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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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How come you can fly from canada to vegas for $425 incl hotel and it's 730 for me to fly just to yyz....

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How come you can fly from canada to vegas for $425 incl hotel and it's 730 for me to fly just to yyz....

Did you check to see what it would cost if you flew out of Vegas??


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Right on Phyl, it probably would be cheaper to fly out of Vegas, as there are always Charter flights going back and forth.

check out this website.

www.itravel2000.com its a Canadian site but it might still work... also there is a 1800 phone number that you can call for pricing.

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speaking of GYM and exercise... I need to get re=motivated about that! I havn't been to the gym since early Jan!~.... that's a horrible record.... Foods not been too bad, except I got into the Sunflower seeds/chocolate chips last night .... not the best choice!

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Hi ladies. Checking out the internet while watching the super bowl. NOt a huge football fan but it's a tradition.

Family put some money on it. maybe I'l be able to put some money in my 7's fund. I put money away earlier this year,but then things kept coming up and I kept stealing out of it. I looked at airfares and they are going to be about 800. I thought it would be cheaper flying out of Regina Sk but it's not. I'm not sure if it's going to be better to wait for a month or so or if it will be worse.

Phyl, I'd love to hear this letter. I'll see if I can google it.

Okay...going to run. I'll be checking in and out.

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Hi Everybody, I'm also watching the game and playing on the computer. I have to do homework soon. I'm pulling for the underdogs.

Phyl- Your meeting sounds like it was a hoot.

I went to my uncle's 70th BD party yesterday. My dad had 16 brothers and sisters. Only the 3 oldest boys have died. The oldest girl is in Colorado and doesn't travel anymore. She will be 89 this yr. I haven't seen some of my cousins in 23 years. We had fun, took a lot of pictures. Some are getting so old, I may not see them again. None of them have any heart disease. The only bad thing is parkinsons. My dad had it. One sister has it, and it looks like 3 others are showing signs.

By the way, Candice, if the British wouldn't have kicked us out of Canada, we'd be neighbors. How far are ya from Nova Scotia?

I'm going for a fill tomorrow. If I don't start losing weight with this fill, I will insist on a flouro. I can't lose anymore weight and I'm P.O. ed. I only lose if I stay about 800cals. and strictly monitor carbs. Right now, I just can't maintain that, I'm staying below 1200 daily and can't lose. I am too hungry to eat less. DH doesn't know it but I'm also going buy a treadmill tomorrow. He's just gonna have to shut-up and put it in the truck.

He wants to go to this carnival ball thing this weekend. I have to wear something formal. I have nothing!!!! He gets to wear a suit. That ain't fair. I'll go shopping tomorrow. Prospects don't look good.

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I guess this is confession night. I need to re-dedicate myself too. Don't get me wrong. I still pedal at least an hour a day.......but I've gone from 3 X a week at the gym to 1 X a week. I'll be honest here, though. I hate winter ! ! ! ! It is so-o-o hard (and too cold) to get up and go. And it seems like the roads are bad too. (right!! any excuse will do):tongue2:

Candace - I know it really isn't too far for me to drive up to your place.............but since I hate to drive.........What about Amtrak? Where would I take it to if I went that way? It'll probably cost too much so I'll just have to suck it up and drive it. All I know is, I'm not missing this, this year. I WILL BE THERE!!

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"Dear Food" letter I read was much funnier than this one, and longer, but this is the idea:

Dear Sugary, Fatty, Unheathy Foods,

It’s over, baby!

For most of my life, I have turned to you in times of trouble. When I was anxious, you calmed me down and helped me forget about my worries. When I was bored, you gave me something to do. When I relaxed with a book, you were there with me.

Oh, it was no problem when I was young, because my metabolism was high and my feet did not hurt when I walked. I was active, so you had little effect on me.

But as I got older, how you betrayed me! You put unhealthy pounds on me and geve me a BMI that is bordering on obese. Shame on you!

Of course, I can’t live without you in some form, but I have a new love. Fruits and veggies will take the place of chocolate and chips. Yogurt will suffice where ice cream used to reign.

Yes, our relationship is going to change, dear food. You will no longer be my crutch, but my assistant in the pursuit of good health.

You no longer control me, baby—I am in charge now!

Love and hate,



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I guess this is confession night. I need to re-dedicate myself too. Don't get me wrong. I still pedal at least an hour a day.......but I've gone from 3 X a week at the gym to 1 X a week. I'll be honest here, though. I hate winter ! ! ! ! It is so-o-o hard (and too cold) to get up and go. And it seems like the roads are bad too. (right!! any excuse will do):tongue2:

Candace - I know it really isn't too far for me to drive up to your place.............but since I hate to drive.........What about Amtrak? Where would I take it to if I went that way? It'll probably cost too much so I'll just have to suck it up and drive it. All I know is, I'm not missing this, this year. I WILL BE THERE!!

I think the closest you can get with Amtrak is Buffalo... then you'd have to rent a car and drive, take a bus or something like that. Unless we can coordinate our trips and I pick you up there and we could drive up the rest of the way together. I'm trying to figure out how this is going to work. Want to see my Mom, sisters and family in Buffalo this summer. Trying to talk DH in to a big RV trip and go there, and then to OK either before or after. Then I have to talk him in to letting me leave him there without a car for the weekend. But, with all the family we have there, someone might have a car he can borrow.

I am so excited that I hooked up with a Red Hat ladies group in the area. The one in the park is CLOSED! Makes me mad. They say they have 12-15 and they can't handle any more because it complicates the car pooling when they're going somewhere and makes it too crowded when they meet in each other's homes (double wide mobiles or park models), or go out to lunch. LAME excuses!! They're just cliquey, plain and simple!! And some of them are pretty good friends of mine, or so I thought!

But, fashion show here last week that I almsot didn't go to.. but they were featuring mostly "Red Hat" clothes, etc. And that's where I met this lady that is in another RV park down the road. She says she has over 50 ladies in her group and, "the more, the merrier". So she invited me to come to lunch with them tomorrow. Looking forward to it.

Then I told my three sisters about how excited I was about this and one of them sent me a new Red Hat t-shirt, really nice one, and a Red Hat watch... for my 100# loss!! Did I tell you guys my Mom sent me a $100 check??? I'm feeling really pampered.

So, back on my make-up table I have laid out my watch, 2 prs of Red Hat earrings, some purple eye make-up! And my swim bag is packed with the clothes I'm going to wear so I can get ready at the locker room after Water aerobics. I've found that since I now have 3 holes in each ear, it gets a lot more complicated and takes a lot of time to change earrings! So I don't swap them out very often. I always have trouble with that one high one which I now consider my 100 lb commemorative piercing! Even though I did it in August...! So, I took out ALL the earrings thisafternoon, cleaned them all, cleaned my ears real good and just put one diamond stud back in the high hole. So I'm all ready to put in the Red Hat earrings after swimming.

Is this sounding pathetic???? Doesn't take much to excite me, I guess!!


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Okay, just found this and it's much closer to the letter I read yesterday. But ours says something like... I've found a new love and his name is "Health"... etc.


Dear food,

I’m breaking up with you.

Don’t be surprised. I’ve certainly tried to do it many times before, but I always weakened and went back to you.

mariaslastdietsml.jpgI finally woke up and realized this relationship is not good for me. I’m not getting what I need from you. It’s hurting me, not allowing me the space to grow in the ways I need to grow. You’re holding me back.

I know I’ll have separation anxiety, but I’ve stayed with you too long, way past when I should have. This just isn’t working for me. You don’t listen to me. You don’t give me attention. You don’t care about what I’m going through. It’s almost like you don’t have any feelings for me at all, yet I’ve stuck close to you, helpless and dependent.

I know you won’t let go of me so easily. I know you’ll keep calling me, asking me to come back. But please, let me go now.


In the beginning you were always there, ready to calm me and soothe me, but it went too far. I came to rely on you. I looked to you for everything. In all fairness, it was too much to ask of you. No way could you fulfill all my needs. For so long I’ve settled, afraid to go out there and find something better for myself. I need to do that.

I now withdraw my heart from you so I can be free to put it elsewhere, some place where I can be loved back. I’ve tried to break up with you before. This time it’s real. I want to be on the cutting edge of my own life, and I can’t do it while I’m still tied to you. Thinking about being free scares me, but I want it. I must have it. I think I’m brave enough at last.

I know I’ll long for you. I know I’ll think of you a lot, especially during those hard times. I know I’ll be tempted to come back to you. But this time I’ve got a plan, things I’m prepared to do when I get lonely and sad. I’ve been thinking of other ways to Celebrate when I’m happy or proud. I have remedies in place for being bored or tired.

At this point you’re a troublemaker in my life and I intend to keep my emotional distance from you. So in a way, this is goodbye. Of course, I’ll still come into contact with you day to day, but let’s just be friends, not lovers.

Don’t cry (although you never do, it’s me who does all the crying).

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Good Morning Gang

Candice ck'd out the site - flying out of vegas saves like $100 and that's for a 4 hr car trip - I would rather - pay the $100 :0) - I will have to see how $$ works out right now - going to TX this month - Crusie next month - but will do my best to work it in the budget...

I won $50 the 1st quarter of the game - I taped and only ck'd out the quarters cuz we had a pool here at work - I wanted AZ to win cuz I don't like the Steelers as I am a Cowboy Fan...

Kari - I don't have your winters so - that may put a crimp on my exercise too - I an not enabling you here you understand - but you really should on the days that aren't bad get to the gym - I wouldn't put my life at stake to get there but I would try to go..

Denise - Yep a fill & treadmill should do the trick and no you can't say at 800 c a day just low carbs - this has to be somehting you can do forever !!!!

Phyl - Red Hat I love it - how neat your Mom sent you $$$

Love the letter too - I know when I first joined lbt - some one wrote a dear John letter to their lover food sorta like this one...

Well gotta get my butt in gear - tons to do cbl:wink:

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Hi Everybody, I'm also watching the game and playing on the computer. I have to do homework soon. I'm pulling for the underdogs.

Phyl- Your meeting sounds like it was a hoot.

I went to my uncle's 70th BD party yesterday. My dad had 16 brothers and sisters. Only the 3 oldest boys have died. The oldest girl is in Colorado and doesn't travel anymore. She will be 89 this yr. I haven't seen some of my cousins in 23 years. We had fun, took a lot of pictures. Some are getting so old, I may not see them again. None of them have any heart disease. The only bad thing is parkinsons. My dad had it. One sister has it, and it looks like 3 others are showing signs.

By the way, Candice, if the British wouldn't have kicked us out of Canada, we'd be neighbors.(We still are neighbors) How far are ya from Nova Scotia?

I am quite a distance from Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia is on the Atlantic coast and is one of the Maritime Provinces. I am in Ontario, kinda right of middle (hee,hee) Ontario shares a border with Michigan(west) New York state(south) check it out on Google Earth.

I'm going for a fill tomorrow. If I don't start losing weight with this fill, I will insist on a flouro. I can't lose anymore weight and I'm P.O. ed. I only lose if I stay about 800cals. and strictly monitor carbs. Right now, I just can't maintain that, I'm staying below 1200 daily and can't lose. I am too hungry to eat less. DH doesn't know it but I'm also going buy a treadmill tomorrow. He's just gonna have to shut-up and put it in the truck.

He wants to go to this carnival ball thing this weekend. I have to wear something formal. I have nothing!!!! He gets to wear a suit. That ain't fair. I'll go shopping tomorrow. Prospects don't look good.

O.K. I'll try this multi post thing

I guess this is confession night. I need to re-dedicate myself too. Don't get me wrong. I still pedal at least an hour a day.......but I've gone from 3 X a week at the gym to 1 X a week. I'll be honest here, though. I hate winter ! ! ! ! It is so-o-o hard (and too cold) to get up and go. And it seems like the roads are bad too. (right!! any excuse will do):w00t:Kari, I totally hear you on not wanting to venture out when its cold> I have to get remotivated.

Candace - I know it really isn't too far for me to drive up to your place.............but since I hate to drive.........What about Amtrak? Where would I take it to if I went that way?

Hummm, Amtrak?(Via Rail in Canada) well you could take a train from Sarnia, Ontario(Pt. Huron Mich) to Toronto, and then a bus up to Barrie, On. I could pick you up in Barrie(30 min drive from my house) but driving would be the fastest and simplest as I am a 5 hr drive from Sarnia/Pt. Huron,It'll probably cost too much so I'll just have to suck it up and drive it. All I know is, I'm not missing this, this year. I WILL BE THERE!!

If Linda from Wisconcin will come perhaps you two could meet up in Michigan and drive the rest of the way together, like Linda and I did last summer going to Mall of America.

Have a great day ladies. Off to work soon.

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Hi ladies. Been busy today. Did get a mile in this morning. Going to do another walk tonight. spent most of the day on the computer.

Did anyone see that EVERYTHING on QVC today is on 4 payments. It doesn't matter if it is 300 bucks or 15. It's great. I have only bought one thing but that's because I'm staying off of watching it because I could go overboard.

I'm getting excited about our trip. Trying to stay a little down to earth, but it's hard.

Kari, it's really hard to stay motivated in the cold. We had a month of negative temps her. Now all we have is ice. I brought out my videos. I'm not going to let it get me. We can work out when it's cold. No excuses.

I'm going to the chiropractor for my back and shoulder tomorrow. Hopefully he'll be able to do something for me. I'm afraid he may have me go to the doc about my shoulder though. I guess we'll see. I'm not going to ask for trouble, but it wouldn't surprise me.

I'll be in and out all night. Have a good one ladies.

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Hello everyone,

Got a small fill this morning, only liquids today. Went shopping for something to wear to that Mardi Gras ball thing DH wants to go to. Bought black scarf type material flow-ey pants that look like a long skirt. Bought a maybe shirt, will look some more Friday.

Steph- QVC is trying to trick you because no one is shopping. Turn the channel. Repeat...... Turn the Channel

Didn't get home till almost 9, take a bath, check the computer, go to bed, get up and do it again. Yuck

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How was your Red Hat lunch ???

Steph & Denise - Yes I saw this morning the Ground Hog Day Special Payment - but I am not watching - those easy pays seem to last forever - and I just sent them $500 on the 1st - I don't need to be extending anymore easy pays - I still have 2 due on my gold Bracelet - I got a $25 gift card for my bday - I am going to buy more Wen hair stuff - I love it...

Denise - I had a pair of pants like that - I paired it with a burnout velvet jacket.. with a lacy tank underneath...

Steph - GF shoulder - I thin you need to see the real doc and get xrayed !!!!!

I did 200 lbs leg press tonight - 160 was the max I have ever done before... Feeling pretty damn good for a 54 yr old grandma !!!

Ok it's 8:30 - I need to go eat - and hope I can go to sleep tonight - I had a cup of coffee around 7 - just cuz it sounded good..

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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