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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Candice! You're the best. You are right as always. I need to get out of my head. I guess I've been spending too much time alone in front of the computer and giving myself too much time to think negative things.

I'm a little embarrassed about the "advice" I've given in the past when I thought I was all that, doing so well. Now I feel like I was a "poser". I guess I needed taken down a few notches. Getting too big on myself.

I can do this. And the pouch test isn't a way of punishing myself more, it's my way of getting back on track. Since I have to do liquids Monday because of the fill, I thought that it would be a good time to get back in touch with my band and what it feels like. I'm hoping for some restriction after this next fill. I try to remind myself that right now I have less in than when they placed it so it's almost like being in bandster hell again and everyone says not to beat yourself up at that time....but I have a hard time thinking I've learned nothing in the last year that has stuck. Anyways....after this fill I will (crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes and knocking on wood) have some proper restriction and will need to go back to learning what I can and cannot eat...and so I thought the pouch test would be a great way for me to relearn that. I will also be traveling on Wednesday and will be able to choose foods easier if I'm strictly on soft Proteins. I will not be tempted to stop by McD's or other places like that. Thursday - Sunday I will be in a hotel and being back on track will be what I need. The hotel does have an exercise room and I will do at least a half hour each day on the elliptical in there....going to push myself to go for an hour a couple of those days if I have time. Staying where we are meeting will be a plus on that front. I should have more time that way.

I also decided to move my work to the basement where I have to go upstairs to get food instead of 15 feet to the kitchen. The lazy me still tells myself it isn't worth those 14 steps!!! A mixed blessing I guess.

Okay...back to my work. I'll check back in.

BTW Candice! I LOVE the new pic with your weight! It's lovely. You're looking GREAT!!!

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Hi ladies. Crappy day. I did manage to get some exercise in...if you could call it that. I finally unboxed my Jillian wii game. What a waste of freaking money!!! It was HORRIBLE!. If I was Jillian I'd be horrified that my name was on it. I ate a bunch of crap. I don't know. Just a bad day.

Got that for my DIL for Christmas because that's what she wanted. I'll have to ask her what she thinks of it, but I read some pretty bad reviews on Amazon.com, too! Do you have Dance Revolution.. 1 or 2?? That's supposed to be a good one. Wish they'd come out with some other stuff for the Wii Fit!!

I did decide that Monday I will begin the 5 day pouch test. I'm to go get a fill that day. I don't know. I'm feeling like a failure right now. I've gained 15 pounds in 2 months. I feel like a fraud. acting like I knew what I was doing and I have absolutely no self control. I'm almost too embarrassed to go through with the fill. I know I'm beating myself up. I know it isn't all that bad...but I'm kicking myself while I'm down. I guess I have the winter blues too. I'm going to do better. I'm working out again. I'm drinking my fluids....I just feel like crap! Like a failure. GRRRRRR.

You quit that failure stuff, girl!! Like that song goes... pick yourself up, dust yourself off and start over again. The pouch test is a great idea. When I did that last summer, it was really exhilarating. Planning ahead and being determined to do it made it not hard at all. It kind of gave me a "high"!!

Steph the two weeks before Christmas I was doing so good. I was finally losing weight again. I gained it all back for Christmas. Sweets! I ain't gonna lie, I was sugar crazy, plus I partied and drank several times.

I did liquids Tues and Wed. Today I had a can of tuna for lunch and PBed. Liquids really tightened me up. I was eating a lot before the two days of liquids. I felt I really needed a fill. Then I do liquids and I feel tight. The tightest level has really been hard for me. Sometimes I feel I need a fill. Then I feel tight. Then I need a fill. Then.......This is really hard for me. I did liquids and I was starving. The only time I lose weight is if I stay under 1000 cal. and it's really hard. I'm hungry, no matter how tight I am. I think I could use a fill, but I'm afraid if I'm too tight something will go wrong. This weight loss thing is really hard. Without the LapBand it was an impossibility. With it, it's possible but it's still a lot of work and will be for the rest of our lives. High calorie foods will always taste the best, be the easiest to get, and the easiest to get down. I wish I wouldn't have told anyone about the Lapband. They really think this was some easy fix. Anyone who thinks eating under 1000 cals. a day and exercising is any easy fix needs to easily get my foot outta dey a....

I've been fighting some hunger the past week or so, too, off and on. Good thing there's no bad stuff around for me to get into!! Only things I ever sneak are maybe a couple of crackers dipped in humus or something! Got some Greek Yogurt at Wal-Mart the other day. Boy, is it good! It's cucumber and garlic. I had a couple of little thin wafer crackers dipped in that last night, just cuz I wanted to see what it tasted like. Tonight I want to have a small filet for dinner and a small baked potato with some of that Greek Yogurt on it!! Yummy! It's 35 calories for 2 Tbsp.

But you are 1000% right!! This is no easy job! A really nice lady from ND was sitting with me in the hot tub yesterday and she was asking a lot of questions about what I can and cannot eat. So I was telling her, and explaining that there are some things I COULD eat that I simply have chosen not to. So then I told her everything I eat in a typical day, including Snacks. She's a really tiny lady and she says, "Oh, my gosh! I eat that much at one meal!!" It really made me feel kind of good because it pointed out to me the extent of the effort that goes in to this! It definitely is no EASY FIX!!

Sorry I made you cry yesterday!

I am just so very sensitive about my legs.

Its not the 'socialized' system that is the problem, it the supply of Specialist Doctors. or rather Doctors in general. There are just not enough of them -as when they graduate and practice for a couple of years they flee to the U.S. where they can charge whatever they like and make a ton more money. By the way you do have socialized healthcare in the U.s. Already... Your Military and dependents all get free healthcare right?

Hmmm.... Earl is retired military so we've been dealing with military healthcare for years. I guess I never thought of that as "socialized medicine". After he retired and went to work for Boeing we used that medical care until we both went on Medicare. Even now we only use military pharmacy. I guess we could use the Marine base medical facility when we're down here, but it's 65 miles away. "Knock on wood", neither of us has required any medical care during the months that we've been here during the last five years! That's pretty remarkable if you think about it!! If we did get sick, we're probably go to an urgent care clinic.

Good grief! I think I've been working on this post for over an hour now and I still didn't respond to everything that I wanted to! But I have to have my cheese and wine before I go to choir practice!!

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Steph the two weeks before Christmas I was doing so good. I was finally losing weight again. I gained it all back for Christmas. Sweets! I ain't gonna lie, I was sugar crazy, plus I partied and drank several times.

I did liquids Tues and Wed. Today I had a can of tuna for lunch and PBed. Liquids really tightened me up. I was eating a lot before the two days of liquids. I felt I really needed a fill. Then I do liquids and I feel tight. The tightest level has really been hard for me. Sometimes I feel I need a fill. Then I feel tight. Then I need a fill. Then.......

This is really hard for me. I did liquids and I was starving. The only time I lose weight is if I stay under 1000 cal. and it's really hard. I'm hungry, no matter how tight I am. I think I could use a fill, but I'm afraid if I'm too tight something will go wrong. This weight loss thing is really hard. Without the LapBand it was an impossibility. With it, it's possible but it's still a lot of work and will be for the rest of our lives. High calorie foods will always taste the best, be the easiest to get, and the easiest to get down. I wish I wouldn't have told anyone about the Lapband. They really think this was some easy fix. Anyone who thinks eating under 1000 cals. a day and exercising is any easy fix needs to easily get my foot outta dey a....

I know exactly what you are saying, Denise.

Seems like every time I decide I should go in for a fill, I tighten up, Lots. But then it is the good stuff that doesn't go down. The carbs, candy and Cookies and chips go down real easy. I also agree with you about telling everyone about the lapband. They do think it's a quick fix. I was so proud that I finally took control of my life and get the lapband, I told everyone. I didn't care. Now, whenever someone finds out how much I've lost, they ask me how. I kind of h-mm and haw and say a lot of hard work. Cutting way back and exersize........................oh yeah, and I have the lapband...............BUT..... It is really hard. It's like they don't believe that you've worked real hard to do what we've done. :grouphug: Oh well.

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MY TURN.....MY TURN ! ! ! Talk about frustration. Seems like I have hit a wall. A solid, thick brick wall. And the magic number is 169. It will not go below that number. 169 - 175.......up and down........up and down. But, it can't break through that brick wall. It's been like this since fall. Damn!! Maybe that's it for me and my body is trying to tell me something. Yeah, I am a lot healthier now. (which is the reason for starting this journey). No more sleep apnea, no more high blood pressure, no more #2 diabetes, no more high cholesteral and trigycerides. But, am I satisfied? NO ! ! Everyone tells me how skinny I am and what a good job I am doing. But, having come this far, I want the whole enchilada. Maybe this brick wall is a GOD SMACK? You think?

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CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEIN nt3_totals.jpg1,199/122/52/63

Hi gals, Hubby took me out for dinner tonight, so my totals are a bit higher today. I ate 1/2 of my Steak & Mushroom Pie and no French Fries.

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MY TURN.....MY TURN ! ! ! Talk about frustration. Seems like I have hit a wall. A solid, thick brick wall. And the magic number is 169. It will not go below that number. 169 - 175.......up and down........up and down. But, it can't break through that brick wall. It's been like this since fall. Damn!! Maybe that's it for me and my body is trying to tell me something. Yeah, I am a lot healthier now. (which is the reason for starting this journey). No more sleep apnea, no more high blood pressure, no more #2 diabetes, no more high cholesterol and triglycerides. But, am I satisfied? NO ! ! Everyone tells me how skinny I am and what a good job I am doing. But, having come this far, I want the whole enchilada. Maybe this brick wall is a GOD SMACK? You think?

I don't know, but I do know that I come up against those brick walls all the time. Every 5-10 lb it seems like I settle in at that certain weight and have to fight for the next loss. Constant plateaus. It's okay.... I'm used to it so I just have to be patient until I drop again.

Those are an awful lot of NSVs, though... all the health improvements are remarkable!! ASTOUNDING!! AWESOME!!

How much further to goal??

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I don't know what the heck they did to this site when it was down today, but it sure seems like they screwed it up big time. I tried to post and I don't know what happened but next thing I knew they had me back on page 1 of our thread!! And I haven't gotten any email messages of new posts since yesterday.

Candice, You're doing great! And I LOVE your new picture.

Janet, did you feel the earthquake last night??

Neighbor gave me some samples of this line of skin care products she is selling and I ended up with a big old ZIT on my chin!! I'm way too old for zits!! So much for that stuff! I like my Clinique stuff.

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I don't know, but I do know that I come up against those brick walls all the time. Every 5-10 lb it seems like I settle in at that certain weight and have to fight for the next loss. Constant plateaus. It's okay.... I'm used to it so I just have to be patient until I drop again.

Those are an awful lot of NSVs, though... all the health improvements are remarkable!! ASTOUNDING!! AWESOME!!

How much further to goal??

Ah Kari, I hear your frustration... but like Phyl pointed out you have SO MANY N.S.V's.... I forgot to ask how tall you are, what is your Current BMI???

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CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEIN nt3_totals.jpg1,199/122/52/63

Hi gals, Hubby took me out for dinner tonight, so my totals are a bit higher today. I ate 1/2 of my Steak & Mushroom Pie and no French Fries.

Tell the mushroom addict about this idea of "mushroom pie"?????

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Okay...now that I've kicked my @$$ out of my pity party.....

Phyl, don't be self concious of your legs. They are what they are and the people be damned who don't like them. Let's be honest, is there any one of us that can look in the mirror and say, "damn I'm fine!!!" We are all too judgemental about ourselves and then when someone comes up and mouths off....tell her to kiss your kanoli! Kill her with kindness next time she makes one of those nasty remarks. Something like, "Oh, I know Martha, I so wish I had half the inate beauty that I see sitting across from me, but I wasn't nearly as blessed as you are. I'll have to be happy that I was given a good heart instead of gorgeous legs. I only wish I would look as good as you when I'm your age. You don't look like a day over 80."

Janet, glad you are feeling better. I wish I had half the sun that you guys do. I would love to have sun right now.

Kari, you have every right to be frustrated. But at the same time, you have not given up? You are still working the band and still staying on top of things. You are doing great. Don't give up!

Alright ladies. I'm tired, it's late. I'll have to ad to this tomorrow. Love you all ladies. Happy weekend to you all.

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I really am glad that I came to the board tonight. I am right there with you all. I have been at the same weight for the last several months and it is higher than I want it to be. Part of me wants to fight to get it down, but another part of me says that I am at a comfortable and healthy weight and maybe this is where I want to be. I have been on liquids for the last several days and starving. I wasn't able to get my unfil because of the flooding but when I finally broke down and ate something tonight I seemed to be OK for restriction. Not great (stil a little tight for me) but perhaps doable.

I know that this will always be hard, but I just want it to become more natural. I am not asking for easy...just natural. So I am going back to the same recipes that I ate all last year. I am not going to try and lose weight. I am just going to try and maintain. I won't let myself go any higher but I am not going to fret and stress about going any lower either. Yes there will be daily fluctuations, but in general I am done trying to lose. Right now I am going to maintain.

This is never going to be easy but at least we are not alone.

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You have such a great attitude. Good for you. I'm going to work to have as great attitude as you do.

Its a quiet morning here. Kids in tub. Michael has a bb game in a couple of hours. I need to get moving but have no motivation to.

Oh....got new livingroom carpet yesterday. So my exercise was moving all the furniture out by myself and then after it was installed I moved it all back in. Maybe not as strenuous as Jillian but all I had time for. I love the carpet though. It's wonderful!!!

Have a good day ladies. I will be back this evening.

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I got a call this a.m. from "SUE" at work, she was fired yesterday! I am so pissed, everything at work has been really sh!tty the last 2 months. The office manager got canned, then the replacement for her lasted 2 days, and now "SUE" the parttimer (who is a long time friend of mine before I got her in at the clinic) got fired last night. She was told "we are reorganizing and I am hiring a fulltimer, so we elected that You be the one terminated"

Can you freeking beleive that crap? If everyone 'elected' that she be the one to lose her job, I'd like to know when this vote was? AS it was a total surprise to me. (I've been there 1 1/2 yrs one of the longest employees, what's that tell ya!)

Part of me wants to confront my Boss(and ask her What were you thinking?), and part of me says shut up Candice, its none of your business.

OMG any opinions out there... I think I should start putting out some resumes?:cool:

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Candice if your economy is looking anything like ours I said it's best to keep quiet. Which of course is an impossibility for me. I can't keep my damn mouth shut. I learn my lesson over and over and over and over ..........

Wanna Laugh?

Check out this site I posted on. My response was pretty funny, but that is NOT what's really funny. You have got to read the serious responses to my posts. Ever time I read a new one, I can't breathe I laugh so hard. I'm gonna half to put on my Mama's depends. People ARE SCARY!! These are the kind of people that the directions are written on a can of corn for. Open before cooking.


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Good afternoon, Ladies. It is cold and snowing here in Michigan (Calgon, take me away) Enough is enough.

Thanks for letting me vent here and your encouragement. I know I couldn't do it without you. I am feeling so much better today.

Do you guys still have the multi-quote on your site? Mine is gone. I just have the one quote option.

Phyl, What you posted about plateaus, sounds very familiar. I have to fight to get past that zero number.

Candace and Steph, No, I'm frustrated, but not giving up. I calculated my BMI. I am 5'9" and weigh 170 (morn. weighin). I've also been working on muscle mass for about six months now and am also larged boned. (i mention this cause they said bmi also depended on these things) Anyway, my BMI is 25.1. Almost normal but if you consider the working out and bone size, I figure it's normal. My goal weight when I started this was 150 lbs. (high school weight) Right! ! ! But, I am thinking 160 would be perfect for me. (at my age) But, right now at 170, I am really starting to looke haggerd and old. :cool: So maybe this is a good weight for me. I don't know. I'm still working on losing at least five more pounds and then I will decide what is goal.


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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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