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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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LBT is impossible to get on these days.

Anyway, I have a completely random, unrelated posting:

OMG! I just got a request from a stranger asking me to friend him on Facebook and join his mob on Mob Wars. I'm actually tempted to accept because I'm clearly out of my mind and way too addicted to Mob Wars. Do you think it's wrong of me for even considering accepting the friend request? :)

Um, I wouldn't if I were you... I am kind of scared of all this stuff about you floating about on facebook for everyone to read... kinda creepy?

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OOOh, a little high for today....

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Hi, Gang!

Down 1.8 lb today. Was hoping for a little more! Wii Fit said I was down 2.3 lb. Guess I should've waited until AFTER I got weighed to drink my 16 oz coffee! Plus our scale is screwed up. One week we're all down, the next we're all up! This week it was half and half! We're getting a new and better scale for TOPS and it should be arriving in a few days, in time for next week's meeting. Elections next week.... have to transfer my membership from home chapter to this one because they want me to take the leader job... which I've been doing since Jan. because the current leader was burned out. She's been doing Treas. job, too and wants to keep that one. Someone else will cover when I'm gone for the summer.

Crud I picked up in WA last week has moved down to my chest, and added feature... now have a bladder infection as well! My wonderful doc in WA.... my gp, phoned Rx in to RiteAid here, so now I have drugs! She's a peach! I love her!

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Um, I wouldn't if I were you... I am kind of scared of all this stuff about you floating about on Facebook for everyone to read... kinda creepy?

I agree. If I get friend requests from names I don't recognize, I look to see if we have mutual friends. Then maybe I approve it, or maybe not, but don't think I'd approve one that was just random.

I forgot..... Rx for the bladder infection ....... HORSE size pills! Septra DS.... was afraid it wouldn't go down, but no problem!

I was surprised.

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Hi Gang,

The lapbandtalk server was weird yesterday. Not available much in the afternoon, which, as you can see, is when I have time to log on.

For those of you who are having problems changing colors and fonts after you write your message, try selecting both before you start writing and you don't have to worry about those accidental slips which kill the whole conversation.

Got on the scale yesterday after my early morning exercise and I was up 4 lbs.....sound familiar? I think I cheated before my last formal weigh-in by donating blood in the morning. Hey, what can I tell ya? I know every trick in the book. But cake and pies are now definitely off the menu, and I am measuring the amount of Slow Churned Ice Cream before I add it to my dinner Protein Shake.

We were supposed to train dogs this Saturday (good for 5000 steps), but our big boy Bobby aggravated the paw he injured last week by hunting too long. He hadn't been out in the field for several weeks and my husband just got too enthusiastic running down errant pheasants. The Bobs just doesn't know how to lie down and woof "enough". Our hunting tests start up again in April and we would like to get both pups finished as "Junior Hunters" ASAP. To me, dog training is a much more fun way to exercise than walking on my treadmill (although I still do that with my girl-pup Ruth Anne Magilicutty).

Better emulate work.

Hugs to all,


Car you are our Computer Expert :lol: - Girl what are you doing drinking a milk shake for dinner - don't you eat real food? ?

LBT is impossible to get on these days.

Anyway, I have a completely random, unrelated posting:

OMG! I just got a request from a stranger asking me to friend him on Facebook and join his mob on Mob Wars. I'm actually tempted to accept because I'm clearly out of my mind and way too addicted to Mob Wars. Do you think it's wrong of me for even considering accepting the friend request? :rolleyes:

Donna - I agree with Peaches & Phyl's idea is the best - if you don't have mutual friends - for get it - You know everytime you send a hug a kiss etc on face book you are giving out info about yourself - I didn't get that at first - but now I do

Um, I wouldn't if I were you... I am kind of scared of all this stuff about you floating about on facebook for everyone to read... kinda creepy?


OOOh, a little high for today....

Well - you have been doing very well.... So don't sweat it just do a little less tomorrow

Hi, Gang!

Down 1.8 lb today. Was hoping for a little more! Wii Fit said I was down 2.3 lb. Guess I should've waited until AFTER I got weighed to drink my 16 oz coffee! Plus our scale is screwed up. One week we're all down, the next we're all up! This week it was half and half! We're getting a new and better scale for TOPS and it should be arriving in a few days, in time for next week's meeting. Elections next week.... have to transfer my membership from home chapter to this one because they want me to take the leader job... which I've been doing since Jan. because the current leader was burned out. She's been doing Treas. job, too and wants to keep that one. Someone else will cover when I'm gone for the summer.

Crud I picked up in WA last week has moved down to my chest, and added feature... now have a bladder infection as well! My wonderful doc in WA.... my gp, phoned Rx in to RiteAid here, so now I have drugs! She's a peach! I love her!

I agree. If I get friend requests from names I don't recognize, I look to see if we have mutual friends. Then maybe I approve it, or maybe not, but don't think I'd approve one that was just random.

I forgot..... Rx for the bladder infection ....... HORSE size pills! Septra DS.... was afraid it wouldn't go down, but no problem!

I was surprised.

Phyl - How cool to run the meeting officially -CONGRATULATIONS !!!!

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Going away for the weekend and decided not to take my laptop. So I'll be reading posts on my Blackberry. Probably should cancel as this crud I have is getting worse instead of better-down in to my chest. But been looking forward to it for so long. Back on Sunday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Going away for the weekend and decided not to take my laptop. So I'll be reading posts on my Blackberry. Probably should cancel as this crud I have is getting worse instead of better-down in to my chest. But been looking forward to it for so long. Back on Sunday. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Becareful - are you on antiboticts that chest stuff can be dangerous...

Drive safely - have fun - add some oj to your wine - take some extra vit..

xoxox J

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Becareful - are you on antiboticts that chest stuff can be dangerous...

Drive safely - have fun - add some oj to your wine - take some extra vit..

xoxox J

Yup Phyl, have a good weekend and take care of that chest cold and bl/infection... those are nasty! Good job on the 1.8 lb loss.. you are racking up the results Girl!

Janet; Thanks for the kudos, yes I am feeling in better control, that little fill did the trick.. I think if I lose another 10 I'll go back for another tiny top up... I am going to stay on TOP of my fills, I gotta be tight or else I cheat!!!

Car; Hopefully you got my email about FRANCE, we are all very excited, so I hope those 2 wks are still available. Getting ready to tell my boss.:rolleyes:

Stephanie is away, hope she's having a fun time.

Denise; nice to see you posting albiet 'lightly'

Donna; you're doing good keep it up!!

Karri and Kari you girls have a great weekend too.

AUGH, more snow here today, BIG flakes the size of quarters.... when will it end?

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Gonna try this again. Got on the other day and posted. Just as I was going to push submit, I ran out of time so I'll try to recap real fast.

First - Loved all the NSV

2. All the pics look great. You're all doing great

3.- Chim, Congrats on baby. Loved the pictures

4. Thanks for the encourqgement about my clothes sizes. I'm almost down to where I was in college. size wise anyhow, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

5. Weather here is great. Been walking everyday (about 2 miles) and pedaling the portable pedals at least an hour. Big problem is the time of year. Walmart has those mini robin eggs for easter and I can't get enough of them. BOO!!!! I'm doing good with mmy meals though. Just don't expect me to lose.

6. DH and I are beginning to feel that we are wearing out our welcome. Don't know exactly when we'll head home.

OKAY, HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ALL. I'LL TREY TO GET BACK HERE ON MONDAY. Library's closed Sun and we've got plans tomorrow.

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Hey Everybody, I hope everyone traveling this weekend has fun. I have a big bowl of nothing planned. Maybe I'll work on the garden. DD has Nib Tuck on the T.V., man that is a nasty show. I can't believe that crap is on T.V.

About friending people on Facebook, my problem is students. I have a few students asking to friend me. I don't really want children seeing my business. I don't want to snub them, but I don't want to friend them either. This is a real dilemma, I don't know what to do.

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Gonna try this again. Got on the other day and posted. Just as I was going to push submit, I ran out of time so I'll try to recap real fast.

First - Loved all the NSV

2. All the pics look great. You're all doing great

3.- Chim, Congrats on baby. Loved the pictures

4. Thanks for the encourqgement about my clothes sizes. I'm almost down to where I was in college. size wise anyhow, so I guess I shouldn't complain.

5. Weather here is great. Been walking everyday (about 2 miles) and pedaling the portable pedals at least an hour. Big problem is the time of year. Walmart has those mini robin eggs for easter and I can't get enough of them. BOO!!!! I'm doing good with mmy meals though. Just don't expect me to lose.

6. DH and I are beginning to feel that we are wearing out our welcome. Don't know exactly when we'll head home.

OKAY, HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND ALL. I'LL TREY TO GET BACK HERE ON MONDAY. Library's closed Sun and we've got plans tomorrow.

Kari glad you are having a good time - and walking 2 miles you go girl - your knees must be so much better...

You are on vacation - we don't expect you to lose - just don't gain more than 3 lbs...

Ok that's our rule - no more than 3 lbs while on vacation...

So watch out for those robin eggs - I went to the store after getting my nails done - I was hungry - I picked up this little loaf of cibata bread - but I put it back - I had carrot cake at lunch - so no more sweets for me all weekend..

Hey Everybody, I hope everyone traveling this weekend has fun. I have a big bowl of nothing planned. Maybe I'll work on the garden. DD has Nib Tuck on the T.V., man that is a nasty show. I can't believe that crap is on T.V.

About friending people on Facebook, my problem is students. I have a few students asking to friend me. I don't really want children seeing my business. I don't want to snub them, but I don't want to friend them either. This is a real dilemma, I don't know what to do.

Hey Girl - I don't have any real plans - taking Andrew shopping for the cruise - don't want him looking like a little ganster (he really doesn't - it's my age showing - He doesn't wear super baggy but too baggy imho) and that's about it..

I would just tell your kids - Sorry gang - I have an age limit - you gotta be over 35 to be my freind on FB... Well knowing you - you will come up with something funnier than that - but you get my drift.

Well, I just now was able to get on to LBT - I have been trying since 6 - and it's after 9 now..

My eyes are beat - been playing pathword - now off for tv (my tivo programs)

Talk to you all in the morning before I go to the gym

Sweet dreams - Hugs & Love J

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Did I NOT mention that you guys talk too much when I'm away? You could give a girl a complex! Good thing I checked in tonight or I would have been sunk tomorrow.

Phyl, enjoy your trip!!! Will be thinking about you.

Donna, I wouldn't accept anyone that I don't know mutually with someone else. I did add some Orea d-zooloo or someone from DC but others here have added her and I guessed it was okay if you guys said it was!

Tom showed up today and I was too busy to go do something about him so I just suffered through all day. That really sucked!!! And then he reared his ugly nasty nappy head tonight and I caved with Butterfinger. But only one stick...and a few pieces of licorice. But bought the small pack so I couldn't go crazy. I hate tom...he sucks!!!

Phyl, awesome loss. You are da woman!!! You should be so excited! And you are so wii faithful!

Car...you make me chuckle everytime I read your posts. I bet IRL we would be great girl friends. You had better make it to the next 7 meeting....July in Canada...or Vegas at Thanksgiving. You just kill me. No more MIA for you!!! {hugs}

Okay...I have a long day tomorrow and I'm beat. Love you ladies. Quit talking so much!!! Actually tomorrow I might be able to sneak in once or twice so it shouldn't be too bad. Love you anyways.

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HI ladies. Just a quick check in before bed. Made it west safe and sound. Only a couple quick stops across but did stop at Sams and looked at an eliptical. Will check out costco while in Helena and see what they have.

Okay...off to bed. Hugs to you all

Have you considered Ebay or Craig's List for something new-used?

Exercisingly yours,


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Did I NOT mention that you guys talk too much when I'm away? You could give a girl a complex! Good thing I checked in tonight or I would have been sunk tomorrow.

Phyl, enjoy your trip!!! Will be thinking about you.

Donna, I wouldn't accept anyone that I don't know mutually with someone else. I did add some Orea d-zooloo or someone from DC but others here have added her and I guessed it was okay if you guys said it was!

Tom showed up today and I was too busy to go do something about him so I just suffered through all day. That really sucked!!! And then he reared his ugly nasty nappy head tonight and I caved with Butterfinger. But only one stick...and a few pieces of licorice. But bought the small pack so I couldn't go crazy. I hate tom...he sucks!!!

Phyl, awesome loss. You are da woman!!! You should be so excited! And you are so wii faithful!

Car...you make me chuckle everytime I read your posts. I bet IRL we would be great girl friends. You had better make it to the next 7 meeting....July in Canada...or Vegas at Thanksgiving. You just kill me. No more MIA for you!!! {hugs}

Okay...I have a long day tomorrow and I'm beat. Love you ladies. Quit talking so much!!! Actually tomorrow I might be able to sneak in once or twice so it shouldn't be too bad. Love you anyways.

I'm always up for travel as long as it's pretty short (< 1 week). I save my long trips for you-know-where.

I know where Candice is going. I know where Candice is going and she's not taking us! Soooo, what are you going to bring us back? Huh? Hey gang, maybe Peaches would just get toooo lonely without us and maybe we should all surprise her with a group visit on HER vacation? We could sleep on the floor. No, huh. I think I just heard a definite "no" from our northern-most member. Did you know that the lapband procedure originated in Lyon France?

This typing in the dark on this tinsey keyboard ain't my idea of bedtime fun. Guess I'll curl around my Brittany girl-dog and catch some zzzzzs. Night girls.



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Car!!! I just have a minute but I just noticed your ticker!!!! You are THERE girl! Less than a pound! We are going to do something amazing when you shout the G word!!!

Okay...off to work. Will try to check in today. Have a great Saturday!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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