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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi ladies. We will see what the chiropractor tells me tomorrow. Dr. doesn't take my aches and pains very seriously.

I walked another 2 miles tonight.

I only bought one thing from QVC. Besides the fact that I needed it, the easy pay made it doable. I know it was a gimmick but it worked. For me they only hooked me once.

Okay. Off to bed. I have a long day tomorrow.

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Good Morning Ladies

8:00 mamo - hope they don't find anything this time around but it's usually the one that I have in July that they find something - I wonder if it has to do witht he heat :(

Not much to report since last night and I was able to sleep even with the cup of coffee I had last night

Steph - what did you buy?? Gotta tell ya'll I love the Chaz Dean hairstuff called "WEN" it's a Shampoo conditioner (no soap) as most of you know I have fine hair and didn't think it would work on my hair that it would weight it down - but oh no it's great - Sweet Almond Mint - My new fav product..

My hair feels so great - well time to jam - ugh I really don't want to do this - but I guess I have too...


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Hello ladies. I need some help/advice.

I'm scared I may be having some problems with my band. For the past couple of weeks, I've been woken up in the middle of the night with acid reflux. Not bad burning, just yucky back up in my throat. Once I sit up, I can hear and feel it gurgle back down within 1/2 hour or so and then I'm fine. I haven't experienced any problems during the day and I can eat or drink most anything without any issues. Last night, I woke up with the same yucky backup but it was so bad that I ended up throwing up (just bile) several times. I feel fine now but am sticking to liquids only until I see my doctor on Thursday. Has anyone else had something similar to this happen? BTW, I haven’t PB’d or thrown up prior to last night.

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Hello ladies. I need some help/advice.

I'm scared I may be having some problems with my band. For the past couple of weeks, I've been woken up in the middle of the night with acid reflux. Not bad burning, just yucky back up in my throat. Once I sit up, I can hear and feel it gurgle back down within 1/2 hour or so and then I'm fine. I haven't experienced any problems during the day and I can eat or drink most anything without any issues. Last night, I woke up with the same yucky backup but it was so bad that I ended up throwing up (just bile) several times. I feel fine now but am sticking to liquids only until I see my doctor on Thursday. Has anyone else had something similar to this happen? BTW, I haven’t PB’d or thrown up prior to last night.

Donna - I think Candice has had this problem a tiny bit and I know that Linda (she doesn't really post anymore) had bad acid reflux at nite so much that it hurt her tummy - how long between eating and going to sleep ?? Have you tried taking a chewable pectic before bed.

I only had this happen once when I was in the early stages and I can contribute mine to late night eating...

I am glad you are going to the doctor - that's your best bet..

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I usually don't eat for at least 3 hours prior to going to bed and have even stopped drinking for at least 1 hour prior to bed the past couple of weeks. I had some dental work done a couple of weeks ago and have been on antibiotics (liquid) and the reflux timing is coincidental to that same timeframe. I will mention this to my doctor when I see him on Thursday.

I don't think I'm too tight since I have absolutely no problem eating or drinking during the day. Who knows though? The doc's office said they'll have to check my pouch under fluero so that will give me some peace of mind -- just a very long wait until Thursday when you're scared.

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I usually don't eat for at least 3 hours prior to going to bed and have even stopped drinking for at least 1 hour prior to bed the past couple of weeks. I had some dental work done a couple of weeks ago and have been on antibiotics (liquid) and the reflux timing is coincidental to that same time frame. I will mention this to my doctor when I see him on Thursday.

I don't think I'm too tight since I have absolutely no problem eating or drinking during the day. Who knows though? The doc's office said they'll have to check my pouch under fluero so that will give me some peace of mind -- just a very long wait until Thursday when you're scared.

Stay calm. Thursday will be here before you know it, and getting yourself emotionally tangled will make it worse. I know if I get upset, mad, cry, etc., I immediately feel my band tighten up. Good that they plan to check it with fluoro. That will show them exactly what is going on. Can you sleep with an extra pillow the next two nights? That should help a little. Dental work and antibiotics are probably just coincidental.

Wondered if any of you still get that nasty post-op shoulder pain? Doesn't happen very often, but every now and then, and it's uncomfortable. Bothering me right now, in fact. Get arthritic pain in the same shoulder (left), but this feels quite different and is more towards center.... shoulder blade, sort of, but in front. Think I might know what triggered it today and it's probably my own fault. Sometimes I have these very immature waves of jealousy when I see DH indulging in all sorts of snacks! He ate lunch around 11-11:30 a.m., and before it was even 1 p.m. he was sitting down with a glass of wine, a bowl of tortilla chips and some salsa. So when he left to go down to the laundromat 1/2 hr later... guess what I did!!?? And this is not a normal thing for me... I just had a wild hair or something!! I got me a couple tablespoons of salsa and about 6 chips and I scarfed them down WAY TOO FAST, because I knew it wouldn't take him long to get the clothes out of the dryer and get back to the RV. And as soon as I sat down again I felt miserable and a little while later the shoulder pain started! Stupid chick, huh!!??

Did any of you get an email from "Obesity Help" a few weeks ago about their new magazine?? They offered me a special introductory rate of.. I think it was only $10, maybe $20 for a year. So my first magazine came today. Just now starting to look at it. I'm OLD so I forgot that I even ordered it and when I saw the big OH on the front, I said to DH, "I wonder who sent me this stupid Oprah magazine!! I don't even like her!!" Then I started looking through it... OH, NEVER MIND!!


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Thought some of you might get a kick out of this... our youngest son, 36 yrs old, just bragging on Facebook that he ran a mile in 7 minutes 35 seconds... was trying to catch his breath! That doesn't sound like he's in such great shape, does it!?? But then I don't know that much about running... maybe 7 1/2 minutes is pretty okay!

Runners??? Help me here! Is that good or not so good???

18_3_110.gif 18_3_110.gif 18_3_110.gif 18_3_110.gif 18_3_110.gif

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Hi Everybody,

I just got my treadmill tonight from Sams. Reebok

It has a 3.0 commercial grade moter. It was less than 700. That's unheard of for that size motor. I researched.

Donna- I never had acid reflux. My band does wake me in the middle of the night sometimes by actually hurting. I drink Water and it stops. I've had that happen for at least a year. Even during the day, if I go a long time without drinking my band hurts, right between the breast. I mentioned that on Mon. and the nurse said it was not normal. One time during the day, I actually felt something pop in there.

Maybe you are too tight, but thenyou should have problems eating. Are you taking meds. at night?

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Hi ladies. Hope you all had a good day.

Donna, it seems to be a recurring thing with some band patients. Some people tighten in the morning, others in the day, others at night. It isn't unheard of. I wouldn't worry too much until the doc checks it. But please let us know what you find out. Oh...and if you were taking an acid reducer right after your banding, I was given one with an entire year's refills, you might want to try taking one of those about an hour after dinner and see if that helps.

Janet, I bought a supersize smashbox photo finish primer. On auto delivery so that every 6 months I can get the 4 month easy pay.

Phyl, I don't get the pain that I did right after banding, but if I get semi-stuck or eat really fast I do get shoulder pain.

I went to the chiropractor today. He tried acupuncture today. I hope it helps. I may need to go back the end of this week or beginning of next. I bought a book. I haven't read in years an swear I'm going to get a book read this week. I LOVE to read, just don't seem to get a chance. I'm going to get it done. I also bought the 40 day love challenge. If any of you saw the movie Fireproof....it was amazing and probably the most inspiring movie I've seen in years....it's part of that. Another book I'm going to read but it's more than that.

Anyways...a long day. I'm going to go to bed. Have a good night everyone.

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Girl I'm all about Smashbox, can't live without it.

I use Photo Finish light everyday. I have it on auto ship.

I got a try me kit at Sephora- LOVE IT!!!!!

I got the today's special kit a few weeks back. Love It! That's on auto ship too. I will get a new kit each season. The waterproof eyeliner is much better than Bobby Browns. My daughter took that one. OMG, I love Smash Box, can't say enough about it.

I didn't know a Chiro did acupuncture. Wow!

We got the machine to hang upside down last year when hubby was having major neck pain.

I hope the acupuncture help you.

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I just lost my friggin post - hit submit reply - can't find the web page you are looking for - stupid ass computer...

Phyl - Yep I still get gas pains in my shoulder every now and then. Karri will have to answer the running question

Karri - where are you - how's the food and exercise going - how's the counseling going

Kari - been to the gym ::frown:

Denise - how's your fill

Donna - stick with bland foods - take/chew a couple pecids before bed - I am glad you are getting it checked out,. I worry about my band at times - cross fingers nothing ever happens to it - cuz I would go to Mexico and get the sleeve.

Peaches How's your Mom - Wedding Plan and the job - how are you doing on your food and tracking - haven't seen any reports since we've been back from Vegas

Steph - What did the doc say - how's the shoulder

Car - You have been quite lately....

Well tonite interviewed/met with the house/dog sitter for when GS and I go on our cruise next month - Like her a lot and think my babies will too.

Well off to ck my other thread - Good nite Ladies talk to you all tomorrow.

cross your fingers that this works - but I have copied in case it hasn't

OK Now !!! Good Morning...

I like smashbox too - I love the waterproof eyeliner - but have found it drys out to fast - I usually only rim the inside of my eyes for night time outings or if I am feeling especially wicked - I sometimes think it's a little harsh on me - I am a tad older that both of you :huh2: and pple of a certain age :cursing: have to becareful not to go over broad on makeup and I have always been a makeup girl - so I have to becareful that I don't look like a 50+ trying to look like a 30 something,..

Treadmill sounds great - now use it - don't hang clothes on it :wink:

I use to be an avid reader prior to my band - but since lbt I don't read as much - I use to read at least 1 book a week - in fact I am still buying them - just don't read as often - I have the new john grisham on my coffee table right now - but between the gym - LBT - and my t.v. shows - sleep and work - there aren't enough hours in the day :tt2:

Well - I need to check my desk - and get it in order for the day...

Happy Wednesday Ladies - I will cbl :thumbup:

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Thanks Janet. My appointment is tomorrow at 11:30 and I'll post the results after the Dr. visit. It seems the general consensus on LBT is that I must be too tight, although I didn't have any problems eating/drinking. Now I do feel too tight, but I'm not sure if that's because I'm so stressed out about it. I'm sticking to liquids until I see my doc. I don't want to do anything to aggravate it any further.

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Life sucks. That pretty much sums everything up. I have been so damn busy that I haven't been able to do anything. Warning this is a full on rant and rave and pity party!

food is okay. Not great but not horrid. I am pretty much staying at 152. Been there for months!

Exercise...who has time between moving, cleaning, working, brother having surgery, dealing with STUPID STUPID STUPID student teacher, putting together resumes, filling out applications and preparing for an interview on Friday.

Counseling appt had to be cancelled because my brother had surgery that day and I went to WA to be with him.

So what is the plan now...Saturday it is back to the gym. I REALLY want a personal trainer but it is not in the funds right now. I can really push myself running but I want to get back into weights and I need someone there to help me do it right and make me not quit. Actually I am getting bored with running right now. I think it is because I have to do EVERYTHING on the treadmill. Plus when I start running all I think about is the 10 million other things I could be doing instead. Like just sitting in front of my computer. Sometimes I like just doing nothing, but I don't have that luxury right now and it sucks.

Well I wanted to check in so you didn't think that I had fallen off the bandwagon or the planet. Please keep your fingers crossed that something eases up or I am going to have a breakdown. I am on the edge right now.

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Okay, now let's see if I can remember everything I wanted to say here.

Okay.....What's smashbox?

Donna - I used to get acid reflux really bad nights. Got a tad removed and that solved the problem. Except............I have a problem with Constipation and when I take laxitives at night......you got it. I wake up with that awful taste in my mouth. Seems when I'm laying down, it all backs up. Something clicked when you mentioned antibiotics.

Janet - Went to the gym monday. Put in 50 min. on the treadmill, 30 min. on resistance machines and then put in 90 minutes on my bike. I was going to go again today, but went shopping instead. Should have went to the gym. Shopping was a big waste of time.

Saw an ad on t.v. yesterday for plastic surgery. If you call for an appointment this week, they will give you two procedures for the price of one. I've got to remember to call tomorrow. I'd love to get rid of those jowls, along with the belly fat. Then again, there's the arms,..............or the boobs. Gee, I wonder if I have a rich relative, ready to kick the bucket and make me their heir??????????? I have more chance to win the lottery. That reminds me. Better pick up a ticket tomorrow.



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Life sucks. That pretty much sums everything up. I have been so damn busy that I haven't been able to do anything. Warning this is a full on rant and rave and pity party!

food is okay. Not great but not horrid. I am pretty much staying at 152. Been there for months!

Exercise...who has time between moving, cleaning, working, brother having surgery, dealing with STUPID STUPID STUPID student teacher, putting together resumes, filling out applications and preparing for an interview on Friday.

Counseling appt had to be cancelled because my brother had surgery that day and I went to WA to be with him.

So what is the plan now...Saturday it is back to the gym. I REALLY want a personal trainer but it is not in the funds right now. I can really push myself running but I want to get back into weights and I need someone there to help me do it right and make me not quit. Actually I am getting bored with running right now. I think it is because I have to do EVERYTHING on the treadmill. Plus when I start running all I think about is the 10 million other things I could be doing instead. Like just sitting in front of my computer. Sometimes I like just doing nothing, but I don't have that luxury right now and it sucks.

Well I wanted to check in so you didn't think that I had fallen off the bandwagon or the planet. Please keep your fingers crossed that something eases up or I am going to have a breakdown. I am on the edge right now.


Hugs baby girl... Wish I could help... What did your Brother have surgery for ?? Is he ok?? Student teacher can you get another one - how long to you have to have him - tell him it's your way or the hwy..

152 may just be your happy weight - how do you feel about that weight..

You need to carve out at least one hour just for you to do nothing if you what - you gotta or you will snap - So this weekend - 1 hour ok promise me that - go take a walk - hot bath or watch tivo of Idol.. Something mindless or just take a nap... OK one hour - you can do it !!

Okay, now let's see if I can remember everything I wanted to say here.

Okay.....What's smashbox?

Donna - I used to get acid reflux really bad nights. Got a tad removed and that solved the problem. Except............I have a problem with Constipation and when I take laxitives at night......you got it. I wake up with that awful taste in my mouth. Seems when I'm laying down, it all backs up. Something clicked when you mentioned antibiotics.

Janet - Went to the gym monday. Put in 50 min. on the treadmill, 30 min. on resistance machines and then put in 90 minutes on my bike. I was going to go again today, but went shopping instead. Should have went to the gym. Shopping was a big waste of time.

Saw an ad on t.v. yesterday for plastic surgery. If you call for an appointment this week, they will give you two procedures for the price of one. I've got to remember to call tomorrow. I'd love to get rid of those jowls, along with the belly fat. Then again, there's the arms,..............or the boobs. Gee, I wonder if I have a rich relative, ready to kick the bucket and make me their heir??????????? I have more chance to win the lottery. That reminds me. Better pick up a ticket tomorrow.




Good for you and getting to they gym that was a lot of exercise...

Smashbox is a makeup line - it's high priced max factor (or one of those lines they sell at the drugstores) make up - made supposely for movies stars etc but now they sell it at Ulta - sephroa and qvc..

Ya - plastic surgery - it out of the window for now - I need to hold on to $$ cuz who know's what's going to happen - heck I heard thru the grape vine that they may be laying someelse in my office off.. So time are just to unstable to go and spend $10 on surgery..

Well, going to go cook some dinner


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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