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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I posted earlier and it vanished.

I got that gallbladder test this morning. 1 and 1/2 hours flat on the back. Not fun

If it doesn't show anything, I don't know what to do next. I have pain behind the right breast into the back continually.

I heated a Lean Cuisine in the micro then promptly dropped it on de flo. It fell upside down on the plastic wrap, so I saved some and then PBed it 3 times. I am very tight.

Someone is sticking me in the freaking back with something.

My boss is out for the 3rd week with her surgery.

The whole family is enjoying the treadmill. DH did a weightloss program tonight, then me, and I can hear DD downstairs running. Great investment.

That loon that just had 8 kids is on T.V. Wack Job!

You think I could get my Dr. to implant me with 24 embryos? It is my favorite number.

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Good morning ladies.

Denise, I hope your test goes well. Don't forget to join my mob before your test (just in case). LOL just kidding, but seriously, join my mob.

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What happened? In what parallel universe am I in? Yesterday the only posters on this thread were me and Salsa? Did you guys move and "forget" to send me your new address?

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No...you have not been left behind by us.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm a big old eating fanatic and can't seem to keep myself under control. I know a lot is depression. I just can't seem to keep food out of my mouth. Every bite makes me feel horrible but I don't stop. I'm sabbotaging and I need to stop. I know you all are going to say, "just don't put it in your mouth, you are stronger than that." I'm not. I NEED restriction. I have one more month of this before I can get in. I don't think I can deal. The roads in ND are horrible and I can't get to Bismarck (5 hours on a good day, at least 8 these days) to get in any earlier. I'm dreaming about food, I'm thinking about food. I'm eating when I'm not hungry just because I can. I NEED RESTRICTION!!!

I'm going back to the dentist today and hopefully he will take out this temporary filling and get it fixed for real. Then I'm going back to the chiropractor for another round of accupuncture. I don't think he can do anything for the food to mouth compulsion but hopefully he'll help my back.

I've got the blahs and can't seem to shake them. All I want to do is sleep and eat. This is normally the time of year when I start thinking about a new career. Now I'm not sure what I want to do. I'm dreaming about frustration...I can't even escape there.

Okay...gotta run and brush my teeth and put my face on so I can get to the dentist. Have a good day ladies.

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Donna - I haven't moved :0) - went to the gym last night then to to store came home started dinner - then was on the phone til 8:15 - so by then it was to late to get on the computer as my Idol was on... And this morning I had stuff to do since I won't be here tomorrow... We haven't abandoned you :biggrin:


You know that even with restriction it doesn't stop you from slider foods that we tend to all eat when we have that hand to mouth need.. Not many of us pig out on steak & veggies - it's the sweets, chips/dips cookie etc.. I totally get that you need restriction - but GF even with restriction is it going to stop you or help with the kinds of foods you are eating right now...

What we really are dealing with is that you & dh aren't getting along - you most likely have the winter blahs (very understandable)

I myself have been testing my weight - I bought some great garlic cheese spred - it was 5 servings well ate it in 3 days and my mind as blocked the calories (and I did look when I bought it) the scale was up 2 lbs yesterday - I have had sandwiches (lite bread) for lunch all week and for one Breakfast and I have been eating way too many nuts & juice. My band has been very fickled as of late - yesterday was full on 1/2 sandwich & 1/2 cup of carrots whereas the day before ate the same sandwich (the whole thing) and was still hungry..

And I gotta say I have been aniouxe all week and want to nibble - and again the stuff that I choose to eat are band freindly they just slip on thru.

So last night - went to the store got some chicken and broc and that's what I am having for lunch - and I am going to cut out the nuts too - and you won't find me buying that great cheese spread either.

Get out to the house - get some sun shine if you can heck you got any tanning beds in your little town - now that would be a good investment for your town and you could make some $$$ - up your vit D - and just make up with DH - I don't know what you are tiffing about - but in the whole realm of life is it really that bad - if either one of you kicked the bucket tomorrow would the fight have mattered... (cheating/addiction/hitting/gambling away all the $$ major thingies and I don't think it's those things)

Go out and get some exercise - get those endorphines going...

Have one last pity party for your self - and then say this is it... I know I don't have restriction and I am blue and this all just seems like too much work - I am tired - I don't care anymore I just want to feel good - Eat whatever and then say ok bye bye blues - that food didn't help - and the only way I am going to get out of this funk is that I make up my mind - I will reward myself with what I really need and that's love... I will love me enought to take care of me and that means eating healthy and getting outside for a walk and some freezing fresh air :0)

Well, I tired - I hope it helps - or just go tell me to shut up and quit trying to fix the problems - but you know me I just gotta try.

Hugs !!!!

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Site was down when I tried to get on .. I think it was last night .. maybe afternoon.

Weigh in day! TOPS scale is screwed up. Last week as a group we had a 19 lb loss, today.... 17 lb gain! Wi Fit said I was down about a lb, TOPS scale... up 1/2 lb! Wi Fit said Earl was down a lb, TOPS scale said he was up 2 1/2 lb!! So, we're talking about getting a new, expensive digital scale. So, as far as I'm concerned, I'm down, but not changing my ticker until it's official. And I won't be here next week!

Steph, sure hope you shake the blahs soon! Not fun!! It must be dentist day... I'm going too.... in a few minutes. So I better sign off!


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I posted earlier and it vanished.

I got that gallbladder test this morning. 1 and 1/2 hours flat on the back. Not fun

If it doesn't show anything, I don't know what to do next. I have pain behind the right breast into the back continually.

I heated a Lean Cuisine in the micro then promptly dropped it on de flo. It fell upside down on the plastic wrap, so I saved some and then PBed it 3 times. I am very tight.

Someone is sticking me in the freaking back with something.

My boss is out for the 3rd week with her surgery.

The whole family is enjoying the treadmill. DH did a weightloss program tonight, then me, and I can hear DD downstairs running. Great investment.

That loon that just had 8 kids is on T.V. Wack Job!

You think I could get my Dr. to implant me with 24 embryos? It is my favorite number.

Denise, yu are a riot!!! I'm with you - I think that mother of 14 is nuts too.... selfish really, can you imagine having a mother who could bring you into the world only to have to share you with 13 others???? AND she has no money, husband to help out... what was she thinking????

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No...you have not been left behind by us.

I've come to the conclusion that I'm a big old eating fanatic and can't seem to keep myself under control. I know a lot is depression. I just can't seem to keep food out of my mouth. Every bite makes me feel horrible but I don't stop. I'm sabbotaging and I need to stop. I know you all are going to say, "just don't put it in your mouth, you are stronger than that." I'm not. I NEED restriction. I have one more month of this before I can get in. I don't think I can deal. The roads in ND are horrible and I can't get to Bismarck (5 hours on a good day, at least 8 these days) to get in any earlier. I'm dreaming about food, I'm thinking about food. I'm eating when I'm not hungry just because I can. I NEED RESTRICTION!!!

I'm going back to the dentist today and hopefully he will take out this temporary filling and get it fixed for real. Then I'm going back to the chiropractor for another round of accupuncture. I don't think he can do anything for the food to mouth compulsion but hopefully he'll help my back.

I've got the blahs and can't seem to shake them. All I want to do is sleep and eat. This is normally the time of year when I start thinking about a new career. Now I'm not sure what I want to do. I'm dreaming about frustration...I can't even escape there.

Okay...gotta run and brush my teeth and put my face on so I can get to the dentist. Have a good day ladies.

Awh, Stephanie I hear you!!! We must be going thru the SAME thing... food wise.... I keep trying everyday to post my food on Sparkpeople only to over due it later in the day.. Work has been frustrating, so that's part of it I think.

We should start a pact, seriously... I NEED ACCOUNTABILITY, big time... I baked Peanut Butter Cookies last night... and when they are gone... that's it!:thumbup:

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Donna - I haven't moved :0) - went to the gym last night then to to store came home started dinner - then was on the phone til 8:15 - so by then it was to late to get on the computer as my Idol was on... And this morning I had stuff to do since I won't be here tomorrow... We haven't abandoned you :)


You know that even with restriction it doesn't stop you from slider foods that we tend to all eat when we have that hand to mouth need.. Not many of us pig out on steak & veggies - it's the sweets, chips/dips cookie etc.. I totally get that you need restriction - but GF even with restriction is it going to stop you or help with the kinds of foods you are eating right now...

What we really are dealing with is that you & dh aren't getting along - you most likely have the winter blahs (very understandable)

I myself have been testing my weight - I bought some great garlic cheese spred - it was 5 servings well ate it in 3 days and my mind as blocked the calories (and I did look when I bought it) the scale was up 2 lbs yesterday - I have had sandwiches (lite bread) for lunch all week and for one breakfast and I have been eating way too many nuts & juice. My band has been very fickled as of late - yesterday was full on 1/2 sandwich & 1/2 cup of carrots whereas the day before ate the same sandwich (the whole thing) and was still hungry..

And I gotta say I have been aniouxe all week and want to nibble - and again the stuff that I choose to eat are band freindly they just slip on thru.

So last night - went to the store got some chicken and broc and that's what I am having for lunch - and I am going to cut out the nuts too - and you won't find me buying that great cheese spread either.

Get out to the house - get some sun shine if you can heck you got any tanning beds in your little town - now that would be a good investment for your town and you could make some $$$ - up your vit D - and just make up with DH - I don't know what you are tiffing about - but in the whole realm of life is it really that bad - if either one of you kicked the bucket tomorrow would the fight have mattered... (cheating/addiction/hitting/gambling away all the $$ major thingies and I don't think it's those things)

Go out and get some exercise - get those endorphines going...

Have one last pity party for your self - and then say this is it... I know I don't have restriction and I am blue and this all just seems like too much work - I am tired - I don't care anymore I just want to feel good - Eat whatever and then say ok bye bye blues - that food didn't help - and the only way I am going to get out of this funk is that I make up my mind - I will reward myself with what I really need and that's love... I will love me enought to take care of me and that means eating healthy and getting outside for a walk and some freezing fresh air :0)

Well, I tired - I hope it helps - or just go tell me to shut up and quit trying to fix the problems - but you know me I just gotta try.

Hugs !!!!

No way would we ever tell you to shut up Janet... your post was exactly what I needed to hear too.

I've been "poor me'ing" myself all week too. OH poor me, I have to work 5 days a week for the next month. OH poor me, I've got to train another girl at the clinic, OH Poor me its still cold as hell here in Feb.., OH poor me I have hemeroids....God I am pathetic, "I" wouldn't want me as a friend right now.....blecht!

I may just have to GLUE my fingers to this keyboard so I dont' keep on eating :thumbup:

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"I am powerless over food and my life is unmanagable"


Edited by peaches9

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UGH!! I thought I was going to get my teeth cleaned and xrays to see why I could feel a hole in the side of my tooth.

$538 later.... or something like that, AFTER my insurance pays, the only thing that got cleaned was my wallet! Little hole was a small filling that fell out... no problem. Cleaned it out, stuck another filling in there and that was done in 5 minutes. Problem: tooth next to it had decay all around the filling. He said my options were either a crown or a porcelain "inlay", whatever that is. He said it HAD to be porcelain or it wouldn't last.... and ins only pays $125 for a "filling", and their charge for the porcelain "inlay".... $625! So I feel cleaned out, alright! So now I have a temporary filling & have to go back March 2. Besides that, he's telling me that TWO of my crowns need to be replaced... after insurance... another $700! So I came home in a not very good mood! More than the blahs.... sort of just plain MAD! And I'm still goig to try to have my filet tonight... my once a week beef treat, even though I still can't feel the right side of my face! Heck, my ear is even numb and that was 2 1/2 hrs ago now!

Not a happy camper!

So, Steph, hope your dental appt went a lot better than mine! I guess I should be grateful.... two teeth fixed and i HAVE dental insurance!

Gals, I think part of your blahs is the awful winter you're having up there. Hopefully it will get better soon! I was sharing with the TOPS gals this morning... not to brag or anything, but I don't crave sweets like I used to. Not that I don't want to graze, and sometimes do... but I crave.. or just plain WANT... salty stuff... even losing my taste for cottage cheese w/fruit... which used to be my snack every night. I look for crackers, I like the cucumber/garlic Greek yogurt that Wal-Mart sells... I think it's 2 Tbsp 35 calories.. use it as dip for the crackers. I do enjoy a once a day 60 calorie Jello pudding... the rice/cinnamons are my new favorite. Next week will be a TEST.... my daughter has all kinds of bad stuff in her house! There is always chocolate, Cookies, etc. Will have to make sure I make a grocery run shortly after I get there so I have healthy stuff that I can eat. I am not staying in our condo because I can't see stocking groceries, turning on the hot Water heater, etc, and too far from the daughter who needs my help/company next week. (SIL going to be out of the country). Having a fill next Monday will restrict what I can eat, too!!

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Hey Gang....

Candice - Oh come on now - We are still your friends even if you are in the poor me mood.. We all get them

I pissed off one of my co-workers yesterday - she kept her door to her office closed most of the day and isn't talking to me or the other girl in our section.. We had to have a little meeting yesterday cuz the other girl wasn't doing things correctly and the one who's pissed went and tattled to our boss - instead of going to the one and talking to her - that's what I did when I found major error. Plus our boss is always throwing stuff at her to do - so I can understand some of the mistakes - but it someone is making errors you go to them and discuss it like grownups and not little kids going and tattling.. and I think she's pissed cuz my boss had me sorta lead the meeting - but I have worked with him for 30 yrs and I know what he wants before he does - So I got a little work woes too..

2000 calories - well at least it wasn't 3000 - why did you make those Cookies - well just like me and buying that damn cheese - and

I agree with Phyl for those of you who have the long cold winters it has to be hard - I am ready for spring/summer and it doesn't really get cold here at all compared to you guy...- I'm ready for some 80 degree days - I don't like how cold I get - my feet are cold right now - and I have been turning on the heater in the mornings...

Phyl - did you like sweets before the band - were they a problem - I can't say anyone thing was a problem to me just food in general.. and still can be - like I said I really haven't been eating sweets - just too many nuts - cheese etc.. grazing really..

Today - bf weight control oatmeal - snack banana - lunch 1 chicken thight & 1 cup broc & rice - right now had about 5 chips - cooking GS chicken tacos - but not enough meat for me so I am thawing some scallops & shrimp - what I am going to do with them who knows..

I don't know how my food is going to be this weekend with my Aunt - she is having teeth issues and just talked to her and she was having a hot dog - green Beans and some cheese and crackers - I am going to frickin STARVE.. She isn't feeling that well - we normally go to the dinning room for one meal which is usually lunch - what am I going to do for dinner - hot dogs omg I don't really like hot dogs... and unhealthy to boot -

I am going to meet another bander - p.j. taxlady (50 thread) for breakfast on Sat Morning at a place called old south pancake house - I hope the have some good biscuts & gravy - cuz I am not really a pancake person

- I am packing some popcorn & garnola bars 150 c each - I think my room has a microwave - and since I don't know the area to go to the store plus my aunt is going to want me w/her from like noon on.. Well it will all work out the problem is I am not going to have too much control over what I eat - and I don't like fast food - so am going to have to becareful not to eat too many sweets like I usually do when traveling...

Steph & Candice hugs hugs hugs

Well off to finishing packing - and remember I won't be online this weekend - I could take my laptop but don't want to carry it and won't really have alot of alone time..

I will cb in a bit - Hug girls - Love you...

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Oh, yeah! I liked my sweets... ice cream, Cookies, cake, etc. I rarely kept them around in recent years, even before surgery, because if it was in the house, I'd be eating it.

Pray for the families of the plane crash victims... Buffalo, my home. Wondering if my BIL was at the scene... volunteer fireman in a nearby community.

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I feel so awful for the surviving family members. I can't even begin to fathom what they must be going through.

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