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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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The website for the 3 day is the3day.org so that's easy enough to remember, even for my drug addled brain.

to see the surgical hats I'm talking about go to Scrub caps,Scrub hats,Surgical scrub hats,Scrubs,Ladies Scrub Hats,Women's Scrub Caps,NurseNoggins

I'm thinking the tie ones look a lot like do-rags but more comfortable. But those of you who have worn such things probably know better. I'm just thinking I don't want to have to worry about hair or a sweat band.

Karri said something about one of her fundraisers being "sponsoring" her outfit, so this may not work for her. We'll have to see.Gotta keep thinking.

Okay...still a little fuzzy. Shouldn't be trying to think so hard. BBL

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The website for the 3 day is the3day.org so that's easy enough to remember, even for my drug addled brain.

Hey.... take it easy on me!!

I told you.... I'm OLD!!

At least, older than YOU!!

to see the surgical hats I'm talking about go to Scrub caps,Scrub hats,Surgical scrub hats,Scrubs,Ladies Scrub Hats,Women's Scrub Caps,NurseNoggins

I'm thinking the tie ones look a lot like do-rags but more comfortable. But those of you who have worn such things probably know better. I'm just thinking I don't want to have to worry about hair or a sweat band.

Karri said something about one of her fundraisers being "sponsoring" her outfit, so this may not work for her. We'll have to see.Gotta keep thinking.

Okay...still a little fuzzy. Shouldn't be trying to think so hard. BBL

Okay... I looked at the hats... you know what... if you find a fabric you like... I bet we could make them easy!! And I bet I could get my sister to help. And then we could customize them... no elastic if you don't want it. Their website says to send 3/4 yd of fabric... then they're going to charge you $11 to make them?? I can't imagine it taking 3/4 yd of fabric, but even so, you can buy pattern... and it would be a lot cheaper to just make them.

What do you mean about one of Karri's fundraisers sponsoring her outfit? Maybe we could find someone who would sponsor outfits for the whole team then.

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Okay... I looked at the hats... you know what... if you find a fabric you like... I bet we could make them easy!! And I bet I could get my sister to help. And then we could customize them... no elastic if you don't want it. Their website says to send 3/4 yd of fabric... then they're going to charge you $11 to make them?? I can't imagine it taking 3/4 yd of fabric, but even so, you can buy pattern... and it would be a lot cheaper to just make them.

What do you mean about one of Karri's fundraisers sponsoring her outfit? Maybe we could find someone who would sponsor outfits for the whole team then.

What I meant by sponsoring my outfit is that I would get a REALLY crazy outfit...kind of like my basketball outfit and then people could "buy" parts of the outfit and get their name written on it. So someone could sponsor one of my bright pink socks for a certain amount of money. It was just an idea. I am up for anything and really will do whatever I need to. As soon as Steph gets the clearance to do this and sets up a team I am going to start collecting money cause the 2300$ still kind of frightens me considering that we are at a 15% unemployment rate here AND we are all taking paycuts next year (upwards of 10%...and that is on top of the paycut that we have already taken THIS YEAR).

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I'll take a peak at patterns and material. and I wasn't making a jab at your brain, but mine. I love your brain. You are twice as with it as I ever was.

It's been a long day. Love you guys. Have a great tomorrow.

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good morning ladies. Almost afternoon even.

I think I'm feeling better today. Kids at daycare but mom and I have managed to take down (yes, don't kick me) all my christmas decorations. I'm going to go out and find spring fun to add to all those places I had christmas. I told mom that I want to get decor for each season. I started in fall and then winter, now I'll pick up spring....not bunnies, but just spring.

I have to take kids to child find today. I'm so excited. The last years I've had daycare do it because it's always during work...but it will be nice to do it myself today.

Okay...I need to eat something. My pills are making me a little woozy this time but just recalled that I didn't really eat this morning.

Have a great day ladies! Love you.

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Hello Everyone, I'll have to go back and read the posts, I'm running behind. I don't have a clue what ya'll are talking bout.

I brought my Mom to the hospital last night, got home a 4am. Horrible weather coming, hit around 5am. My DS left at 5am to go on a trip to Ark. with her geology dept. I was very worried about her driving.

I woke up feeling like crap, I think this cold is going into an infection. I may need antibiotics. I'm going take some Dayquil. OMG, I hate that crap, it almost makes me puke. Then I have to go back to the hospital.

Mom still has the bladder infection, she took Cipro for 7 days and it didn't work. Her blood sugor was still very high, they gave her insulin to bring it down, her potassium was also high. They are doing test to see what to but her on for the diabeties and why the sugar is so high.

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Hello Everyone, I'll have to go back and read the posts, I'm running behind. I don't have a clue what ya'll are talking bout.

I brought my Mom to the hospital last night, got home a 4am. Horrible weather coming, hit around 5am. My DS left at 5am to go on a trip to Ark. with her geology dept. I was very worried about her driving.

I woke up feeling like crap, I think this cold is going into an infection. I may need antibiotics. I'm going take some Dayquil. OMG, I hate that crap, it almost makes me puke. Then I have to go back to the hospital.

Mom still has the bladder infection, she took Cipro for 7 days and it didn't work. Her blood sugor was still very high, they gave her insulin to bring it down, her potassium was also high. They are doing test to see what to but her on for the diabeties and why the sugar is so high.

Oh Denise, I am so sorry your cold has turned worse for you... How is your Mom today?

Have they had any new information on her condition or what they can do to help her?

Oh by the way the ladies are talking about a Run/walk for Cancer thing in the Fall. Stephanie is the ring leader on this, so contact her.

I am still in Rio Verde Mexico. Final appt with the dentist today. He cemented in my four crowns. They look awesome, he even straightened out my front teeth with the porcelain crowns. Look really good, so I´ll post some pictures when I get my camera emptied out once I get home on Sunday.

Today I am playing tourista now that all the work is done on my mouth.. Lots of beautiful pictures to take of this town.

I am missing home though, wann a see my Petie and pouches. I slept with my sisters dog ¨Morgan¨ but he is big and takes up the whole bed. Plus its too hot to cuddle with dogs here... Mucho color!

I am completely broken out in Sun Bumps and itchy, so I am wearing a long sleeve shirt today plus my ever present Sambrero...

but still its a lot better than Canada temperatures right now LOL.

Hugs to all, Stephanie, take a nap girl and stop working around the House!!

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Hi ladies. I should take a nap. I really want to but then Facebook or LBT calls and I can't take it.

I've told my friend who is being banded this week in Mexico to pop in so everyone welcome CramerK to our bunch. The good news of Candice in Mexico is bound to make her feel better about the trip. And Earl should be a little calmer too.

When was Phyl going for her consult? I'm so excited for her. Earl will give in....or maybe the 7's could come to take her "shopping" like we did when she got her ears done. Wouldd he notice if she didn't show up for a few days?

I'm watching qvc with flower shows. I bought some daylilies. Now I'm looking at the Dianthus. We have them here, but these are gorgeous and they will come here....I may have to order those too. GRRRRR I need a nap. Oh...they don't go to my zone! Go me, don't need to order them.

Okay...better go nap or candice is going to have to stop here to beat me before getting home to her poochies. Have a good day ladies!

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Hi Everyone, back from the hospital. Mom still there. Her blood sugar is still going over 500. They gave a shot of insulin, different antibiotics for the bladder infection, and now flushing her bladder with somthing because it is also full of yeast. She had a catheter (sp?) which is very painful, because of the infection.

I'm off to do homework. Didn't go to work today cause I didn't get home till almost 4 am. I'm way behind, As usual. This job is a never ending battle, a get over 15 referrals a day.


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Denise, you certainly have your hands full. The care of your mother has to take a real toll on you. I'm so so sorry you are struggling. I hope they get her blood sugar under control soon. As all of us know now, blood sugar is the key to body function.

I need to create a logo for my work on the math standards. I know what I want but don't know how to do it. I'm googling free stuff but you get what you pay for and I don't want to pay. I'll get it done but it will take time and I don't know that I have the patience to do it lately. Should have been trying to get it done when I couldn't move. I had more patience then.

I'll be back. Hopefully with good news. Talk to you later ladies. Have a good night.

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Hello everyone, Steph invited me to your group. I went through the last few pages of your posts and I have a few questions:

1. Where do I get the purple satin sheets? I have been divorced for 14 years and haven't had a tumble in over 10 years. I have had 3 surgeries for pelvic organ prolapse, the last at Duke in NC where they rebuilt me with cadavar tissue. My physical therapist offered to write me a prescription for a 'tumble' so we could see if it worked.

2. Who are the little bambinos? I have 3 adorable and spoiled doxi's, my new baby is just 3 months old.

Oh, and I have the scub hat pattern if you want it.

Steph has been an inspiration to me, and convinced me that I was worth the money it cost for the lapband. So I fly to San Diego on Sunday and have surgery with Dr. Ortiz on Monday. I am nervous in general, but excited to get started on my pathway to health.

I little info on me: I have 5 daughters, 18 to 32. I teach 7th & 8th Math & Science. I live in florence, Montana (on the west side of the state near Missoula). My family has mixed feelings about me having the lapband. One of my daughters is a PA and she wigged out that I am going to Mexico and she feels that I am just looking for a quick fix to my weight. My sister isn't really talking to me, by the way she is 6 feet tall and weighs 100 & nothing and is married with lots of money. My mom and 2 of my other daughters are very supportive, the other 2 are just not talking about it.

Thank you for allowing my to invade your thread.


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Hello everyone, Steph invited me to your group. I went through the last few pages of your posts and I have a few questions:

1. Where do I get the purple satin sheets? I have been divorced for 14 years and haven't had a tumble in over 10 years. I have had 3 surgeries for pelvic organ prolapse, the last at Duke in NC where they rebuilt me with cadavar tissue. My physical therapist offered to write me a prescription for a 'tumble' so we could see if it worked.

2. Who are the little bambinos? I have 3 adorable and spoiled doxi's, my new baby is just 3 months old.

Oh, and I have the scub hat pattern if you want it.

Steph has been an inspiration to me, and convinced me that I was worth the money it cost for the lapband. So I fly to San Diego on Sunday and have surgery with Dr. Ortiz on Monday. I am nervous in general, but excited to get started on my pathway to health.

I little info on me: I have 5 daughters, 18 to 32. I teach 7th & 8th Math & Science. I live in florence, Montana (on the west side of the state near Missoula). My family has mixed feelings about me having the lapband. One of my daughters is a PA and she wigged out that I am going to Mexico and she feels that I am just looking for a quick fix to my weight. My sister isn't really talking to me, by the way she is 6 feet tall and weighs 100 & nothing and is married with lots of money. My mom and 2 of my other daughters are very supportive, the other 2 are just not talking about it.

Thank you for allowing my to invade your thread.


Glad you have you darlin! There is no reason to feel like you are invading.

Janet has the 3 angels and the satin sheets and it currently on a cruise, so those answers might need a few days to get here. Car is living vicariously through me with my darlings (Karla knows how crazy I am about my new babies). Candice has two poochies but she is in Mexico doing dental work now so she's not online much. I think she goes back to Canada the next day or two. She and Janet are our world travelers. I don't know where they get their funds. I'm thinking they might be mafia or something....I want their connections.

I guess I knew about your girl problems but didn't realize there was cadaver involved. You know I might have to start giving you bigger grief over that now. I've got tons on inappropriate comments flying around in my head!

I do want that pattern. I can sew a bit and my MIL does too. I can try it and see if it's really something I want to do for the team. Something to connect us all. You know, you could come out too. It could be your 6 month celebration! Just saying....hanging it out there....do with it what you will.

Okay...gotta go. Back is very swollen tonight. Should probably lay prone for awhile...and can't type like that. Night ladies.

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Hello everyone, Steph invited me to your group. I went through the last few pages of your posts and I have a few questions:

1. Where do I get the purple satin sheets? I have been divorced for 14 years and haven't had a tumble in over 10 years. I have had 3 surgeries for pelvic organ prolapse, the last at Duke in NC where they rebuilt me with cadavar tissue. My physical therapist offered to write me a prescription for a 'tumble' so we could see if it worked.

2. Who are the little bambinos? I have 3 adorable and spoiled doxi's, my new baby is just 3 months old.

Oh, and I have the scub hat pattern if you want it.

Steph has been an inspiration to me, and convinced me that I was worth the money it cost for the lapband. So I fly to San Diego on Sunday and have surgery with Dr. Ortiz on Monday. I am nervous in general, but excited to get started on my pathway to health.

I little info on me: I have 5 daughters, 18 to 32. I teach 7th & 8th Math & Science. I live in florence, Montana (on the west side of the state near Missoula). My family has mixed feelings about me having the lapband. One of my daughters is a PA and she wigged out that I am going to Mexico and she feels that I am just looking for a quick fix to my weight. My sister isn't really talking to me, by the way she is 6 feet tall and weighs 100 & nothing and is married with lots of money. My mom and 2 of my other daughters are very supportive, the other 2 are just not talking about it.

Thank you for allowing my to invade your thread.


Welcome Karla! This is the greatest place on lap band talk. I can honestly say that my lap band was the best thing that I have ever done for myself and in the end, doing what is best for you will always be the best no matter what anyone says.

I would love to talk more, but alas Facebook has gotten the best of me (damn you Steph!!!!) and I must go to bed.

Good luck and glad to see you here.

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Welcome Karla! This is the greatest place on lap band talk. I can honestly say that my lap band was the best thing that I have ever done for myself and in the end, doing what is best for you will always be the best no matter what anyone says.

I would love to talk more, but alas Facebook has gotten the best of me (damn you Steph!!!!) and I must go to bed.

Good luck and glad to see you here.

I can't BELIEVE you would blame me for your addiction. That's truly low. Phyl addicted ME! Someone addicted her. It's ALL an evil conspiracy. don't be putting it on me. I'll be to blame for the geocaching addiction. You'll be ALL OVER that one.

Okay...I really do have to go to bed.

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Steph, email me your address and I'll get the pattern into the mail. It's pretty easy, I made them for Jamie when she was doing surgical rotation.

I will check into the 3day....

Thank you for the warm welcome, and I must say, I see a whole new side of Steph.

Only 3 more days till band day!!..... I tried to talk the nutritionist into letting me have a final meal to Celebrate the 50 B-day, she didn't go for it. She told me I could get a piece of grilled chicken even in Mexico. The woman has no heart. But I have to admit that my gift to myself is the band and I don't want anything to delay that.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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