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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Okay...so I didn't make it the full 10 miles, but not because of lack of trying. When we woke up this morning it was COLD but clear outside and I figured bundling up would do. By the time I dropped DH off at the testing site it was WINDY. So I climbed the butte twice (5 miles total) but the wind was so bad that I was shivering as I was running. When I was running down the hill it was so windy that my eyes were watering to the point that I couldn't see. I just kept my fingers crossed that I didn't run into anyone!! By the time I got to the bottom of the hill the second time, the thought of going back up in the wind made me start to ACTUALLY cry. So I said it wasn't worth it. Instead, I went to the car, turned the heat on so high, and drove around trying to get warm!

I may go back to the gym tonight or I may just be happy with my 5 miles and call it a day. Sometimes you just have to know when to kick your feet up and take a break. I think tonight might just be one of those nights.

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Todays totals... supper is in, 1 little glass of wine is in...

I may have a 100 cal snack later...we'll see.

Oh and Girls; My DH and I were chatting about July when the 7's come for a visit up north... He is getting excited!!

I've had to start telling him who's who and who is bringing their husbands, and what are they like....?? It was so fun to see him getting excited about it...

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Todays totals... supper is in, 1 little glass of wine is in...

I may have a 100 cal snack later...we'll see.

Oh and Girls; My DH and I were chatting about July when the 7's come for a visit up north... He is getting excited!!

I've had to start telling him who's who and who is bringing their husbands, and what are they like....?? It was so fun to see him getting excited about it...

Here is my sweetie


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I may go back to the gym tonight or I may just be happy with my 5 miles and call it a day. Sometimes you just have to know when to kick your feet up and take a break. I think tonight might just be one of those nights.

Ok What did you do with my Karri - this isn't her talking or typing !!!! Just know when to kick up your feet and take a break!!!! Someone else has taken our girl - Cuz she never kicks back :tongue2::lol::thumbup: and if she does she feels gulity about it :thumbup::tt2:

Love it - Love It - Way to go :thumbup:


Todays totals... supper is in, 1 little glass of wine is in...

I may have a 100 cal snack later...we'll see.

Oh and Girls; My DH and I were chatting about July when the 7's come for a visit up north... He is getting excited!!

I've had to start telling him who's who and who is bringing their husbands, and what are they like....?? It was so fun to see him getting excited about it...

He's getting exicted about a bunch of women coming to visit and invading his house just when he retires - I figure that would drive him back to work...:thumbup:- I want to hear what you tell him about us :w00t::w00t::tt2::w00t:

Angel is only 3 she's just a little witch - she does this every now and then...

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Hi ladies. Just a quick check in before I head to bed. It's late and it's been a long day.

My group worked all day on writing in my hotel room. By 9pm we had a document that we feel proud of. It was quite a process. Anyways, it was easiest on me because I could lay in my bed and work without getting up and down and sitting in a hard chair all day.

However, I have a new symptom. I've become nausous every time I've been in a car the last 2 days. It does not matter front or back driving or riding, I'm car sick. My brother told me that it could be the new medication and I don't have much recourse for that because at least what I'm taking relieves the pain a bit.

We have decided on a course of action for the following week but I'll have to explain everything later. Just wanted to let you know that I will not be driving back 500 miles with my little ones while my back is like this. I am going to stay in this half of the state and findd some answers about my back. I have admit though, after the research I did tonight about the suspected issue, I'm not feeling very optimistic. It sounds like a lot of pain management and not problem fixing. I don't know, we will see. If you are interested you can google treatment for herniated or ruptured disc.

Okay. Meds have kicked in and I was going to turn out the like 15 mins ago but didn't want to go to bed without checking in. I'll try to talk to you all tomorrow. Love you.

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Hi ladies. Just a quick check in before I head to bed. It's late and it's been a long day.

My group worked all day on writing in my hotel room. By 9pm we had a document that we feel proud of. It was quite a process. Anyways, it was easiest on me because I could lay in my bed and work without getting up and down and sitting in a hard chair all day.

However, I have a new symptom. I've become nausous every time I've been in a car the last 2 days. It does not matter front or back driving or riding, I'm car sick. My brother told me that it could be the new medication and I don't have much recourse for that because at least what I'm taking relieves the pain a bit.

We have decided on a course of action for the following week but I'll have to explain everything later. Just wanted to let you know that I will not be driving back 500 miles with my little ones while my back is like this. I am going to stay in this half of the state and findd some answers about my back. I have admit though, after the research I did tonight about the suspected issue, I'm not feeling very optimistic. It sounds like a lot of pain management and not problem fixing. I don't know, we will see. If you are interested you can google treatment for herniated or ruptured disc.

Okay. Meds have kicked in and I was going to turn out the like 15 mins ago but didn't want to go to bed without checking in. I'll try to talk to you all tomorrow. Love you.

Oh Steph Honey I feel so bad for you... To be stuck 500 miles from home and feeling as bad as you do. I think its a good idea though that you stay put for a while and get this checked out further. Sitting in the car with a Hern. Disc would add insult to injury..I remember when I hern my disc L5-S1 the LAST possition I could be in was sitting... It Killed me... the only possition that was comfortable was lying face first on a hard surface like the FLOOR with a quilt under me for a tiny bit of cushioning.

I honestly don't know how you are doing it.

Now I am NO Doctor, but here are some things that helped in my recovery (w/o surgery) Lying prone on the floor, face down, arms by your sides. Then SLOWLY and carefully bring your hands up and under your shoulders (at the front) and do tiny flexions upward from your pelvis lifting your head/shoulders off the floor.

Now I mean to start with TINY bits of arching, hold for 5 secs and then down. Repeat several times. If you feel the pinching in your buttocks (right or left Side) then make the movement slower and not as much incline.

1)At first all I could do is put my hands under my shoulders, then in a couple of days, I could get up onto my Elbows, then a little more....and so on until you can arch your back and straighten your arms (lock elbows) and lean your head back.

This will be gradual excersise, tiny bits each day. Repeat several times per day... THen REST face flat on the floor for 10 mins. between sets.

This is called the MACKENZIE physio excersise.

2) thing that helped me was to put some SPACE between the discs. I accomplished that with TRACTION.

I bought a "Teetter Hangup " devise... it is about $400 but you can purchase it and have it for the rest of your life.

Some Chiropractors have devices to do traction in their offices, that might be something to check out too.

3)I also Used Laser Therapy for my back, I took 30 treatments over a couple of months and then I was pain free.

So hon, these are 3 things that I did to get well after my herniation... plus Oxycodon and Percocets... which I HATED taking...

Please keep us posted.

Love Candice , here is a link to the laser system... there may be a clinic near where you are


Edited by peaches9

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Good Morning Gang..

Steph - Hugs - I don't know how you are doing it all with that back - being so far away from home -

Candice - You are going to have to open your office and give us all some laser treatments :thumbup: in July :)

Well, I went to my Jewelry party last night - Had so much fun - My BFF (her name is Candy) just makes me laugh so much - Got some bling for my cruise :) - I did good on eating the treats - only 1/2 of a brownie - 2 choc strawberries - 1 cheese cake bite (mini cheesecake) and 1 coffee w/balies sp) Came home and had an omelett for dinner..

Today - my Target shopping - getting some stuff like nylons for my cruise.. One week from today !!!! Looking so forward to it...

Car - Donna - are you guys going to join us in Canada for our 2nd Annual - Lucky #7 convention !!!!

So far pple going are me - Linda - Phyl - Kari -and of course our hostess Candice... Denise can't she's going to work summer school...

Well just cking in - will CBL:wink:

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Hi ladies. A quick check in.

Thank you all for thinking of me and giving me advice. I know that I am doing the right thing staying here and waiting for an answer.

Candice, the last straw was the fact that I cannot lay on my stomach at all. That in itself causes too much flex of my spine. Before I made this last trip I was doing that stretch. My chiro had suggested it and it felt very very good. I could do the whole arms locked head back a week ago. Now I can't even lay on my stomach with head flat on floor. I can sit in a reclined position on the bed. That is about the only position I can stay in for any amount of time without pain. I can lay like this for hours. I can also lay on the floor with my calves resting on a chair with my legs at a 90 degree angle, but getting INTO that position is very painful.

I did a lot of research last night and from what I've read it seems like the disc that seems to be giving me the pain is the S1.

Okay...gotta get to the bathroom and that takes some time to get up in a position to walk so I had better start now.

I'll keep you posted. Love you all.

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Steph, I'm feel so bad that you're in pain. Daily pain is a scary thing. I bought that machine that you hang upside down on over a yr ago when hubby was having major shoulder neck pain. We really need to use it. You got me scared bad.

I can't do it by myself, cause I can't get the foot locks on or off. I got it at Sams for about 100. Thay also sell one on HSN.

The dr got him the neck traction contraption. That's the only thing that stopped his pain. He stopped using it, when it worked. I keep nagging him to continue, because it is gonna come back.

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Well I did yesterday off and unfortunately today too. It was miserable outside. Sustained 25 mph winds, gusting to 50. Therefore I just did school work at home. I let my legs rest cause they were a little sore.

My DH and I play the computer game World of Warcraft and we had suspended our subscriptions for the last several months due to finances and lack of time. Well we decided to get it back this month. It is 15$ a month so it isn't too bad...though probably not something we should have...but fortunately it can be suspended at any time. So we have been playing that on and off for the last 2 days. I did get all of my school work ready for next week. 1 week and then spring break!!!!

Well I am off. Just wanted to check in!

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I am not ready to go back to work. UGGGGG

Steph, hope you're feeling a little better.

I just filled out DS's registration. 7000 for next yr. 2 %$@%$ not happy, not happy!!!!!

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I am not ready to go back to work. UGGGGG

Steph, hope you're feeling a little better.

I just filled out DS's registration. 7000 for next yr. 2 %$@%$ not happy, not happy!!!!!

Denise, that tuition is steep! No wonder you are using @*#$^@#&@#&@# to discribe it!

Well I did yesterday off and unfortunately today too. It was miserable outside. Sustained 25 mph winds, gusting to 50. Therefore I just did school work at home. I let my legs rest cause they were a little sore.

My DH and I play the computer game World of Warcraft and we had suspended our subscriptions for the last several months due to finances and lack of time. Well we decided to get it back this month. It is 15$ a month so it isn't too bad...though probably not something we should have...but fortunately it can be suspended at any time. So we have been playing that on and off for the last 2 days. I did get all of my school work ready for next week. 1 week and then spring break!!!!

Well I am off. Just wanted to check in!

Karri, you deserved a day off, your muscles need to recoup too!

Stephanie; You poor thing, I am so sorry you can't do the Mackenzie... are you getting in to get an MRI this weeK??? God, I hope so I am praying for you to get better o.k.???

ANd I don't pray very often so it should be a Really HEARD one...

Janet: You are probably getting ready for work as I type, are you booking your flight today? Just emailed Linda all the details so she and Mel can decide if they want to come for a week or a Long wkend... Drive or fly, they havn't decided yet.

Phyl; You're probably off to the pool today for exercise... remember to be strong and tell those "So and So's" to mind their MOUTHS!!

Kari: Where are you girl? Enjoy the nicer weather this week, we are being teased with Spring...

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Good Morning Gang - I'm at work - tried to get here earlier but the site was still down...

Candice - Most likely will book tomorrow or Wed...

Not much to report - Ended up at Macy's yesterday got 2 tops, shrug and pair of black skimmers - Reg 200 got it for $70... pretty good -then came home an tried on stuff and put cruise clothes on one side of the closet..

Well I gotta get to work - CBL

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Ummm...could someone check the calendar for me. The last time I looked it said March but our weather says otherwise.



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Ummm...could someone check the calendar for me. The last time I looked it said March but our weather says otherwise.


:) Ill send you some of our sunshine! Its nice here today, sunny and above ZERO (your 32F) white stuff is melting YEAH

:tt2: :) :)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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