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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Good morning ladies. or good afternoon.

Not alot happening today. I'm going to go be a driver for Jeff in a little bit. Sit in the truck while he fixes another one. I have a book to read.

I woke up with a killer headache this morning. I don't usually wake with one...this one was really bad. It was after 11 before I could manage to move without pain.

I moved my ticker finally. Gotta go. Jeff's ready.

Talk to you later ladides. Happy Sunday!

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Quiet here, still sick.., didn't wake up today until 11:30a.m. I feel like such a slug. I am just eating lunch now. Flax seed bagel and light cheese slices on it. I had oatmeal for breaky with Flax seeds on it and skimmilk...

I am having chicken leg for supper with some veggies probably brocoli and/or beets...

I looked up a chicken leg and came up with 94 calories? does that sound right to everyone???



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this is what I do to keep myself sane, in our winter weather!!!

Plus, they keep me warm ha,ha,ha

the first one I made a year ago and its home is on my BED.. the second quilt is in process... I am just finishing quilting on the outer most border then it will be done.



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Candice beautiful quilts. Me so jealous!!

Mine are store bought. My favorite is wedding ring from Country Living. Someday I'm gonna sew all the yo yos my Mama cut out.

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I woke up with a killer headache this morning. I don't usually wake with one...this one was really bad. It was after 11 before I could manage to move without pain. I moved my ticker finally. Gotta go. Jeff's ready. Talk to you later ladies. Happy Sunday!

Hmmm.... my sister woke up with one of those headaches today, too! Earl gets them in the middle of the night and ends up spending half the night in his recliner.

Quiet here, still sick.., didn't wake up today until 11:30a.m. I feel like such a slug. I am just eating lunch now. Flax seed bagel and light cheese slices on it. I had Oatmeal for breaky with Flax seeds on it and skim milk...I am having chicken leg for supper with some veggies probably brocoli and/or beets...I looked up a chicken leg and came up with 94 calories? does that sound right to everyone??? Cbl, Candice

Gosh!!! Hope you start feeling better soon!! DD is still sick, too! Still in Vegas and flight to Seattle delayed by a couple of hours. Can't walk around and enjoy anything because it's too cold and windy and she is still so sick she gets out of breath trying to walk. Must be a potent virus going around!! And she is asthmatic so everything hits her harder. But you've been sick about as long as she has, I think!!

You're really making me feel guilty! I need to start logging my food/calories again!

this is what I do to keep myself sane, in our winter weather!!! Plus, they keep me warm ha,ha,ha The first one I made a year ago and its home is on my BED.. the second quilt is in process... I am just finishing quilting on the outer most border then it will be done.

Those are beautiful!!

Did you see the pictures I posted on Facebook of the one our DIL made us??? All the squares that she had everyone color!! Really special!! I've crocheted a LOT of afghans, but never tried to make a quilt!

I sent several of you a Facebook friend suggestion for Nicole/Forgive7X7... so if you don't recognize her name, that's who it is. It's amazing how many "bandsters" there are on Facebook now. Some of them, I'm not sure what their LBT screen name is, so I just have to trust that I really do know them from LBT!

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Good afternoon ladies. I am VERY sore today. I ran/walked (mostly ran) 10 miles this morning. It is the first Sunday in January and it is time to begin training for the marathon on May 3. I thought I was dying after 10 miles...that is barely over a third of what I am going to have to do a mere 5 months from now. Guess I had better get my rear in gear!

I am getting close to my 150 mark. I was at 151.3 this morning. I need to fix my signature but I have to go into work tonight. We start back tomorrow but I have a lot to get done and didn't want to be there during the day because there were a bunch of teachers there and I didn't want to deal with them.

Well I was just informed that my chicken for dinner tonight is still frozen solid so I guess we are heading to the store.

Check in later.

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Oops I meant to add a couple of things.

Steph- I hope your headache is better.

Peaches - Those are beautiful quilts. It is something I have always wanted to learn to do. And yes that seems about right for a chicken leg if you remove the skin.

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Wow...so it sure has been a long time since I've been on here. It's hard to believe that 6 months has gone by so fast!! Life has just kept me so busy that Some things had to go for a while. And I'm not even going to attempt to go back and read what I've missed - it would take me FOREVER!!

It's been an interesting 6 months. I had my annual EGD at the end of August, and everything was fine until about a month ago. I started getting reflux really bad again, and this last Thursday night (after trying everything I could), I decided to make the dreaded 5 hour trip to Phoenix to go see my doc.

I ended up getting a complete unfil and am scheduled for another EGD on February 20th. So until at least then, I will be unfilled which I'm not too happy about. :) I finally started losing again this fall, and I don't want to put it back on. So...time to get my butt in gear!! :thumbup:

We did get a Wii and the Wii fit for Christmas and I LOVE IT!! My hubby has even started working out on it which is good for him.

We are still making a lot of life decisions right now, and I'll share some of those later.

I've missed you guys, and look forward to reconnecting with you!!


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Wow...so it sure has been a long time since I've been on here. It's hard to believe that 6 months has gone by so fast!! Life has just kept me so busy that Some things had to go for a while. And I'm not even going to attempt to go back and read what I've missed - it would take me FOREVER!!

It's been an interesting 6 months. I had my annual EGD at the end of August, and everything was fine until about a month ago. I started getting reflux really bad again, and this last Thursday night (after trying everything I could), I decided to make the dreaded 5 hour trip to Phoenix to go see my doc.

I ended up getting a complete unfil and am scheduled for another EGD on February 20th. So until at least then, I will be unfilled which I'm not too happy about. :) I finally started losing again this fall, and I don't want to put it back on. So...time to get my butt in gear!! :thumbup:

We did get a Wii and the Wii fit for Christmas and I LOVE IT!! My hubby has even started working out on it which is good for him.

We are still making a lot of life decisions right now, and I'll share some of those later.

I've missed you guys, and look forward to reconnecting with you!!


Hey great to have you back Nichole!!!! Yes it does take too long to go back and re-read everything...

Todays food (so far) CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEIN nt3_totals.jpg810,94,26,51

So I am liking those totals.... but I still will have a snack later of pumpkin pudding (kinda like pumpkin pie w/o the crust) I make it with Splends...


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Oops I meant to add a couple of things.

Steph- I hope your headache is better.

Peaches - Those are beautiful quilts. It is something I have always wanted to learn to do. And yes that seems about right for a chicken leg if you remove the skin.

Thanks Karri, thanks for the info on the chicken leg. I am always confused as I can find totals for Chicken thigh, and drumbstick - but never for the whole leg...???

As it turns out I P.B.'d on my first 3 bites of the chicken and 1 bite of the beets... so I had to start my meal all over....

Beleive me, beets are really gross to PB.... you'd think I'd been 'gut shot' YUK

Candice beautiful quilts. Me so jealous!!

Mine are store bought. My favorite is wedding ring from Country Living. Someday I'm gonna sew all the yo yos my Mama cut out.

I'd love to see a picture of the wedding ring quilt... for sure put all those yo yo's together, you;ll have a wonderful heirloom to pass down.

sewing really is good to keep my hands /mind busy while I a watching TV... its been a God send for me.

Hey, O/T has everyone notices how the price for lapband is coming down????:)

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Hi again ladies. Just wanted to check in before I turned in for the night. Went out to dinner with friends. It was nice but of course too many cocktails. I did make sure to Jillian before I went though, so that's good.

totals for today:

Totals: 1,257cal 18g fiber

37g protein

I need to up my Protein. I'll work on that this week. I forgot to mention that I've done pretty well the last couple of weeks at getting in all my liquids. I bought a 36oz nalgene bottle and that has helped a lot.

Karri, I hope you don't stay sore for too long. I'm sure it felt good to push through.

Candice, your quilts are wonderful. I have done a couple of table runners but I quickly lost interest. I still have 4 cut out that I haven't bothered to sew up yet. Imagine that. ADHD to the rescue!

Okay....off to Facebook for awhile. I'll see you all in the morning.

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My friend asked me to join Facebook, so I signed up today. I don't think I'll have time to participate the way she wants me too. But at least I'll look at her page. Now that ya'll all are talking about facebook I'm thinking ya'll are gonna move over there and dump me. I'm already depressed today, now I got more worries.

So on to a funnie. This afternoon I asked DH to come play Wii with me. So he says, "You can play with my Wii."

Smart Ass!

Denise - I am on facebook too but it's too confusing - I am just there cuz everyone else is - so had to ck it out - I'm like you - I don't have the time to really do both - This is my main (lbt) thread - computer site etc -

Congrats on 25 yrs !!!!

Good morning, gang!!

Well, got Earl a hobby store gift card for Christmas so he could buy himself a radio controlled airplane. He spent almost twice what was on the card, but that is a HEALTHY thing because he NEVER spends money on himself!

BUT.... now he says it won't fit in the car with the wings on!!

So, does this mean we now have to buy a new car that will fit his airplane???? He hasn't flown it yet and now he's frustrated because it's much too windy today. He's as nervous about flying it as our son was about flying his REAL airplane for the first time a couple of months ago!!!

I don't think he's going for that one Phyl (buying new car) but good try

CALORIESCARBSFATPROTEIN nt3_totals.jpg1,047,129,29,51

Fridays totals.

Good Going

oooh, Stephanie that temp is aweful!! Iwas that cold here a few days ago, but now it has warmed up to just below zero... so it's rather "balmy" for us :cool2:

Still sick with this cold/flu... was up coughing my guts up last night... argh!!

:mellow: I know it will go away eventually but at least I am getting alot of quilting done!

Hubby is out shoveling snow right now, and then we are supposed to go for a nice walk and take the doggies...

Oh I forgot to ask Stephanie, how are your greyhounds doing?

Phyl. I think Earl should definetly spring for a new car.... it will help the economy:thumbup:

Janet, you are quiet today... you must have gone off to the gym.

Denise, we're glad your here and we're not going anywhere... i do play on facebook now and then, but mostly on here.... this is where my FAMILY is...:tt2:


I did go to the gym on saturday and beauty shop - I am a little blue myself - I just don't know what to do with myself over the weekend - got some of my tree down (all the decorations off of it but the tree is still in the corner)

CALORIESCARBSFATPROTEIN nt3_totals.jpg1,92716092148

o.k. from the food Police... I was doing well today, then this evening I ate 1 cup of Honey Roasted Peanuts...900 cals... OMG...

But Its here, I did it, I am accountable.... its over

My Cold/flu is still sucking large, I should have purchased shares in the KLEENEX Company before the stock market fell!!

Maybe you should go to the doctor....

Wow...so it sure has been a long time since I've been on here. It's hard to believe that 6 months has gone by so fast!! Life has just kept me so busy that Some things had to go for a while. And I'm not even going to attempt to go back and read what I've missed - it would take me FOREVER!!

It's been an interesting 6 months. I had my annual EGD at the end of August, and everything was fine until about a month ago. I started getting reflux really bad again, and this last Thursday night (after trying everything I could), I decided to make the dreaded 5 hour trip to Phoenix to go see my doc.

I ended up getting a complete unfil and am scheduled for another EGD on February 20th. So until at least then, I will be unfilled which I'm not too happy about. :wink_smile: I finally started losing again this fall, and I don't want to put it back on. So...time to get my butt in gear!! :)

We did get a Wii and the Wii fit for Christmas and I LOVE IT!! My hubby has even started working out on it which is good for him.

We are still making a lot of life decisions right now, and I'll share some of those later.

I've missed you guys, and look forward to reconnecting with you!!


Nichole - Welcome back !!!

Good Morning Gang

Yes I know I have been MIA for 2 days - just didn't feel like getting on the computer - I think I just needed to completely rest my brain from thinking....

I go to DMV this morning to renew my license - they want me to take an eye test and get a new pic - the one on my lcense is from 95 - my weight on my license is 130 - well at least now it will only be an 8 lbs lie instead of 112 :thumbup:

After that have to take GD to airport - then to work -

I don't know what's up with me - just no motivation - have tons of stuff I could do - cleaning - but who wants to do that ---

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Good Morning Everyone,

When I got to work this morning the parking lot was completely empty, no teachers. I was thinking, what da hell? Upon entering, I realized the kids don't come back until Wed. YEAH!!!! Now if I could just stay awake. My secretary is not here. Guess she thinks she didn't have to work today.

Janet- I can't find you on Facebook.< /span>

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Good afternoon ladies!!

I'm getting back into the routine. Spending nap time on the computer getting a few things done. Putting off cleaning the house since it looks like a tornado hit it and I don't even know where to start. Nick said something about Grandma coming over and my heart dropped cuz I would be appauled if anyone saw my house right now. It is beyond horrible. Maybe I'll get up the urge this afternoon.

Janet, you do sound blue. I was starting to feel that way before I took my break. I don't think it was that I needed a break from here, but that I needed a break from EVERYTHING to get everything back into perspective. I just spent time doing what I WANTED and not what HAD to get done. It helped that I was away from home for a lot of the time because then I didn't see all the crazyiness stairing me in the face. Maybe you can take an inventory of what really matters. Just you. Just honest. Hard to do and hard to be that honest even with ourselves. I know I always think about what SHOULD be on the list and when it isn't I start feeling that guilt. But try to be super honest and look at what is happening in your world when you're feeling blue. Is it because what is really important to you isn't what is happening there? Just a thought. Maybe I've been reading too many self help books. I just hope you feel better soon. Hard to see you blue.

Phyl, I can't imagine Earl getting a new car after all the fuss over the economy but if he goes for it, you'll know he's over the economy. It would be a good sign. Good luck with that.

Denise, I chuckled at your story. I'm always worried that something like that would happen. But my big fear is that I'll be a day late like your secretary. I was always worried that would happen. I can't tell you the nights I woke up worried that would be the case.

Candice, if you are sick much longer I would make an appointment to see a doc. It doesn't sound good. In fact, if you're like me, make an appointment for a couple days from now and you're bound to feel better tonight. I always do. Might be worth a shot.

Nothing much happening here today ladies. Hope all is well there. Hugs to you all.

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Happy New Year! I've been on an "unplugged" vacation since Christmas Eve and loved it! Today is my first day touching a computer. I missed and thought of you ladies and sent you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year wish through the clouds. :wink_smile:

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