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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I would love to see a study on the effects of winds on mood. I usually feel like someone is running their nails down a slate blackboard (you know, one of those things in a class room which used chalk? -- tongue firmly planted in cheek)

I still have a chalk board...Is it actually 2009??? I guess we are a bit behind the time.

Okay to be fair I actually have a document cameral and a projector but still...a chalk board????:)

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Steph what the hell are you doing snowblowing? I thought your back was hurting? Just blow dry that snow.

Janet- I don't know how to park cars.

Phyl- Just what makes that little ole ant think he can move that rubber tree plant. Anyone knows an ant can't, move a rubber tree plant. But he has high hopes, he has high hopes.........

Karri- The first time my mom went in the looney bin I was 9. What a coincidence

What about your DH, does he have propects in Vegas?

Wind - Me no like, especially hurricane force

I don't like my hair mussed

Hi to everyone else. Work sucked major as usual. I loate it.

Cals today-Great Exercise- Great

Work- %^^#**@!#$

Oh today I cried at work for the first time. Only for 2mins. and only in front of my sec. My boss pissed me off so major it was cry or quit. Quit don't pay the mortgage.

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Ms. Pris - You can go to my blog (it hasn't been updated in a while but my PS stuff is in there). As for my recovery...it was a piece of cake. I was actually typing on LBT about 3 hours after I was out of surgery. My PS gave me a pain pump (it is something they implant just under the skin that dissolves) and that is a life saver. Stay up on your pain meds and stool softners and I was great. There is some discomfort, but in reality...it was less painful than my lapband because they didn't have to cut through the muscle. I don't know how a hernia would effect that pain.

Now here is a downside to the PS. I have talked with many PS'ers here on LBT and at in person support groups and the biggest problem comes way after surgery in the form of lack of motivation. Here is why for me...I didn't (wasn't allowed to) workout for 6+ weeks and yet I looked a hell of a lot better than I did before surgery. So why should I work so hard when I look better. Well as a result there seems to be a 10-15 pound weight gain that occurs. I think if you go into surgery KNOWING this you might be able to work through it. I need to have 1 more surgery ( breast reduction and reverse Tummy Tuck to remove remaining excess skin at the top of the torso) and I know that my mental state will be MUCH different than it was the first time.

Let me know if you have any further questions. You can PM me for my email addy if you want.


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Steph what the hell are you doing snowblowing? I thought your back was hurting? Just blow dry that snow.

Janet- I don't know how to park cars.

Phyl- Just what makes that little ole ant think he can move that rubber tree plant. Anyone knows an ant can't, move a rubber tree plant. But he has high hopes, he has high hopes.........

Karri- The first time my mom went in the looney bin I was 9. What a coincidence

What about your DH, does he have propects in Vegas?

Wind - Me no like, especially hurricane force

I don't like my hair mussed

Hi to everyone else. Work sucked major as usual. I loate it.

Cals today-Great Exercise- Great

Work- %^^#**@!#$

Oh today I cried at work for the first time. Only for 2mins. and only in front of my sec. My boss pissed me off so major it was cry or quit. Quit don't pay the mortgage.

In Nevada you only need a BS degree in order to substitute. So he could do that. He is currently in a masters program at the University of Phoenix so when he finishes that he will easily be able to step into a job considering that he wants to teach middle school math and middle school science!!!

Sorry to hear about your job...I REFUSE to go into administration because being a dean is usually the first step and that to me would be worse than being a bus driver...and I would rather be homeless than be a bus driver!

As for me...I like the wind...as long as it is warm. I HATE the cold wind.

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That would be so fantastic !!!!! We would be only 4 hours away,... Not days - I love having Phyl so close during the winter - It's so nice to really meet and hang with our new families...

How interesting about the 9 & 16 yrs... I don't know but I thought you had been with DH for years - You in a bad relationship thats shocking -when you have such a good DH but I guess not when I really think about it - but you just seemed to always have such a level head...- .. Heck - I think in all my relationships Chris was the most normal - and too boring - so dumped him for a bad boy.. I guess that's why I'm single still- don't trust my judgment :)

how long has your biological mom been gone??

Yes we know you are competitive :) You are the one who got me to where I am - I had to keep up with you... :)

So when it comes to your food choices - think of me see if you can beat me in better food choices..:)

Today - I was busy paying my bro's bills figuring out how much his estate owes me and today is 3 months since he passed - so I haven't had much of an appetite - Breakfast acai berry juice drink 90 c - lunch a few bites of turkey polish sausage - dinner will be steamed fresh carrots - baked chicken - rice or salad - I think maybe I will do the salad.. So really my calories are on the low side - but I didn't go walk tonite - well - I went to target after work and walked around and tried on clothes so that was a little exercise...

Car - you are too funny I love reading your post - How did your unfill go... I am glad you are getting some taken out - being too tight to eat IMHO is worse than having no restriction...

Steph - Love your pic w/your niece - you look really cute in that sun dress - Yes I want to see Rose's After pic's - I have some pre-pic's to compare the after with - And I though you 2 lived close to each other to begin with - I am glad she will be closer - I know she's not my Mom - but she is a cool lady - I enjoyed hanging with her at out MofA trip..

I didn't see that qvc show - but that's sorta how I do things but have been very mindful of my food choices lately - like I had said in that long post that disappeared - I fear I am a poser at time - I am spouting all this crap heck I have a mentor thread - pple are always giving me props for my success- think I got the problem beat - and am afraid that I will end up like Oprah.. (has anyone watched or read her article to understand what I am saying) so all these shows on right now along with yours & Karri struggles make me a little more mindful to eat healthy.. Not to allow myself to slip back into bad eating - which is hard after the holidays where I did eat sweets.. Like we all know - the food that isn't healthy is the easiest to go down/eat - where as the healthy food we can't eat much of.. We want to eat volume - so we make the choice to eat the unhealthy stuff so we can eat more..

IDEA - IF Karri moves to LV - that's where we all can meet in August or July depending on when she gets moved... I know it's hot - but heck the casino's have AC and the hotel rates are cheaper - Whadda ya all say to that !!!!!

Donna - You really like wind:eek: & yes Car is Very sarcastic - I love her post - they are so intense

Denise - it took me a while to get the hang of it - I still don't understand why I never get yellow cars limo's ice cream trucks etc that everyone else has - heck I was a parking dummy in the beginning was in the minus alot in the beginning - you gotta get alot of friends to join parking wars - I have you Jackie Phyl earl (phyls dh) steph - and a couple of others that they give you - but so far I have 3 red cars and 1 green - so you can only park in those spots or a spot that doesn't have any sign - but then the sign can change from red to green and you will get a ticket..

and girl you make me laugh - blow dry the snow... I think Denise can be our stand up comic - OMW I would love hanging with you - you would have me busting a gut laughing so much!!! Glad you had good food & exercise - Hugs on the bad day..

Phyl - Hugs on the blah mood - I know how you feel - wish I could make it better ...

Candice hope work was better today

Kari - Shout out to you too...

OK I think this has taken me 45 minutes to write - My dinner's done - and it's 7:35 - so I am going to go eat - IDOL tonight !!!!

Talk to you all tomorrow - Hugs & Love - I really Love you guys...

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We were looking at Dallas or Vegas and when I map quested Indio I told Lee we were movin' to Vegas.

DH and I got together about 3 months after I got back to Vegas. I broke up with my BF about 3 months before I left. He was still in Oregon and I was in LV and he was bipolar. That on top of the fact that I was still in the mode of "I need to take care of everyone to feel like I am worth anything". On top of that my mom was still alive and trying to control my life from 1700 miles away. Then in the midst of it all...she dies. She died in february and since Sept. I had been trying to pull away from her and put distance between us. Then she died and I felt like dog crap. I of course thought it was my fault because I left. I was in some SERIOUS therapy that year. As a result of all of that hell and not really knowing a soul, being fat and EXTREMELY shy...I had a rough year. Now I am very different. I am in the greatest relationship ever (though steph...sometimes I want to kick him too!), I am comfortable with myself for the most part, I have come out of my shell, and I am sort of getting a hang of this teaching thing! So I am ready to go back!!!

I had a great workout. I really feel like I am back. First and foremost I am taking care of myself. I am no good to anyone if I am not good to myself. That needs to be my new motto. Nope that WILL be my new motto.

Night all!

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Holy postings batman!!! You ladies have been chatty tonight.

Not much to report. Tomorrow I go traveling so I won't be on at all probably. I will be at moms tomorrow night. The next day I will have internet access so you will see me Thursday.

DH made up for being a butthead. He bought me some earrings for Christmas that were snap back....and my ears are too fat for them. So we took them back today to get something else. So I'm looking and he says "Whichever you want, trade them for anything." Well...I picked a pair, not having a clue what they cost. So the lady behind the counter asked DH what he payed and he said $250....so she took these out of the box and says, "We can do 3 on these." And he just pulled out his wallet and didn't even blink an eye!!! I wanted to choke! I figured 50ish....100 tops. So how can I call him an @$$ after that. I'll have to live in these earrings though, to make them worth it and hell if I ever lose one!

Okay....gotta run. It's 11 and I have a huge day tomorrow. Love you ladies!

Oh...and snowblowing was because I THOUGHT my back was better. Obviously I was wrong but at least it was some exercise.

Okay...night ladies!

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I wanted to post this pic. It's of me and my neice from when I went to San Antonio. I have gained 10 since then but it's one of the first pictures I've taken of me that I can say, "I look good in that!" I love that idea. It's been so long!

Stephanie, that is a great picture:w00t: :rolleyes: You look awesome!!!

here is my food for yesterday....CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,005/116/35/59 nt3_dailygoal2.gif 1,000 - 1,050163 - 23632 - 5660 - 127

VERY cold here today -25celcius.... my dogs don't even want to go out to pee... they are still under the covers in my bed!!

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Not much to report. Tomorrow I go traveling so I won't be on at all probably. I will be at moms tomorrow night. The next day I will have internet access so you will see me Thursday. Okay...night ladies!

Traveling??! Hmmm.. but last time I thought that would be a good time to park illegally on your street, I ended up with tickets!!


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We were looking at Dallas or Vegas and when I map quested Indio I told Lee we were movin' to Vegas.

DH and I got together about 3 months after I got back to Vegas. I broke up with my BF about 3 months before I left. He was still in Oregon and I was in LV and he was bipolar. That on top of the fact that I was still in the mode of "I need to take care of everyone to feel like I am worth anything". On top of that my mom was still alive and trying to control my life from 1700 miles away. Then in the midst of it all...she dies. She died in february and since Sept. I had been trying to pull away from her and put distance between us. Then she died and I felt like dog crap. I of course thought it was my fault because I left. I was in some SERIOUS therapy that year. As a result of all of that hell and not really knowing a soul, being fat and EXTREMELY shy...I had a rough year. Now I am very different. I am in the greatest relationship ever (though steph...sometimes I want to kick him too!), I am comfortable with myself for the most part, I have come out of my shell, and I am sort of getting a hang of this teaching thing! So I am ready to go back!!!

I had a great workout. I really feel like I am back. First and foremost I am taking care of myself. I am no good to anyone if I am not good to myself. That needs to be my new motto. Nope that WILL be my new motto.

Night all!

Karri - too sweet - ya Dallas is far it's a plane ride which is $$$ - whereas LV is just a drive for me...

Ya when my Mom died I thought it was my fault too at the time -- I know now that she was sick mentally and that it wasn't my fault at all.. She had tried so many times before - the last time she just succeeded in her wish to be dead...

Love the positive affirmation WILL and it's so very true... It's my mantra - This is my life and yes it's about me too not just everyone else...

Holy postings batman!!! You ladies have been chatty tonight.

Not much to report. Tomorrow I go traveling so I won't be on at all probably. I will be at moms tomorrow night. The next day I will have internet access so you will see me Thursday.

DH made up for being a butthead. He bought me some earrings for Christmas that were snap back....and my ears are too fat for them. So we took them back today to get something else. So I'm looking and he says "Whichever you want, trade them for anything." Well...I picked a pair, not having a clue what they cost. So the lady behind the counter asked DH what he payed and he said $250....so she took these out of the box and says, "We can do 3 on these." And he just pulled out his wallet and didn't even blink an eye!!! I wanted to choke! I figured 50ish....100 tops. So how can I call him an @$$ after that. I'll have to live in these earrings though, to make them worth it and hell if I ever lose one!

Okay....gotta run. It's 11 and I have a huge day tomorrow. Love you ladies!

Oh...and snowblowing was because I THOUGHT my back was better. Obviously I was wrong but at least it was some exercise.

Okay...night ladies!

Steph - how sweet of DH - Lets see pics of them...

Stephanie, that is a great picture:w00t: :rolleyes: You look awesome!!!

here is my food for yesterday....CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,005/116/35/59 nt3_dailygoal2.gif 1,000 - 1,050163 - 23632 - 5660 - 127

VERY cold here today -25celcius.... my dogs don't even want to go out to pee... they are still under the covers in my bed!!

Candice you are just doing so fantastic with your calories !!!

WTG:thumbup: -25 omw - I would die...

Today will be sunny 78-82 - I have white pants - open toed mules and 3/4 lenght sleeve mock turtle neck (tee shirt material) - sending some warmth in your direction :tt2:

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Stephanie; safe travels hun... keep warm in that car and make sure you take a shovel, blanket, matches, candles, Water in the car with you. SAFTEY First!!!

Yesterday I drove to work with my "quilt" in tow... I wanted to show it off to my buddies at work.

Phyl, I sure envy your RV lifestyle right about now... its colder than a witchs T!t here.....:hurt:

I had to go to the Dr's for a re-check of my ears sinces the antibiotics ran out... I stll have Fluid behind my ear drum, so another rx for the nose...ack! :tt2:

Janet; Thanks for the kudos on my food journal. I am feeling good about it and in control again. I am hoping for 175 tomorrow morning, and if I get it I'll be YELLING on the thread Whoo=peee:lol:

I am going out for dinner tonight, a pot luck, I was told to bring dessert, so I made APPLE CRISP w/o sugar, used splenda and whole wheat flour and oatmeal. So pretty healthy, also I'm picking up some Sugar'free Icecream to go with it...but there will probably be wine!!!

Phyl; I'll drink YOUR ration of wine tonight o.k.???? that way I dont' have to log the cals on my Journal..LOL:w00t:

A shout out to Kari, Karri, Car, Denise... hope you are all haveing a BONUS day... stay warm :eek: :rolleyes:

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Since the morning seems to be my breaking point, that might not be a bad idea. It seems if I can get through the morning without indulging I'm pretty good the rest of the day. If I flake out in the morning I seem to be sunk. I watched Ally on QVC when she was doing Biggest Loser sales and she said, "Every choice you make is another chance to choose you. So you screwed up Breakfast, lunch is another chance to make the choice that you are worth it." I wish I could live that!

Tell you what, why don't we both look for healthy living life tips on the net and post them every morning to each other. Either PM or here. And we can add our own little tidbits of how we are going to work the tips. If we don't hear from each other by noon it might be a needed follow through. What do you think?

You're on....conroemcm@gmail.com .

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Now, I'm not sarcastic, just have a very dry sense of humor. Just the result of being brought up on the east coast. Maybe I could go with facetious.

Had 0.25 ml taken out yesterday and feel a bunch better today. NP was very concerned about my PBing and I have to report back to them tomorrow. Also, got around to asking about life after I hit goal weight. It's a good thing I get along with the medical practice as we will be up-close-and-personal until my death bed. I get to be my weight monitor, but if my ounces even think of reappearing, the needle gets whipped out again.

Vegas is just a plane hop away on a usually fairly cheap flight. Hummmmm.

Nap time.

Later, guys.

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Stephanie; safe travels hun... keep warm in that car and make sure you take a shovel, blanket, matches, candles, Water in the car with you. SAFTEY First!!!

Yesterday I drove to work with my "quilt" in tow... I wanted to show it off to my buddies at work.

Phyl, I sure envy your RV lifestyle right about now... its colder than a witchs T!t here.....:)

I had to go to the Dr's for a re-check of my ears sinces the antibiotics ran out... I stll have Fluid behind my ear drum, so another rx for the nose...ack! :thumbup:

Janet; Thanks for the kudos on my food journal. I am feeling good about it and in control again. I am hoping for 175 tomorrow morning, and if I get it I'll be YELLING on the thread Whoo=peee:lol:

I am going out for dinner tonight, a pot luck, I was told to bring dessert, so I made APPLE CRISP w/o sugar, used splenda and whole wheat flour and oatmeal. So pretty healthy, also I'm picking up some Sugar'free Icecream to go with it...but there will probably be wine!!!

Phyl; I'll drink YOUR ration of wine tonight o.k.???? that way I dont' have to log the cals on my Journal..LOL:w00t:

A shout out to Kari, Karri, Car, Denise... hope you are all haveing a BONUS day... stay warm :) :thumbup:

Candice - I am REALLY impresssed on how well you have been doing !!!! I had a weight control oatmel with walnuts & raisins (added by me) with some splenda ice cream last week - it was very good...

Now, I'm not sarcastic, just have a very dry sense of humor. Just the result of being brought up on the east coast. Maybe I could go with facetious.

Had 0.25 ml taken out yesterday and feel a bunch better today. NP was very concerned about my PBing and I have to report back to them tomorrow. Also, got around to asking about life after I hit goal weight. It's a good thing I get along with the medical practice as we will be up-close-and-personal until my death bed. I get to be my weight monitor, but if my ounces even think of reappearing, the needle gets whipped out again.

Vegas is just a plane hop away on a usually fairly cheap flight. Hummmmm.

Nap time.

Later, guys.

Car glad you got some taken out - it's very dangerous to be too tight - you could lose your band altogether with all that bping - or it could slip ... This is where IMHO the whole eating healthy comes in - not just relying on your band to do the work (I'm not saying that's you but I have known pple here on lbt who do) I have always been able to eat 1 to 1 1/2 c per meal most days and I am happy with that..

You would think that a flight to LV for me would be cheap - heck Candice is coming from Canada $400 - that's how much it would cost me to fly from here and I am right next door (4 hr drive) doesn't make any sense to me...

They never have cheap flights for places I need to go - like Dallas...

Well I am back from the gym - I think the menu tonite will be chicken - broc - salad -

Oh we have Idol again tonite... Who all watches Idol

Phyl - Are you feeling better...

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When we went to vegas we got a killer deal 325 for flight and room for BOTH of us! But they only fly on Sundays and Thursdays...so you have to be flexible. One of the reasons that we want to move to Vegas so badly is that we love to travel and it is too dang expensive to do it here. We are cheap travelers but the "getting there" is always what kills us. Flights OUT of Vegas are usually dirt cheap!

Well I am tooting my own horn tonight...TOOT TOOT! It is only Wednesday and I have already run 23 miles this week. That is HALF the amount of miles that I have run in the last 3 months combined...Including the half marathon. Being challenged just did it...I am getting my runners high again...and I love it.

Well I have been getting to bed WAAAAAYYYY too late lately so I am going to take a shower as soon as DH is out and then off to bed.

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