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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi ladies. Well the rest of my night didn't get any better. I tossed and turned in bed until almost 1. decided to get up and take something to help me sleep. Went out on the couch and looked at my standards some more. Tried to formalize my thoughts. Wrote an email to my "boss" about it. Then tried to lay down to sleep again. Tossed for another hour. Tried turning on qvc to try to relax me. Nothing. It was after 4 the last time I looked at the clock. Jai came and woke me up at 6:30. Tried to doze a bit but can't seem to shut down. Exhausted, but now I think I'm over tired.

did I tell you all that my juniors from last year asked me to be their graduation speaker this spring? Well, that was almost a month ago, but last night that was the next thing that was keeping me awake. Graduation isn't until the middle of May. I don't think it's time for me to be staying up night worrying about this. But I got my ideas all in line. I should have gotten up and typed it up but figured that would make me more awake.


Then all day today my standards group has been posting comments in the wrong places on my bulletin board. I've told them many times the way I'd like it formatted and where to post certain comments. I understand that they just aren't internet literate...but frustrating to spend my time all day moving posts to the right places and deleting the others....and then I know their mailboxes are flooding with all the notifications and then I feel guilty about doing that to them. grrrrr.

Okay...tired doesn't look very good on me. I'd better stick with sudoku. Low scores but at least no one else gets frustrated...just me.

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Sorry you had such a rough night Steph. I've had nights like that when I just couldn't shut down my mind. It makes it really rough. I've found that hot cup of herbal tea and mindless activity helps sometimes. Other times, it's just going to be a bad night.

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O.k. the International Elvis Festival is 24,25,26 July 2009

In Collingwood, Ontario, Canada

Girls, its time to start planning.

Now I know some of you had talked about Vegas in July, but that's too hot for me!!!

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Hi ladies. Well the rest of my night didn't get any better. I tossed and turned in bed until almost 1. decided to get up and take something to help me sleep. Went out on the couch and looked at my standards some more. Tried to formalize my thoughts. Wrote an email to my "boss" about it. Then tried to lay down to sleep again. Tossed for another hour. Tried turning on qvc to try to relax me. Nothing. It was after 4 the last time I looked at the clock. Jai came and woke me up at 6:30. Tried to doze a bit but can't seem to shut down. Exhausted, but now I think I'm over tired.

did I tell you all that my juniors from last year asked me to be their graduation speaker this spring? Well, that was almost a month ago, but last night that was the next thing that was keeping me awake. Graduation isn't until the middle of May. I don't think it's time for me to be staying up night worrying about this. But I got my ideas all in line. I should have gotten up and typed it up but figured that would make me more awake.


Then all day today my standards group has been posting comments in the wrong places on my bulletin board. I've told them many times the way I'd like it formatted and where to post certain comments. I understand that they just aren't internet literate...but frustrating to spend my time all day moving posts to the right places and deleting the others....and then I know their mailboxes are flooding with all the notifications and then I feel guilty about doing that to them. grrrrr.

Okay...tired doesn't look very good on me. I'd better stick with sudoku. Low scores but at least no one else gets frustrated...just me.

That insomnia is a real drag! I get that too sometimes. When I have "Planning ideas" on my mind I get up write myself a TO DO list and then have a warm cup of milk and go back to sleep.. I always change beds, then I am sure to drift off.... I think I may have been "goldie locks" in a prior life.

Oh did I tell you that I went to a Psycic when I was in Vegas????

It was way cool, I kept an open mind and she told me stuff that was absolutely true about myself. ALso had Hubby down to a tee as well. The only thing she said that I don't buy is that "Get your brakes on your car checked" I "see something about a car".... (huh)

Anyways, she knew all about my Moms health issues and gave me some good advise. It was worth the money!:redface:

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Very cool about the psychic.

Vegas in July sounds hot to me. Elvis festival sounds fun and I've never been to Ontario. Rose and I were discussing this yesterday. We still want to come up there. I'm thinking Thanksgiving in Vegas sounds good. Just my thoughts.

I emailed a professor that is on the standards team with my thoughts. He says they are sound and that they are not too harsh. He will look at my comments closer this weekend and get back to me. I will continue on my tearing them apart and send him my other thoughts. I guess I needed someone to validate me. Why am I so insecure? Once someone told me that I wasn't out to lunch my anxiety went away. I think I'm going crazy. Okay...I'm sure I'm crazy.

Okay...going to do something. Go park my cars or something. Talk to you all later ladies. Have a great weekend.

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O.k. the International Elvis Festival is 24,25,26 July 2009

In Collingwood, Ontario, Canada

Girls, its time to start planning.

Now I know some of you had talked about Vegas in July, but that's too hot for me!!!

Put the dates on my calendar as "tentative".

Sounds good to me... and I like Vegas in Nov, too.

My head still hurts.

Have to go to an all day thing 50 miles away tomorrow.

Hope the headache goes away by then!

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Good Morning Gang

I did 4 miles this morning :thumbup: Now getting ready to pay bills :eek:

Candice - What's the closes airport to you - need airport code to check out prices for airfair...

Steph Hugs GF cuz I don't understand a damn thing you are talking about :lol::lol: Sounds to complicated for my pea brain - heck school now a days is to complicated for me and I don't think the kids know any more than I did with this whole new teaching stuff - in fact I think most kids now a days don't know the common every day stuff - need to go back to the basic - reading writing and arthimatic... Now adays it all about teaching just to pass some dumb test so the school gets $$ from State - and not really teaching the subject - just have enough info to pass the test - if the kids had the foundation then then could pass the test - but when GS was in school it seemed like they were just concerned that they passed the test didn't matter that they really didn't understand the whole concept of math or whatever... Cornell notes in 6th grade - ok ya we have had this conversation before - All I needed to know was what I learned in kindergarden :0) well really up to high school but grade school was where I got my basic and I might not know who to do algerba or figure out the sq root to something - but I know how to run my life - with the help of adding machines - excell worksheet - word - email and internet...

Well time to see that I am broke - cuz my bills are due - so I'll ck back after I am totally depressed :0)

Phyl -- how are ya feeling - where are you going and doing

I think I am staying home today - but got $$ to deposit and gift cards to spend so who knows..

Karri - how you doing

Kari - been to the gym

Donna - hey girl

Denise - 2 days no little monsters..

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This week and next week at school are what we teachers like to dub as Hell Weeks. Grades were due yesterday and then conferences next Friday.

I won't even get into how much I can't stand my student teacher, but that has been bugging me as well. NOt to mention all the phone calls, texts, and emails from students begging me not to let him take over. Deep breath.

As for Ontario, we will be moving around that time and money will be EXTREMELY tight so I doubt that I would be able to make it there. Vegas in July is hot, but Thanksgiving time is beautiful! And cheap for me to get to!!!!

Well we are going out to Breakfast. I am on mushies now so I can at least eat oatmeal!

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Oh - I saw my commercial on t.v. last night - they really didn't do it like I thought they would - it's almost like a commercial for the station's health section and doctors - weight loss surgery they show a pic of doc bobby talking (but you don't here his words) then the couple's before pic and them dancing - then the other lady throwing her big pants away - then my before pic and then me standing there talking (but again not hearing my voice but the voice of the commercial saying - go to their homepage to check out the doctor) I look ok - you can see the diff between the before and after - but you don't here me talking - ... and the one guy who filmed with us didn't even make the commercial ..

A girl at work who had seen this - said I looked big - she was just being mean - cuz I don't... But I'm dissappointed that you don't hear me talking... Well they are showing that commercial and the one with the couple so maybe - they have one of me saying how much wls changed my life - that was the whole pupose of the stupid thing..

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Good Morning Gang

I did 4 miles this morning :thumbup: Now getting ready to pay bills :eek:

Candice - What's the closes airport to you - need airport code to check out prices for airfair...

Steph Hugs GF cuz I don't understand a damn thing you are talking about :lol::lol: Sounds to complicated for my pea brain - heck school now a days is to complicated for me and I don't think the kids know any more than I did with this whole new teaching stuff - in fact I think most kids now a days don't know the common every day stuff - need to go back to the basic - reading writing and arthimatic... Now adays it all about teaching just to pass some dumb test so the school gets $$ from State - and not really teaching the subject - just have enough info to pass the test - if the kids had the foundation then then could pass the test - but when GS was in school it seemed like they were just concerned that they passed the test didn't matter that they really didn't understand the whole concept of math or whatever... Cornell notes in 6th grade - ok ya we have had this conversation before - All I needed to know was what I learned in kindergarden :0) well really up to high school but grade school was where I got my basic and I might not know who to do algerba or figure out the sq root to something - but I know how to run my life - with the help of adding machines - excell worksheet - word - email and internet...

Well time to see that I am broke - cuz my bills are due - so I'll ck back after I am totally depressed :0)

Phyl -- how are ya feeling - where are you going and doing

I think I am staying home today - but got $$ to deposit and gift cards to spend so who knows..

Karri - how you doing

Kari - been to the gym

Donna - hey girl

Denise - 2 days no little monsters..

Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ)

is the closest airport to me... its 1 +1/2 hrs away by car.... so I could pick you up or you could take the SHUTTLE $50/trip.

Having a lazy day today, did some work on one of my quilts and then some grocery shopping.

Oh yeah, yesterday 2 part-timers quit at work.... oh boy the joy continues!

Edited by peaches9

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Hi ladies. Just a quick pop in before I go down and do some walking. I've been horrible lazy today so I'm going to go do some walking. Also got a pilates video for my total gym and watched about 1/2 hour of it and it looked like it would work wonders on my back so I'm going to try that after I walk. Watching this makes really wonder how you can lose anything doing pilates, but maybe further into the video it would be different. Looks more like strength stuff and making my core stronger....which can't help but make my back feel better.

Janet, all teachers complain about the "teaching to the test" mentality, even if they are the ones doing it. We can't help it, it's our jobs on the line. In MT. our standards, which the test is supposed to make sure the kids know, are so vague that there is no real guidance. Anything from any textbook can be put into one of the standards somewhere. It's like trying to fit sand in a garbage can, no problem. So now we are trying to really look at what we want EVERY student in the state to KNOW by the time they graduate from high school. The big push is that sense making thing. It's been a huge discussion for all of us. Our new standards hope to address that. In my opinion, and it's not the most popular, high school math isn't about learning math as much as it is about learning how to think. How to attack something you feel very unprepared for, but using the tools you have been given to push through. To push through a problem that may take a LOT of work, but not giving up because it's too much work. To justify your thinking because you do know what you are doing. Not many kids are going to spend their adult life solving equations...but they are all going to be faced with difficult problems that they must reason through, fight through, use tools to solve, and be able to justify what they are doing. That's the beauty of math to me. It gives you those tools. Most, not all, but most everyday math is taught by the time kids get through middle school. High school is teaching kids how to think, reason, and fight.

Okay...that was a tangent. I'd better go work out. Talk to you later ladies!

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Toronto Pearson International Airport (YYZ)

is the closest airport to me... its 1 +1/2 hrs away by car.... so I could pick you up or you could take the SHUTTLE $50/trip.

Having a lazy day today, did some work on one of my quilts and then some grocery shopping.

Oh yeah, yesterday 2 part-timers quit at work.... oh boy the joy continues!

Well you think mangement might get the hint?? Doubt it !!!

Ok I will ck out flights to that airport ...

Hi ladies. Just a quick pop in before I go down and do some walking. I've been horrible lazy today so I'm going to go do some walking. Also got a pilates video for my total gym and watched about 1/2 hour of it and it looked like it would work wonders on my back so I'm going to try that after I walk. Watching this makes really wonder how you can lose anything doing pilates, but maybe further into the video it would be different. Looks more like strength stuff and making my core stronger....which can't help but make my back feel better.

Janet, all teachers complain about the "teaching to the test" mentality, even if they are the ones doing it. We can't help it, it's our jobs on the line. In MT. our standards, which the test is supposed to make sure the kids know, are so vague that there is no real guidance. Anything from any textbook can be put into one of the standards somewhere. It's like trying to fit sand in a garbage can, no problem. So now we are trying to really look at what we want EVERY student in the state to KNOW by the time they graduate from high school. The big push is that sense making thing. It's been a huge discussion for all of us. Our new standards hope to address that. In my opinion, and it's not the most popular, high school math isn't about learning math as much as it is about learning how to think. How to attack something you feel very unprepared for, but using the tools you have been given to push through. To push through a problem that may take a LOT of work, but not giving up because it's too much work. To justify your thinking because you do know what you are doing. Not many kids are going to spend their adult life solving equations...but they are all going to be faced with difficult problems that they must reason through, fight through, use tools to solve, and be able to justify what they are doing. That's the beauty of math to me. It gives you those tools. Most, not all, but most everyday math is taught by the time kids get through middle school. High school is teaching kids how to think, reason, and fight.

Okay...that was a tangent. I'd better go work out. Talk to you later ladies!

Steph - I hear you - glad to know the teachers are frustrated too - and I do know it's about the job - it's that way here too... I haven't been able to help with homework (math) since gs was in 6th grade :thumbup: !!!

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Hi ladies. just thought I would let you know that I got 3 miles in and 30 mins of pilates. the pilates told me that I'm not nearly flexible enough.

Going to play cards with DH. I'll check in tonight or tomorrow. Have a great Saturday.

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Hi ladies. just thought I would let you know that I got 3 miles in and 30 mins of pilates. the pilates told me that I'm not nearly flexible enough.

Going to play cards with DH. I'll check in tonight or tomorrow. Have a great Saturday.

That's something I am (flexable) I am more flexable than my workout partner who's 28 - both her and my trainer are amazed at that.. Now she is way stronger than me now she can do legs pushes 500 lbs - I can do about 160

Great going on the exercise - you know me the x-hater of it now the biggest pusher of it...

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Checkin' in!

Had an all day TOPS thing today "Fun Day"... they have them every few months... 17 chapters in the local area, to recognize people for their weight losses and other achievements. Theme was "Rock 'n Roll", so we dressed in jeans and white shirts. There were some pretty cute outfits there. There were a few little skits, and I read this "Dear John" letter to "Food" that was in a newsletter I got from my WA state group. I'd read it at our open house and the area captain was there so she asked me to do it again today. Only she made me get up on the stage.. and we hammed it up pretty good. She was "Food" and she put on this straw hat and a little black mustache. I dug a kleenex out of my pocket for each of us and there was a lot of sniffling and pretend crying, and we had a good time with it. It was a good time. There were over 100 people there... and DH was one of about 3-4 men!

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