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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Awesome photo, I think!

But my head hurts when I turn it sideways!!!

Can you turn it!


You are too funny Phyl!

Actually, I dont' know how to turn it (dah)... so sorry about your head...:tongue:

I don't think its that great of a photo I just wanted everyone to see mein my new Size 14 pants that I bought for $7

You gotta shop with Janet to get the deals!!!

Food good again today, 863 Cals... I am wanting something right now, but as it is close to bed time... I dont' want to chance it... I hate that slimming feeling you get in the middle of the night when you are tight.

Sleep well :hurray::hurray:

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Hi, gang,

Got back to the desert Friday afternoon. Brought home a bug, so kind of dragging this weekend. I was determined to go to the Date Festival yesterday despite feeling miserable. It was good to get out in the nice warm sunshine, but, same old, same old.

Not tolerating food well between the fill last Monday and this flu or whatever I brought back with me. Throat sore and feels swollen, band feels tight. Had a good time with the little ones, but daughter was coughing all week and I wiped a few runny noses. Didn't think I was going to get it, but the very last day, throat started feeling sore and I knew I wasn't going to avoid it.

On a positive note.... It was AMAZING to:

1. sit comfortably in an airplane seat without the arms squishing my butt,

2. not to have to ask for a seat belt extender,

3. be able to put down the little tray table thingy and have it sit level and not rest on my stomach!!




I went to the fair today - me & deb - went at 10 a.m had Breakfast - 2 eggs & some hash browns - and a couple bites of deb's biscuts & gravy - and i was full but as we walked around oh did i want to eat - and I mean I really hated my band at the moment cuz I just wanted to binge eat - - but as we kept walking the terrible urge left then as it got later and more pple got there I saw this very overweight little girl eating cotton candy - then all the other over weight pple just stuffing their faces - and I told deb - oh hell no - no more food - I didn't even get a cinnamon roll which the fair is famous for - Phyl you didn't have any funnel cake this year??

I did have one treat but it was a fruit:tt2: - a choc covered banana :tongue: but no fudge - fried snicker bars - gelato's - hot dog on a stick - onion rings - We left around 1 and for dinner it's pork ribs veggies maybe some tatoes..

Wahooo!! That is awesome! I have one hot momma!!

Doctor says everything is fine with the band. They had left the primer in (the Fluid between the port and the band) but with all the stress I have been under in the last few weeks it was just too much. I have never been able to tolerate anything over 2cc so they just said that my band is naturally tight on my stomach and that I will always have to be careful and that when I am under stress that I will be tight.

So I had to move my marathon date back. I am going to run the half marathon in Eugene on May 3 and then the full marathon on July 4 in Portland. It is kind of fitting I think. My b-day is July 1, my 1 year TT anniversary is July 3 and my 1st marathon will be July 4. That is kind of MY TIME of the year! That reduces some of the stress because there is no way that I was going to be ready for the marathon by May. Not with some of the injuries that I have had in the last few weeks...all due to the fact that I tried to do too much too quickly. Now I can ease back into it.

Well I am going to finish doing my taxes and efile them. Fortunately taxes are not painful this year...in fact we are getting back some good $$$$$

Thanks baby girl - I got that blouse at Cachet -it was pricy but just cuz I could walk into that store and buy something I did - and I love it too..

I am sure glad that your band is ok - I was worried - Glad you are getting $$ back - I go tomorrow - heck I will be happy if I break even - but having GS makes me single head of household which is the very best tax bracket to be in...

O.k. I got a picture taken today...

Janet, you'll recognise the outfit..we bought it in Vegas remember???

I hope this shot has my hubby with his eyes open!

You are too funny Phyl!

Actually, I dont' know how to turn it (dah)... so sorry about your head...:wink:

I don't think its that great of a photo I just wanted everyone to see mein my new Size 14 pants that I bought for $7

You gotta shop with Janet to get the deals!!!

Food good again today, 863 Cals... I am wanting something right now, but as it is close to bed time... I dont' want to chance it... I hate that slimming feeling you get in the middle of the night when you are tight.

Sleep well :thumbup::hurray:

Yep I remember the blouse & pants :hurray:- I love the outlets in Vegas - and yep - I am a shopper !!!!

Doing great on your foods.....

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When we go to the fair we always park at the little Mexican church one block over from the main gate. They always have a taco booth... it was lunch time when we got there, so we each got one of their $1 tacos. Small soft tortilla, little bit of beef (maybe an ounce and a half), and a little cabbage and about a TBsp of sauce on top. That filled me up for the rest of the day. So when Earl bought his funnel cake I was not too interested. I had a couple of small bites and continued my shopping while he indulged. Then I had to listen to him moan and groan about how miserable he was. If he doesn't quit eating so much greasy food, he's going to end up having his gall bladder out. While I was gone last week he ate about four pizzas and 1/2 of one of those greasy rotisserie chickens from Wal-Mart. He doesn't take the skin and fat off first when he eats it!


I noticed a LOT of very obese people at the fair. So when the smells are driving my nuts, I just look around me and see lots of reasons not to give in to the temptation. We came home and I ate my leftover scallops from the night before.

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Good Morning 7"s

And it IS a good morning!! scale was very good to me I was down 3.4 lbs. I am so happy!

Another NSV for me, yesterday I went to visit my Mom and I did NOT have any Cookies at tea time. That is always my downfall... when I go into visit my Mom I always want to eat junk. It's emotional, totally... Part of it is thinking about the future when my Mom will not be around, part of it is feeling sad because of how frail she is and I am powerless to do anything about that.. Old age sucks large. Lots of emotions... of not being able to let go.

I can't control everything, (like I'd like to) and this upsets me and I want to eat comfort food (cookies).

But yesterday, I didnt' and that's a good thing.. I just kept sipping away on my artificially sweetened coffee. On the way home in the car I ate my planned snack - an All bran bar for fibre.

Dinner was a chicken leg, but I couldn't eat all of it. and a couple baby carrots.

This restriction is good!

Janet and Phyl, you both did amazing being at the Fair and not eating that "food"... reading your posts I could actually "Smell" the fair..... weird eh?

Just shows you how ingrained our food addiction is..argh!

Off to work in a while, I'll cbl

Love C

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Good Morning Gang..



Yep I am with you on how old age sucks - no power - kind of scary.. You are bless to still have your Mom - the Bday party I went to on Saturday - made me sad - They did this book with all the past pictures in it - my gf has her mom & bro - and I am an orphan :hurray: I have no parents or brothers all gone - then had to go to bro's house to me with Estate Sales lady - Yep - poor oh Janet - But am happy that I didn't compensate with food - I will be so glad when this whole estate crap is done - I am a bit of Scarlett O'Hara - I will worry about that tomorrow...

Phyl - I'm with Earl on the chicken - I eat it all - but as we all know - I am a Paula Dean child... :hurray:

Sounds like you have great restriction... And yep looking at all those pple eating - makes us realize that we don't want to go back there - all the weight we have lost - the fantastic NSV - and how much better we all feel is greater than any food...

Well, I gotta get my butt in gear - I am leaving early today - meeting with Accountant re - taxes .... So gotta get to work...

As Usual CBL :hurray:

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Good Morning!

Going to drag myself to the pool soon even though I don't feel like it! Throat feels better this morning, eyes and nose are running, head feels better, so I'm going to Water aerobics.

Janet, don't envy you all that legal and accounting stuff! And, we'd be happy to "adopt" you in to our family! If the trip to Canada happens this summer, I'll even drag you down to Buffao to meet my Mom, sisters, etc! BTW, that last picture you posted is smokin'! You're looking so slim and slinky! Great outfit to show off the new you!

Just chatting on FB w/Linda. Looking forward to her visit in two weeks.

Candice! Great loss today!!


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Good Morning!

Going to drag myself to the pool soon even though I don't feel like it! Throat feels better this morning, eyes and nose are running, head feels better, so I'm going to Water aerobics.

Janet, don't envy you all that legal and accounting stuff! And, we'd be happy to "adopt" you in to our family! If the trip to Canada happens this summer, I'll even drag you down to Buffao to meet my Mom, sisters, etc! BTW, that last picture you posted is smokin'! You're looking so slim and slinky! Great outfit to show off the new you!

Just chatting on FB w/Linda. Looking forward to her visit in two weeks.

Candice! Great loss today!!


Hell Phyl - I already feel adopted by you and Earl ;0)....

It just that we always take for granted what we have... But 43 & 50 are quite young to die - but again tomorrow isn't promised...

Well, it will all get done - one day at a time - just hope that some day I won't resent my Sis like I do now...

My gf was showing pic's this morning of the party and there are some of me in the back ground - and omw - they looked good - I really am a thin person... It's still hasnt really truly totally sunk in...

I know I sound kind down - but I am really ok - looking forward to upcomming cruise - gotta take Andrew shopping - cuz he is going to need a few things - I think I am ok and I will be hitting Marshalls againg shortly too... I love finding the bargains !!!!

Ok back to work..... CBL and thanks for the love - it really does help !!!

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Hell Phyl - I already feel adopted by you and Earl ;0)....

It just that we always take for granted what we have... But 43 & 50 are quite young to die - but again tomorrow isn't promised...

Well, it will all get done - one day at a time - just hope that some day I won't resent my Sis like I do now...

My gf was showing pic's this morning of the party and there are some of me in the back ground - and omw - they looked good - I really am a thin person... It's still hasnt really truly totally sunk in...

I know I sound kind down - but I am really ok - looking forward to upcomming cruise - gotta take Andrew shopping - cuz he is going to need a few things - I think I am ok and I will be hitting Marshalls againg shortly too... I love finding the bargains !!!!

Ok back to work..... CBL and thanks for the love - it really does help !!!

HUGS to you gal! Keep your chin up.:)

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totals for today....:w00t:

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Hi ladies. Hope you all had a good day. Mine was alright. I'm still tight for some reason. I've been drinking a lot of tea trying to make it better. I must have really irritated my band.

Going to be packing and getting ready to leave on Wednesday morning. will be back on Monday. You know it's always me going crazy trying to log in while I'm gone. I'll do what I can.

Have a good week in case I don't pop in tomorrow.

The NSVs this week have been amazing! Congrats to all of you who have been having them.

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Good Morning Gang...

Thanks for the love - I really am ok - just missing my family that's it - I will have these moments for the next year and as time goes on the pain does lessen..

No much to report - my food yesterday

Go Lean oatmeal & raisins 200

2 pork ribs - 300

1 pt bar - 200

1 teaspoon pb - 150

Nuts - 250

Fish Rice Veggies 260

Berrys & lite whip cream 100

OJ and more nuts - 300

= 1310 no wonder I can't get this weight off - to many freaking nuts...

Well gotta get my butt in gear - CBL :w00t:

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Good morning ladies. Just doing a drive by posting to let you all know I'm still lurking about.

I had a fill scheduled today but decided to cancel it because I've been feeling a bit tight the past couple of days. I've been hungry, but the band doesn't seem too happy with solids so I thought I'd ride it out a little longer. I NEVER WANT TO REPEAT THE TOO TIGHT FEELING EVER AGAIN! Can I get an AMEN to that? :smile:

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Car - I come from a family of huggers and kissers my sis (diff dad's) use to say that we kissed good bye even if we were just going to the bathroom :smile: - My DS dad I think gave me one bday card in the yrs that we were together - but the bf's and xdh since him were pretty good...

Congrats on the legs & mirror - yep isn't it wonderful...

OMG Chim Congratulations !!!!! Please come back and tell us more...

Steph becareful girl !!! no crashing ok...

Phyl when do you come back to the desert???

Good morning Gang

I slept in til 6:45 this morning and last night a freind from work came over for dinner & movie -

Ok I gotta brag here (oh ya like you guys are shocked by that) guess what I did this morning - guess..

5 freaking miles !!!! yep 5 miles - That is a personal best for me !!! The most I have ever done is like 4 - this morning 5 miles in 1 hr 20 minutes with inclines and even jogged a bit...

Indie, 5 miles!!! Way to Go! Have you ever figured up your total to see how far around the world you would go? Also, I kind'a like the idea of hugging prior to any parting, even the bathroom. You can never tell. Look at Elvis.

Chim, Our first preggie in our midst! Now we can have a Lucky 7 Band Baby! Congrats!.


It is going to be in the 50s today in metro Denver, but the Western mountains are having a nice snow season. It actually rained at our house yesterday.

The rest of you ladies, think healthy thoughts.

Better get back to work. It's almost lunch time.

Later and big hugs,

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Just checking in. I did NOTHING yesterday so today, while the kids are gone, I've got a ton of things to do. I had to make reservations for this week so that's why I'm on the computer. couldn't pass my girls by.

Car, it's snowing again here. I'm not complaining. I'm having so much fun snomobiling and it will go way too fast. I'm looking forward to spring, but the snow can stay until then.

I'll check in later laddies. Have a great day!!!! Love yourself.

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What a great NSV!

Sorry for the clueless/thoughtless husband. Mine's touch and go on that type of thing but I am too so it's OK.

I was field training dogs on Saturday with friends and discovered that my girlfriend's husband is just as clueless and just as much a believer in the superiority of the male (he is always right) mind as my DH. Ach, they must all have been spoiled by their mothers. Of course, my DS is perfect!


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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