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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Phyl I am extactic for you and your computer(s)... my DH and I have separate computers and our modum is on the fritz right now.... DH (Scottish) dosn't want to buy a new one... oh yeaH????? I will go out after and Xmas and get one on sale...

Your one-pot-wonder sounds good, but a question? Is that TURKEY Kelbasa??? that you used???

I 'made" some Xmas gifts today. Celebration Cookie Mix in a Measuring Cup, wrap with ribbon attach instructions and voila!!!

Then I made some Pepperment chocolate Bark (too give away)....

Tonight the "gang" from work is going out for Christmas dinner and YukYuk's comedy show... Lord knows we can all use the laugh after this past week at work.!!!

Take care everyone, and have a nice weekend.

Love, C

Good sales on right now if you need electronics. Try looking online. Lots of free shipping offers, too.

Yes, she used turkey kielbasa and it was WONDERFUL! Lots of good stuff in it! Janet is a gracious hostess! And she has a most beautiful home! Enjoyed the dogs, too, and the little kitty is adorable!

All those Christmas goodies sound pretty yummy! Earl is making some brownies that someone gave us in a jar! They smell too good!

Hi ladies. Hope you are all having a nice day and relaxing this weekend.

I slept in today and it was glorious. Then we all sat around in our jammies (except dh who was up and gone by 8) until 11. Then we went to the store and I picked up a couple of names from the angel tree and dh and the two youngest will be going out shortly and shopping for them. There were hardly any young ones left on the tree and I wasn't sure about what's in town for the older ones so I held off on getting an older name. But will probably go back for one.

tonight dh and I will go out playing cards. Usually a good time and nice because there are no Snacks during playing and dinner afterwards is usually some sort of stew type something so I don't eat and stay very busy. It's so nice.

I suppose I need to get something done. I'll talk to you later.

Sounds like a PERFECT day!

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Hi Everyone,

I've been decorating, I still have Christmas boxes everywhere. It's a fright. Christmas lights are a pain in the @#%*! Wish I coulda been at Janets. How fun for ya'll. Heard some of ya'll talking bout the Wii. I want We Cheer, and DS wants the new paintball game. So I was gonna get them on Amazon. If you sign up for an Amazon credit card, you get 30 dollars off. I don't wanna do it on wireless, so I'll have to wait till Monday at work. I hope they still have it. That's a great deal. I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet. I'm starting to panic a little.

Alan Jackson tribute is on CMT right now.

P.S. - I'm probably gonna get pompoms too.

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Good Morning Gang

Yes it's Sunday and I am up at the crack of dawn AGAIN !!!! Dumb dogs... I am going to meet another Bander today from my mentor thread - Kathy from Vermont - she is in town for a convention for her work... Phyl might be coming too..

Oh Phyl you are too kind - I am just a regular person - I enjoyed having you guys over - it's fun to have company and cook for someone who enjoys it - I should have sent the bread home with Earl though - cuz I will just end up throwing it out.

Kari - You aren't the lone ranger on the treats - I had my gf xmas party last night had 2 Cookies and the 1/4 piece of cake - Enjoy your time with your family.. Tucson is 3 or 4 hrs I think - I know that Phoenix is about 4 hrs away

Steph - I love playing cards - I don't know a lot of games - but use to play spades alot and dominio !!! I did pretty damn well back in the day...

Candice - Hope you had fun at your xmas dinner & club afterwards - you know that laughter is the best medince that there is.. it's something I don't do enough of !! I think the Turkey kielbash is Jenny O - but not sure - just look where they sell the keilbasah and you will find it.. - I will have it with Breakfast sometimes on the weekends..

I forgot about my animals - if you come to my house you gotta like them - cuz they love pple and will bug is you don't pet them.. Heck right now the kitten is on my desk in front of the montior !!! I can't see what I am typing - one thing I really like about cats is the purring.... So much love in that purr....

Denise - I wish that we weren't spread across the country - it's so funny how close we all have become in the last year 1/2 - who would have thunk it...

Well my paper just came - going to go ck it out - then gotta get dressed again !!! I need a vacation from my vacation...

I think I am pretty much done with xmas shopping - just have to get a couple little things for the kids to open up on xmas as their real present will be gift cards - but they gotta have little stuff to open - as I don't have a mantel it's something that I do want so that I can hang stockings...

Ok cbl - Have a great Sunday...

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Hi Group,

I seem to have spent this weekend doing techie things in preparation for our 3 weeks in France. I think that I have it all sorted out now. I really hate working on this type of garbage that has to do with multimedia. Certain site don't like it when they see that I'm sitting on a computer in France. Sigh...

Anyway, I'm down to 144.4 lbs. Woopie!!!


Thanks for reminding me that I have to go shopping for a black hoodie tomorrow for the mother I selected from our "angel tree" at work. I think that I'll throw in a few extra goodies that hit me as fun when I go shopping tomorrow. Better do that early as it is supposed to snow AGAIN!! How is the snacking doing? I have removed myself from the source by working upstairs, plus DH is finishing up installing French doors in place of our slider in the living room before the weather hits. It currently it is a bit chilly down there.

Have one computer on my lap and another by my side streaming a video. What is wrong with this picture?

Well, think I'll limit the computers to 1 by signing off this one.

Good night everyone.

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Hi Group,

I seem to have spent this weekend doing techie things in preparation for our 3 weeks in France. I think that I have it all sorted out now. I really hate working on this type of garbage that has to do with multimedia. Certain site don't like it when they see that I'm sitting on a computer in France. Sigh...

Anyway, I'm down to 144.4 lbs. Woopie!!!


Thanks for reminding me that I have to go shopping for a black hoodie tomorrow for the mother I selected from our "angel tree" at work. I think that I'll throw in a few extra goodies that hit me as fun when I go shopping tomorrow. Better do that early as it is supposed to snow AGAIN!! How is the snacking doing? I have removed myself from the source by working upstairs, plus DH is finishing up installing French doors in place of our slider in the living room before the weather hits. It currently it is a bit chilly down there.

Have one computer on my lap and another by my side streaming a video. What is wrong with this picture?

Well, think I'll limit the computers to 1 by signing off this one.

Good night everyone.



2 computers at once - OMW - that's just too much info - you sound like my GS - he's on the house phone talking while on his pc chatting on his myspace - while texting on his cell phone - Information over load imho :biggrin:

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Hey Gang - Hope everyone had a good Sunday

Phyl and I met Kathy from Vermont for breakfast this morning - 1st time I had eggs benedict - with salmon & spinach - it was really goo.

We visited for a couple of hours - went to Target - got new house phones cuz our old ones weren't holding their charges - came home took an 1hr nap and now on the computer...

Need to go fix dinner - hungry - can decide between bbq hamburger patty or something with chicken (they are both in the fridge)

Well off to see what I can eat... I will ck back later...


Candice how was your girls night out...

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Good morning!

Sounds like you all had a busy weekened. We had a very lazy one. SPent the weekend across the mountains and pretty much did nothing! It was great.

food choices have been fantastic and starting back to the gym today after my rest week. Just been doing a lot of stretching since the 1/2 marathon. Now it is back to the grind. And it is paying off too. I don't know how much I weigh because I am not stepping on the scale until Christmas morning...but the skirt that I am wearing no longer feels like it is cutting me in half. It is now comfortable to wear. HAS to be a good sign!

As for Christmas shopping...we told our families not to spend anything on us and that we should just exchange Christmas cards because frankly we want to spend the money on us in Vegas. I know...sounds selfish, but both my brother and dad are broke right now and it made it easier on them as well.

Well off to work. First day of the new trimester!!!!

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Good Morning - Almost Afternoon...

Back at work - still cleaning out emails...

Karri - not selfish at all - It's not about the presents but the spirit... Yep the skirt being looser is a very good sign...

Well just cking in since I had a second... It's been quite...


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You are so right about the second one not tasting any better. In fact...half of the time it totally loses its flavor all together and I am just eating for the sake of eating!! I think a lot of this stems from the fact that when I was younger I always feared the food would be taken away from me (my biological mom was CRAZY!) and so I always want to make sure I have enough. I am the same way with everything though...not just food. For example, when I need to buy a roll of paper towels...I buy 2...ALWAYS. When I buy school supplies for my classroom I don't just buy enough, I MUST buy WAY more because I MIGHT need it.

Just last night when I was shopping for my party today in class I had to get 2 bags of apples, 2 bags of oranges, but thankfully DH stopped me at 1 bag of broccoli and 1 bag of celery. I was of course panicked that I wouldn't have enough. Now I am going to have a TON of food left over...none of which I can eat right now. (NO carbs for me until Monday!)

So as you can see this is a behavior I need to change in my life...not just in regards to food. While it is an obvious behavior that I have...it really manifests itself in my relationship with food.

On a good note...I didn't finish my dinner last night!!! Now that I have lost my weight (and gained a few pounds back!) but still for the most part have lost most of my weight, I REALLY start working on behavior changes. I am hoping that while behavior changes are difficult to change that they will be easier NOW than they were 100 pounds ago!

The behavior I am working on right now is to not eat everything on my plate. They say it takes 28 days to learn a new behavior. So...I figure if I leave something on my plate every day for the next 27 days (I started yesterday!) that I can start really learning that behavior!

Hi Karrie,

Do we do that because we can, and we deserve it and if I want to take 3 and leave 2 then I will and my dogs can have the rest d*&^%n it!! I don't ever remember being told to clean my plate, but to me food seemed to be a gift and to not finish it was to reject the giver. I'm sure a shrink could have a field day with that.

Along that same line, I broke down and got some wasabi peas from my bosses drawers. Peas 1 -3 tasted good. It's been downhill on 4 -? I'm putting them away. Yuck. Burp! :wink_smile:

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2 computers at once - OMW - that's just too much info - you sound like my GS - he's on the house phone talking while on his pc chatting on his myspace - while texting on his cell phone - Information over load imho :lol:


I'm not as talented as your GS, but my work requires that I have multiple security packages running at once. There ain't no such thing as multi-tasking, but multi-computering can be interesting. Good way to foul things up.


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Hi Group,

I seem to have spent this weekend doing techie things in preparation for our 3 weeks in France. I think that I have it all sorted out now. I really hate working on this type of garbage that has to do with multimedia. Certain site don't like it when they see that I'm sitting on a computer in France. Sigh...

Anyway, I'm down to 144.4 lbs. Woopie!!!


Thanks for reminding me that I have to go shopping for a black hoodie tomorrow for the mother I selected from our "angel tree" at work. I think that I'll throw in a few extra goodies that hit me as fun when I go shopping tomorrow. Better do that early as it is supposed to snow AGAIN!! How is the snacking doing? I have removed myself from the source by working upstairs, plus DH is finishing up installing French doors in place of our slider in the living room before the weather hits. It currently it is a bit chilly down there.

Have one computer on my lap and another by my side streaming a video. What is wrong with this picture?

Well, think I'll limit the computers to 1 by signing off this one.

Good night everyone.

Wow! WTG! Totally awesome! Will you be posting any progress pics?

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Ugh...I have gotten stuck a lot today. I think I probably need a teensy bit of an unfill...but it is a hell of a long ways to go for that. My tightness is really funky. Somedays I am REALLY tight (like today) other days I am just fine. Yesterday I was at a perfect fill level.

Okay this is the second time I have heard about Wasabi peas. They apparently are something that I need to stay away from. Actually...the salty isn't the thing that triggers my cravings. It is the sweets.

Car - I am pretty sure that if my insurance would cover it I could rebound the economy simply on the amount of money that I would spend in therapy. The therapist could single handedly buy enough cars to bailout the big 3! And Congrats on your 144!! I am hoping to join you in a few weeks.

Speaking of therapists...I never received a return phone call from the therapists that I called over Thanksgiving break. Don't know what is up with the therapists over here but this is the second time this has happened. I am going to really push hard to find one during Christmas break. I really don't have time during the school week.

Well I need to get ready for the gym. I am HOPING that my dinner will go down between now and 7:30 when we go to the gym!!

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Wow! WTG! Totally awesome! Will you be posting any progress pics?

Donna - Love your picture !!!! You look like your avtar..

Yes Car we want pics !!!

Ugh...I have gotten stuck a lot today. I think I probably need a teensy bit of an unfill...but it is a hell of a long ways to go for that. My tightness is really funky. Somedays I am REALLY tight (like today) other days I am just fine. Yesterday I was at a perfect fill level.

Okay this is the second time I have heard about Wasabi peas. They apparently are something that I need to stay away from. Actually...the salty isn't the thing that triggers my cravings. It is the sweets.

Car - I am pretty sure that if my insurance would cover it I could rebound the economy simply on the amount of money that I would spend in therapy. The therapist could single handedly buy enough cars to bailout the big 3! And Congrats on your 144!! I am hoping to join you in a few weeks.

Speaking of therapists...I never received a return phone call from the therapists that I called over Thanksgiving break. Don't know what is up with the therapists over here but this is the second time this has happened. I am going to really push hard to find one during Christmas break. I really don't have time during the school week.

Well I need to get ready for the gym. I am HOPING that my dinner will go down between now and 7:30 when we go to the gym!!

Karri Darling you will stay away from the peas

they have carbs :angry_smile: if I remember correctly - I like them cuz I love wasabi - they make fun of me when we would eat sushi cuz I would ask for extra... But I have only gone once since banded and I got stuck - so I haven't been back -don't know why - I eat rice every night - must be my butter spray plus it's jasmine rice and not sticky rice and I could have eaten too fast... Was that your problem today - I know that you don't have much time at work to eat and then the whole stress issue..

I too would say I like sweets more than salty too - I have chips in the pantry all the time - and only once in a while do I reach for them but if I had a cake in there or good Cookies I would be into them all the time...

Why arent these pple calling you back... What's wrong with them.. Your Christmas break will be here soon - so bug them..

Hope you got to eat and had a good time at the gym... I did legs tonite and then we do abs at the end - tonite was the first time we did this thing where you put your arms in a sling and pull up your legs - I did pretty damn good for an old grandma..

Steph were are you today is the 8th you haven't posted since 6th... What's going on - is everything ok...

Candice - When do you leave for Cuba...

Kari - how was the time with the Family....

Ok - I burned my brussel sprouts.. well almost saved some of them - stupid me didn't put the timer on - and I must do that if I am getting on the computer cuz I completely forget about my food and time..

Having my usual fish rice veggies... Well time to go eat..

Sweet Dreams - Talk to you all tomorrow.

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Thank you Janet. I took them today in the office. The lighting in there is much better than the lighting at home for picture taking. Since I've joined Facebook, I've been taking pics like crazy.

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CAR; Congrats on your 144#'s that is awesome.... I am doing the Happy Dance for you here in Canada...

Up to my @ss in SNOW, but still in my jammies.... what a sight!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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