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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Lurk-lurk! Finally got back to the site.

Went to an Obama party after work last night and kinda' fell apart. Almost fled the restaurant. Not sure if it was the noise level or the crowd or just too tired to party well. Had to email a very good friend and apologize for being so @#$%% rude.:thumbup: My after work activities (after our 1 hr drive home) usually amount to feeding the dogs, making a Protein Shake, and heading in the general direction of bed. I try to not even answer the phone, if I can get away with it.

Better hit the trail. DH is home sick (doesn't believe in flu shots, so now he's got the flu). Bought him some more tissues with lotion, so maybe he'll stop using tp to wipe his snoot.

Hasta la vista.

Car you sound like me except - I do go to the gym 2 or 3 nights after work - but it's usually home = computer - dinner and bed...

But this weekend Vegas Baby.. Now my trainer just gave me the name of a bouncer at a club - who can hook us up - you know we can be the kind of girls that don't have to wait in line.. Pretty cool IMHO - We'll see if we have the energy - oh I wonder if anyone has any diet pills... I may just need some... for the weekend. :0)

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Vegas trip really sounds like fun. You sure worked yourself a couple of DEALS!! You're going to have a great time. Hope you take lots of pictures. And, I CAN'T picture you in red hair!! I vote NO!

Yes, I hope to find a way to keep in touch with that lady... Sally. Hope she will be at the pool tomorrow. She said she's just her for this week.

Several people in here have those Segway things... people right behind us have two and a few streets over, another one. Well, they don't lock them up at night. DH even locks up my scooter... locks it to the RV steps. Next door neighbors leave their bikes, etc unsecured all the time. Well, last night the Segway on the next block disappeared! That's about $5 grand worth of toy! I've seen the lady use it to walk her dog... chatted with her about it one day. Really annoying. RV park is gated... gates lock at 5 pm, gates to the desert or locked, and we have 24 hr security guard. But these thefts keep happening. Really a shame. We think it's someone inside. Almost has to be because of all the securty.

Didn't do too bad food-wise today considering we were out "playing" all day. Drove to AZ this morning. After the BIG RV tent, we went searching for the healthiest lunch we could find... amidst a myriad of typical "fair" food. Finally found a BBQ place that had "smoked" potatoes.... like a baked potato wrapped in foil and cooked in a smoker. Paid $2 extra for chopped brisket on top. DH ate about half of the potato.. but I wouldn't let him have any of the meat because he had a hamburger! It was really good and a good choice. Later we stopped at Sizzler on the way home and I had Sr. Fish Filet dinner... two fish filets, but they were fried. I could only eat one because I also hit the salad bar before my dinner came. Took way too much salad and could only eat about 1/3 of it. Have to weigh in tomorrow morning and I"m concerned because my legs and feet are swollen from sitting ALL day... in the car, on the scooter for SIX hours, then back in the car for about another 2 1/2 hrs! UGH! Drinking a little wine now... it'll make me pee and pee and pee and maybe I can get rid of some of this fluid! Good theory, huh????

Yes, seriously need to plan a group Vegas trip!!

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Good Morning Gang

Happy Thursday to all !!!

Phyl - yes I like your theory - wine makes you pee :laugh: that's a great justification. On the theft issue - you are just asking for your segway to be stolen if you aren't locking it up and leaving it outside... We aren't living in the 1950's or 60's or even 70's (my parents never locked their doors) Gates are a total false sense of security - really they only keep the good pple out not the bad - it's proven that all you have to do is wait like 2 minutes and you can always follow someone in.

Yep I think I did pretty good on hooking up some deals - it was my very 1st time at every trying it - and it worked - so from now on - I will keep at it - can't hurt ...

I had auburn hair when I was like 15 it went good with my skin coloring and green eyes - but I have been a blond too long - every time I have tried to go darker I haven't liked it - but some of that was cuz my hairdresser would never put enough gold in my hair - she would make me ashy - and I hate green ashy hair - for some reasons hair dressers don't like gold blonds in warm shades - they always want cool blond - beigy ashy - this is one reason I have gone back to coloring my own hair ...

Candice will be landing in Vegas @ 9:30 this morning they were leaving their house at 2 a.m. to get to airport for 7 a.m flight... OMW she is having a long day today...

Ok gotta get to work - cbl :thumbup:

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Wow, it's really quiet out there! Where is everyone?

I can't believe that my friend to whom I apologized during and after the Tuesday party(a former psychologist) is making me jump through hoops to regain her good graces. I'm just too weary to play....

I'm trying a new exercise program called Break Pal Cardio which parcels out exercises into 5 min. intervals every 30 minutes during the work day. I'll let you know how it works.

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Wow, just did a Quick post and the forum ate it alive! I was just saying how quiet it is in forum land, but maybe it's the system?

I'm trying a new daily exercise system called Break Pal Cardio, which is kicked off by my computer at 30 minute intervals. Each session runs about 5 minutes. I'll let you know how it goes.

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It posted Car - Ya it's been quite today - Kari is lurking - Phyl should be done with drivers ed :0) - Candice is in Vegas - Karri at school - Steph - making her business plan, Donna - working and Me I should be - but I'm tired I woke up at 4:20 this morning... Gotta go to the attorney and sign papers - then bank to get $$ for Vegas - go home pack and get ready for work tomorrow -

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It posted Car - Ya it's been quite today - Kari is lurking - Phyl should be done with drivers ed :0) - Candice is in Vegas - Karri at school - Steph - making her business plan, Donna - working and Me I should be - but I'm tired I woke up at 4:20 this morning... Gotta go to the attorney and sign papers - then bank to get $$ for Vegas - go home pack and get ready for work tomorrow -

No sympathy for the "going to Las Vegas" work that you have lined up.

This Break Pal Cardio is working out pretty neat. Kind of marshal arts moves done quickly. After you exercise as long as you want, it waits 30 minutes, then moves you on to the next exercise. Nifty.:biggrin:

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Hi ladies. Sorry I didn't say hello this morning. Rose and I had to go shopping for her house. Of course I called Jeff and said I didn't think I needed much of anything which completely just jinxed me. I did a bunch of grocery shopping though. I worked really hard at staying in the good food mode. I bought everything with lots of Protein and low sugars. I got stuff for lunches. I got stuff for breakfasts. I bought a ton of veggies and fruit. As much as I wanted to I didn't buy the Cookies or the candy. I was so hungry I thought I could have eaten my leg, but I stayed strong.

Tired tonight. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. I hope Candice had a great flight. I hope Janet enjoys her trip. Car, tell me more about this exercise plan. Phyl, I agree, just asking for trouble. I live in BFE and don't leave my easily removed stuff just sitting out. That would be like sitting my laptop on my mailbox and being upset that it wasn't there the next day. As if!!!

Okay...off to bed. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!

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Checkin' in.

Not much going on.

Quiet here and everywhere today.

We had a few rain drops today. Nothing to amount to anything.

Quartzsite trip was fun.

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No sympathy for the "going to Las Vegas" work that you have lined up.

This Break Pal Cardio is working out pretty neat. Kind of marshal arts moves done quickly. After you exercise as long as you want, it waits 30 minutes, then moves you on to the next exercise. Nifty.:crying:

Oh Car I deserve sympathy :0)... Making decisions on what to take is very difficult. :0) It's hard work!!!

Hi ladies. Sorry I didn't say hello this morning. Rose and I had to go shopping for her house. Of course I called Jeff and said I didn't think I needed much of anything which completely just jinxed me. I did a bunch of grocery shopping though. I worked really hard at staying in the good food mode. I bought everything with lots of Protein and low sugars. I got stuff for lunches. I got stuff for breakfasts. I bought a ton of veggies and fruit. As much as I wanted to I didn't buy the Cookies or the candy. I was so hungry I thought I could have eaten my leg, but I stayed strong.

Tired tonight. I'll talk to you all tomorrow. I hope Candice had a great flight. I hope Janet enjoys her trip. Car, tell me more about this exercise plan. Phyl, I agree, just asking for trouble. I live in BFE and don't leave my easily removed stuff just sitting out. That would be like sitting my laptop on my mailbox and being upset that it wasn't there the next day. As if!!!

Okay...off to bed. Have a great day tomorrow everyone!

Steph - Congrats on the food choices when shopping that's the key just don't pick up the junk and I too am usually hungry when shopping and it's very hard not to throw the crap into the basket - I look at the calories of the things that tempt me - and that right there makes me put it back on the shelf !!!!

Good morning Gang - I know you are all going to miss me !!!

you are all going to try an park your cars on my street so you can make the bucks!!

Well, I am all packed - just waiting til 3 so I can leave work p/u deb - run by the house kiss GS and my fur babies and will be on the road...

CBL :tt2:

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Okay I am back. And life has been HELL for the last several days. I know that no one is really around but I need to vent to someone other than my DH who has been through the wringer too. I am going to go back to Sunday and work my way forward to show you my week.

Sunday - Ran 10 miles and my Nike+ refuses to sync to my account now. I had to get a new sensor because apparently storing it in your running bra will break your ipod and your sensor. I had to buy an ipod about a month ago and now had to finally break down and get a new sensor. Not too badk 29$. But it would NOT sync. Then I went outside and checked the mail that we had neglected to do for a couple of days. INside were all of our utility bills...$688 dollars worth. Our rent is only 695$ So paying that much for utilities sent my DH through the roof and me to tears. It wouldn't be bad if we were keeping the house at 80...but we couldn't get it above 65 degrees. I was freezing constantly and we were spending more time driving around and eating out so that we could be warm somewhere. So DH decides we are moving. I try to argue against it but after crunching the numbers... it made sense to move, AGAIN. The worst part is that we know that we will be moving again in 6 months.

Monday - Found a cute (tiny) place to live and put our application in on it. Spent ALL day looking for a place. Went to the gym and put in a half hearted workout but sensor still not syncing.

Tuesday - Got approved for the apt, put down deposit and moved in. Not all the furniture just some cooking stuff, food, and sleeping bags. We finally got to sleep in a warm room for the first time since we came back from Vegas! Started feeling kind of icky. Tummy ache, headache, and just plain achy. Chalked it up to stress and moving.

Wednesday - 2:45AM Started throwing up. Now remember, I was never able to get my unfill so I am tight and throwing up. NEVER a good thing. Just didn't realize HOW bad. Threw up a couple of times. Went to work to do sub plans came home and kept throwing up. Called the doctor and he demanded that I come over for an unfill. At this point my stomach HURTS and not flu hurt so I call the school, call in sick for the rest of the week, throw together sub plans and head across the mountains for my 6 hour drive. Fortunately (the only good thing this week) the mountains were clear and NO weather problems. Stayed at my brothers house for the night since I had stopped throwing up.

Thursday - Got to the doc at 9AM and had a complete unfill. Fluoro shows MAJOR inflamation and SERIOUS swelling. Concerned that my pouch is starting to dialate (which can lead to slippage) they put my back on post op diet...2 weeks liquids, 2 weeks mushies and then back to real food. Drive home feeling sorry for myself!

Friday - Cook some Soups that I can eat and then when DH gets off work move some more stuff over to the apt. Still feel Crappy. Had a phone interview with a vice principal in Las Vegas. Looks good!!!

Saturday - Got a uhaul and moved all of our stuff, got cable and internet hooked up. And still feel crappy! Finally I broke down and took a nap. Feel a little better but my tummy is still sore. No throwing up, but being totally unfilled I do not feel hungry at all. That should tell you how swollen I am.

So I learned my lesson...never stay too tight cause even if you are careful and don't pb often if you get the flu...it can cause MAJOR problems.

Well I am going to go to the store to get more pinto Beans to make more Soup. I did get one of those immersion blenders so I will be blending everything and watering it down for the next couple weeks.

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Karri, you've had quite a ride!

Hope things start getting better FAST!!

So, you did NOT have the flu, right?

You just started throwing up?

Glad you found another apartment that quickly. TERRIBLE utility bills!!

Hope Janet & Candice had a GREAT time in Vegas!

Probably will be heading home soon.

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Karri, you've had quite a ride!

Hope things start getting better FAST!!

So, you did NOT have the flu, right?

You just started throwing up?

Glad you found another apartment that quickly. TERRIBLE utility bills!!

Hope Janet & Candice had a GREAT time in Vegas!

Probably will be heading home soon.

No I had the flu...it is just that because I had the flu AND was too tight that I caused myself some terrible issues. Just one more reason to not be too tight. I am completely unfilled now and plan on staying that way. When I am unfilled I seem to have my head in the game better. Nothing to rely on I guess:sneaky:!

Glad we are out of the other place as we woke up to 3 inches of snow this morning.:w00t: Here I come VEGAS!

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Karri- Glad you're feeling better!

Phyl- I got the consumer reports best buy for top loader. I had a stadard issue Kenmore with two cycles, permanent press or cotton. I now have 23 cycles. It's blowing my mind. I washed my towels on cotton, heavy. They were all twisted into ropes when done. So I guess that cycle is too rough. I have some learning to do. DH rigged the door so we could keep it open and watch. It stops as soon as you open the lid.

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Phyl- I got the consumer reports best buy for top loader. I had a standard issue Kenmore with two cycles, permanent press or cotton. I now have 23 cycles. It's blowing my mind. I washed my towels on cotton, heavy. They were all twisted into ropes when done. So I guess that cycle is too rough. I have some learning to do. DH rigged the door so we could keep it open and watch. It stops as soon as you open the lid.

Sounds fun!! 23 CYCLES!! That's amazing!!

Don't know what I'd do with 23 cycles!!

Watching your new washing machine do the laundry!!

Better than prime time TV!! LOL

Crazy wind here again today!

We haven't had much this winter, so can't complain,

but I still hate it!!

After church, stayed inside ALL day!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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