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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Welcome back, Steph! We've missed you, too.

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We will be in Vegas from 9PM on the 25th to 4PM on the 28th! I am sooooo looking forward to it.

I finally have an appt with a therapist and it is the one that specializes in weight problems and eating disorders. It is on New Year's Eve Day at 12:30.

STUCK STUCK STUCK!:glare::lol::smile2:

Holy cow....it hurts. Make it stop. MOMMMMMMYYYYYYY!

Baby Girl what did you get stuck on - you can't pb ??? I am lucky - if i get stuck - I can usually bring it back up... Infact I got stuck on carrots last night they were soft but ate too fast and didn't chew well enough... Are you ok now??

New Years Eve - on we will want to know how it went..

Going AWOL again this week. From the gym, that is. Took a header off the front porch on my way to church, Sunday. OUCH ! ! ! ! The top step was ice and my feet just flew out from under me. Don't ask me how, all I know is I ended up on my stomach, face in the snow, facing the other direction. And my left butt cheek hurts...............BIG TIME ! ! ! Colorful, too.

Kari - you need those thing they sell on QVC that you put over your shoes to keep you from falling on I - :biggrin: - Glad you are ok....

Hi guys. I'm back home now. I have to go back and catch up on what all I've missed but wanted you all to know I WILL be here tomorrow.!!!!

I've missed you all.

Steph - I thought you were mad at us or something - Where did you go???

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I swore I postd this morning!

Anyways I stated in my disappearing post that I was stuck for 3 hours yesterday because I couldn't really leave my classroom to go pb. I kept sneaking into the room behind my classroom and sliming in the garbage can. I had to be very quiet so I couldn't put the effort that I needed to get it unlodged. But it finally went away. Now I am stuck on lunch. I think I am a little too tight,but travel over the mountains is too dangerous right now. I am hoping that some time during winter break the weather will clear enough for me to get to the doctor's.

It is a little warmer here today. We are suppoed to get to 29 degress...but then we are going to get hit with a bunch of snow. Maybe just maybe we will get a delay tomorrow! They haven't closed school in 12 years so I have no hope of that!

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I swore I postd this morning!

Anyways I stated in my disappearing post that I was stuck for 3 hours yesterday because I couldn't really leave my classroom to go pb. I kept sneaking into the room behind my classroom and sliming in the garbage can. I had to be very quiet so I couldn't put the effort that I needed to get it unlodged. But it finally went away. Now I am stuck on lunch. I think I am a little too tight,but travel over the mountains is too dangerous right now. I am hoping that some time during winter break the weather will clear enough for me to get to the doctor's.

It is a little warmer here today. We are suppoed to get to 29 degress...but then we are going to get hit with a bunch of snow. Maybe just maybe we will get a delay tomorrow! They haven't closed school in 12 years so I have no hope of that!

It's been raining here since last night - slow and steady - not hard - but I have heared we have some road closures and it was snowing in Banning/Beaumont (about 30 miles from me) Heck my little ticker says it 41 here in Palm Desert - Phyl may get some snow - she is a little higher than us in DHS....

I'm sorry that you are stuck - is it cuz you are trying to eat too fast and not chewing well enought...

I guess I have been super lucky - Next month will be 1 yr since I have had anything added or taken out.. And if I get stuck or pb it's 99.9% my fault ...

But I gotta tell you I am hungry for the last 2 days - the candy is calling my name - I ate 1/2 of a quarter size see's candy and threw the rest away then ate a sf choc cov carmel - about 73 calories.. No More...

Ate chili for lunch but since it's a Soup - it doesn't really sick with you..

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It's been raining here since last night - slow and steady - not hard - but I have heared we have some road closures and it was snowing in Banning/Beaumont (about 30 miles from me) Heck my little ticker says it 41 here in Palm Desert - Phyl may get some snow - she is a little higher than us in DHS....

I'm sorry that you are stuck - is it cuz you are trying to eat too fast and not chewing well enought...

I guess I have been super lucky - Next month will be 1 yr since I have had anything added or taken out.. And if I get stuck or pb it's 99.9% my fault ...

But I gotta tell you I am hungry for the last 2 days - the candy is calling my name - I ate 1/2 of a quarter size see's candy and threw the rest away then ate a sf choc cov carmel - about 73 calories.. No More...

Ate chili for lunch but since it's a Soup - it doesn't really sick with you..

Yeah...pretty sure it is because I am eating too fast. But then again...maybe not. I got stuck on dinner last night though it is that TOM and I do get tighter during that time. At lunch though I have about 35 minutes scheduled to eat, but in reality after copies, helping students, walking students to lunch recovery, and dealing with whatever else is going on...I have about 4 minutes to eat. Last year my prep periods were schedule so that I could eat lunch at that time and not during lunch. now my prep period is from 7:30 -8:45 so I can't exactly eat lunch then. As a result...I think I try and hoover it down.

Well I am going to go to the gym for about an hour, run and get my glasses, and then come back and take tickets at the basketball game. I still need to write a quiz for tomorrow and set up a lab. Guess I should get off my lazy (yeah...I wish) hiney and get busy. DH will be here to pick me up in 10 minutes. My car wouldn't start now if I begged it to! Plus I don't like driving in the snow. Though I did last night when I wanted to go to the gym and DH did not. Thank goodness it is only 4 blocks away!

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Yeah, it's been pouring down rain since about midnight last night. I don't know how cold it is outside because our outdoor sensor got waterlogged! It says it's 74 out there and I know it's more like 44! Really frustrated because we couldn't do Water aerobics this morning. And I didn't want to sit inside ALL DAY again for a third day so I went shopping! BY MYSELF! Didn't plan to go alone, but DH insisted on staying here to babysit the awnings because the weather report said the wind was going to pick up! I protested until I realized the opportunity before me!!

So I went and finished my shopping for him. That took a lot of plotting and planning because he monitors ALL our accounts EVERYDAY... ATM, checking, credit cards! Just for security purposes, which is a good idea, but then how do I get him anything without him knowing what I spent and where???? So I decided I'd get cash from the ATM to solve my problem. Great idea if you use your card on a regular basis and therefore you KNOW what the PIN# is! So, after my card got locked because of three unsuccessful attempts, I had to call the bank on my cell phone and have them unlock the card and give me a new PIN#!

So, after 3 hrs out in the rain and cold, I'm back home under my warm snuggly blankets sipping my afternoon wine and happy that I've finished my shopping for DH and he has no clue what I got (gift card from a hobby shop so he can go get himself a remote control airplane... which he has been wanting for years but won't go spend the money!)


Interesting side note to my shopping trip...

driving the car is so weird! I don't drive very often because I so seldom go anywhere alone!! Feels strange when I get in the driver's seat because there's so much more room between me and the steering wheel than there used to be, and today I was having trouble reaching the pedals so I had to move the seat up!

I may have to insist on a new smaller car!!



Karri, have you ever tried pineapple juice when you get stuck?? I like my Papaya tablets, but they are somewhat addicting for me. I try to avoid them for that reason. But I keep little cans of pineapple juice handy.. the acid and the slimy consistency seem to help. But if you're already stuck, you have to sip it carefully.


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If you know anyone researching self-pay LapBand in Mexico, this Dr. Kuri (near Tijuana) is highly recommended... lots of folks in WA state use him, he has a holiday give-away going on... visit this website to enter for $1000 off, one certificate a week until Christmas, on LapBand surgery, which you can give away to a friend.


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I can't beleive that it took you a minute to jump at the chance to get out on your own for a bit.. And you did great and just buying him something - while I was out Xmas shopping for other - I bought way too much stuff for me :confused:

Ya I think it started raining about 10 last night down in Indio and it has rained all day today here at work - I have a little KESQ ticker thing on my dashboard and it says our temp in is 41... If it keeps raining - you could get snow tonite :sad_smile:

Great NSV on the driving the car :shades_smile:

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I can't beleive that it took you a minute to jump at the chance to get out on your own for a bit.. And you did great and just buying him something - while I was out Xmas shopping for other - I bought way too much stuff for me :wink:

Ya I think it started raining about 10 last night down in Indio and it has rained all day today here at work - I have a little KESQ ticker thing on my dashboard and it says our temp in is 41... If it keeps raining - you could get snow tonite :)

Great NSV on the driving the car :thumbup:

I guess it was just the shock. I thought WE were getting ready to go out... post office and Kmart in DHS, and I hadn't paid much attention to his rambling about the weather report and the wind, etc. He's been ignoring the stock market and obsessing over the rain and weather instead.. which is an okay thing, but pretty soon it just becomes so much blah, blah, blah to me!! So I didn't realize he wasn't going until I was on my way out the door and turning out lights... then he said, "you DO know I"m not going, right??" No, I didn't! So, I didn't tell him, but if he wasn't going, I had no intentions of limiting myself to DHS, so I headed in the other direction when I left the park! Of course, it didn't take more than 10 minutes before he started calling me on the phone! I ignored it the first time, then answered and had to listen to him throw a fit because I didn't go where he told me to go!!


And then all the lecturing about being careful and the roads are going to be flooded, and more blah, blah, blah, blah!!

I usually buy way too much for ME, too, when I go out shopping, but resisited the urge today because I had this specific mission to accomplish! Plus, I've spent a fair amount of $$ on myself this past week online!! I spent my birthday money and then some! I got myself the Water warmups, which I"m waiting impatiently for since it's so cold and supposed to stay that way for the next week! And I ordered a new bluetooth earpiece... everyone complains about the two I'm using now because they're too noisy, so I ordered a Jawbone on eBay last night. And, of course, I bought those earrings last weekend. That actually was money spent previously, though, because I took back the ugly Sears earrings and got my money back! Oh, yeah, and then there was the new bathing suit and sweatsuit last week!!


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Yeah...pretty sure it is because I am eating too fast. But then again...maybe not. I got stuck on dinner last night though it is that TOM and I do get tighter during that time. At lunch though I have about 35 minutes scheduled to eat, but in reality after copies, helping students, walking students to lunch recovery, and dealing with whatever else is going on...I have about 4 minutes to eat. Last year my prep periods were schedule so that I could eat lunch at that time and not during lunch. now my prep period is from 7:30 -8:45 so I can't exactly eat lunch then. As a result...I think I try and hoover it down.

Well I am going to go to the gym for about an hour, run and get my glasses, and then come back and take tickets at the basketball game. I still need to write a quiz for tomorrow and set up a lab. Guess I should get off my lazy (yeah...I wish) hiney and get busy. DH will be here to pick me up in 10 minutes. My car wouldn't start now if I begged it to! Plus I don't like driving in the snow. Though I did last night when I wanted to go to the gym and DH did not. Thank goodness it is only 4 blocks away!

Karri - Tiny bites - chew - or take Soup for lunch:lol: I woulden't drive in the snow either - I would kill someone..

Ok - why are you taking tickets at the basketball game - like you don't have enough on your plate !!!! Do you enjoy it - if you do it's ok - but if it's a chore -I would suggest not comitting to it - you could be using that time for you :shades_smile: - Yes always the mommy looking out for your mh :wink:

I guess it was just the shock. I thought WE were getting ready to go out... post office and Kmart in DHS, and I hadn't paid much attention to his rambling about the weather report and the wind, etc. He's been ignoring the stock market and obsessing over the rain and weather instead.. which is an okay thing, but pretty soon it just becomes so much blah, blah, blah to me!! So I didn't realize he wasn't going until I was on my way out the door and turning out lights... then he said, "you DO know I"m not going, right??" No, I didn't! So, I didn't tell him, but if he wasn't going, I had no intentions of limiting myself to DHS, so I headed in the other direction when I left the park! Of course, it didn't take more than 10 minutes before he started calling me on the phone! I ignored it the first time, then answered and had to listen to him throw a fit because I didn't go where he told me to go!!


And then all the lecturing about being careful and the roads are going to be flooded, and more blah, blah, blah, blah!!

I usually buy way too much for ME, too, when I go out shopping, but resisited the urge today because I had this specific mission to accomplish! Plus, I've spent a fair amount of $$ on myself this past week online!! I spent my birthday money and then some! I got myself the Water warmups, which I"m waiting impatiently for since it's so cold and supposed to stay that way for the next week! And I ordered a new bluetooth earpiece... everyone complains about the two I'm using now because they're too noisy, so I ordered a Jawbone on eBay last night. And, of course, I bought those earrings last weekend. That actually was money spent previously, though, because I took back the ugly Sears earrings and got my money back! Oh, yeah, and then there was the new bathing suit and sweatsuit last week!!


Well I guess you did buy your self some stuff :)

My GF dh does the same damn thing - she can't get out the door - and he's calling... OMW :ohmy:

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What's up ladies - How is everyone tonite..

Steph - we haven't heard from you today ....

Karri - how was the basketball game.

Kari - How are you feeling after your fall

Phyl - only one 1 - the rain looks like it's stopping here - I guess it would be a little maddening to be couped up in the MHO all day long. That's tight quarters.

Donna - How are you - how's your restriction still good.

Candice - Hope you are having some fun cocktails for all of us and enjoying your vacation - We miss you..

Well, just cking in - Stay warm... Hugs Janet

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The old butt is feeling much better. I even made it to the gym today. Yea! ! !18_1_103v.gif

I know this is really a dumb question but..................WHAT HAPPENED TO GLOBAL WARMING???:shades_smile:


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The old butt is feeling much better.

I even made it to the gym today. Yea! ! !


I know this is really a dumb question but.................



I think we should ask Al Gore??!!!




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I take tickets at the game in order to make money! We get paid 33 dollars per event that we work at and I am REALLY trying to pay off my lap band surgery by August. It means paying it off a year early and saving a HELL of a lot of money.

The game was really good. I guess I should take Soup but since I am really trying follow the rules I never even considered it. 2 days left of work and then we are on break. That is when I REALLY start looking out for me. I am going to set up schedules and work on me.

Gotta get to work. It is getting hot here...28 degrees!

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The old butt is feeling much better. I even made it to the gym today. Yea! ! !18_1_103v.gif

I know this is really a dumb question but..................WHAT HAPPENED TO GLOBAL WARMING???:ohmy:

Kari - Too Funny - you should see the snow on the mountains surrounding us (we live in a valley) it's so beautiful... Glad the old tush is doing better !!

I take tickets at the game in order to make money! We get paid 33 dollars per event that we work at and I am REALLY trying to pay off my lap band surgery by August. It means paying it off a year early and saving a HELL of a lot of money.

The game was really good. I guess I should take Soup but since I am really trying follow the rules I never even considered it. 2 days left of work and then we are on break. That is when I REALLY start looking out for me. I am going to set up schedules and work on me.

Gotta get to work. It is getting hot here...28 degrees!


Ok you get paid for is - so it's ok !!! I thought it was something you volunteered for !!! If you are making the Benjamin's - go for it as much as you can...

I can't believe you didn't think of Soups - I guess I make them sorta often - more so in the winter - but it's a good idea - put it in a cup - and sip it - how about chili too - I have had that all week for lunch - The only thing is that they don't stay with you as long as the hard Protein does

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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