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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Death...That is what I feel like right now. DH made me some chicken noodle Soup but I can't taste anything. I can sense salt and sugar but that is about it.

THis is not the time for me to get sick. My kiddos are so far behind. I am going to try to make it through tomorrow and then maybe take Wed off...but I don't know if can.

Well I am off to bed.

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That is what I feel like right now. DH made me some chicken noodle Soup but I can't taste anything. I can sense salt and sugar but that is about it. THis is not the time for me to get sick. My kiddos are so far behind. I am going to try to make it through tomorrow and then maybe take Wed off...but I don't know if can. Well I am off to bed.


So sorry!

That crud is sure getting around!

Better take some time off and rest.

Flu never comes at a convenient time, unfortunately!


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Good Morning!

Yes, Candice... beautiful quilt.

Congrats on the morning weight, Janet!

Head is a little clearer this morning... taking musinex and some other multi-symptom thing and it's helped some. I want to go to lunch with the Red Hatters this morning, so took both of them!!

Probably won't be able to eat much, but trying to get acquainted with these ladies and only 6 more weeks left here.

Didn't exercise, though... so my exercise tracker still says 00 for the month!

Maybe it will move tomorrow.

Phyl - don't think you needed to get in the pool today - you get a pass cuz you are sick...

I am just so glad to be back to my 138 - I promise to never let 3 lbs turn into 5 ...

Hey Girlfriend!

There are a box of Donuts sitting in the staff room at work. OMG, I almost took one - as yesterday was bad, bad, bad....

Donuts will get STUCK right? That's why I can't have one:)

I am glad you like my quilt... I hope DGrtNephew likes it. He's in grade 11 highschool... a big kid now, but a sweetie... I just hope he's not embarrassed his Auntie made him a quilt.

175.6 this a.m. not too shabby, if I stick to my cals today... the rest of the week will go o.k.

I have that ONE POUND per week goal that I just have to stick to.....October will be here before you know it and also I have 13 wks until FRANCE... so... I could be 161 lbs by the time I go to France... I shouldn't screw it up:rolleyes:

OMG I want one donut... no I don't....:frown:

Congrats on your 138 lbs.!!!!!

Candice - No Donuts - did you survie?? or did you eat one - just keep you DD & 2nd Honeymoon in France in the front of your mind - and it will be easy to say no to the donuts..

Thanks Candice - it took 2 weeks to get it off - But I did it with any real trouble - just boosted my exercise some..

Janet, you're doing great. The lbs are just falling off, huh? You crack me up w/all of your shopping excursions. That soooo used to be me. I had to cut myself back b/c I was getting pretty bad. But nowwwww, I will have to get new clothes b/c of the pregnancy. I've already picked out a dress from A Pea In the Pod for a summer wedding I have to attend. :eek:

Pregnancy Update: I'm 7 weeks now. I'm doing pretty well. No morning sickness (M/S) *knock on wood*. I've just been dealing w/dizziness and swelling of the boobs and legs/feet. I have to get new bras already! And I'm already starting to show some. Pants are getting snugger-definitely don't like that feeling, but it's okay. It's just playing w/my mind a little bit. I have to keep telling myself it's just the pregnancy and not me going overboard. Other than that, all is well! Just excited about it all and waiting for the lil pumpkin to get here. :thumbup:

Chim - You have me laughing = Darling -you are a first time mama - your baby is still too tiny to make your tummy pooch- watch out for the eating for 2 - I gained like 35 lbs when I was pg - that old attage - is false.. keep eating healthy.. My doc was yelling at me all the time about gaining too much weight - - and swelling feet it not good - talk to your doc - Enjoy being PG - I gotta tell you it was one of the happiest time in my life - Enjoy your sleep and any time for yourself - cuz from the mintue that baby is born - it will be all about him or her..

It's a big job - but so rewarding... I am just so happy for you,.

Hey there Peach,

Feel free to leave one of those at the house. Color scheme = green, white, black, gold. Marine theme would be nice. Are you counting the days?

Where is my Steph?

I knew I smelled that roast in the east-bound winds. We just had glazed brisket with roast potatoes. Not even St. P's day yet.

Temp in the high 60's today. Yes, this is Denver in March.

Love to ya all.


Car got you beat 90 here today...

Death...That is what I feel like right now. DH made me some chicken noodle Soup but I can't taste anything. I can sense salt and sugar but that is about it.

THis is not the time for me to get sick. My kiddos are so far behind. I am going to try to make it through tomorrow and then maybe take Wed off...but I don't know if can.

Well I am off to bed.

Karri - Eat your soup and get some sleep - have you taken any airborne.. Hugs and a wet rag on your head from you Mommy - along with a kiss..

Ok gang - 2 things # 1 found a new yogurt - Dannon Lite & Fit - Pinapple/coconut - Wonderful. #2 last night made eggplant lasanga I guess - Grilled the eggplant in my george forman - made spagh sauce with Paul Newman marnia added onions garlic bell pepper and ground turkey - layered the eggplant with sauce & skim mozzerlla and then on top got some mozzerlla garlic astegio cheese - wonderful - but gotta say that cheese I put on top had grease... But oh so good..

Well it's almost 8... I am off to watch some tv

Talk to yall in the a.m.

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Phyl - don't think you needed to get in the pool today - you get a pass cuz you are sick...

I am just so glad to be back to my 138 - I promise to never let 3 lbs turn into 5 ...

Ok gang - 2 things # 1 found a new yogurt - Dannon Lite & Fit - Pinapple/coconut - Wonderful. #2 last night made eggplant lasanga I guess - Grilled the eggplant in my george forman - made spagh sauce with Paul Newman marnia added onions garlic bell pepper and ground turkey - layered the eggplant with sauce & skim mozzerlla and then on top got some mozzerlla garlic astegio cheese - wonderful - but gotta say that cheese I put on top had grease... But oh so good...

Do you peel the eggplant before you grill it? We tried making eggplant lasagna once and it didn't turn out that great. But we'd never cooked eggplant before. We didn't peel it. Yours sounds really good.

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YES, I did resist the GD Donuts!!!! We sent them all home with one of the Chiropractors (he's young and slim) so hopefully there won't be any more there today!

Final cal count yest. was 1050... not too shabby at all - I am happy!!


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Death...That is what I feel like right now. DH made me some chicken noodle Soup but I can't taste anything. I can sense salt and sugar but that is about it.

THis is not the time for me to get sick. My kiddos are so far behind. I am going to try to make it through tomorrow and then maybe take Wed off...but I don't know if can.

Well I am off to bed.

Get well soon!

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Do you peel the eggplant before you grill it? We tried making eggplant lasagna once and it didn't turn out that great. But we'd never cooked eggplant before. We didn't peel it. Yours sounds really good.

No I didn't peel it - I sliced it round wise - and brushed with a little evoo and salted (this is to take out Water or bitterness I don't remember what but saw it on a cooking show) I pre-headed george forman grill and then stuck the eggplant in it - grilled till done (mushie/soft) then put down some sauce eggplant - sauce - cheese - 2 layers (had 1 eggplant) and topped it off with that special cheese - it was good - I think you do need to cook/grill the eggplant first..

YES, I did resist the GD Donuts!!!! We sent them all home with one of the Chiropractors (he's young and slim) so hopefully there won't be any more there today!

Final cal count yest. was 1050... not too shabby at all - I am happy!!


Good for you girl - I am so proud of you - keep your up coming trip & wedding in your frontal lobe - it will help with the temptations...


Good Morning Gang - Nothing to really report -no great wisdom to spew this morning... It's a beautiful day outside - supose to be in the 80's - yesterday 90's -

Well off to get some work done.. CBL:w00t:

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Good Morning!

Can't remember for sure, but don't think we cooked the eggplant at all before we put it in the casserole. We'll have to try it again, your way. It was a little bitter and that's why we weren't crazy about it.

Earl is determined to get me to Water aerobics no matter what. He was "disappointed" when I didn't go yesterday. He has my scooter all packed up with my stuff and ready to go and I'm sitting here coughing and hacking and going through kleenex like it's going out of style. He's crazy. Am I supposed to take my box of kleenex to the pool with me?? And as soon as those old ladies here me coughing, they'll all clear "my end" of the pool. Maybe I'll go up and sit in the hot tub and call it a day!

The old boy is still adjusting to my last "adjustment". Have to keep telling him, "smaller"!

Could only eat half of my omelet this morning.

It always fits on a saucer, but if it is as long as the saucer is wide, it's TOO big! I did finally get him to start making my lunch salads in a little pyrex bowl because he just couldn't seem to cut down the size of the salad using the Soup bowl he's been making it in.

You all know he's my "personal trainer"!! LOL!!

But sometimes he needs some "re-training"!

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Wow ladies...you've been chatty since my check in.

I don't have a ton of time. I'm going to go lay on my floor. Back is hurting and I have a ton of stuff to do today. Going to stretch it for about 1/2 hour and I'll be up and going again.

Car, I'm here...just have been super swamped. I'd never leave you!

Karri, the last thing you need right now is to be sick, but there is a song on the country radio now with a line "the cemetary's full of people who didn't have time to die," and I'm sure the hospital's full of people who didn't have time to be sick too. Take care of yourself when you can. Ease up a little on your expectations. Deligate if you can. Feel better soon.

Phyl, a warm hot tub sounds divine right now. You need to take care of you too.

Candice, that quilt is amazing. I can't even get a table runner down and you do that piece of art. I'm amazed.

Janet, we never ever doubted you'ld get back to 138. You ROCK!!!

Okay....I have a challenge to set for the 7's. Tell me if you all want to try it. I've been seeing ads for the Susan G. Komen 3-day walks. They are all over the country. I've been considering doing one. I don't know about 60 miles but....walking....???? You have to raise 2,300 to walk, or something like that. I have been seriously contimplating doing this, but don't know any ladies around here that would be willing to be part of my team...I don't think. The only one that might be has MS and 60 miles might be too much for her. Anyways, there is one in Minniapolis the 3rd week of August. There is one in Seattle. Anyways....any of you want to go for it? Looking for feedback. Am I crazy? Let me know. The web address is Susan G. Komen for the Cure | Get Involved | Participate in an Event | Breast Cancer 3-Day | Breast Cancer 3-Day® to look at dates and cities.

Okay...gotta go lay down. Will check in in a bit.

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I don't have a ton of time. I'm going to go lay on my floor. Back is hurting and I have a ton of stuff to do today. Going to stretch it for about 1/2 hour and I'll be up and going again.

Okay....I have a challenge to set for the 7's. Tell me if you all want to try it. I've been seeing ads for the Susan G. Komen 3-day walks. They are all over the country. I've been considering doing one. I don't know about 60 miles but....walking....???? You have to raise 2,300 to walk, or something like that. I have been seriously contemplating doing this, but don't know any ladies around here that would be willing to be part of my team...I don't think. The only one that might be has MS and 60 miles might be too much for her. Anyways, there is one in Minneapolis the 3rd week of August. There is one in Seattle. Anyways....any of you want to go for it? Looking for feedback. Am I crazy? Let me know. The web address is Susan G. Komen for the Cure | Get Involved | Participate in an Event | Breast Cancer 3-Day | Breast Cancer 3-Day® to look at dates and cities.

First.... hope your back is feeling better SOON! I never made it to the hot tub. Still in my jammies. Maybe later.

Well, we're ALL a little crazy! As I just told my niece, it makes us more lovable! But,crazy to consider that walk?? No, not if you think you're up to it. So, 60 miles over 3 days? That's a LOT of walking! You'd have to train for it like Karri does. I can't do it but maybe I can volunteer Earl! :):biggrin::tongue2: It's certainly a worthy cause. I might be able to drum up some support for you. And I can be one of you cheerleaders!

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I would definetly be in. I am doing my marathon on July 4th so my legs would still have the stamina. The only problem would be the travel but if we could find one somewhere that we could both get to I think it would be fun. (i know...we must be crazy if we thinking walking 60 miles would be fun!) I just looked at the site and date wise Seattle would be the best for me. I don't know how far of a trip that would be for you, but if you want to...I would be in.

Still feeling like crap today but the kids are responding well. One kid asked me how I was feeling and I said that I felt like donkey poop....he said is that better or worse than dog poop. I said MUCH MUCH worse. He said that must be baaaaddd cause I told my mom that I felt like dog $hit this morning and I feel horrible.

Gotta love high schoolers!!! At least he made me smile!

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I would definetly be in. I am doing my marathon on July 4th so my legs would still have the stamina. The only problem would be the travel but if we could find one somewhere that we could both get to I think it would be fun. (i know...we must be crazy if we thinking walking 60 miles would be fun!) I just looked at the site and date wise Seattle would be the best for me. I don't know how far of a trip that would be for you, but if you want to...I would be in.

Still feeling like crap today but the kids are responding well. One kid asked me how I was feeling and I said that I felt like donkey poop....he said is that better or worse than dog poop. I said MUCH MUCH worse. He said that must be baaaaddd cause I told my mom that I felt like dog $hit this morning and I feel horrible.

Gotta love high schoolers!!! At least he made me smile!

I can relate to the donkey poop phase. DH just doesn't get it. He just went up to do laundry and told someone who asked that I was feeling better and just having a "catch up" day! Huh?? I'm sitting here hacking and coughing and I can't breathe through my nose! He wasn't pleased that I didn't show up for Water aerobics this morning and I'm sure the "you haven't exercised in a week" lecture is coming at any moment. UGH!

Anyways, so.... reunion in Seattle Sept 11-13??!! I'll be part of the support team! And we have a spare room with a queen size bed that will sleep two and a pull out couch in the LR that will sleep one! :):biggrin::tongue2::biggrin::mellow:

P.S. Everett Amtrak station less than 5 miles from our condo, Steph!


Edited by phyllser

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Okay...I'm thinking this is doable. Seattle in Sept. I can ride the train...maybe Rose would come. She wouldn't walk I'm sure, but she would come. Gives me over 6 months to raise the money. Phyl, I think there is something about handicapped accessability....maybe you could ride your scooter....but you can ALWAYS be our cheerleader.

Anyone else game? I know 60 miles sounds hellish but we do have time to train for it. And what a celebration for our 2 year bandiversary event. Not saying to replace the other trip, but a real life change affirmation. For those of us needing some motivation, this could be what we are looking for.

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Good Morning!

Can't remember for sure, but don't think we cooked the eggplant at all before we put it in the casserole. We'll have to try it again, your way. It was a little bitter and that's why we weren't crazy about it.

Earl is determined to get me to Water aerobics no matter what. He was "disappointed" when I didn't go yesterday. He has my scooter all packed up with my stuff and ready to go and I'm sitting here coughing and hacking and going through kleenex like it's going out of style. He's crazy. Am I supposed to take my box of kleenex to the pool with me?? And as soon as those old ladies here me coughing, they'll all clear "my end" of the pool. Maybe I'll go up and sit in the hot tub and call it a day!

The old boy is still adjusting to my last "adjustment". Have to keep telling him, "smaller"!

Could only eat half of my omelet this morning.

It always fits on a saucer, but if it is as long as the saucer is wide, it's TOO big! I did finally get him to start making my lunch salads in a little pyrex bowl because he just couldn't seem to cut down the size of the salad using the Soup bowl he's been making it in.

You all know he's my "personal trainer"!! LOL!!

But sometimes he needs some "re-training"!

Oh Phyl,

Now I have this vision of tissues blossoming out of a Kleenex box, floating gently in the pool. Great!

It's in the 70s today (ok, so it's not the 90s -- plahhh aka "Bronx Cheer") so maybe I'll walk outside before the whole gang leaves and I'm the only one babysitting the systems.

Later gang,


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Okay...I'm thinking this is doable. Seattle in Sept. I can ride the train...maybe Rose would come. She wouldn't walk I'm sure, but she would come. Gives me over 6 months to raise the money. Phyl, I think there is something about handicapped accessability....maybe you could ride your scooter....but you can ALWAYS be our cheerleader.

Anyone else game? I know 60 miles sounds hellish but we do have time to train for it. And what a celebration for our 2 year bandiversary event. Not saying to replace the other trip, but a real life change affirmation. For those of us needing some motivation, this could be what we are looking for.

I was doing really well with the Seattle idea, until I hit the September part. I'll be at my other job (managing the house in France) for the month of September. Seattle is really cheap from Denver soooo can we slide it a little one way or the other?

On a less pleasant, but dog note...a really lovely friend of mine sent me an email linking to a petition to charge a man, who viciously killed a young dog, with some fairly serious animal cruelty charges. The reason I am even mentioning this to another dog lover is that the images that the description of the cruelty done keep playing in my mind. Even when I attempt to concentrate on something else, the broken record keeps playing. I wish that there was a nice way to tell my friend to edit out the horrible details before eliciting support from me. Tell me some wonderful things that your grayhound kids have been doing so that I can replace my mental image with some happy puppy thoughts. When I envision my pups, I see them being abused the same way the young dog was. Happy, happy happy......

Huge hug,


Edited by Car

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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