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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I have finger nails :0) one might break !!!! Don't think I'm that adventurous :0) I was to chicken to try the one on the ship - didn't want to look like a fool :biggrin:

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And yes, I'm the one Steph was talking about. M-M-M-M Pepsi. Although DH has just put some ruby red squirt in the fridge. That's a close second to pepsi.

OH! So it WAS you!!

I thought you were talking about Steph's little "talk" with Kari about the pancakes, etc!

Sorry! My mistake!

For some reason I have REALLY been craving pop... anything,

but especially my dear, dear Diet Coke that I had to give up!

Why would that bother me after almost TWO YEARS without it!

I think it was sipping on DH's diet Pepsi at that appreciation lunch they had here two weeks ago. I was really, really thirst and there it was sitting in front of him and I had a few small sips, which led to a few more, and now I want a DIET COKE!! Really, I was addicted to the carbonation. And this stupid cough won't go away and the carbonation would feel so GOOD on my throat. I just want some!!

Can you believe I said all that after just chewing out people on the "BMI higher than 50" thread because too many are slacking off. Oh... I gave them a GOOD JANET TALK!

You know the kind... small plates, small utensils, small portions,

chew, chew, chew, Protein first, etc., etc., etc.

And then I came over here and started whining about how I want a Diet Coke!

12_4_4.gif 12_4_5.gif 12_4_6.gif

Oh, Janet...

did you notice we upped the size on our fonts a few times to fill more pages????


It was just a gesture of love, really!!

Edited by phyllser

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OH! So it WAS you!!

I thought you were talking about Steph's little "talk" with Kari about the pancakes, etc!

Sorry! My mistake!

For some reason I have REALLY been craving pop... anything,

but especially my dear, dear Diet Coke that I had to give up!

Why would that bother me after almost TWO YEARS without it!

I think it was sipping on DH's diet Pepsi at that appreciation lunch they had here two weeks ago. I was really, really thirst and there it was sitting in front of him and I had a few small sips, which led to a few more, and now I want a DIET COKE!! Really, I was addicted to the carbonation. And this stupid cough won't go away and the carbonation would feel so GOOD on my throat. I just want some!!

Can you believe I said all that after just chewing out people on the "BMI higher than 50" thread because too many are slacking off. Oh... I gave them a GOOD JANET TALK!

You know the kind... small plates, small utensils, small portions,

chew, chew, chew, Protein first, etc., etc., etc.

And then I came over here and started whining about how I want a Diet Coke!

12_4_4.gif 12_4_5.gif 12_4_6.gif

Oh, Janet...

did you notice we upped the size on our fonts a few times to fill more pages????


It was just a gesture of love, really!!

Phyl - no I didn't noticed:blink: - but you all just had me cracking up on "lets post 20 million post so it will take Janet HOURS to catch up":w00t:

Ok - My take on soda - I can't drink a straight soda right out of the can - I take a diet dr pepper or ginger ale and pour it back in forth between two cups to get the carbonation down - then sip.

I was never a big soda drinker to begin with - and say I am having an extra hungry day - i may have a soda cuz it feels me up. I may have one soda every 2 months...

So have a diet coke - let it go flatish - my doc says the only real reason not to drink it is cuz it depletes your calicum...

I got p.m. my a new bander - gave her my little chat - Oh ya thanks for taking over I'm here to help thread while I was gone you did great !!! Well really only have a couple struggles most are doing well...

Oh - guess what was in the safety deposit box !!!! Guess !!! I had to take off work at 2 then pay $150 for them to drill the box and they would only take cash no check !!! then then didn't even ask for the original letter of adminstration which they told me to bring...

Copies of my Dad's trust - which there were 20 copies of it at his house along with the probate records for my Dad's partner... That was it...

I think my sister was a little dissappointed that there wasn't another will - leaving it all to her son - I think that's what she thought would be in there!!!

I am going to nephew's house to have a mini bbq with family to Celebrate his bday which is Friday but since my sis is here and I will be watching TRACE Atkins - YES EAT YOUR HEARTS OUR GIRLS 2 TIME IN LESS THAN 12 MONTHS.. - I won't be long - need to be home before 8 - gotta watch Idol... Gotta vote for Matt..

I think Adam is going to win - loved his song and look last week - but no way should Matt have been in the bottom 3 - tattoo girl - blind guy need to go before Matt...

Ok it's 5:30 gotta get some gas so will cbl :mad2:

Soda isn't slacking - eating cake candy Cookies high carbs high sugar and not exercising is....

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Yeah, Janet's back!!!

We missed you gal

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Hey Everybody,

Guess who came for a visit today? Auntie

It's been at least 6mts. I gotta check my calendar. I seriously thought it was the end. I gotta go to the dr.

I called my Mom today, didn't go visit. She actually sounded normal on the phone. Sometimes she has conversations like nothings wrong with her mental capabilities.

My students start state wide testing tomorrow.

Oh boy the Osbournes are on, we get the f word beeped out every 2 seconds. Whoaa, what a bowl of fun. I think I'll pass and go take a bathe instead.

Oh, by the way, me and DH went to a rock concert Sat. night. It was a Led Zeplin imitation band. They were really good, it was like we actually got to see them. Zoso

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Hey ladies I am sitting here do not much. I am really hungery Water and diluted juice is not doing it.

My post opt diet is verry differrent from you have all explained.

Week 1: on Clear Liquids

Week 2: Drinkable yohurts

Week 3: Drinkable liquid, yogurhts/protein

Week 5: 3oz meat, geeens/fruit./grains, no more that one Protein Drinks per day, there will be not way that I can get 60 - 90

The brain is going so I am shutting down,


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Phyl - no I didn't noticed:blink: - but you all just had me cracking up on "lets post 20 million post so it will take Janet HOURS to catch up":w00t:

Ok - My take on soda - I can't drink a straight soda right out of the can - I take a diet dr pepper or ginger ale and pour it back in forth between two cups to get the carbonation down - then sip.

I was never a big soda drinker to begin with - and say I am having an extra hungry day - i may have a soda cuz it feels me up. I may have one soda every 2 months...

So have a diet coke - let it go flatish - my doc says the only real reason not to drink it is cuz it depletes your calicum...


Now I just have to tell Earl...

Janet said I can have a DIET COKE!!

I got p.m. my a new bander - gave her my little chat - Oh ya thanks for taking over I'm here to help thread while I was gone you did great !!! Well really only have a couple struggles most are doing well...

Oh - guess what was in the safety deposit box !!!! Guess !!! I had to take off work at 2 then pay $150 for them to drill the box and they would only take cash no check !!! then then didn't even ask for the original letter of adminstration which they told me to bring...

Copies of my Dad's trust - which there were 20 copies of it at his house along with the probate records for my Dad's partner... That was it...

I think my sister was a little dissappointed that there wasn't another will - leaving it all to her son - I think that's what she thought would be in there!!!

I am going to nephew's house to have a mini bbq with family to Celebrate his bday which is Friday but since my sis is here and I will be watching TRACE Atkins - YES EAT YOUR HEARTS OUR GIRLS 2 TIME IN LESS THAN 12 MONTHS.. - I won't be long - need to be home before 8 - gotta watch Idol... Gotta vote for Matt..

I think Adam is going to win - loved his song and look last week - but no way should Matt have been in the bottom 3 - tattoo girl - blind guy need to go before Matt...

Ok it's 5:30 gotta get some gas so will cbl :seeya:

Soda isn't slacking - eating cake candy Cookies high carbs high sugar and not exercising is....

Just listened to Adam... you're right... he's going to win!!

Tracy is here... she says they're going to go see him one day!

I wanna go too!! And I hope he keeps the hair out of his face!

He is so much better looking when you can actually see his face!

Blonde chick has GOT TO GO!!

I like the blind guy... he did a lot better tonight, too. But he probably won't make it too many more weeks. I like Matt, but he didn't do well tonight!

WE are sick puppies, aren't we!!

American Idol junkies at our age!! :seeya:

Forgot to tell you... we booked a cruise to Alaska while you were gone. May 16, 7 days, $399!! Talked four people from our church in WA in to going with us!! :thumbdown::biggrin::seeya::biggrin:

Hey ladies I am sitting here do not much. I am really hungery Water and diluted juice is not doing it.

My post opt diet is verry differrent from you have all explained.

Week 1: on clear liquids

Week 2: Drinkable yohurts

Week 3: Drinkable liquid,yogurhts/protein

Week 5: 3oz meat, geeens/fruit./grains, no more that one Protein drinks per day, there will be not way that I can get 60 - 90

The brain is going so I am shutting down,k

Too funny, chick!

You're drugged out!!

My post op diet was actually very similar to what you described!

But I think I had 2 weeks clear liquids, then two weeks full liquids, then 2 weeks mushy and then on to the more normal stuff.

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This sucks, Dr. Ortiz said I woulds be hungery for a week or so. I don't think it was so funny when I started taking orders for pizza delivery I am more hungery that I ahve been for a long time.


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This sucks, Dr. Ortiz said I woulds be hungery for a week or so. I don't think it was so funny when I started taking orders for pizza delivery I am more hungery that I ahve been for a long time.


You may be hungry...but it is head hungry. Trust me. You may feel like you are starving, but the gurgling in your gut is NOT hunger. Get used to it. Your stomach will be talking to you pretty loudly for the next 2 months. I was sure my students could hear the spit gurgle when I swallowed it. The kids did actually laugh a lot. The gas was a LITTLE more stressful and hard to hide :thumbdown:

The swelling will be up and even if you tried to eat, you wouldn't be able to. A couple drinks of Water and you will be satisfied. What I used to judge if I was truly hungry was if I was able to get all my liquid in and still say I was hungry, or if the liquid was enough for me. Pizza may sound good, but it would NOT feel good. Call instead of chew. You have the number. I think the phone was working, but my phone was on silent...oops.

I sent out my first donation letter for my walk tonight. I did NOT hit any of you up. You are my support system, but if you want to do something, please help out one of the other ladies. Chis in San Diego already has over $400. I need to figure out how to get Karri $90 so she can sign up. Her not being on my team is NOT an option.

Phyl, I found the most amazing purses today. Don't tell Earl,but we have GOT to talk. You are not going to believe them. I'll find the website. All I can say is AMAZING! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Let's talk.

Okay...very tired. There is more I want to say but too tired to think about it now. Love you all!

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I sent out my first donation letter for my walk tonight. I did NOT hit any of you up. You are my support system, but if you want to do something, please help out one of the other ladies. Chis in San Diego already has over $400. I need to figure out how to get Karri $90 so she can sign up. Her not being on my team is NOT an option.

Phyl, I found the most amazing purses today. Don't tell Earl,but we have GOT to talk. You are not going to believe them. I'll find the website. All I can say is AMAZING! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Let's talk.

Okay...very tired. There is more I want to say but too tired to think about it now. Love you all!

PURSES!! Tell me more!!!

That store here that sells QVC stuff...

I went to two of her "truck load" sales this past week & got some amazing outfits for $11 each!

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Thanks, I have been drinking very easily, it actually feels like nothing is there. In the afternoon and evening I drank 2 bottles of Water, 2 caprisuns (wish they had something less sweet & more nutritious) and 2 popsicles.

I was reading some of my posts from yesterday, I didn't realize how out of it I was. I am glad you can decode them.

Send the purse pics, I make a variety of purses, with or without embellishments. So let's see if it is something I could recreate for cheaper.

I am game for pitching in for Karri's registration form. In the same token, maybe we can help each other with donations. I know that we can't 'shift' donations once the Kommen Foundation has them, but once we hit our goal, we could ask our donors to donate to one of our partners?

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Humm, looked at my incisions. I am super glued together. I know that it is frequently used, but I am just a little surprised.

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I can't remember if I said how much I lost right before surgery. When I started the process I weighed 255, the morning of the surgery I weighed 227.

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I can't remember if I said how much I lost right before surgery. When I started the process I weighed 255, the morning of the surgery I weighed 227.

Hey CramerK; that weight loss so far is AWESOME! You are gonna ROCK this lapband thing girl. I know the postop diet really sucks but it helps your body to heal from the surgery.

Don't blow it whatever you do... these 4 wks post op are very important to healing the BAND into the tissues around your stomach.. remember this is a LIFETIME lifestyle change and you are off to a good start!

I am glad you liked your Dr. Ortiz, Mx they really do have their Sh!t together.



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Here's some more pictures

Let me tell you - this 54 yr old grandma had to teach the 18 yrs how to PARTY !!!!

Oh Janet those pictures look great! You look awesome in PINK..

I am still working on my pictures too, getting them all up on Facebook.< /span>

Glad you are home safe and sound!

Love c

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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