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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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23_9_10.gif Gang - How is everyone today !!!

Well, yesterday 3.5 miles:thumbup: - p/u GD, went out for lunch insides of a taco and 1/2 the shell - went to bed bath & beyond looking for something to roll out Cookies on - as I have tile counter tops - OMW a piece of plastic (large type cutting board) $50 + couldn't beleive it - found some silicone mat that I am going to try.. Went to Coscto and got prime rib & veggies for xmas dinner - today wil get the rest of the stuff I need

Candice are you home yet ??? Did you and DH have a good time...

Hi Janet and GANG!!!!

Yes, I am back from Havana Cuba!!! It was an awesome trip. Had few hiccups like flying out we got half way to Cuba(over Clevland OH) and had to turn back to Canada and change planes... ours had a malfunctioning 'light' on one of the engines!!!:smile: Anyways we carried on and arrived there at 4 a.m. but warm and moist.. Beaches were great, people were great, food was great... LOBSTER oh my!

and then of course there was the RUM... but I did get sick of all the drinking by Wednesday.

All in all we walked a lot all over havana and got some good exercise in... GAINED 4 lbs while away. so I don't think that is too bad.

After Xmas I will get back on the band wagon... permanently.

How has everyone else been? I've been trying to go backwards are read everything I've missed..

Love you all and missed you bunches:biggrin: :(

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Hi Janet and GANG!!!!

Yes, I am back from Havana Cuba!!! It was an awesome trip. Had few hiccups like flying out we got half way to Cuba(over Clevland OH) and had to turn back to Canada and change planes... ours had a malfunctioning 'light' on one of the engines!!!:eek: Anyways we carried on and arrived there at 4 a.m. but warm and moist.. Beaches were great, people were great, food was great... LOBSTER oh my!

and then of course there was the RUM... but I did get sick of all the drinking by Wednesday.

All in all we walked a lot all over havana and got some good exercise in... GAINED 4 lbs while away. so I don't think that is too bad.

After Xmas I will get back on the band wagon... permanently.

How has everyone else been? I've been trying to go backwards are read everything I've missed..

Love you all and missed you bunches:biggrin: :cool2:

Hey Candice - Glad you had a GREAT time and Safe trip - what a pain though to get that far and have to turn around and change planes :thumbup:

Heck those 4 lbs - is most likely Water weight from all the eating out - I'm the same way too - a couple days of drinking and I get burned out - LOBSTER - I love it...

Got any pictures to share !!!!

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Hello Everyone,

I'm using my daughter's laptop right now cause mine is infected. I have spyware guard, a nasty malware, on it and I can't get it off. It's a pain in the @#*! It keeps reinstalling itself.

I got my ultrasound for gallstones this morning. My rightside hurt just when she lightly pressed on it. If it's not stones it's something, cause I'm having some problems.

Janet- You asked about the weightloss. The scale finally moved last week. It had not pudged for over 5 months. I think the weight loss is starting again. Praise the Lord. I haven't gone for a fill because it has gotten tighter.

I'm cleaning the house today, and finishing the wrapping.

Did ya'll ever notice when I type "I'M" I forget to put 'm a lot?

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Pre-op 5/07



12/08 - 17 Mos/-100 lb

Why can't I ever get these pictures to upload!!???

Edited by phyllser

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Woweee...You look fabulous!!

Hey...we finally broke into non-freezing territory today...for 20 minutes. Yep...we hit 33 degrees at 3:30 this afternoon and by 4:00 we were back down into freezing territory. Now we are supposed to get hit with a heavy storm again. Vegas is not going to get here soon enough. Hopefully the storm doesn't cause problems with our flight.

On the weight front I am holding steady at 152. I am making good food choices, but can't get to the gym. So if I can keep up with the food and finally get to the gym perhaps I can get below 150 and stay there. That is my goal. Get and stay below 150. I did get new jeans tonight and they are still a size 4!

Well we are going to play a game so I will chat later.

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OMG Phyl you look FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!

Weather- Sunday morning in lower 30's, I had ice in my fountain. Now Tues. night it's in upper 60's, muggy and yucky. We have the fans on, and I'm still hot. If you ever get down here for winter bring shorts and coats cause it always changes from day to day. Tomorrow 70's

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Pre-op 5/07



12/08 - 17 Mos/-100 lb

Why can't I ever get these pictures to upload!!???

:thumbup:FANTASTIC PHYL :thumbup:

:thumbup:YOU HAVE DONE A GREAT JOB !!!!:sad:

:tt2:Cute shirt if I do say so myself :tt2:

Woweee...You look fabulous!!

Hey...we finally broke into non-freezing territory today...for 20 minutes. Yep...we hit 33 degrees at 3:30 this afternoon and by 4:00 we were back down into freezing territory. Now we are supposed to get hit with a heavy storm again. Vegas is not going to get here soon enough. Hopefully the storm doesn't cause problems with our flight.

On the weight front I am holding steady at 152. I am making good food choices, but can't get to the gym. So if I can keep up with the food and finally get to the gym perhaps I can get below 150 and stay there. That is my goal. Get and stay below 150. I did get new jeans tonight and they are still a size 4!

Well we are going to play a game so I will chat later.

Karri - you are back on track !!! Hope you don't have flight problems either - I keep hearing how bad it is up your way.. Some lady was here in PS and was going to Bend OR - flight to Portland delayed and then she mention the drive over the mountain - that's the mountain you talk about I assume...

OMG Phyl you look FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!

Weather- Sunday morning in lower 30's, I had ice in my fountain. Now Tues. night it's in upper 60's, muggy and yucky. We have the fans on, and I'm still hot. If you ever get down here for winter bring shorts and coats cause it always changes from day to day. Tomorrow 70's

Denise - too funny our weather isn't that drastic...

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Yep..that would be the mountain. Things are looking good here right now. It was in the 40s today. The winds switched and we got air from the south which is blowing the low pressure front to the north of us. Let me tell you...I could become the local weather girl with as much weather I have wathched in the last week!

We just got back from the gym. I would love to say that it was a good workout but it isnt'. My tummy is not feeling well. I have been having issues eating over the last couple of days. If I could have traveled across the mountains and gotten a partial unfill I would have. However, it isn't an emergency. I am just sick of getting stuck so often. I think when the weather shapes up I will go over and get some taken out. I honestly think being this tight is one of the reasons that I am NOT losing weight. I am so sick of that stuck feeling that I just avoid the real foods and go for the stuff that doesn't stay with you and goes right through the band. I did much better making good choices when I was looser because everything went down...not just the sugar. It took me hours and several tries to get my breakfast/lunch down today. Not even certain if I am going to attempt dinner. Right now I am going to drink some tea and see if I can get my tummy to not feel ucky.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas Eve.

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Hi ladies. I've been without a computer for the past couple days. Finally took it in and NO BUGS. What a surprise. But, the hard drive was worn out. Got it replaced and DH picked it up this morning. I'M BACK ! ! I've missed you guys.

Phyl - You look great. At least ten years younger. You know, when I was heavy, I couldn't walk twenty feet without my back giving out. Now, that I've lost the weight, It is fine. I think that my spine just couldn't handle the weight.. I can walk distances now with stopping to rest hardly at all. And my knees still need to be replaced.


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Hi ladies. I've been without a computer for the past couple days. Finally took it in and NO BUGS. What a surprise. But, the hard drive was worn out. Got it replaced and DH picked it up this morning. I'M BACK ! ! I've missed you guys.

Phyl - You look great. At least ten years younger. You know, when I was heavy, I couldn't walk twenty feet without my back giving out. Now, that I've lost the weight, It is fine. I think that my spine just couldn't handle the weight.. I can walk distances now with stopping to rest hardly at all. And my knees still need to be replaced.


Thanks for the compliments, gang!

I'm hoping some of the pain will ease as more weight comes off. Haven't had much back pain because I have been avoiding walking and standing for long periods. The more I try to do, the more my back/knees hurt. So it's a good news/bad news situation, I guess. Good news is I'm able to tolerate walking/standing for longer periods, but bad news is the pain... especially back pain, which hasn't been a problem before.

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8_2_73.gif 8_2_58.gif 8_2_80.gif   8_2_62.gif 8_2_91.gif

Santa's been to our house -8_2_79.gif

OMW we had such a wonderful time opening presents.


Hope you all are having a wonderful Christmass





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8_2_73.gif 8_2_58.gif 8_2_80.gif  8_2_62.gif 8_2_91.gif

Santa's been to our house -8_2_79.gif

OMW we had such a wonderful time opening presents.


Hope you all are having a wonderful Christmass




And DITTO from me!


I am feeling seriously Christmas cookie deprived!!

Youngest DD promises to send some cut-outs to me via oldest DD tomorrow!!


Looking forward to visit from DD & SIL and hoping the Seattle weather cooperates with their flight plans!!

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Hello Gang;

What a wonderful holiday this has been. I've been reading everyone's posts and it sounds as though we are Truly blessed this year.

My DD and SIL2B came for 2 days, just left actually. It was a great visit. I love it when the kids come home. We had losts of good gifts for them, things I am sure they need or like... so that's all good.

For Xmas dinner we 4 went into my Mom's Sr's Residance for their Turkey supper and Plum pudding for dessert. OMW it was fantastic, not to have to cook all that stuff and deal with all the leftovers.

Actually the only leftovers are the Brownies, Squares, Bar Cookies that I made that didnt' get eaten... I don't really have much of an appetite.. (yeah)

I was able to finally get a medication switch on Dec 22nd. This new medication can be taken on an empty stomach before bed... which is great cause then I don't have heartburn after every meal!!!! I was worrying about the permanent damage that would cause to my stomach/esophogus etc...

Only trouble is the sideeffect of this new med is Drowsiness... that's why you take it before bed. But, in thwe a.m. I have a terrible time waking up. I have been sleeping 12 hours straight!!! Now during the holidays, this is not a problem, but when I go back to work next wk....???? I don't know?

Another topic: How is everyone going to deal with getting back on track after the holidays?

I for one am going to re-commit to tracking my food/exercise and getting this last 30-40 lbs off.... I am setting a 10 lb goal for January.

Love to all and blessings,


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I am hoping this works...

My DD and SIL2B had our wedding photos scanned and re-touched for our Christmas gift... then they are putting them all in a Wedding Album (hard copy) for us...

first pic is My Hubby (middle) and his two best buddies that stood up for us.

then there is My Dad (passed away) walking me down the aisle/staircase we were married in my parents Livingroom in front of the fireplace.

A pic of Peter and I looking very happy

Lastly a pic of My parents(mom turq dress) and Hubbys parents (pink dress)

This was all 34 years ago OMG!!!! and I was 19 and Peter was 24 yrs old.

Our original wedding album consisted of snap shots from a polaroid camera, stuck into a Kmart picture album... the colours had deteriourated a lot over the years... so my DD snuck them out of the house and hired a proffessional to retouch them all and put them on a CD with music... now they'll be good forever.





Edited by peaches9

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I am hoping this works...

My DD and SIL2B had our wedding photos scanned and re-touched for our Christmas gift... then they are putting them all in a Wedding Album (hard copy) for us... This was all 34 years ago OMG!!!! and I was 19 and Peter was 24 yrs old.

Our original wedding album consisted of snap shots from a polaroid camera, stuck into a Kmart picture album... the colours had deteriourated a lot over the years... so my DD snuck them out of the house and hired a proffessional to retouch them all and put them on a CD with music... now they'll be good forever.

What a wonderful Christmas present!! Great pictures!

Our DDIL hit another home run with quilt she made us... many, many squares of things the kids/grandkids drew with fabric pens! I still haven't "read" them all! It's wonderful!

I put it on my Facebook page in the Christmas album.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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