushie chick salad? ? or really chick

Mushies - refried Beans (protein) with a little cheese -

instant mashed potato made with 100% skim milk no Water to boost the Protein -

weight control oatmeal (low sugar) - Cream of wheat

I made grits (yellow - really corn meal mush) and put spagh sauce on top with a little cheese.

Oh ya I mixed zuchinne & yellow squash and cooked to death (but this is how I eat my veggies anyway) they are mushie add a I can't beleive it's butter spray.

Ground turkey crumble it really good when frying it up in a non stick pan with a little evoo add spagh sauce and some riccottta cheese.

Or just spagh sauce with some ricotta cheese in it (heated of course)

Cottage cheese..

Mushies - food that you eat with a spoon - Baby food texture - pureed foods... Then you move to soft

I think I may have had my catfish or you could get some dover sole and bake it with a little evoo - garlic salt and pepper - it's like mush that way..

I think pple do tuna salad - egg salad is another good one - just becarefull on the mayo - I use lite mayo & mustard..

Did you check out the food thread - I think they have ideas there - you are asking me to go back 21 months :rolleyes2:

If I were you I would stick too liquids for the rest of the nite and maybe try some egg salad for bf in the morning - make it tonite and pack for work tomorrow - and then refried beans for lunch and dinner...

Sounds like you have restriction !!!! Creamed Soups are another option - Thick creamed soups are very good and satisfying -

here the link for the mushie food thread - http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f82/mushies-stage-recipes-17637/

They have my Mom in ICU. She had diar..... and vomiting so bad that she dehydrated. She has some kind of infection they can't clear up. When she went in on 3/25 for 2 weeks, she had an infection. They released her last Wed. I put her in the nursing home. She stayed for a week then back to the hospital with an infection again. They didn't clear is out the first time. They are giving her cipro and something else for infection and pain meds when she wants. She is sleeping most of the time.

This has been my day today: got home at 3 am from hospital, fell asleep near 4, woke up at 7:30 to get ready for my 9am dr appt. which turned out to be torture, see next paragraph. Take tylenol and a sip of vicodin at 8:30. 8:35 the phone rings. DD is stuck in the CBD and her car is dead. DH has to leave me alone at the dr. and go jump her car.

On to dr.

I got laser treatment on spider leg veins. Son of a @#!$%

it HURT!!!! and I took vicodin before I went.If that's what a tattoo feels like, HELL NO!!!! It felt like I was being stuck with a needle 1/4 inch deep into my skin and twisted over and over and over non stop for 30 minutes. Torture!!!!

Went to nursing home to get Mom's clothes to wash and find her teeth.

Spill a glass of coffee in the car and into my brand new purse which is the 1st purse that I can truly say I LOVE!! Hubby drives while my vicodin wears off, I didn't take much.

Come home, hubby takes pain meds. to go get a root canal. I drive him.

I wait for 1 1/2 while they work on him. They can't reach the root, they have to send him to a specialist. We leave and go get Chinese food.

Get home, DH went to school from CBD, car is dead again.

Someone jumped it for her. Now we have a car to fix.

Eat a few bites of Chinese. Puke, try again, Puke. They hell with it. Have to get to ICU before 2:30.

I go to the hospital. They are giving her pain meds. which keep her sleeping pretty much. They will run more tests tomorrow. Headache starts, probably because I didn't eat anything today. I have to take tylenol when I get home, doesn't work, take another sip of vicodin. I only have about an ounce left. Whoa is me!!!

I have a trip planned for this weekend in The Woodlands, TX. with 8 girls I went to school with. I am driving and one girl is riding with me. DD is coming and staying with a friend. If I back out my friend won't have a ride, and I REALLY want to go. I have never been away without DH before. It's a panic attack problem. I need to do this, and I want to.

Tomorrow they are running more test on Mom.

I will go see her tomorrow morning, then leave from here for Houston about 10:30. If they need me, I'll fly back and leave the car with DD and my friend to drive home. I really don't think Mom will get worse in the hospital. They need to clear up the infection and figure out wants causing it. It may be the leg that had the blood clot in July and was also infected. They probably never cleared that infection. Her leg has remained red and shiney. The dr. said mts. ago that it was just a rash and not infection anymore. I said how can you tell it looks the same. She said I can tell the difference cause I'm a dr. I shoulda got that on tape.

I can call my brother if she needs someone, and my DH will be here. He's a gem, he will help if I need him.

So, unless things are worse tomorrow, I'm going.

I'm trying to pack and hoping things are gonna work out.


I am glad you are going on your trip ... There's not much you can do here anyway... We will keep your Mom in our prayer and we want you to have a little fun - and your bro & sisters can step up to the plate for the weekend - and you DH looks like he's a sweet guy...

Go have a couple cocktails and chill you need it - remember caregivers have to take care of themselves too !!!

Edited by IndioGirl55
forgot the mushie thread link for karla

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Janet, thanks for the mushie direction!! It has been an hour and I am still a little sore.

Denise, GO on the trip, get some away time, you are going to need.


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I LOVE the idea of the Tickets!!!! Let's go for it..

Okay folks I need some help. as I said before, I am suppose to move directly to solids from liquids. I decided to transitions to mushies after doing a lot of reading on the internet. So tonight I tried some chicken & veggies. I got about 4 SMALL bites, with chew,chew,chew AND it hurt like hell. I had to quit. So now I sit, too afraid to eat anything. The liquids aren't keeping me full, so I thought some mushies. I didn't think I would have any problems until I got a fill. So NOW what do I do????

Go to mushies. Even if the diatician says that you don't need to I think that most of us did. Cottage cheese and refried Beans were my best friends during the time. The part of your stomach where the food sits is not used to having food in there. We never fill our stomachs to that point so when we try to keep food there for a long period of time it can cause irritiation. Even after a fill my doc wants us to do 2 days of liquids followed by 2 days of mushies and then to solid food. You DON'T want to throw up at any cost so taking it easy is in your best interest.

Even when you go to mushies, start slowly. Again...I did refried beans. I would Water it down and try a few bites. If I was okay at that consistancy I would put it away and heat it up later. The water would evaporate and it would thicken up a bit. I would try that consistancy and repeat until I found where I was comfortable.

Don't push the solids...believe me, you will thank yourself later!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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