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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Can;t believe this.... just got STUCK and had to PB my morning SHAKE!!!:thumbdown:

I dint' gain any weight in MEXICO~~~

Edited by peaches9

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Hi ladies. Just a quick check in. Insomnia kicked my @$$ again last night and I'm exhausted.

Awfully quiet around here now that Janet is back.

I'm thinking up fundraisers for my 3day. busy doing that. I was wondering if our resident quilter woman would be willing to make us a pink quilt for cost of materials (your time is priceless) that one of us could raffle off locally? I think I have some people here who would be willing to do one or two for me but Karri is in need of fundraising help. I'll pitch in for supplies though. Candice, if you are interested, pm me. You do such gorgeous work! I saw a really simple pattern at the quilt store yesterday and that was what made me think of it.

Okay. Gotta run. Maybe get a few minutes of shuteye before they kids get up from their nap. Have a good afternoon ladies

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Hey Gang

Been busy this morning then went to lunch w/my GF candy..


I was hungry when I got home from the hospital - I was cooking hamburger helper for my GS and I hate that stuff but it smelt so good.. I was lucky I was on full liquids when I got home from the hospital. Creams Soups really help alot and you do get full on about 1/2 cup - If you like Beans - make a pot of them (either pinot or navy) cook till done then scoop out the beans put them in a blender add a little of the broth - puree the crap out of them then add that mixture back to the broth - CREAM OF BEAN Soup - It's a life saver cuz home maded stuff taste so much better than the canned stuff..

Phly - $399 That's fantastic - I think I would like to do a Alaska cruise in Aug - but I heard you can't gamble on those cruises - it that true???

I watched idol last night - agree Matt didn't do well - Loved Kris (last guy) Adam does look so much cuter clean cut - or maybe our age is showing :smile2: he sorta looks like Kurt Russell don't you think?? I think the finally will be Danny & Adam - Little rocker chick (16 yr old) and lil rounds didn't do well either. My fav last night were Adam & Kris

I want to hear what Earl has to say when you tell hin "Janet said it was ok" - He's going to say - She's not a doctor :)

Candice - Yep I'm back - I really don't like pink that much but loved those capri's and got that pink top at Chico's with I was with Phyl & Linda .... I haven't even been to FB since I have been home - maybe tonite or tomorrow..,

Steph - I'll help with Karri give me address and I'll send some $$$

Ok gang - gotta get back to work - ck back tonight after gym

Hugs... Janet

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I'm here at the hotel in tj and feeling fabulous, oh a little achy, but no shoulder pain!!! Actually I don't feel like I have a band in or any thing. Sat by the pool all morning with a fellow bander and gabbed for 3 hours. Got a bit of a sun burn but it was worth it. The sun just sinked into my bones.

Dr. Ortiz says I am going to be one of his best successes. I guess I passed the 'How much do you want to loose' test. When he asked I told him that I wanted to loose enough to feel good in my body and to be able to do things that I have lost to my weight, and that I wanted to play with my future grandchildren. We talked about his daughter and The Secret. I was reading the book in the clinic and everyone said they did and loved it. Who knew that a book could help you get a connection.

I am seriously thinking about returning here for my fills. One lady here had a fill with Dr. Rohrer and it went badly. She says she flies down in the morning and flies out in the evening. The clinic transports you back and forth. I am going to give it a thought.

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Karla didn't mention it, but her dad is in the hospital at home. She is going to go try to get a line to the US to call. Her cell won't call.

Think positive about her dad.

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Good Evening, Ladies

I haven't gotten a fill yet. I keep planning to call and would you believe I start feeling a little tight and I keep belching. I don't know what to think. I either can eat a whole lot or hardly anything. TO FILL OR NOT TO FILL. THAT IS THE QUESTION. My sister told me not to lose any more weight.

Phyl - Tell me some more about this cruise for $399. DH and I have talked for years about going on one but the cost was a little too much. Of course, the air fare to Washington is probably more that what the cruise costs.

Karla - I meant to tell you about the super glue. I thought that was way cool. Today, I have to look real real hard to find the insisions. Also, Dr. O only puts just a little fill in, so don't expect restriction for a while. In fact, it took me 10 mos. to get it with a fill every four weeks. I've got the big band. Also, isn't Dr. O the greatest? I keep reading about bandsters feeling lousy after surgery. Bloat, gas and shoulder pain just to name a few. I also didn't feel like I had surgery. I took the pain pill the first night at the hotel to make sure I made it through the night. Didn't need to take any more after that. I felt great.

Steph - I have a paper piece pattern for pink ribbons. I used it to make a quilt for my GD Jaylibug but instead of pink ribbons, I made green ones for organ donation. They don't take long to do and I could put together a few squares if Candace wanted to put them together and quilt them. Just let me know and send me an address and I'll whip them off for you. That is a good idea.

Candace, - If I make a bunch of pink breast cancer squares, would you consider putting them into a quilt and quilt them?

Janet - you looked like you had a blast on your cruise. The pics were great. I love seeing pictures. One of these days, I'm going to get a digital camera and learn how to post pics online. Then you guys will be sick of seeing me. LOL

Okay, this is getting pretty long and we don't have to fill pages for Janet since she is back. So, I'll just bid you all AuVoir, Guten Abend, adios etc. See you all tomorrow. sleep tight.

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Phyl - Tell me some more about this cruise for $399. DH and I have talked for years about going on one but the cost was a little too much. Of course, the air fare to Washington is probably more that what the cruise costs.


Its Norwegian Cruise Line.. with taxes, plus I bought the trip insurance ($164) ... total for two of us was $1318. Leaves out of Seattle. Stops at Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway, Prince Rupert, and cruises to Sawyer Glacier.

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Got a hold of my mom last night from TJ, dad is in the hospital. The chemo has damaged his heart. They have him on meds to try to lower his heart rate, it is running at 160. If they can get it down and stable, he will be able to go home. However, the doctors say that mom will need help with his care. So as soon as I get home, I will need to get my grades done and sub notes taken care of and get my butt to Roundup to help. Unfortunately dad is 6' 5" and I won't be able to help lift him, even though he hardly weighs much right now. Hopefully my sister will come through and comes home from the 'summer' home in Arizona, I'm not holding my breath. She lives the life of well-to-do retirement and has little use for our family. Sorry, I am sounding rather bitter. Cried most of the night and just don't know how I am going to do this. I know I need to be there, but I don't know how many sick leave days I have and I can't afford to go without a pay check. I am feeling overwhelmed. I head off to the airport in an hours, so I best get packing.

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Got a hold of my mom last night from TJ, dad is in the hospital. The chemo has damaged his heart. They have him on meds to try to lower his heart rate, it is running at 160. If they can get it down and stable, he will be able to go home. However, the doctors say that mom will need help with his care. So as soon as I get home, I will need to get my grades done and sub notes taken care of and get my butt to Roundup to help. Unfortunately dad is 6' 5" and I won't be able to help lift him, even though he hardly weighs much right now. Hopefully my sister will come through and comes home from the 'summer' home in Arizona, I'm not holding my breath. She lives the life of well-to-do retirement and has little use for our family. Sorry, I am sounding rather bitter. Cried most of the night and just don't know how I am going to do this. I know I need to be there, but I don't know how many sick leave days I have and I can't afford to go without a pay check. I am feeling overwhelmed. I head off to the airport in an hours, so I best get packing.

Karla, First Hugs honey! This is the last thing you need right now. Second, take a deep breath.

Remember the 3 steps? Get clear about what you want, visualize it, be specific. Begin living like it's already happened. If you are doubtful, those doubts will multiply themselves. Let it happen. Remember how powerful your wants are. And remember, you can only attract what you need for YOU. Can't think dad well, can't think sister a conscience. What do YOU need. Help? A way to pay for things while you take care of family?

A lot of schools will allow teachers to donate days to a sick pool so that teachers don't have to take days without pay. You will have a solution. I don't have any doubt. You have your dad to deal with, let the Secret do the rest.

Now....take another deep breath. You just had major surgery and need to focus on healing your own body. You will be no good to anyone if you are too wiped out to function. Get some rest, get positive. You will sleep better, you will heal better, and you will be better help to everyone.

Oh...and don't you DARE try to lift your dad. No lifting for 6 weeks. Your body must heal! I know it is hard...remember, I'm there, but you have got to allow your body time to set your band in place. If you don't it will slip easier. Remember that.

I'm thinking of you darling. Love you! Go take a nap!

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Yep, Steph, I know, I will be careful. We will find out more today about what is going on with dad's heart. I know they won't let him go home until it is stable. I have to get the positive vibes going, I guess I am just tired. Anyway, chat later. k

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Hi ladies. Quiet around here lately. Candice must still be trying to catch up...or too busy with her new modeling career now that she has such beautiful teeth. Janet is still trying to get over pulling a couple of teenagers along to keep up with her....it's hard to pull all that dead weight :smile2:) Car is trying to get her house ready for Candice's 2nd honeymoon. Denise is taking care of mom. Kari probably finally went in for a fill. Karri is ALWAYS busy with school. Karla is flying back from San Diego. Might be in SLC by now. Should hear from her soon. I can't think of an excuse for Phyl. Oh yeah, she's getting ready to get ready for her cruise :))

I guess I'm the only one around here who still has NOTHING to do. Going crazy. Hate this. Want a nap. Should go for a walk.

OMG!! Speaking of walks!!!! I have to share with you this walking training schedule. It's no wonder they don't share it with you until AFTER you sign up! every tues for 11 weeks you walk 3 miles then they begin to up the ante but it's not that bad. Most is 6 miles, then on Wed. you dod some sosrt of moderate cardio. Then on Thurs. you walk between 3 and 6 miles, Friday some sort of cardio for 30-45 mins. Then hell starts. Saturday the furst week is only 3, but then it's up up up from there until you are doing 15-18 miles those days. Then on sundays it's not QUITE as bad somewhere between 3 and 15. Mondays you get off for good behavior I guess. I may die! What have I gotten myself into? Who's crazy idea was this? Holy Cats! breath steph breath. Think positive. I'm positive it is going to kill me! Anyways, each week you walk between 12 and 45 miles. And in order to get all the weeks in I either have to start in the middle of the schedule or knock out one of the final weeks. I decided to knock out one of the smaller later weeks, but HOLY CATS! I'm going to die. and it will be....um...I guess it will be....all MY fault! If I take anyone with me, I'm apologizing in advance. I did not INTEND to kill anyone with this. Phyl, could I borrow your scooter? for day 2?

Okay...going to go do something, even if it's wrong! Hugs all

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Karla Hugs & Prayers for you and your family


You got me cracking up - I'm busy at work that's all :0)

12 miles a week isn't bad 3 miles x 4 = but for me any more than 15 would be pushing it - I do 3 to 4 miles on Tuesdays & Saturdays - now way am I going to walk 7.5 mile 6 days a week - that's just way too much exercise even for me :0)

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Hi everyone! It's me, Brandy! Haven't checked in here in months and months, but think of y'all often. Janet, you look great! Glad you enjoyed your cruise! And Phyllis, you've done very, very well! Congratulations!

I'm doing fine, keeping busy as always, so not much time to play, even though I'm technically retired down here in Florida. The lowest I got to was 138 and I fluctuate between that and 143.5 pounds, but me and my body seem pretty happy with that. I exercise a lot and have built some good muscle. Still need to have a breast lift and I wish the skin on my inner thighs and under my arms were just a little bit tighter, but I think I look pretty good for 50, which I just turned last month, so I can't really complain too much!

Hope everyone is well! Sounds like some new people either joined the July 07 site or else had to have revision surgery.

Take care!


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Hi everyone! It's me, Brandy! Haven't checked in here in months and months, but think of y'all often. Janet, you look great! Glad you enjoyed your cruise! And Phyllis, you've done very, very well! Congratulations!

I'm doing fine, keeping busy as always, so not much time to play, even though I'm technically retired down here in Florida. The lowest I got to was 138 and I fluctuate between that and 143.5 pounds, but me and my body seem pretty happy with that. I exercise a lot and have built some good muscle. Still need to have a breast lift and I wish the skin on my inner thighs and under my arms were just a little bit tighter, but I think I look pretty good for 50, which I just turned last month, so I can't really complain too much!

Hope everyone is well! Sounds like some new people either joined the July 07 site or else had to have revision surgery.

Take care!


Hey Brandy !!! What's Up !!!

Ya we all need one kind of lift or another.:) ..

You are doing great on your weight :smile2:- keeping pretty constance at a happy weight for you - I would say I am at my happy weight too - I like to keep mine between 138-140..

We only have 1 new member Karla - both Steph & Salsa have been with us for over a year now - and I think you have stopped in about 6 months ago..

Pop back in when you can - what are you doing to keep so busy???

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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