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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Chim - You have me laughing = Darling -you are a first time mama - your baby is still too tiny to make your tummy pooch- watch out for the eating for 2 - I gained like 35 lbs when I was pg - that old attage - is false.. keep eating healthy.. My doc was yelling at me all the time about gaining too much weight - - and swelling feet it not good - talk to your doc - Enjoy being PG - I gotta tell you it was one of the happiest time in my life - Enjoy your sleep and any time for yourself - cuz from the mintue that baby is born - it will be all about him or her..

It's a big job - but so rewarding... I am just so happy for you,.

Thank you so much, Janet. Everyone has been so excited for me...now that the shock has worn off. Yeah, I'm definitely NOT going to go crazy w/the eating. I'm still doing great and plan on sticking w/my plan.

But I really am starting to show. Stop laughing! :confused: I have some pics here of my October Mommies-to-Be friends (from another website). They're all at 7 weeks. Some of them are showing, some aren't. I haven't posted mine, yet...still a lil self-conscious w/my surgery scars (lapband and gallbladder)...

And yes, I'm definitely trying to get all the rest and 'me time' that I can...things are about to change drastically (but in a good way).

I promise I won't bore you guys w/the baby stuff. I have the Pregnant & Banded thread for that. But thanks for listening!!!





Edited by chimboree26
fixed typo

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Thank you so much, Janet. Everyone has been so excited for me...now that the shock has worn off. Yeah, I'm definitely NOT going to go crazy w/the eating. I'm still doing great and plan on sticking w/my plan.

But I really am starting to show. Stop laughing! :lol: I have some pics here of my October Mommies-to-Be friends (from another website). They're all at 7 weeks. Some of them are showing, some aren't. I haven't posted mine, yet...still a lil self-conscious w/my surgery scars (lapband and gallbladder)...

And yes, I'm definitely trying to get all the rest and 'me time' that I can...things are about to change drastically (but in a good way).

I promise I won't bore you guys w/the baby stuff. I have the Pregnant & Banded thread for that. But thanks for listening!!!

No bore Chim - All of us except Karri are Mom's heck Phyl Me Kari are Grandma's - So you have alot of Experience here - and we love giving advice :eek::lol::confused:

I ate ton's of hot sauce when I was PG and the girls at school told me I was going to burn my babies eyes out - Well, I asked the doc if eating hot sauce was going to hurt my baby - now remember I was 16 - he laughted and told me the only thing it would do was give me heart burn - well most foods did when I was pg - I ate rolaides and pee'd all the time...

Feel free to share - but be forwarned - you might get a few chuckles from us old timers :confused:

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No bore Chim - All of us except Karri are Mom's heck Phyl Me Kari are Grandma's - So you have alot of Experience here - and we love giving advice :eek::lol::lol:

I ate ton's of hot sauce when I was PG and the girls at school told me I was going to burn my babies eyes out - Well, I asked the doc if eating hot sauce was going to hurt my baby - now remember I was 16 - he laughted and told me the only thing it would do was give me heart burn - well most foods did when I was pg - I ate rolaides and pee'd all the time...

Feel free to share - but be forwarned - you might get a few chuckles from us old timers :confused:

Burn your baby's eyes out?!?! WTH??? LOL. Ppl come up w/all kinds of stuff. I don't mind the advice at all. It's kinda like w/the LapBand...some ppl would offer advice, but you just smile and nod and let it go in one ear and out the other. I just kinda evaluate what they say and go from there. But I've already heard a lot of interesting stuff...this is gonna be a long haul.

All I ask is that ya'll don't laugh too hard at me! :confused:

Have a good night. I'm going to kick my feet up for a bit.

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Yesterday food, 1500 cals is not good... pizza last night, 2 slices.... don't know WHAT I was thinking....

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Too funny Car!!!

food Friday : CALORIESCARBSFATPROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,123/111/37/54

Not too bad considering my SIL and her hubby were here overnight... I make Prime Rib, Mashed potatoes, Carrots and Squash... Yum!!! But I ate my tiny, tiny portions... my SIL says "Wow, you look great, what have you been doing?"

So I told her about my Lapband... cause my Bro-inn-law has gained 60 lbs since retiring from General Motors.... Its aweful, cause he's such a nice guy... so perhaps I've planted a seed.

I have finished my quilt for my Great Nephew who is the Hockey fan... He loves the Detroit Red Wings, so thats what I made him...



My daughter is crAZY ABOUT THE WINGS. dID YOU HAVE Red wing fabric? Can't get it here. If you have it in Canada, could you pick me up a few yards of it?

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Chim - we won't be laughing at you - but chuckling all with love :crying: When you get our age - you will understand :)

Here's a good link - 7 months - baby the size of a blueberry

Your pregnancy: 7 weeks | BabyCenter

Peaches - You weren't thinking - that's the problem:tt2: I don't think 1500 was that bad - today is a new day and you gotta make up for that pizza yesterday ok..

Well last night came home -snorted zicam - ate 1/2 chicken sandwich one itty legg more like a wing avocado/chips (just a few not over board)popcorn and fudgecicle - Don't ask me why I can't taste anything - but wanted to feed the cold I guess.

This morning - snorted the last of my zicam - took a claridan (sp) and blood pressure - and am at my desk..

So all in all I guess I am good... I woke up this morning - my family is safe and all my family here is fine - so it's a good day...


Edited by IndioGirl55

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Where do you have a picture of this posted? I'm scanning posts and it sounds to me that they are somewhere here. I'd love to see it.

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My daughter is crAZY ABOUT THE WINGS. dID YOU HAVE Red wing fabric? Can't get it here. If you have it in Canada, could you pick me up a few yards of it?

Hi Kari; I did not find Red Wing fabric... I found a FLAG at a sporting goods store in Erie Pennsylvania last Nov. That's what I started the quilt from.... added a piano key border and then sandwiched it and quilted by hand...

I dont' know where you'd find fabric...??? sorry!!!

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Where do you have a picture of this posted? I'm scanning posts and it sounds to me that they are somewhere here. I'd love to see it.

Pic is in the middle of page 866

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I was looking through the baby bump phot0s Chim posted and wishing my nonpregnant belly would look like that! he he

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Wow Candice, your quilt is awesome! How long did it take?

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There is some horrible cruelty out there. Man is the only animal that gains happiness in the suffering of another animal.

My Chi is hilarious. He is tickleish. No lie. You grab his back haunches and say tickle tickle and he just goes all squirmy and pounces. It is hilarious. then he takes a lap around the yard and comes back for more. Allie has started smelling me. Not my crotch or my bum ... but puts her nose right up to my face and starts sniffing until I blow in her face and she can smell my breath. Then she shakes her head like my breath smells really bad, blows out her mouth and then comes back again as if she just can't believe what she just smelled. Once she does it two or three times she just shakes her head and goes and lays down for awhile. But THAT is how she has started greeting me. Ya gotta love her.

As for the Seattle trip, it can't be moved with the walk being then. There is still the Vegas possibility and the trip to Canada. this isn't a replacement. Just another time to get together.

I'm sorry for the horrible email, but don't dwell on it. Find something beautiful to see instead. Do something kind for an animal somewhere and let go. Smile, life IS GOOD!

Thank you for the new visions. I can just envision Chi laughing with you as he runs the lap preparing for his next tickle. Allie, on the other paw, reminds me of my gelding who loved having me blow into his nostrils. He would just stand there snoofing and opening his nose wider and wider. Fortunately, he didn't lie down after he was finished with the silliness. That would have made for a lousy ride. Horses have the softest noses.

When is the walk in Seattle? If it is at the very end of Sept., I might be able to swing it.

Went over to the greyhound rescue site on Tuesday daydreaming about adopting, but I'm just being greedy. I could just imagine a young greyhound romping around the house with my 50 lb. Big Boy Bob. Anyway, there are so many good ppl lined up to adopt them. The national adoption group seems to be having problems with enough money to cover vet bills. I should probably show my kennel blindness and check out the Brittany rescue.

Catch ya later. Tomorrow AM is my self inflicted weigh in. Sign.

Huge hug


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I'm back from my fill appointment. The doc didn't want to give me a fill today. He said that since I lost some weight even after he took out the .5 cc, he didn't feel I needed it. I told him 1 1/2 lb in 4 weeks does not constitute weight loss in my book and I needed just a little tweak. He said fine, but not before we do an x-ray to see my flow. So he took me to the x-ray room and said he liked the flow but would give me .3 since I felt I could handle it. He said he wanted his patients to have good quality of life and not be battling the band all the time. He told me if I had any problems come right back and he'll tweak it back out again. He's a sweetie.

On a related note, I asked my doc today how many of his long term patients have problems with the band and he said he's done over 4,000 bands and very few have problems. He says he's been doing the band for over 10 years and he still keeps track of many of them. I told him I was concerned because I read so many long term bandsters experiencing erosions, slips, scarring, etc. and he said that depends on the patients, their doctors and how much aftercare they receive. If a bandster is experiencing reflux or PBing, they should immediately go to their doctor and get it taken care of, it's when it's left too long that those problems arise. He also cautioned me against giving too much weight to those that post of their problems because he said the vast majority of bandsters do not have problems and if they are happy with the band and doing well, they tend to move on with their lives and not frequent weight loss forums. He said, as in every other facet of life, one is more likely to hear from unhappy, disgruntled people than those who are satisfied. That made me feel better and helped me put it into better perspective.

Hi Donna,

Isn't nice to have a doctor you can talk to. Thank you so much for the information about the old timers. You sure don't hear much about them and that info was uplifting.



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Hey Janet, glad you are o.k. and just keeping busy with work. Is there still a lot of work to be done on your Bro's estate?Gosh, life is so complicated sometimes. (HUGS) Don't you dare get Phyl's cold.... you need to stay in tip top shape for when you go away on your cruise. I've forgotten, where are you sailing to? ALaska? or what?

Ya, I am having a happy hump day, although I am at work and a tad bored right now, my next Px dosn't come for 1/2 hour... so I'm playing here on my puter. hee,he:tt2:

How are you and Jeff getting along? Did things sort them selves out? Last I heard you wern't sleeping with him:angry: bet that showed him huh???

You got a great deal on your trip to vegas!!! Have a blast, go to the fortune teller at O'darby's (its on the main drag, not far from Imperial Palace on the same side of the street) O'darby's (irish name or something like it) has a food COURT there too where you can get quick food from CHinese, Mexican, pizza, burgers, chicken etc... realatively cheap... Also a great restaurant to go to is "Batista's Hole in the Wall".... right on the side street, directly across from Ballys... Janet and I went there for dinner and it was great!

Ugh, I can't wait for this winter to be over, I am sitting here scratching my hands... excema from the dryness and cold.... :cursing: oh how I hate Winter Itch!!!

Hey for any of you gals past menopause, how many of you take replacement hormones???? I am just curious as my G.P. Dr. wants me to come off them and I dont' want to go back to the night sweats, moods & no sex drive.... any thoughts out there????


Really should get around to sending you the contract. I'll kick myself into a higher gear tomorrow and get it done.

Now, to the more important info re replacement hormones....my dd (darling doctor - don't have a daughter, but a good friend who's my GYN) has me using the patch and I feel so much better with it than without it. Oh, I'm 58 (and holding). As so few tumors are estrogen related, I'm staying with it until I'm old and withered.


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Wow Candice, your quilt is awesome! How long did it take?

The Red Wing Quilt was started end of November 08 and I finished it Sunday night (Mar 09)... that was a pretty easy one, not much quilting on it that was difficult...

I just hope GrtNephew likes it!!!:cursing:

Had Squash and Baked Beans for supper tonight... it got stuck, so I had to get rid of it and start over with smaller bites... Argh, when will I learn.

Hubby and I just came home from our Financial Advisor meeting, really nice guy... and wouldn't you know it... he's moving his family back to Saskatchewan!!! Damn, we were really liking this guy too. Young and full of good ideas...

here is my hubbies, count down ticker to retirement.

98 days2373 hours142381 minutes8542881 seconds

Alternative version

It is 98 days, 21 hours, 1 minute and 21 seconds until Friday, June 12, 2009 at 3:30:00 PM (Toronto time)

Current time is

2009-03-05 17:28:39

EST(local time in Toronto)

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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