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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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POO-BAH!!(That's a big poo-bah, if you didn't catch it!!)(oops, was that too loud?). It is not all in your head! Getting to the real root of back pain is very difficult and can take real perseverance. We were never meant to walk upright and we pay for it many times over. My chronic back pain resolved itself into knees going down the tube. Don't give up!! Can you get yourself to a sports medicine specialist (yea, you're sporty enough for them)? The orthopedic specialists who were able to isolate my exact problem were from that area.

Sooooo, if there is nobody up in MT, you can always come visit me in CO. We've seem to collect these guys down here. HUh, huh??? LOL and Big HUG,

Wonder if its because of all that skiing!????

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I made it thru today with NO junk Food!!!

I catch up with everyones post in the a.m.

night, night

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POO-BAH!!(That's a big poo-bah, if you didn't catch it!!)(oops, was that too loud?). It is not all in your head! Getting to the real root of back pain is very difficult and can take real perseverance. We were never meant to walk upright and we pay for it many times over. My chronic back pain resolved itself into knees going down the tube. Don't give up!! Can you get yourself to a sports medicine specialist (yea, you're sporty enough for them)? The orthopedic specialists who were able to isolate my exact problem were from that area.

Sooooo, if there is nobody up in MT, you can always come visit me in CO. We've seem to collect these guys down here. HUh, huh???

LOL and Big HUG,

Oh Steph, you poor dear! It sounds like a Herniated Disc? Have you had an MRI???

HUGS GF.. I hope you are in less pain tomorrow!

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I have asked her to move the food, but she says that she needs easy access to it for the kids and that if I don't like it to just not eat it.

I will figure it out...right now I am just struggling a bit. Things will smooth out when I can get the balance back in my life that I deserve. I know that when I say that I am going to work all of spring break that it sounds like I am not going to bring the balance back, but in reality it will be the best for me because I can get ahead and not be living 5 minutes at a time. I am going to do most of the work from home because at home I can completely control the situation. No matter how much CRAP I eat I refuse to bring it in the house. Therefore when I am working on school work and planning at home there is no chance of me eating crap everytime I need to print something!

Good night!

I would have to do something to that woman - and I mean something very mean - I would wait til she's gone for the day and throw the crap in the trash - or I would move the food to the back of the room and cover it up or something so I wouldn't have to look at it - and the kids don't need that stuff anyway

I just wish I could fix it for you...

Hello ladies!!! I hope you all had a wonderful day. Mine was fabulous. I just have to share. Before I do let me warn that this may be very LONG and RAMBLING and at times seem odd, but like any good story, I have to explain the whole thing....

My dad passed away almost 3 years ago. This threw me into a horrible depression. 1 week after he passed, I found out I was pregnant with Jai. I didn't want a baby that wouldn't know her grandfather, I didn't want to bring a baby into the world period, in 4 months I gained almost 40 pounds and just didn't give a rats patoot about anything. My world was falling apart. Jeff, bless his heart, tried to help and told me about this book "The Secret" and I was ready to try anything so I bought it. It was supposed to have THE answer. THE secret to life summed up in 200 pages. Well I got through the first 10 and said, "Like hell!!! How dare this woman say...." I was ANGRY. Well, I never picked the book back up and pushed it all out of my mind.

Now while I was packing for this trip I came across my books on cd and was looking through to find something to listen to and here was "The Secret" that I must have bought at some time but never opened. Well, I'm in a much better frame of mind (not great but much better) and thought that I'd give it a go. If i hated it I could always turn it off.

I have to say I've never had such an amazing journey as this trip across the state. It was below zero but my car ran wonderfully, the roads were perfect, someone pumped my gas when I went to fill up, the kids got along and were happy. (okay...aside....the kids can't have their happy meal toys until they eat their main "dish" and they know that. Well Nick ate his and was playing and Jai refused. I gave them to here a few times and she kept tossing them aside. Well nick says "Mom, I ate Jai's nuggets. Can she have her toy now?" That's how well they were getting along) It was epiphany after epiphany in the car today. I took a long hard look at my life as a whole and saw this "secret" played out over and over and over. I could see this "secret" in my spiritual faith. It wasn't contrary to it, it added to it. It was beautiful.

Now the "secret" isn't this simple panacia to placate. It isn't wishful thinking. It's a way of living and I can see the work that it is going to take to bring about change in my life. But I'm worth it and I'm willing to work at it.

So....what does this mean to you? I don't know. That depends on where you are in your world. I would recommend the book. I would urge you to give it a shot, but it's about ME, not you. EXCEPT....there was this part about how diets don't work....because we are focussing on the WEIGHT we want to lose, not on the outcome that we expect. We don't have our eye on the prize on a diet. We focus on the weight and that is what goes...but also what comes back...because it's our focus. If we change our focus to the healthy life we desire, and HEALTH is what we are striving for, the weight loss will follow naturally without the weight gain that accompanies a diet. It may seem like a very minute difference, but it makes so much sense...and I believe it.

Okay...enough rambling. If you made it through that, bless your soul. If you want to know more about "The Secret" I highly recommend it. I've not felt this at peace with the world since I let go of my father over 15 months after he passed.

Hugs ladies. I love you all. You are beautiful women and make such positive impacts on my life. Bless you.

Steph - When I saw that lady on Oprah - I said - Oh that's how I look at my life - there is always a lesson to be learned from your life experience... My Dady was in ICU for the last month of his life and then he died - my Aunt who is religious questioned why God had him go thru the sugery being on an off ventalors for a solid month and he stilled died - I never question God - I just thought that he had a lesson from me to learn from that experience.

I haven't read the book - but what I saw on tv was how I sorta look at life - I haven't been setting goals - so I haven't visualied them - but it's all about the posittive thinking ...

Thank you for all loving me in your own way, and making this journey into wellness a little easier.

Steph, you are right about the SECRET, I do have a copy - I've just chosen not to look at it much lately.... I'll have to re-read it again. I am glad that your trip was a successful one and rewarding too. Ain't it great when the kids get along!

Phyl & Janet; You are so lucky to have been able to spend a wee bit of time with our Linda.. Isnt' she just the greatest? Love her.

Karri; I have got to get into the routine of Fitness again, you are a super example to emulate..

Well, I'm off to 'that' meeting tonight, I am not going to chicken out... just gonna do it!! I will hear something that I need to I am sure of it.


Have a great day everyone :thumbup:

Candice - Can't wait to hear how the meeting went...

Steph - When I saw that lady on Oprah - I said - Oh that's how I look at my life - there is always a lesson to be learned from your life experience... I haven't read the book - but what I saw on tv was how I sorta look at life - I haven't been setting goals - so I haven't visualied them - but it's all about the posittive thinking ...

Checking in ladies. Sorry for the long post last night. I had so much to share but I didn't need to be quite so wordy. You are wonderful to have read it and responded.

I'm in Helena and working with OPI today. I came in this morning and Jean took one look at me and said "why are you here? We are going to take you to Urgent Care" so I spent a lot of time this morning waiting. I was hardly walking. It was pretty bad, I have to admit. But the urgent care PA (who looked like she was 12!) gave me no real answers and told me to follow up with my regular dr as soon as I could. She gave me a shot in my butt and 3 scripts and sent me on my way. I'm starting to think this is all in my head. It's nuts! These docs don't treat me like there is any real problem and I can hardly walk anymore. I can't stand up without assistance, I can't wipe my own butt (sorry TMI!), I can't reach for a coffee cup. And they just tell me to give it time. Anyways...I'm frustrated but not. I'll get through it.

Okay...better get back to work.

Why haven't you gone to a specialist yet - why are you working when you can't walk - can't you be doing more damage - get your butt to an ortho doc ..

POO-BAH!!(That's a big poo-bah, if you didn't catch it!!)(oops, was that too loud?). It is not all in your head! Getting to the real root of back pain is very difficult and can take real perseverance. We were never meant to walk upright and we pay for it many times over. My chronic back pain resolved itself into knees going down the tube. Don't give up!! Can you get yourself to a sports medicine specialist (yea, you're sporty enough for them)? The orthopedic specialists who were able to isolate my exact problem were from that area.

Sooooo, if there is nobody up in MT, you can always come visit me in CO. We've seem to collect these guys down here. HUh, huh???

LOL and Big HUG,

Thats a great idea !!!!

Wonder if its because of all that skiing!????


Ya the doc's go where they are needed - that was too funny

Hey gang - busy at work - and since I wasn't home monday - watched dancing with the stars last night now I need to go watch idol from last night... So talk to you all tomorrow

xoxoxo J

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Hi ladies. Hope you all had a great day!

I feel like I'm always complaining about my back, so if you feel that way too, skip this :thumbup: Though I know you won't because you are all so awesome:thumbup:

I have not had an MRI yet. In January doc said if it got worse we would do one, but when it got worse and I called I've been put off for 3 weeks. He's out of town and I completely understand, but it's going to be a long couple of weeks. I'm sure when I see him again we will get to the bottom of it. It is bad enough that I won't let him just sluff me off. However, in the past, the pain has always resolved itself and I truly expected it to do that this time too.

One question. Is a back specialist called an orthopedist? Is that the kind of doc I need to be looking for? I thought that was a joint doc, but maybe I'm crazy. You all are much more medically smart than I.

As for food....life is going well in that department. My fill has brought me some relief from the hunger. I can eat my yogurt in the morning and be satisfied until lunch. Had a kashi bar for lunch, was fine until dinner. Had a bit of Soup and good until....we'll see. So that is positive. I'm focussing on THAT success and trying to ignore the back.

Well, I started this an hour ago and then got busy on the phone. I promise that after this weekend I will stay at home until my back problems have been resolved. Even turned down a free trip to TJ because of the back issues (so it must be bad!).

Good night ladies. Have a great tomorrow. Hugs to you all.

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I have not had an MRI yet. In January doc said if it got worse we would do one, but when it got worse and I called I've been put off for 3 weeks. He's out of town and I completely understand, but it's going to be a long couple of weeks. I'm sure when I see him again we will get to the bottom of it. It is bad enough that I won't let him just sluff me off. However, in the past, the pain has always resolved itself and I truly expected it to do that this time too.

One question. Is a back specialist called an orthopedist? Is that the kind of doc I need to be looking for? I thought that was a joint doc, but maybe I'm crazy. You all are much more medically smart than I. Good night ladies. Have a great tomorrow. Hugs to you all.

An orthopedist is simply a bone specialist. These days, they tend to specialize in specific joints/bones. The first guy I went to last summer turned me over to someone else because he did partial but not total knee replacements. So it tends to get a little ridiculous, but in your case, I think I'd look for a back or spine specialist. I know you're fairly limited because of where you live, but check it out.

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Thanks Phyl. I'm sure my doc will know who to send me to. He has quite the reputation. In fact, a guy went to a specialist about his diabetes and when he was asked who his doc was, and he said Dr. Kirk, the guy said, why are you here? You have the best right there where you live.

He's an ass sometimes, but he certainly knows his stuff.

Our urgent care doc specialized in sports injuries before he moved to P'wood so I'll be in good hands once I get home I'm sure.

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Hi ladies. Hope you all had a great day!

I feel like I'm always complaining about my back, so if you feel that way too, skip this :confused: Though I know you won't because you are all so awesome:thumbup:

I have not had an MRI yet. In January doc said if it got worse we would do one, but when it got worse and I called I've been put off for 3 weeks. He's out of town and I completely understand, but it's going to be a long couple of weeks. I'm sure when I see him again we will get to the bottom of it. It is bad enough that I won't let him just sluff me off. However, in the past, the pain has always resolved itself and I truly expected it to do that this time too.

One question. Is a back specialist called an orthopedist? Is that the kind of doc I need to be looking for? I thought that was a joint doc, but maybe I'm crazy. You all are much more medically smart than I.

As for food....life is going well in that department. My fill has brought me some relief from the hunger. I can eat my yogurt in the morning and be satisfied until lunch. Had a kashi bar for lunch, was fine until dinner. Had a bit of Soup and good until....we'll see. So that is positive. I'm focussing on THAT success and trying to ignore the back.

Well, I started this an hour ago and then got busy on the phone. I promise that after this weekend I will stay at home until my back problems have been resolved. Even turned down a free trip to TJ because of the back issues (so it must be bad!).

Good night ladies. Have a great tomorrow. Hugs to you all.

Morning Steph; I work for a Chiropractor so I always TRY their conservative approach to back health first....BUT, sometimes things are so bad (ie hern disc) that you need surgery. Then the specialist you need is an Orthopedic Surgeon, or a Neurosurgeon... That's right both of these specialist surgeons are equally equiped to deal with whatever you have.... After tests and this consultation if you don't need surgery, they'll recommend Physiotherapy, Chirpractic care or possible Laser Therapy would help. I suggest Low Intensity Laser Therapy because that is what I do. I am a Certified Laser Therapist, I treat all kinds of Musculoskeletal illnesses. Arthritis, bulging discs all sorts of low back pain, foot pain, TMJ just to name a few...

What ever course of treatment you choose I just hope you get it soon so that your PAIN stops and you get back to being YOU! Back pain is the worst!! I can attest to that.



p.s. your posts are never too long silly girl:tt2:

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Well, I went to my 1st(this journey) meeting last night.

I lied to my hubby when I left the house, told him I was going to visit my GF who lives around the corner.

I wan't entirely sure I was going to have the guts to actually pull into the church parking lot. But I did and was glad to meet more like minded people there. THey were very welcoming and it was a step study meeting last night.. they were working on the 3rd Tradition which is all about "WHO qualifies to be at a meeting"

It was perfect! I was very concerned that they may not WANT me because I have had WL surgery. But it never came up, and I didn't feel the need to share that information... The only requirement to membership is "the desire to stop eating compulsivly".. well I have that in spades. So I found a place that I can belong.

When I came home I fessed up with my hubby and told him where I really was... and he was o.k..... "I just want you to be happy hun" was all he said.

So day one was a sucess, I got thru the rest of the evening not over eating, no junk.... it was good.

Karri, I don't know if they have chapters in Oregon, abut I'm sure that they must...

My town only has a pop of 18000 and we had a meeting! Thank goodness for that, cause if I had to travel to one I am sure I would have used that as an excuse not to go.

Have a great day ladies.... C

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Thanks Phyl. I'm sure my doc will know who to send me to. He has quite the reputation. In fact, a guy went to a specialist about his diabetes and when he was asked who his doc was, and he said Dr. Kirk, the guy said, why are you here? You have the best right there where you live.

He's an ass sometimes, but he certainly knows his stuff.

Our urgent care doc specialized in sports injuries before he moved to P'wood so I'll be in good hands once I get home I'm sure.

Sounds like you're in good hands.. Sorry, my RN comes out now and then and I get bossy.

Well, I went to my 1st(this journey) meeting last night.

I lied to my hubby when I left the house, told him I was going to visit my GF who lives around the corner.

I wan't entirely sure I was going to have the guts to actually pull into the church parking lot. But I did and was glad to meet more like minded people there. THey were very welcoming and it was a step study meeting last night.. they were working on the 3rd Tradition which is all about "WHO qualifies to be at a meeting"

It was perfect! I was very concerned that they may not WANT me because I have had WL surgery. But it never came up, and I didn't feel the need to share that information... The only requirement to membership is "the desire to stop eating compulsivly".. well I have that in spades. So I found a place that I can belong.

When I came home I fessed up with my hubby and told him where I really was... and he was o.k..... "I just want you to be happy hun" was all he said.

So day one was a success, I got thru the rest of the evening not over eating, no junk.... it was good.

Karri, I don't know if they have chapters in Oregon, abut I'm sure that they must...

My town only has a pop of 18000 and we had a meeting! Thank goodness for that, cause if I had to travel to one I am sure I would have used that as an excuse not to go.

Have a great day ladies.... C

Glad you had a positive experience. It was a while ago, but I do remember that the group I went to was GREAT!

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Good Morning Gang !!!

Steph you aren't complaining - we love you and care about you and we don't want you to be in pain !!!! We want you to take care of you and not put it off - don't mean this mean - but darling you arent getting younger and things don't always reslove themselves.... I want you to get fixed now!!! I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore.. Listen to our Medical Pple - (Candice & Phyl) I am not in that field - but my xdh had back surgery prior to us but with me he had 2 knee & 1 shoulder surgery (I think it likes surgery) and he went to an ortho doc..


Ya I know what you mean about walking into that meeting alone - I am proud that you had the strenght and determination to go - that's a big thing - that's step #1 - admitting you have no power over your addiction..

I would not tell them about the surgery - it's not about the surgery - it's about our complustion to eat and we all know that the band doesn't deal with that issue.

Peter is a doll - give him a kiss on the check and tell him that I think he's a great DH....

Well, picked up my mail this morning before coming to work and I guess my Bro Michael did have a safety deposit box - I sent email to attonery to see what it's going to take to get into it - this will be very interesting - I am very curious to see whats in it - I bet some wacked stuff but who knows what else - I want to go right now and open it - but alas I don't have keys .. So I will have to wait a few hours till everyone else gets to work to see whats up...

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Sounds like you're in good hands.. Sorry, my RN comes out now and then and I get bossy.

Glad you had a positive experience. It was a while ago, but I do remember that the group I went to was GREAT!

You're up early this morning !!!! You are not bossy - we love everyones suggestions - the more info we have the better decision we can make.... I alway love getting everyone persepctives...

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You are all the best! I love you all. I never think you are bossy, or mean, or anything else. You are loving family and care about me. It makes me feel very good that you do.

I really want to get better. I need to because this pain is holding me back. I'm sure when I get back to P'wood the process will begin. I'm going to go see the urgent care guy there and tell him I want an MRI and a consult to the best person in the area. I won't leave until I have it. When I left the urgent care yesterday, even though I didn't really like the PA, I was feeling a little like this was all in my head. Now, I know it wasn't, but when docs tell you it's just inflamation and there isn't really anything they can do, and just take it easy and it will resolve....even though I KNEW in my head that she was wrong, I start to think that maybe I'm making this a bigger deal than it is. Then last night I went to stretch out on my bed to really stretch everything....and I can no longer lay on my stomach. I called my bro, who had his disc rupture and he told me that is because I'm making it bulge when I bend that way. It just validated me that I'm not going crazy...that this pain is real....I'm not making a mountain out of a molehill....and that I do need to force the isssue with my docs.

On a good note, he asked me a couple of questions about going to the doc that DID make me feel better. He asked if she checked my reflexes and she had...and he said since I still had reflexes that my disc hadn't ruptured...that I wouldn't have any if it had. he then told me that if I started having problems peeing, that was a sure sign of iminent problems. So since I'm not having either of those issues, I'm feeling a little more at ease that it isn't dangerous for me to wait until Tuesday to see the doc. I promise that if either of those things occur I will go directly to the ER and not leave until it is taken care of.

Okay ladies. I love you all and I'd rather sit here and type to you than go get my work done, but since I'm in Helena to work, I'd better go get to it. You're all the best.

Phyl, your nursing experience means the world to many people, don't ever apologize for it, you're beautiful.

Candice, thanks for the info, I also believe in chiropratic care and that is why I did that and the accupuncture route. If no one wants to listen to me, maybe I'll have to come up there and try those laser treatments. And I'm so proud of you for going to OEA. That took amazing courage. How strong you are!!

Car, when I come to Denver it's going to be to spend some quality girl time with you, not see a doc. I've never been down there but to change airplanes and I want to come some day. I'll need a tour guide.

Karri, I'm still planning on doing the 3day as soon as this back crap is resolved. I hope you are still in. The more I watch of it, the more amazing it becomes for me. My niece said it looked wonderful and would like to do it, but it would interfere with her college classes. I may see if we can figure out how to get her there. I'm sending out great thoughts for you and your classes. Everything will be amazing there because you are an amazing teacher. Tell the lady with the food to go eat rocks and die! It is against many school policies to give kids anything but healthy food during the school day. Tell her she is adding to the child obesity problem and she should be ashamed.

Janet, maybe you'll find untold wealth in the box! Enough to come and do the 3day with Karri and I. Enough to finance that PS you've consulted about. Enough to fund another shopping trip! I'll be thinking about the millions you're going to find there.

Okay...gotta get to work. Hugs ladies. you're the best!

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Janet, maybe you'll find untold wealth in the box! Enough to come and do the 3day with Karri and I. Enough to finance that PS you've consulted about. Enough to fund another shopping trip! I'll be thinking about the millions you're going to find there.

Okay...gotta get to work. Hugs ladies. you're the best!

That would only happen if there's another will dated after the one we found... Which I doubt - My sis is going to be chomping at the bit to know what's in there she thinks that there is a will leaving it all to her son - this is why we have problems - she wanted me to destory the original will - and they think I am the dishonest one... But I'm not saying anything till I hear back from Attorney - and then I will call her.. He most likely had crazy stuff in there - but we will see.

For me - our lucky #7 thread is where I get my support - I don't know what I would do with out all of you - and I think that God put us all here for a purpose - look at those of us who are still posting - who are meeting and getting together - we really have become a family - (omg I am tearing up right now) - Sister for life ...

Ok - I ck'd airfare for 7/23 to 7/27 to Canada $500 something yesterday which was down like 250 from last time I checked... - so I need to know if the invitation is still open - and are we all still bunking with you Candice

We need to firm this up soon...

Who all is going -

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That would only happen if there's another will dated after the one we found... Which I doubt - My sis is going to be chomping at the bit to know what's in there she thinks that there is a will leaving it all to her son - this is why we have problems - she wanted me to destory the original will - and they think I am the dishonest one... But I'm not saying anything till I hear back from Attorney - and then I will call her.. He most likely had crazy stuff in there - but we will see.

For me - our lucky #7 thread is where I get my support - I don't know what I would do with out all of you - and I think that God put us all here for a purpose - look at those of us who are still posting - who are meeting and getting together - we really have become a family - (omg I am tearing up right now) - Sister for life ...

Ok - I ck'd airfare for 7/23 to 7/27 to Canada $500 something yesterday which was down like 250 from last time I checked... - so I need to know if the invitation is still open - and are we all still bunking with you Candice

We need to firm this up soon...

Who all is going -

Ya right Sista's for LIFE~~ YES, you are all still welcome to come up to Canada and Stay at my house... I have room for 6 - 8 folks. ...various sleeping arrangements. 1 Queen size bed, 2 twin beds in another bedroom, Queen size AIR bed to be put up in another Bedroom. Plus I have two couches in the lower family room. Four bathrooms, so all us GIRLS can get ready in the morning LOL...

ANd if Earl or Mel come with Phyl and Linda, my Hubby would be happy... Then they can do guy things or join us girls... whatev er...

The Elvis festival is the 24th July weekend. But you are welcome to come for a week if that makes the flights a better deal... I am flexable!!!

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