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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl- Whata Bi@#%#@! I don't like mean people. If she's mean to you, just think what she'd do to me. I haven't lost anything in months. This lapband thing just ain't working for me. I keep plugging away, and getting nowhere. According to Curves, I lost 4lbs last month. According to my pants, I lost nothing.

Janet- Your pictures are beautiful. The one with your aunt is really gorgeous. She does not look a day over 73. I took a picture with me, DD, and my aunt whose birthday is on the same day as mine. I also think we look alike, and my DD looks like her too. When I saw them 2 weeks ago, I was thinking it may be the last time I see some of them.

Denise; The band is working for you... but like me perhaps you forget to "listen" to it. Or do you eat around the band.

I have become very cagey and sly.... I have learned what I can and cannot eat - junk food wise... in this way I have been cheating the band.

I don't know what I thought when I got the band, that all my troubles would be over... Hah,hah,hah...

It (the band) does make me stop before I gorge myself... so Portion Control is good, however, if I eat Cookies, cakes w/ icecream or drink alchohol... I am screwing it up for myself.

Self-sabotage that's what I have been doing. I can't speak for you but maybe there is a bit of a REBEL in you, that you keep trying to do it your 'old' way???

Keep plugging along, we can only fight this monster one day at a time. :tongue2:

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Whew! I'm really feeling that slight unfill these days. I'm hungry a lot and can eat way more than I should so I'm struggling to stop at some reasonable point. The problem is, even when I've been good on Portion Control, because of all the darned Valentine's treats and Girl Scout Cookies laying around, I'm chowing on that too! Yikes!

Anyway, I've scheduled another fill for next Tuesday. This time I'm going to ask for just .25 cc. They've always given me .5 cc increments because I'm sensitive to fills but I think I'm at a point where .25 cc is what I really need. If it's not enough, I can always go back and add another .25 cc.

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Whew! I'm really feeling that slight unfill these days. I'm hungry a lot and can eat way more than I should so I'm struggling to stop at some reasonable point. The problem is, even when I've been good on Portion Control, because of all the darned Valentine's treats and Girl Scout Cookies laying around, I'm chowing on that too! Yikes!

Anyway, I've scheduled another fill for next Tuesday. This time I'm going to ask for just .25 cc. They've always given me .5 cc increments because I'm sensitive to fills but I think I'm at a point where .25 cc is what I really need. If it's not enough, I can always go back and add another .25 cc.

The last time I was in for a fill, I only asked for .10 cc... that was perfect for me.... tight enough that I couldn't over eat, but not so tight that I was achoking on my saliva at night... That is a horrible feeling.

Good luck with your fill level.:tongue2:

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Denise; The band is working for you... but like me perhaps you forget to "listen" to it. Or do you eat around the band.

I have become very cagey and sly.... I have learned what I can and cannot eat - junk food wise... in this way I have been cheating the band.

I don't know what I thought when I got the band, that all my troubles would be over... Hah,hah,hah...

It (the band) does make me stop before I gorge myself... so Portion Control is good, however, if I eat Cookies, cakes w/ icecream or drink alchohol... I am screwing it up for myself.

Self-sabotage that's what I have been doing. I can't speak for you but maybe there is a bit of a REBEL in you, that you keep trying to do it your 'old' way???

Keep plugging along, we can only fight this monster one day at a time. :tongue2:

I wanted to say something here, but you said it so much better than I could. there are a few of us struggling right now. We can't blame the band. I know part of my problem is no restriction...but I'm a bigger part of that problem (as our mommy pointed out to me last week). My food choices suck lately. The fruits and veggies around here suck! I don't even want to eat meat. If it's not carb loaded it doesn't thrill me. That won't work!

Today, my choices have been pretty good, not great. But I can only look as far as the next thing I try to put in my mouth. One day at a time isn't working for me. Just one decision at a time. That's all I can do.

Hang in there guys....we CAN and WILL do this. We are not failures and neither are our bands. Remember, that they told us in the beginning that it would probably take up to 2 years to take our weight off. We aren't there yet!!! Don't be so hard on you.

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Good points Stephanie....

I am really hungry right now 5:30ish here and I am still working.... won't get home until 8 p.m. so I am having a protien Meal Replacement now as I type.

I have been "peeing' all day - a good weight loss sign... My body is letting go of all that Water retention that comes with eating JUNK.... another 4 letter word for me!!!

LOL Todays been a good food day... I am happy@

I never get in enought fruits and veggies... I'm happy if I drink a V-8 and take a multiple Vitamin to cover the essentials.

I do eat meat though at both meals usually... I like my protien!!

Edited by peaches9

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Home from work, ate chicken strips (3) and now am going to watch Bill Clinton on CNN....

then bed

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Donna Thanks !!!! for saying I'm Skinny - I have to remind myself that I am not fat - cuz my pants are size 4 so how in the hell can I be fat - when I look in the mirror and see a fat person or pick up a pair of 4's and look at the butt and say to myself - omg these are big am I that big... And after this weekend of eating oreo's candy bars and real ice cream and no exercise - I feel very dissappointed in myself - why couldn't I just buy 1 candy bar - why did I have to buy 2 - why did I buy that trail mix - and eat the whole bag. When I am away from home - It's very very hard for me - I am afarid to be without food at hand - don't ask me why - I think it comes from my Mom controling my food - I have to have something to eat in the middle of the night - at home I have sf puddings - sf fudge cicles etc - I have better foods to choose from - but when I am away from home - watch out.. I am the old Janet - well not as bad - but not as good as the Janet who lives in Indio :0)

I totally get it!!!! I am GREAT at home...get me to work and all hell breaks loose. Home - not hungry/healthy eating Work = food binges/ starving all the time. I don't get it!! I think when we are outside our safety zone that we still don't know how to deal. I am a thin person with a fat brain.

So my problem has become...I am a size 4 and so I am not fat (finally got that through my thick head) but I somehow feel like that gives me a license to eat!

Well I am playing in the MR. RHS vs Staff basketball game tonight so I had best get into my outfit. When you think of me playing basketball picture Michael Jordan flying through the air with his tongue hanging out and slamming the ball through the hoop in a glamorous play...and then think the opposite of that:tt2:. I am TERRIBLE at basketball but I am going there to be the "jester" of the game. I will take a picture and post my outfit!

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OMG - I guess the honeymoon is over for us - we are now fighting for our lives here ..

Karri - Yep I totally get well I'm a size 4 I can eat !!!! I think that's been my problem and why do I think that I can go away for a weekend and eat 10 oreos - 2 candy bars - small bowl of real ice cream with choc suryp and god knows what else..

I'm ok at work cuz I don't have access to food - well I do have some Protein Bars under my desk and some tuna - But I do gotta say I am hungry all the time at work too - stress I think - I want to nosh on stuff all the time but can't cuz there isn't anything eat..

I think for me - when I am out like that(away from home) I know I can't eat at burger king or pizza hut or mcdonalds plus those places never appealed to me even when I was 250 - so at the airport I had taco bell taquitos - well they weren't fried but steak wrapped in something like a flour tortilla - I ordered that and a quesidilla - but I only had one of the quesidilla and threw the rest away.. but ate the thingies they called taquitos w/guac

OMG I can't wait to see the picture of you in your suit - have fun..

Steph - Carbs & Fat - my 2 best friends... And they have been calling me too much lately - I agree with you it's not one day at a time but one meal or even second at a time..

Healthy foods (salad)aren't as appealing as the junk (candy bar) - it all goes to what we have in our head.. Who in the hell says oh I'm hungry I want a salad over a bag of chips & dip..

I am lucky to have decent fruit - my new combination the last week or so has been strawberries & blackberries with lite whip cream -

Donna - my last fill was .01 and it got me to where I am today..

Denise - What Candice said is so very true.... and so very well said... Listen to her... You got that treadmill things will be getting better now that you are exercising...

Candice - Good food today - keep it up and I love your honesty - isn't it so great that we have this safe place to come and tell the truth...

Ok gang - Idol in a few -

Today's food

Yogurt & Granola

Oxtail Soup (really meat & veggies & 1/4 tato not much broth)

Fish Rice Veggies

Snacks who knows popcorn & fruit most likely..

3 miles at the gym on the treadmill

so I am ok - my calories will s/b max 1000 for the day - so it shouldn't take too long to get these 3 lbs off...

Sweet Dream - I just want you all to know how much I love each and everyone of you - united we stand - divided we fall...

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That was a HUGE amount of fun. And I scored my first basket in a basketball game EVER!!!! 2 points for Psychadelic Salas...That was my nickname. I was the ONLY girl on the entire court. All of the staff were men and since the students are part of the MR. RHS pagent they were obviously all boys too!

Now this was no typical game. One of the times I subbed in I took an extra ball with me and before you knew it we had 3 balls on the court and every player! So as you can see...playing by the rules wasn't really part of the deal. So here is my picture. WHile I wasn't the best playa' I certainly was the best dressed.

Okay so I have to say that for anyone that is reading this and seeing how much we are struggling right now with our food (or for those of us that are getting discouraged right here in our little family), I have to say that tonight ranked right up there with the biggest accomplishments of my life. I ran on the baskeball court for 20 straight minutes tonight. I caught up to and out ran HIGH SCHOOL boys, many of whom are major athletes. Yes, we will struggle with food, yes we will have down days, but being able to accomplish what I did tonight and be part of something as special as MR RHS (it is a fundraiser for the neonatal intensive care unit) by far outweighs (yes pun intended) all of the struggles that I go through. Life IS easier to deal with when you are 100 pounds lighter. No this will not solve all of your problems and I am not going to go Polyanna on everyone and say that life is great and perfect now...but it is a HELL of a lot better. For 2 hours tonight I didn't have to worry about whether or not my belly was flapping out there or that people on my team wouldn't want me to play because I was so fat that when I ran the floor shook (and yes that is how I felt!). Now I was PART of the team and it was amazing.

Okay...off the soap box! MR RHS volleyball is coming up next month so I have to start working on the outfit for that one!!!


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Before bed I wanted to check in with my ladies.

Janet, Karri, Denise, and Candice....we ARE all in the same boat. We are fighting. I think one of my problems right now is that I'm not working, and I'm not getting out and about. Before you all say "Get out" remember the 1000 people population and no where to go. I'm having a hard time deciding whether I want the winter to stay for snowmobiling or if I want it to go for my health. There is a big toss up.

I am now wearing size 8's. I know it is because of a lot of things but Karri, you made a good point, I was a size 4 which gave me permission to eat again. GRRRRRR!!!! I was almost in a 2 before the winter hit....now I'm in an 8. How frustrating.

We need to find what works for each of us. I know it is killing me. grrrr.

On that happy note, I'm off. Have a good tomorrow ladies.

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Congrats Karri! You made me smile before bed. Thanx! Be proud. You look awesome!

Oh...and I LOVE the t-shirt. The chem teacher in me chuckled.

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That was a HUGE amount of fun. And I scored my first basket in a basketball game EVER!!!! 2 points for Psychadelic Salas...That was my nickname. I was the ONLY girl on the entire court. All of the staff were men and since the students are part of the MR. RHS pagent they were obviously all boys too!

Now this was no typical game. One of the times I subbed in I took an extra ball with me and before you knew it we had 3 balls on the court and every player! So as you can see...playing by the rules wasn't really part of the deal. So here is my picture. WHile I wasn't the best playa' I certainly was the best dressed.

Okay so I have to say that for anyone that is reading this and seeing how much we are struggling right now with our food (or for those of us that are getting discouraged right here in our little family), I have to say that tonight ranked right up there with the biggest accomplishments of my life. I ran on the baskeball court for 20 straight minutes tonight. I caught up to and out ran HIGH SCHOOL boys, many of whom are major athletes. Yes, we will struggle with food, yes we will have down days, but being able to accomplish what I did tonight and be part of something as special as MR RHS (it is a fundraiser for the neonatal intensive care unit) by far outweighs (yes pun intended) all of the struggles that I go through. Life IS easier to deal with when you are 100 pounds lighter. No this will not solve all of your problems and I am not going to go Polyanna on everyone and say that life is great and perfect now...but it is a HELL of a lot better. For 2 hours tonight I didn't have to worry about whether or not my belly was flapping out there or that people on my team wouldn't want me to play because I was so fat that when I ran the floor shook (and yes that is how I felt!). Now I was PART of the team and it was amazing.

Okay...off the soap box! MR RHS volleyball is coming up next month so I have to start working on the outfit for that one!!!

Karri - You are so right - yep we all are so much better than we were a year ago. And a big change from before is that we are now mindful of our eating - even when it's not great and now we just don't give up - we keep plugging along with the help of our family here - We know we are not alone in our struggles.

Love Love your picture and DH's foot :0) - Yep I played basketball on the mother/son team for the boys club when my DS was young - I wasn't 250 - but 180's and they worried about my cuz my face gets all red when I exercise.

WTG yes you have made major accomplishment to be proud of.. Can't wait to see Volleyball getup :0)

Before bed I wanted to check in with my ladies.

Janet, Karri, Denise, and Candice....we ARE all in the same boat. We are fighting. I think one of my problems right now is that I'm not working, and I'm not getting out and about. Before you all say "Get out" remember the 1000 people population and no where to go. I'm having a hard time deciding whether I want the winter to stay for snowmobiling or if I want it to go for my health. There is a big toss up.

I am now wearing size 8's. I know it is because of a lot of things but Karri, you made a good point, I was a size 4 which gave me permission to eat again. GRRRRRR!!!! I was almost in a 2 before the winter hit....now I'm in an 8. How frustrating.

We need to find what works for each of us. I know it is killing me. grrrr.

On that happy note, I'm off. Have a good tomorrow ladies.

Steph - I live in a town that has 72000 pple and I still have no where to go :0) - unless it's shopping :0)

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Hi, All!

Been up to other DD for a day, so didn't get on the internet for very long yesterday.... trip to airport to pick up GD who had been home for the weekend... took her out to Breakfast with other DD & the three little ones. Then we took her back to her dorm and went to the science center.. about 4 hours of science center including Imax movie, "Under the Sea" which was FANTASTIC!! Loved it.. but Thomas was freaking out... 3D.. fish were right in our faces and I think he thought he was going to be lunch because he started pleading loudly with his MOm that he wanted to go home!

Struggles... yeah, I'm pretty tight, but probably ate too much last night and I exceeded the b____'s 1/2 cup rule again at lunch... maybe a WHOLE cup.. spoonful of refried Beans, spoonful of Spanish rice, spoonful of lettuce, sprinkled a little grated cheese on top and a dab of sour cream. Breakfast... 7 oz FF yogurt/Smoothie from Albertson

s-- think it said 110 calories, 7 Protein. Had a SF, FF latte mid-morning... only have to count the FF milk calories... maybe 8 oz. Now I'm hungry... but I guess it's almost 4pm. May have a bit of cheese and a couple of my veggie toasted wheat thins. According to DD scale, was down 2 lb yesterday morning... from the day before.

Too much chocoloate around here... I sneaked a small Dove mint patty a couple of days ago. No wine at all this week. Ignored the FOUR boxes of GS Cookies on the kitchen shelf, too. So, I guess I'm doing okay! Think DD is making tacos for dinner. Don't know if I"ll have that or Lean Cuisine I have in the freezer. I spent $35 on food for me the day after I got here... way more than I can possibly eat... Hummus that I haven't even opened yet, for instance!

Stopped by church Primetimers for an hour or so today.. that's where I had lunch.. oh, yeah, forgot to report I had a very tiny little square of orange cake! Anyway, one of my friends there had LB sugery before we left.. like early Sept. She's quite large. Talked to two friends to try to find out how she was doing because she wasn't there today and both told me they don't think she's lost anything and is probably not eating right. I was afraid that the doctor she went to did not give her enough preparation or have an adequate support system for her!

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Okay...someone explain this to me please. I had a COMPLETE unfill when I had the flu and then stayed on my liquids for 1 week and 3 days followed by mushies. I followed the directions to a T! However I am ALWAYS tight in the morning. I can no longer eat eggs and if I want anything besides Cereal I have to drink tea. Over the last several days however I have been very tight and have pb'd 3 times. Now I am going on an HOUR of pb'ing on chicken. Really????? SHould I have any of these problems? I am calling the doc in the morning, but now my stomach is SORE SORE SORE. It is actually throbbing and I have major heart burn and pain in the back. So much for going to the gym tonight. I am going to bed instead. Hopefully gym in the morning.

I'll keep in touch but keep your fingers crossed that nothing is wrong!!!

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Karri, I hope everything turns out OK. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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