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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Well I have been away because the school blocked the lapband site. Actually they blocked all "posting" sites. So now I can only get on at home and I have been SUPER busy!

I am going in on Friday to get an unfill. I am at total liquids right now. Well...liquids and popcorn!

I have to run into the neighboring town and get some things so I will be back later.

Ah Karri, that's a bummer they blocked the LBT site!!! well You'll just have to chat more from home I gues...but dont let that cut into your running time!!!


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This site is not blocked at school, but Facebook is. I don't have time to check anyway. It has become so overwhelming at work that sometimes I can't make decisions on what to do. About 1 month ago, I started having this problem. It's scaring me. Within a 10 minute time span at least five things will pop up that I have to attend to. This happens continually everyday, and I just can't take it anymore. This job can not be done by one person, it is impossible. I saw a principal I know about 1 month ago, and she told me that she heard I was getting assist. prin. at a school. She told me who told her. It was heresay, but it came from someone high up. I didn't get it. I was hoping I would get it when the new semester starts. I checked the school's website, and someone else got it. Now I am getting through the day by hoping I get something better. I really don't know how I can take this job till the end of the year. I'm trying to not let it get to me by continually saying I'm doing the best I can. I get 10 or more referrals from teachers a day that I do not even get to because it is none stop problems all day everyday. I spent the day getting statements about the fight we had the last day before Christmas, plus a minor assault today, plus investigate a theft, plus suspend 2 others, plus call parents, plus a parent conference, plus duty, oh and I got to go pee twice. O.k I'm finished

On to what matters, I joined Curves yesterday. I worked out yesterday and today. I like it. Calories today and yesterday very, very good.

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Denise - I totally get it. I don't write referrals bcause there is no way that 1 or even 2 people can handle all the problems of the entire school. I handle the problems myself unless it is something big like a fight. I think if more teachers would do that it would help you focus on the real problems and teachers would actually find out that problems in their classes would diminish if they handled the problems themselves instead of just trying to pass it off to someone else. That is just my experience anyways and it has worked in every school I have been in...Vegas, tiny Central Linn, and here in Redmond.

Okay onto my problem... I can't get an unfill Friday. It is MAJORLY flooding in Lewis County, WA and they expect to close I-5 (the major freeway) with in the next couple of hours. That means that I have no way through. There is no way to get to my doctor. So I called and cancelled. WIth my school schedule and the weather in the passes, it could be WEEKS before I get over there again. This totally sucks because it is incredibly difficult to workout when I am on such limited foods. I guess on a good note, my weight is dropping like a rock. 4 pounds in 3 days! Not the way I would have like to lose it, but it will work. Now I have to decide whether to stay home from work or not! I already have my sub plans done and my student teacher is ready to teach one of the classes, so I think I will stay home and play hookie!

Well that is my pity party story today!!!!!!

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CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEIN nt3_totals.jpg1,052/119/36/69

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This site is not blocked at school, but Facebook is. I don't have time to check anyway. It has become so overwhelming at work that sometimes I can't make decisions on what to do. About 1 month ago, I started having this problem. It's scaring me. Within a 10 minute time span at least five things will pop up that I have to attend to. This happens continually everyday, and I just can't take it anymore. This job can not be done by one person, it is impossible. I saw a principal I know about 1 month ago, and she told me that she heard I was getting assist. prin. at a school. She told me who told her. It was heresay, but it came from someone high up. I didn't get it. I was hoping I would get it when the new semester starts. I checked the school's website, and someone else got it. Now I am getting through the day by hoping I get something better. I really don't know how I can take this job till the end of the year. I'm trying to not let it get to me by continually saying I'm doing the best I can. I get 10 or more referrals from teachers a day that I do not even get to because it is none stop problems all day everyday. I spent the day getting statements about the fight we had the last day before Christmas, plus a minor assault today, plus investigate a theft, plus suspend 2 others, plus call parents, plus a parent conference, plus duty, oh and I got to go pee twice. O.k I'm finished

On to what matters, I joined Curves yesterday. I worked out yesterday and today. I like it. Calories today and yesterday very, very good.

Denise, I am glad that in all that caos that you are able to take some time for yourself. Curves is a great stress release for you, get out some of that frustration that you feel towards work. Being a teacher is hard, hard work and you never get enough thank you's for all you do get accomplished.

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Karri: Hope you don't have to wait too long to get over the mountains to your doctor!! DD is reporting bad flooding in her area, too. She works in the health office at their local high school and kids living in certain areas were told to call their parents to figure out transportation home because the school buses could not get through. I heard the passes are all closed, too. The two little foster boys DD has are going to be moved to their grandma's, but not until the highways open again.

You're doing great, Candice!

Steph, how's the weather in your area now?? I think I fell asleep during one of those Sudoku rounds again last night, but while I was playing on Earl's account so that's okay!!


Don't want "him" to beat my scores even though I know it's me and not really him!!


Janet, any improvement in the blahs??? I think it's JANUARY! Couple of my Facebook friends... even the men, complained of the blahs this week!

Earl crashed his RC plane again yesterday! I think he bought more than he can handle!! He's now talking about trying to sell it on eBay and buying a smaller one until he learns how to fly them! I think he should just keep it and buy a smaller one. Problem in the RV is storage!! In the daytime it sleeps on our bed. At night, it gets moved onto the dashboard. It can't stay there in the daytime because that's the cat's lounging place.. in the sun on the dashboard on her special blanket!

Back to the airplane... he powered it up too much AGAIN, just like the day he was practicing taxiing it. So when it took off, it went straight up in to the sky... you can see this on Facebook. It got so high and went so far away that the radio could no longer control it. He kept trying to circle it, but he was way over compensating and overreacting to what was going on and eventually it just nose dived. He went in to a panic and took off across the desert on foot trying to find it. I remained a little more calm, and I'd seen approximately where it went down. So I got in the car and found the house where I thought it had crashed and just driving by slowly I spotted it nose first in the ground right next to the carport. Funny thing was... out there in this driveway was a throw pillow???? And the plane had come down right up against it! I mean, another couple of inches to the right and it would've landed on the pillow!

Funny, huh??

Well, not so much, I guess!!


So, we now need another propeller, engine mount and nose cone! And a new, smaller airplane that will be easier to control and cheaper to fix!!

Okay... this is already way too long... but I have to tell you about this horrible experience I had today. Well, I guess it wasn't exactly horrible so much as hurtful! I was in the hot tub with this lady from my Water aerobics class when she says, "I probably shouldn't say this, but....." and I knew she was going to make some comment about my legs. My fat, ugly, grotesque legs...! So she asks me if, when I lose my weight, I'm going to have surgery on my legs. This same lady, when she found out I'd lost almost 100 lb a month or so ago said, "Oh, that's why you have all that extra skin on your legs!" So this lady is not exactly subtle! Then she says, "Now don't let this keep you from coming to the pool!" Geez! So I came home all depressed and cried on Earl's shoulder for a while. I already hate my legs... it's a sensitive subject and I don't need stupid old ladies making rude comments!

Okay... I got that off my chest!!


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Phyl - You want me to beat that hateful B@#$@ up?

Seriously, wait,

I gotta throw kitty's toy.

She keeps shoving it at me.

O.K. some people having no regulation on what is appropriate to say. They blurt out whatever they are thinking. It's like they have mild autism. They function, yet they are socially inept. Kitty's back.

My own Mom often said inappropriate things to people. Not that bad, but rude things she should not say. She was in no way trying to be rude and had no clue she was.

Do not let someone steal your happiness. Earl loves you, your family loves you, and we love you just the way you are. When I use to say I hate my legs because they're fat when I was young my Daddy would say, "They work don't they, you should be happy you have legs."

You can handle this two ways

1. Let it roll off your back, don't worry be happy. She ain't right in the head.

2. When she gets in the hot tub with you, look her straight in the eye and say, "Can you tell how my legs look under Water? " Then grab the back of her head and shove the @#!$% under.

Choosing #2 may bring unwanted consequences.

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Karri: Hope you don't have to wait too long to get over the mountains to your doctor!! DD is reporting bad flooding in her area, too. She works in the health office at their local high school and kids living in certain areas were told to call their parents to figure out transportation home because the school buses could not get through. I heard the passes are all closed, too. The two little foster boys DD has are going to be moved to their grandma's, but not until the highways open again.

You're doing great, Candice!

Steph, how's the weather in your area now?? I think I fell asleep during one of those Sudoku rounds again last night, but while I was playing on Earl's account so that's okay!!


Don't want "him" to beat my scores even though I know it's me and not really him!!


Janet, any improvement in the blahs??? I think it's JANUARY! Couple of my Facebook friends... even the men, complained of the blahs this week!

Earl crashed his RC plane again yesterday! I think he bought more than he can handle!! He's now talking about trying to sell it on eBay and buying a smaller one until he learns how to fly them! I think he should just keep it and buy a smaller one. Problem in the RV is storage!! In the daytime it sleeps on our bed. At night, it gets moved onto the dashboard. It can't stay there in the daytime because that's the cat's lounging place.. in the sun on the dashboard on her special blanket!

Back to the airplane... he powered it up too much AGAIN, just like the day he was practicing taxiing it. So when it took off, it went straight up in to the sky... you can see this on Facebook. It got so high and went so far away that the radio could no longer control it. He kept trying to circle it, but he was way over compensating and overreacting to what was going on and eventually it just nose dived. He went in to a panic and took off across the desert on foot trying to find it. I remained a little more calm, and I'd seen approximately where it went down. So I got in the car and found the house where I thought it had crashed and just driving by slowly I spotted it nose first in the ground right next to the carport. Funny thing was... out there in this driveway was a throw pillow???? And the plane had come down right up against it! I mean, another couple of inches to the right and it would've landed on the pillow!

Funny, huh??

Well, not so much, I guess!!


So, we now need another propeller, engine mount and nose cone! And a new, smaller airplane that will be easier to control and cheaper to fix!!

Okay... this is already way too long... but I have to tell you about this horrible experience I had today. Well, I guess it wasn't exactly horrible so much as hurtful! I was in the hot tub with this lady from my Water aerobics class when she says, "I probably shouldn't say this, but....." and I knew she was going to make some comment about my legs. My fat, ugly, grotesque legs...! So she asks me if, when I lose my weight, I'm going to have surgery on my legs. This same lady, when she found out I'd lost almost 100 lb a month or so ago said, "Oh, that's why you have all that extra skin on your legs!" So this lady is not exactly subtle! Then she says, "Now don't let this keep you from coming to the pool!" Geez! So I came home all depressed and cried on Earl's shoulder for a while. I already hate my legs... it's a sensitive subject and I don't need stupid old ladies making rude comments!

Okay... I got that off my chest!!


:thumbup: ah Phyl, I am sending you big hugs... What a ignorant COW of a woman she was. I wish I'd been there,I'd have punched her in the face for you.. I know you wouldn't sink that low as you are a Christian woman... but "I" don't have to behave well. :wub: It would have killed her to say something like, "wow you are a great example of determination" instead of focusing on something that she had NO business even mentioning.

You have done so well, pls don't waste any hurt feelings for that nincompoop.

I suppose she's perfect, and looks just like Sophia Loren in HER bathing suit huh?


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Ok I read quickly - and then phone ran - it was DS ans now it's 8:30 and I really need to go eat = but I have to coment on one thing before I go - I will respond to the others in the morning.

Phyl - Hugs Hugs Hugs - You need to sit down and write that STUPID STUPID lady a letter and explain how insenative her remarks are - how rude they are - I can't beleive it - but I would have to tell her something - she is just a stupid dimwit - no brains - but you gotta say something to her - I think a letter would be best.

Why can't she just be happy for you and your weight loss - end of story...

Hugs - Janet

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Okay... this is already way too long... but I have to tell you about this horrible experience I had today. Well, I guess it wasn't exactly horrible so much as hurtful! I was in the hot tub with this lady from my Water aerobics class when she says, "I probably shouldn't say this, but....." and I knew she was going to make some comment about my legs. My fat, ugly, grotesque legs...! So she asks me if, when I lose my weight, I'm going to have surgery on my legs. This same lady, when she found out I'd lost almost 100 lb a month or so ago said, "Oh, that's why you have all that extra skin on your legs!" So this lady is not exactly subtle! Then she says, "Now don't let this keep you from coming to the pool!" Geez! So I came home all depressed and cried on Earl's shoulder for a while. I already hate my legs... it's a sensitive subject and I don't need stupid old ladies making rude comments!

Okay... I got that off my chest!!


Ok Phyl I read it again, she knew exactly what she was doing and was deliberately being rude. She opened with, "I shouldn't say this, and ended with don't let this keep you out the pool." That nasty heffer knew she was being hateful. I agree with Janet even thou I couldn't do it. I let people walk all over me. It takes A LOT of pissed off to get me to confront someone, then I just tell em off like I'm crazy. I just don't know what I would do.I wouldn't want her to know that her comment hurt me. Mean people enjoy knowing they hurt you. Just know a Bitch is always a Bitch. If she was that rude to you, she's P.O.ed others. She probably has few if any friends. Drink a 6 pack, sit next to her in the pool, and pee with a lovely smile on your face.

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Thanks for all your support, gals! Yeah, she's kind of a dimwit and she's 80 some years old, so NO Sophia Loren, for sure. And not much tact! Funny thing is, Earl had an encounter with her this morning, too. He was walking by their place and saw her husband struggling with their sliding glass door. So he stopped to help him and she tried to run interference and not let him talk to him. She kept saying he didn't have time because he had to take her to the doctor. The door was off track and the poor old guy was having a tough time getting it to close! So he just ignored her and helped him anyway!

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Ok Phyl I read it again, she knew exactly what she was doing and was deliberately being rude. She opened with, "I shouldn't say this, and ended with don't let this keep you out the pool." That nasty heffer knew she was being hateful. I agree with Janet even thou I couldn't do it. I let people walk all over me. It takes A LOT of pissed off to get me to confront someone, then I just tell em off like I'm crazy. I just don't know what I would do.I wouldn't want her to know that her comment hurt me. Mean people enjoy knowing they hurt you. Just know a Bitch is always a Bitch. If she was that rude to you, she's P.O.ed others. She probably has few if any friends. Drink a 6 pack, sit next to her in the pool, and pee with a lovely smile on your face.


That's a good one!

Yeah, she knew! I just have to ignore her, I think.

Letter sounds like a good idea, but I just want to forget about it at this point, not draw more attention to it... and not sure I want to let her know she hurt me!

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80 year old

I would definitely just let it go. She's got bats in the bell free.

A few fries short of a happy meal

A few feathers short of a head band

The lights are on....

The elevator doesn't......

Coo coo for cocoa puffs

John Travolata story on the tv right now. It is so so sad. I love him, and having been thinking of him and praying for him and family.

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Good morning, Ladies. I had to log on and let you all know that you have made my day. Nothing like starting the day off with a good laugh. I think I have the January Blahs also.........but not so bad that I concerned about them. It took a lot of effort on my part, but I made it to the gym yesterday. 2nd time in about a month. Even though I compensated by pedaling, I'm still stiff today.

Phyl - loved the suggestions here about that old biddy. Just tell her that when you get to be ninety, you hope that you don't have as many wrinkles. Fight fire with fire. ( I mean cattiness).

Denise - I have to give you credit. I couldn't do your job. I can't even handle substituting. Kudos to you.

Steph - keep the snow....We've got enough of it here in Michigan.

Candace, - where do you have pics of your quilts? I'd love to see them. I piece quilts, but the hand quilting........NO WAY. I either have them machine quilted or tie them off. I don't have the patience to hand quilt. About your comment to Phyl about being a good Christian......Well, I'm one and well, those kind of things piss me off royally.

Karrie - Maybe you should bite the bullet and pay the extra to go to that quack near you. Sounds like it might be a while till you can get over to your doctor. Liquids and popcorn. I'd die. I had a 100 calorie bag of popcorn last night and I suffered half the night. One more thing I can't eat.

Well, gotta go jump into the shower. DH should be done plowing out our drive and it'll be time to head to Mountain Movers at church.


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Good Morning Gang...

Denise - I love the pee suggestion - you are too frickin funny girl...

As to the letter - I think it's a good idea - just to get the whole thing out of your system - they say to write them and throw them away afterwards... Otherwise - you are going to keep replaying it in your mind.

80 yrs old - OMW - I don't know if she really understands or knows what she's doing - she is of the age where she doesn't understand about being PC - I have a gf who works but in a small one girl kind of office- she doesn't' know the 1st thing about being PC - and some pple are just inappropriate period.. They have no manners.

Well Phyl - Just know - we love you - we understand and we are all here for you... You have us and your family - who gives a sh*t about that old bat... I like Denise's suggestion about dunking her !!!


OK Gang - I am out of the Funk - Yea !!!! I have been talking to alot of pple and they too have been blah... So I am normal :thumbs_up: - OK well maybe not totally :glare:.

Karri - Hugs baby girl - I really wish you could get to a sweet spot and stay there - It seems like you are always either too tight or too loose - not just right... Creams Soups - that's what you gotta do to get your calories & nutrition in while you are so tight - I am a popcorn girl too but it has no nutritional value... You need nutrition....

I don't have the total receipt yet - but a girl here at work had cream of broc Soup yesterday - it looked and smelled wonderful - ingredients - Broc (cooked 1st), Mushrooms- Lite cream cheese - 2% cheddar cheese - NF Milk - and I think a little chicken broth - garlic salt & pepper - I personally would add some onions - but for me onions & garlic are in everything I cook...

Clam chowder... is another Dav of mine - I ate this when I was 1st banded..

As to this site being blocked - I'm lucky - I'm buds with our IT person - so I am covered in that area...

Denise - you were up for a VP position at one of your schools how cool is that - Sorry you didn't get it but still I think that's a great that they thought of you - Heck most likely didn't get it cuz you do too good of a job at what you do and they don't want to have to replace you...

OMW - you do have TONS OF CRAP to deal with - Hugs - I know I couldn't do it and I really like what Karri does - handles it herself - I think that's great and should be done that way - I watched To Sir With Love over the weekend (one of my most fav movies) and Sidney Poiter was a prime example of being a real teacher... The kind of teacher you remember for your entire life..

Phyl - Poor Earl - ya I think a smaller airplane to practice with is a great idea - the pillow thing was way too funny..

Candice - I AM SO PROUD OF YOU !!! You are doing really great w/your food - and those quilts are just beautiful....

Kari - You might not be getting to the gym - but you are still exercising - just think - before your surgery - you would just be sitting on your butt doing nothing - now we do try and get the exercise in no matter what form - must move... WTG :thumbup:

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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