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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I slept through the night with no acid reflux. This band we have is a strange thing. I did not feel too tight and could eat and drink anything. The only indication something wasn't quite right was the acid reflux at night a full month and 1/2 after the last fill. Anyway, having that .5 cc taken out (which was the amount of the last fill) did the trick and I feel great. I also have a much stronger appetite as well.

Mango, I hope everything is OK with your band. Even if you have to pay cash for the fluoro, I think it'd be worth it if you can somehow scrape the cash together.

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Great to hear Donna. You are right, our bands are crazy at times. Once we think we have it figured out, they change on us. Just like husbands.

My tooth still hurts but it's a livable hurt I think. I don't want to go back to the dentist today. I'm going to fill the scrip for antibiotics and see if that helps. The younger dentist thought there was a root infection....the older one thought what he did would fix it and I didn't need them. I'll give the antibiotics a few days and if it isn't better on Monday I'll go back. The older dentist did tell me I could call him this weekend at home if it got worse and he'd come in and help me out.

I sub this afternoon and then get to go watch my kids from last year play basketball here in town. I can't wait to see them. I miss them so much. I'm so excited.

I'll talk to you all later. Have a great day.

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Good Morning, All!!

I am feeling miserable again this morning. This makes the 4th consecutive morning with these stomach cramps. I don't know what's going on. I'm blaming it on irritable bowel, but it's sure getting old. Seems like as soon as I start in the morning... first a little crystal lite and my vitamins/Rx, then a cup of coffee, and eventually small omelet, all between 7 - 7:30 a.m. Same routine just about EVERY morning. So, why all of a sudden, stomach cramps start as soon as something hits my stomach I do NOT understand. Have had occasional episodes like this for years... but never last this long and never day after day like this. Running to the BR every 10-20 minutes until noon time. Gradually subsides, but have even had to get out of the pool during Water aerobics. And this morning, not tolerating my little tiny omelet very well either. Feels like it wants to come up.


Okay, all done whining! Sorry!

Steph, sure hope that tooth gets better FAST!!

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Well I didn't get to the gym again today. I was asked to help out at church on Fri. mornings getting the bullitin put together. Of course, we finish up in plenty of time for me to get there at my usual time. But...........I don't want to go to the church in my workout clothes and my normal everyday clothes are too hot to work out in. I HATE WINTER ! ! !

pHYL - I don't know what's worse. Going once a week (and plugging up the toilet) or spending the mornings in the bathroom. I went through a time when I called them rounds. Round 1..round 2..round 5 etc. That was a pain., so I know how you feel. Are you maybe on new or different meds that your body is getting used to? I figured out that that was my problem way back when.

Janet- Don't know how far I've pedaled since banding. I figure I've only missed maybe three or four days......and pedaled at least an hour a day........a minimum of 15 miles a day. Anyway, you do the math. It wears me out just thinking about it.


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Hi, Kari,

Gee.... quiet around here today!! Where's Janet, I wonder???

Yeah, the morning routine is getting old! Cramps got better earlier today! Didn't have to exit the pool! But then the shoulder pain came back!! :thumbup::confused::sleep::thumbup::mad2: Could be all the weather changes.... cloudy, cool, and a little more rain today. I whined all day about the shoulder... barely got through choir practice. So when I got back, DH insisted I take some hydocodone. Tylenol didn't even take the edge off! So he gave me TWO of those and a 3 oz glass of wine. I'm still breathing, so that's good! And shoulder feels much better.. or maybe I just don't care now!! :patriot::tt1::patriot:

DH BBQed some lamb chops on the grill, and fixed some broccoli to go with it. Nice dinner. And he made a big crock pot of chili while I was gone. He is not allowed to season it though, so I did that when I got home. He over seasons!!! Chili will be for tomorrow. I tasted it and this time I might have over seasoned it!! Not too much chili powder or curry powder left, so I just dumped in what was left. (And that was BEFORE the drugs and wine!) It's a little spicy, but very good! Does need to be thickened up a bit though! He put in only stewed or chopped tomatoes... I like to use puree, Tomato sauce or tomato paste. He added one small can of paste when I complained, but not sure it's enough.


How about this chick with the 14 kids???

Oh my!! Dr. should be sued!!

Or at least have his head examined!


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I think I opened LBT and then the phone rang and I was on the go ever since...

Nope...the day sucked. But at least I planned on it sucking so it wasn't a suprise. We had conferences today so it was a 14 hour day for me. However while sat in my classroom with 20 minutes between parents I started journaling to figure out what the hell is wrong in life. And amazingly I came to an epiphany that has probably been obvious to everyone, but to me it is still a foreign concept.

I have been WAY neglecting myself. Putting work and everyone else before me. Well that is what got me to 250 pounds in the first place and while I have been hanging on to 152 that is NOT where I want to be. At most I want to be at 145 but in reality I want 140. But it is safe at 152.

So it is MY time. It is about ME. And yep I am getting selfish...big time. In fact...I got my car fixed so now I can get up EARLY and go to the gym. It is the gym twice per day. That might mean not being at home as much or being available for students or meetings as much, but damnit I am no good for anyone if I am not good to myself.

Well I need to go to bed early. My official interview with Las Vegas is tomorrow morning and then conferences from 10 -1. Then to the gym to sweat out the demons!

Night all...keep your fingers crossed for me!

Karri - Yes baby girl I think that's the advice I have been spouting for a long time :confused: - but I am glad you came to the realization - you are a typical kid - Mommy can't tell you anything you gotta learn in the hard way :thumbup::sleep::tt1:

How did the interview go - cuz I am coming to Vegas as soon as you settle in:w00t:

Hi Everybody,

Steph-Hope your toothaches fixed

Donna-Hope your happy with the defill

I don't know how my fill is from Mon. seems O.K..

I used my treadmill for the first time today. Only for 20 minutes. It's bitchin. We went to dance lessons tonight, and I didn't want to work up a stank. I have to dance very close to old men.

Remember I was having a lot of pain in the right shoulder to back area. Had an ultrasound for the Christmas holidays. The doc said it was fine. I told the fill nurse. She said that test doesn't usually show the problems her patients have. She is sending me for some kind of test where they shoot you with dye and fat. I go Tues. morning.

I felt something pop around the middle of my chest where my band is again today. It has happened a few times now. I feel a pop and something move in there.

It's scary and weird. I really want a flouro, but I would have to pay cash.

Nighty night everyone

Denise - Ultra sound with a band - that's werid - Some time I have a pain behind my port where I would imagine it the location of my band - Now that I am at goal - I am so afraid of loosing it... Maybe yours came unlocked - I have heard that happen before... Let us know the results on Tueday..

Glad you like the treadmil - I have an ipod w/my fav music and I rock out on the days I do the treadmil ..

I slept through the night with no acid reflux. This band we have is a strange thing. I did not feel too tight and could eat and drink anything. The only indication something wasn't quite right was the acid reflux at night a full month and 1/2 after the last fill. Anyway, having that .5 cc taken out (which was the amount of the last fill) did the trick and I feel great. I also have a much stronger appetite as well.

Mango, I hope everything is OK with your band. Even if you have to pay cash for the fluoro, I think it'd be worth it if you can somehow scrape the cash together.

Donna when you say you could eat anything does that include meats like steak..

Great to hear Donna. You are right, our bands are crazy at times. Once we think we have it figured out, they change on us. Just like husbands.

My tooth still hurts but it's a livable hurt I think. I don't want to go back to the dentist today. I'm going to fill the scrip for antibiotics and see if that helps. The younger dentist thought there was a root infection....the older one thought what he did would fix it and I didn't need them. I'll give the antibiotics a few days and if it isn't better on Monday I'll go back. The older dentist did tell me I could call him this weekend at home if it got worse and he'd come in and help me out.

I sub this afternoon and then get to go watch my kids from last year play basketball here in town. I can't wait to see them. I miss them so much. I'm so excited.

I'll talk to you all later. Have a great day.

Steph - My dentist says that a toothach is due to infection so pump in those antibotics and it should help - if not get some pain meds - toothach & ear aches the worse pain

Well I didn't get to the gym again today. I was asked to help out at church on Fri. mornings getting the bullitin put together. Of course, we finish up in plenty of time for me to get there at my usual time. But...........I don't want to go to the church in my workout clothes and my normal everyday clothes are too hot to work out in. I HATE WINTER ! ! !

pHYL - I don't know what's worse. Going once a week (and plugging up the toilet) or spending the mornings in the bathroom. I went through a time when I called them rounds. Round 1..round 2..round 5 etc. That was a pain., so I know how you feel. Are you maybe on new or different meds that your body is getting used to? I figured out that that was my problem way back when.

Janet- Don't know how far I've pedaled since banding. I figure I've only missed maybe three or four days......and pedaled at least an hour a day........a minimum of 15 miles a day. Anyway, you do the math. It wears me out just thinking about it.


Steph 15 x 365 = 5475 + 7 months x 30 x 15 = 3150 = 8625 miles - give or take a few :tt2::mad2::tt2:

Hi, Kari,

Gee.... quiet around here today!! Where's Janet, I wonder???

Yeah, the morning routine is getting old! Cramps got better earlier today! Didn't have to exit the pool! But then the shoulder pain came back!! :eek::patriot::eek::patriot::eek: Could be all the weather changes.... cloudy, cool, and a little more rain today. I whined all day about the shoulder... barely got through choir practice. So when I got back, DH insisted I take some hydocodone. Tylenol didn't even take the edge off! So he gave me TWO of those and a 3 oz glass of wine. I'm still breathing, so that's good! And shoulder feels much better.. or maybe I just don't care now!! :tt1::tt1::tt1:

DH BBQed some lamb chops on the grill, and fixed some broccoli to go with it. Nice dinner. And he made a big crock pot of chili while I was gone. He is not allowed to season it though, so I did that when I got home. He over seasons!!! Chili will be for tomorrow. I tasted it and this time I might have over seasoned it!! Not too much chili powder or curry powder left, so I just dumped in what was left. (And that was BEFORE the drugs and wine!) It's a little spicy, but very good! Does need to be thickened up a bit though! He put in only stewed or chopped tomatoes... I like to use puree, Tomato sauce or tomato paste. He added one small can of paste when I complained, but not sure it's enough.


How about this chick with the 14 kids???

Oh my!! Dr. should be sued!!

Or at least have his head examined!

Phyl - it's time to go to the doctor on Monday !!!! if you still have the tummy & shoulder problems - oh - I am stuck on avocado.. I am hungry and I ate 1/4 slice way way too fast now I am about to pb -ok back - yep pb'd on avocado.. I think it's soft which it is - but I have gotten stuck on it before... Chili sounds good maybe I will make it tomorrow since it's suppose to be 64 and raining :eek: I know that's warm for most of you but for us it's cold :thumbup: I have a filet migon marinating - but chili sounds better and the lamb chops sound really good... Heck I am or should say was hungry - now still a little stuck..

Back to the tummy - it's only in the morning that it acts up??

14 kids - no dh - no means of support - I heard her mom says you can't live with me - I haven't been watching much news - just way too depressing..

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Hi ladies. My tooth is killing me. I'm going to make this short.

I went to the ballgames and talked to my girls. God, I miss them. They hate my replacement and asked if I would come back. Told them if they hate him so much then they need to talk to their parents and parents need to go to the board. I would come back if they wanted me to. ... but I hear that the super loves him, so I don't see that happening. I hate that he is ruining my program.

I came home from the game with sore mouth. Took an oxy and a toredol. I'm starting to get a little loopy. Going to have a bowl of oatmeal and hope the heat helps.

I have other things to say....I can't remember what. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

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Hi everyone,

I went shopping again today for that ball thing I have to go to tomorrow. Found a purple shirt, It will do.

The test I am having Tues. is for my gallbladder not the band. I had the ultrasound in Dec. and my doc said no stones. My nurse is sending for a test where they inject you with fat so the gallbladder contracts and they can see if it's working properly. My boss just got hers out. She's taking 3 weeks off. 3 weeks! I only took pain meds. for 2 days with the band. I can't even take a damn day off with all the crap I have to do.

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Hi ladies. My tooth is killing me. I'm going to make this short.

I went to the ballgames and talked to my girls. God, I miss them. They hate my replacement and asked if I would come back. Told them if they hate him so much then they need to talk to their parents and parents need to go to the board. I would come back if they wanted me to. ... but I hear that the super loves him, so I don't see that happening. I hate that he is ruining my program.

I came home from the game with sore mouth. Took an oxy and a toredol. I'm starting to get a little loopy. Going to have a bowl of oatmeal and hope the heat helps.

I have other things to say....I can't remember what. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Steph - Hugs on the tooth are you taking the antibiotic - what's oxcy like - I hear it's good :cursing:

Hi everyone,

I went shopping again today for that ball thing I have to go to tomorrow. Found a purple shirt, It will do.

The test I am having Tues. is for my gallbladder not the band. I had the ultrasound in Dec. and my doc said no stones. My nurse is sending for a test where they inject you with fat so the gallbladder contracts and they can see if it's working properly. My boss just got hers out. She's taking 3 weeks off. 3 weeks! I only took pain meds. for 2 days with the band. I can't even take a damn day off with all the crap I have to do.

Denise back in the day went I got tested for gall bladder they had you take a pill that was suppose to do the say as the dye test you are doing - but the upper gi didn't show anything they found mine with the ultra sound - I had one large stone stuck in the duct... Back when they took mine out 24 yrs ago they still cut you open - I was 29 well almost 30 had it a week before I turned 30 - and I was off 3 weeks but I was cut open. My DIL had hers out a few years ago laposcrophic (sp) and omw she was such a baby I think she was off like 6 weeks and it's the same surgry as our bands were...

Take a pic tonite when you get all dressed up - we want to see ok...


Good Morning Gang...

Well it rained alot last night - I heard it and I slept in sorta late for me 6:30 - GS woke me up at 2 knocking on the door sorta scared me cuz we have had a few home invasions in other parts of the valley last week - I am yellling who is it (oh I forget I have a gun - guess that's a good thing ;)) He's say it's me lala - so I open the door - he didn't seem like he had been drinking but I take it he had cuz he had a friend bring him home - I don't condone the drinking - but it really doesnt' matter if I condone it our not cuz as we all know teenager will do as they please no matter what we think - but am very proud of him for not driving - that is one thing I have pounded and pounded in his head about - and I guess some things so stick..:)

I have a hair appointment at 9 this a.m. for cut - I am back to coloring my own hair - but sure in the heck not going to try and cut it... It's 7:08 I should be at the gym - but I haven't finished my coffee and if I don't get there in the next few - I am not goiing to have time to get my walking in and come home shower and go tothe bueaty shop.. Might just have to go tomorrow..

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The interview went great. The lady said if I wanted a job on Monday I was hired, but since I am wanting a job for next year...I might not find out until August! Now I do have a few things going for me that might lead to a job earlier. 1 - I already have a principal HIGHLY interested in me. 2 - I teach science. THe only thing that would be better would be if I taught math. I am actually considering getting a math endorsement just so that I make sure that I have a job. I can't be here next year. I just can't do it. My DH and I are on the verge of fighting daily...and we don't fight. We have had 1 argument in the 3.5 years that we have been together and now...everything we do or say just gets on each others nerve because we are both so miserable here. We did go out to a bar last night. We played the little video machine that they had and he had a drink. It was nice to just get out. We haven't done that forever cause of all the moving! We have been invited to a Freshman Academy party today but I don't think we are going. I don't like the lady who is hosting it at all and with already being depressed I don't need to surround myself with all the unhealthy food they serve and people I don't like. So I think we are going to this little movie theater where they serve food and drinks (real meals) inside the theater today. Then we are going to the casino tomorrow so I can enter a blackjack tournament. I think it is only 12$.

I did go to the gym today and it felt good. I ran a little over 3 miles and then did weights.

Well I am going to finish my laundry and take a shower. Chat later.

Oh and yes...I am a typical kid. But look who I hang around with all day...I can't help but act like a kid sometimes!!!!

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Hi everyone,

I went shopping again today for that ball thing I have to go to tomorrow. Found a purple shirt, It will do.

The test I am having Tues. is for my gallbladder not the band. I had the ultrasound in Dec. and my doc said no stones. My nurse is sending for a test where they inject you with fat so the gallbladder contracts and they can see if it's working properly. My boss just got hers out. She's taking 3 weeks off. 3 weeks! I only took pain meds. for 2 days with the band. I can't even take a damn day off with all the crap I have to do.

My gall bladder ruptured when I was in college...OMG...the worst pain in my life. It took them almost a week to figure out what it was. Finally they did some test where I was under a machine for hours and they finally saw something. I was out for about 1 week but that was because I had an infection due to the bile leaking out of the gall bladder. Mine was done just like the band and I would have been back at it earlier had I not had the infection.

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Hi ladies. Hope you all had a great Saturday.

I woke up at 3 with my mouth hurting again. Didn't want to take another pill so just let it go. Vegged on the couch for awhile. Then we went to the basketball tourney that son was playing in. He played really well but Jeff pi$$ed me off so badly it was bittersweet. He's driving me crazy. I think we're on the verge of a serious blowout because everything he does makes me crazy these days. Its been about a year since our last real big fight so I guess it's time.

Janet, oxy is this horrible terrible stuff that makes me all kinds of goofy. I hate how it makes me feel. If I'm willing to put it in my body, you know the pain had to be horrible. I don't know how anyone could become hooked on the stuff. It makes me nutzo! I picked up my scrip for antibiotics this morning. I have to take them for 10 days. I hate them because they always cause a complete riot in my hoohaaa. Which means more meds for that because the over the counter stuff doesn't do anything for it. So we will see. Maybe I'll get lucky and no fire this time. Keep your fingers crossed.

I think we're going to watch a movie as soon as the kids go to bed. They are going very early because neither took a nap.

Hope you all have a great night.

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The interview went great. The lady said if I wanted a job on Monday I was hired, but since I am wanting a job for next year...I might not find out until August! Now I do have a few things going for me that might lead to a job earlier. 1 - I already have a principal HIGHLY interested in me. 2 - I teach science. THe only thing that would be better would be if I taught math. I am actually considering getting a math endorsement just so that I make sure that I have a job. I can't be here next year. I just can't do it. My DH and I are on the verge of fighting daily...and we don't fight. We have had 1 argument in the 3.5 years that we have been together and now...everything we do or say just gets on each others nerve because we are both so miserable here. We did go out to a bar last night. We played the little video machine that they had and he had a drink. It was nice to just get out. We haven't done that forever cause of all the moving! We have been invited to a Freshman Academy party today but I don't think we are going. I don't like the lady who is hosting it at all and with already being depressed I don't need to surround myself with all the unhealthy food they serve and people I don't like. So I think we are going to this little movie theater where they serve food and drinks (real meals) inside the theater today. Then we are going to the casino tomorrow so I can enter a blackjack tournament. I think it is only 12$.

I did go to the gym today and it felt good. I ran a little over 3 miles and then did weights.

Well I am going to finish my laundry and take a shower. Chat later.

Oh and yes...I am a typical kid. But look who I hang around with all day...I can't help but act like a kid sometimes!!!!

Karri - Yep you and DH need some fun time - that will help the tension... Did you get your alone time yesterday morning - you both need your alone time and then good quality time together doing fun stuff and not about how to pay this bill or that - Just relax together..

Hi ladies. Hope you all had a great Saturday.

I woke up at 3 with my mouth hurting again. Didn't want to take another pill so just let it go. Vegged on the couch for awhile. Then we went to the basketball tourney that son was playing in. He played really well but Jeff pi$$ed me off so badly it was bittersweet. He's driving me crazy. I think we're on the verge of a serious blowout because everything he does makes me crazy these days. Its been about a year since our last real big fight so I guess it's time.

Janet, oxy is this horrible terrible stuff that makes me all kinds of goofy. I hate how it makes me feel. If I'm willing to put it in my body, you know the pain had to be horrible. I don't know how anyone could become hooked on the stuff. It makes me nutzo! I picked up my scrip for antibiotics this morning. I have to take them for 10 days. I hate them because they always cause a complete riot in my hoohaaa. Which means more meds for that because the over the counter stuff doesn't do anything for it. So we will see. Maybe I'll get lucky and no fire this time. Keep your fingers crossed.

I think we're going to watch a movie as soon as the kids go to bed. They are going very early because neither took a nap.

Hope you all have a great night.


Yogurt !!!! for the VJJ issues due to the antibotics...

Well not much to report on - got hair cut went marshall shopping got a pair of orange bennington (or something like that) capri's for 3 bucks found these darling lucky capris - but they only had a 2 & 8 the 2's were just too tight I gotta find a 4 they were just darling and I want them - I think I will go to the PD marshalls and see if they have them..

Well dryer just dinged - cbl...

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Good Morning!

Quiet here this weekend!

NO stomach cramps last two mornings!! HOORAY!

Wonder if it was the flu, or just my weird body!?

Just happy it seems to be over.

Spent 1/2 day with a real estate agent yesterday looking at condos all over the valley!

We're screening for DD & SIL. I guess they're serious about buying down here. Saw some pretty awful old places! DD will be back at the end of next month to look some more.

Janet, ended up looking at a house not far from you. Earl had me plug your address in to the TomTom to see how far away we were. We might even have been in your development. I thought I saw that police car I saw when we went to your place! But then they all look alike, don't they! Didn't see your street and forget what is the name of your development. Anyway, we were right near Winco, so know we were close. Thought I saw your car at WInco, but didn't see you inside and figured you were still out and about. I think it was around 2pm.

I'm flying to Seattle the end of this week for a few days. Mixed feelings about going. It'll be cold. I really don't want to go, but will be an opportunity to check on the condo, get a few things we forgot, see the DDs & grandkids, etc. and I will get a fill a week from tomorrow. Hope I'm not sorry! Some days seem to be fairly tight and others I don't think I have enough restriction. I'll be there for several days after that so plenty of time to undo it if it's too much.

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Good Morning!

Quiet here this weekend!

NO stomach cramps last two mornings!! HOORAY!

Wonder if it was the flu, or just my weird body!?

Just happy it seems to be over.

Spent 1/2 day with a real estate agent yesterday looking at condos all over the valley!

We're screening for DD & SIL. I guess they're serious about buying down here. Saw some pretty awful old places! DD will be back at the end of next month to look some more.

Janet, ended up looking at a house not far from you. Earl had me plug your address in to the TomTom to see how far away we were. We might even have been in your development. I thought I saw that police car I saw when we went to your place! But then they all look alike, don't they! Didn't see your street and forget what is the name of your development. Anyway, we were right near Winco, so know we were close. Thought I saw your car at WInco, but didn't see you inside and figured you were still out and about. I think it was around 2pm.

I'm flying to Seattle the end of this week for a few days. Mixed feelings about going. It'll be cold. I really don't want to go, but will be an opportunity to check on the condo, get a few things we forgot, see the DDs & grandkids, etc. and I will get a fill a week from tomorrow. Hope I'm not sorry! Some days seem to be fairly tight and others I don't think I have enough restriction. I'll be there for several days after that so plenty of time to undo it if it's too much.

Glad your tummy is better - how's the shoulder??

Generations name of my development right behind Fresh & Easy - I think I was at Target around 2 - Had to take Andrew to p/u his car out in palm desert - then went to the Marshall's in LQ to see if I could find those capris - then to Target - never made it to winco gotta do that today - I think - I will be gone Fri/Sat home Sunday night going to TX to see Aunt... Plane leaves PS 6:35 a.m. !!! I get to Dallas/Fort Worth aroun 1 something...

What was the name of the street - there is a short sale on a floor plan just like mine for $177,900 - I don't think it has upgrades - and when I bought my house the starting price was $249,900 - I am looking into getting my prop taxes redone - also there is a model home going for super cheap...

Here's the link - you can search my subdivisions -

Desert Area Multiple Listing Service

I just ck'd it's gone - but the link may help in your search..

Is Earl going or just you?? Heck our weather next week doesn't look that great - cloudy and raining

Well I gotta get dressed - going to PD marshalls - return a blouse at macy's and hope I don't spend too much $$$...

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      Human growth hormone (HGH) is a small protein which is made in part of the brain called the pituitary gland. It travels in your bloodstream all over your body to make your body grow.
      HGH is very important in the body. It is needed for children to grow normally. It helps make sure there is enough muscle and fat in the body. It keeps our bones healthy.
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      hgh kaufen  in unserer Online-Apotheke  
      Menschliches Wachstumshormon (HGH) ist ein kleines Protein, das in einem Teil des Gehirns, der Hypophyse, produziert wird. Es wandert in Ihrem Blutkreislauf durch Ihren ganzen Körper, um Ihren Körper wachsen zu lassen.
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