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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Oh I love that T=shirt!!! Way cool Janet!!

Your pictures of you and Phyl are great.. I loved the one of your "fur babies" too.

Today, I started the day by being GRATEFUL, spent quite a lot of time listing the things I HAVE rather than focusing on teh 'have nots'.... it was such a mental rut I had gotten myself into this week. No MORE.

You know what my DH did this morning? He got out of bed and said, gee I'm going away this wk to Halifax and I'd better get out and RAKE off the Roof because he dosn't want the Snow to all fall off in one fell swoop and then it would be too heavy for me to shovel while he's gone...

THEN, he decides to clean out the tupperware cupboard (everyone has one of those yukky cabinets where the fling stuff in right?) because he was at the store yest. and there was this terrific SALE on new tupperware.. OMgosh, I didnt' need anymore!!! But I didn't say a thing...

Phyl, I know you are laughing right now!!! Dosn't it sound like something EARL would do too?

Stephanie, you have snowmobiles? You lucky ducky!!! We have snow shoes instead, cause then the dogs can come out and play with us in the woods. But I'd love a snowmobile too!!!

Sorry If I forgot anyone.. just trying to get caught up.

Having company for dinner, so gotta go clean up the house.


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Oh I love that T=shirt!!! Way cool Janet!!

Your pictures of you and Phyl are great.. I loved the one of your "fur babies" too.

Today, I started the day by being GRATEFUL, spent quite a lot of time listing the things I HAVE rather than focusing on teh 'have nots'.... it was such a mental rut I had gotten myself into this week. No MORE.

You know what my DH did this morning? He got out of bed and said, gee I'm going away this wk to Halifax and I'd better get out and RAKE off the Roof because he dosn't want the Snow to all fall off in one fell swoop and then it would be too heavy for me to shovel while he's gone...

THEN, he decides to clean out the TUPPERWARE cupboard (everyone has one of those yukky cabinets where the fling stuff in right?) because he was at the store yest. and there was this terrific SALE on new tupperware.. OMgosh, I didnt' need anymore!!! But I didn't say a thing...

Phyl, I know you are laughing right now!!! Dosn't it sound like something EARL would do too?

Stephanie, you have snowmobiles? You lucky ducky!!! We have snow shoes instead, cause then the dogs can come out and play with us in the woods. But I'd love a snowmobile too!!!

Sorry If I forgot anyone.. just trying to get caught up.

Having company for dinner, so gotta go clean up the house.


Good Morning Gang

The dogs had me up at 6:30 :laugh:

Yep - we have alot to be thankful for and yes it's easy to get in a rut... Phyl and I were talking about that last night.

I thought the shirt was a cute idea - I shocked myself with it and you made it even better by giving me the star idea..

My babies go to the groomers today - as you can see Angel isn't as white as she should be - I gave her a bath earlier in the week but - I don't get her as pretty as the groomer does.. Heck love Bear's coat it dosen't show the dirt :laugh:

Phyl & Earl coming for dinner and visit 12/5 - I am going to make her my one pot wonder with kelbasa..

I really enjoyed my evening with them last night - I stayed a little longer after everyone left and helped pick up a bit and visited some more... I can't express how much I love I have for all you guys.. It's like when I was with Earl & Phyl last night I could just feel the love - they were actually glad to see me.. I don't know how to explain it.. It's so diff than the other pple in my life..

Well I really need to get my butt in gear - I need to go to bro's house and ck on cats it's been a week and I didn't get there yesterday as I planed on - dogs go to the groomers at noon - and I gotta do turkey shopping..

So as usual cbl:wub:

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Forgot to mention, I like your New avatar photo!!

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Janet - Love the pics. I can't believe how far you both have come. And the t-shirt is so-o-o cute. Liked the pic of the furballs too.

Candace - THREE FEET?? :laugh: OMG. Sure am glad there are 450 miles between us. (only cause of the snow). I don't know what I'd do if we had three feet of snow,

Karrie - WOW!! Your running is awesome. If I ever tried running, I'd be picking my teeth up off the ground. I have no balance.:laugh:

Car - She lives right in Boulder.

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LOL I am enjoying the snow so far... I have been hunkered down for a couple of days.... QUILTING by my window that overlooks my backyard.. (remember the pic I sent you?) Anyways, we have 3 feet of snow now.. and its cutting into my CUDDLE time with DH... he got up early 2 mornings in a row to clear the driveway, walkways and back deck. Plus then he has to shovel "doggie paths" into the back yard so TWIG and WOODy have a place to P & Poop! otherwise if its too deep they can't feel their paws hit the ground and they'll poop right on the deck by the back door !!! YUK...

Karrie is back, YEAH!!!! we've missed you.

YES, WE HAVE!! So glad you are back!

Stephanie, we're sending out good vibes that your PCP finds a solution for you soon.

Phyl; Your DH and Mine are so alike its scary!!! oh dumb me... they are both military??? that answers the question!!! They like to be in control and dont' like leaving anything to CHANCE... now you and I on the other hand are more prepared to 'go with the flow'... we had to be... look at all the places we've been uprooted to over the years.

By the way... YOU ARE SO CLOSE to your 100!!!! :laugh: that is fantastic and you are an awesome example!!!

Janet: Thanks again for checking up on me.... you're the best!:blink: and in case I havn't told you all lately... I love you all ! This board and thread is what keeps me sane and accountable... When I think of the friendships that have been formed here it almost makes it a blessing to have been fat!!!:laugh:

Ah.. internet keeps coming and going!! First time today it would load LBT for me!! So have to be quick with my thoughts lest it go away again before i'm done!!

YEP.... Your DH & mine.. two peas in a pod! He was in his glory yesterday getting all that food organized, table set outside.... after he arranged the patio to perfection!! :w00t:

I don't envy you with that SNOW!! Yuck! I grew up with it, but I don't miss it a teeny, tiny bit!!

Yep - we have alot to be thankful for and yes it's easy to get in a rut... Phyl and I were talking about that last night.

I thought the shirt was a cute idea - I shocked myself with it and you made it even better by giving me the star idea..

Phyl & Earl coming for dinner and visit 12/5 - I am going to make her my one pot wonder with kelbasa..

I really enjoyed my evening with them last night - I stayed a little longer after everyone left and helped pick up a bit and visited some more... I can't express how much I love I have for all you guys.. It's like when I was with Earl & Phyl last night I could just feel the love - they were actually glad to see me.. I don't know how to explain it.. It's so diff than the other pple in my life..

OF COURSE, we were GLAD to see you!! Great visit and so glad you could come!! Thanks for hanging around when everyone left. Appreciated the clean up help, too.

Yes, the shirt was a GREAT idea! Can't wait to wear it!

It was really a fun evening! And I don't remember the last time I had a birthday party!

Forgot to mention, I like your New avatar photo!!

Me, too!! Cute!! Love the hat, too!

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Thanks guys about the avtar - its from a pic of me and my 2 nephews - Jimbo & Stephen - they are my Bro Jimmy's Boys (Jimmy died 9n 99 - he was 1 yr 4 days younger than me)

I'll post the pic - its really good - Jimbo the one in the front looks just like his Dad & Grandpa (the blue eyes) Stephen looks like my Mom side of the family with the green eyes..

Well, went and feed my bro's cats - I gotta call someone about them..

Went to Winco got 11.88 lbs turkey - took the dogs to get groomed and target - now I have to figure out dinner - I am hungry - haven't really eaten today..

So cbl :laugh:

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Checking in for the day. We have been out and about all day so this is the first time I have been able to type anything at all. Still pretty tight today but managing to get good food down.

I am hoping to go to the gym tonight but I am still pretty sore from my run yesterday so I may move my day off from tomorrow until today. Usually my long runs are on Sunday, but there was a chance of snow today so I didn't want to wait and that is why I ran yesterday.

dinner is taking FOREVER and 3 days to cook and I am getting hungry!!!

Will type more tomorrow.

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Hello Everyone,

Janet- Love the pics, handsome young men!, and love your new avatar

Phyl's shirt is lovely, the was very sweet of you

How did you make it?

Karri- Long time no see! Glad you're back!

Candice- Snow- Eeeek, me no do snow

I have been in pain for about two weeks now, I guess I'll have to break down and go to the doc. Which doc is the problem. Last week my right boob near my underarm hurt bad. I had to take Tylenol daily. This week the pain has switched to my right shoulder blade on my back. It feels like someone is sticking an ice pick in me, and the skin is numb. Weird, why would the skin be numb. I had Lipo much below that area, and the skin was numb. That areas not numb anymore.

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good eveing ladies. I hope you all had a great day.

We were very busy today. The kids did Sunday school at the nursing homes in town so after church at 8:30 and then home to get some lunch, afternoon was busy doing that. This evening DH and I watched Beowulf. Or rather, jeff watched. I listened while I tried to kick Phyl's butt on Sudoku on Facebook. She's killing me. Poor thing though. I don't have any other friends willing to play with me so she's probably REALLY tired of playing all the challenges I've presented her with.

It was beautiful here today. It was almost depressing for me. I was wishing I was up sipping cocoa with Candice (SF of course). I am not in the Thanksgiving feeling yet. It's too nice out and I want snow. Don't get me wrong....I have TONS to be thankful for and I count my blessings....but I so very much want some snow. Come February I'll be complaining though so I'm trying not to get too pouty about it.

Denise, you get to the doc too. I go tomorrow to get my blood work results and see what doc says about that. I'm guessing he's going to tell me nothing is wrong. Just like a mechanic. As soon as you complain you can't find anything wrong. But you'ld better go see. I'd start with a gp and see where they say to go. Never fool with pain under/around your breast.

Phyl, I am so glad you had a great party. I think that is wonderful! And your sweatshirt is so beautiful. Now you have even more to push you to that 100 pound mark. You really do need those earrings....and they will just sparkle so beautifully with those stars.

Janet, love the new pic....and the progress pics of you and phyl were wonderful! Thanks for that.

Okay...I've gotta get to bed. I'll see you all in the morning.

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Good Morning! I guess I am the first one on today.. as I am 3 hrs ahead of the West coast Cali girls....

Gotta work at 12 today... DH out of town until THurs. He just left... so his little dog WOODY is now sitting on my lap as I type...

only herbal tea so far today, still tight... so I am going to use it to my advantage this wk....@@@

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Checking in for the day. We have been out and about all day so this is the first time I have been able to type anything at all. Still pretty tight today but managing to get good food down.

I am hoping to go to the gym tonight but I am still pretty sore from my run yesterday so I may move my day off from tomorrow until today. Usually my long runs are on Sunday, but there was a chance of snow today so I didn't want to wait and that is why I ran yesterday.

dinner is taking FOREVER and 3 days to cook and I am getting hungry!!!

Will type more tomorrow.

Karri - Great news about the house - they are so much better than apts... Your own space.. What did you make for dinner - did you get your plan done??

Hello Everyone,

Janet- Love the pics, handsome young men!, and love your new avatar

Phyl's shirt is lovely, the was very sweet of you

How did you make it?

Karri- Long time no see! Glad you're back!

Candice- Snow- Eeeek, me no do snow

I have been in pain for about two weeks now, I guess I'll have to break down and go to the doc. Which doc is the problem. Last week my right boob near my underarm hurt bad. I had to take Tylenol daily. This week the pain has switched to my right shoulder blade on my back. It feels like someone is sticking an ice pick in me, and the skin is numb. Weird, why would the skin be numb. I had Lipo much below that area, and the skin was numb. That areas not numb anymore.

Denise - Do you have your gallbladder ??? That could be it.

Phyl's t-shirt - I bought an xl top - and Iron on transfers (this was my 1st time doing this kind of thing) - Then I took a pic from our MofA trip - cropped her face and put 10 gold stars (candices idea) around it - then printed it on the transfer paper (all done on the computer) and then ironed it on... Took me about 1 hr to so it - I changed the back ground and then getting the stars in the right place took the longest..

good eveing ladies. I hope you all had a great day.

Just like a mechanic. As soon as you complain you can't find anything wrong

Steph I thought that only happend to me :thumbup:

Good Morning! I guess I am the first one on today.. as I am 3 hrs ahead of the West coast Cali girls....

Gotta work at 12 today... DH out of town until THurs. He just left... so his little dog WOODY is now sitting on my lap as I type...

only herbal tea so far today, still tight... so I am going to use it to my advantage this wk....@@@

Candice yep it's 7:30 here in Cali - I am at work :ohmy:

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lets see if the new pic will upload separately - I got an error message - trying again

It's failing :thumbup: why - let me try my 3 fur babies

What did you do to those POOR puppies? Beat them? Throw them out in a snow drift? Pooor thinggggs!

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Hi Guys,

Feeling yucky today. When I had the fill a week ago Thursday, it really messed with me taking my meds in the PM. If I take my lipitor as usual before going to bed it wakes me up at about 2:00 AM with a wicked case of acid-reflux. If I take it during the AM, which I did today, I'm sick all day long. Talked to the pharm. and she suggested taking the med. with food. Guess I'll try that tomorrow. Too yucky to go to yoga. Just want to sleep. Really bad thing to do at work.

Sipping on my peach smoothie. Can't handle the beautiful piece of wild salmon I have set aside for lunch.

Steph, what did the MD say? My problems are minor. We are all worrying about you.

Snow ladies....maybe we should have our own get together and show the other ladies how tough we really are? Can we say "snow shoes"? We just got a new Branson tractor to keep our driveway (1/4 mile long) open. With our 6' wide snow blower on the PTO, DH should have an easier time getting us out to the county road. Of course, there are always the times when he is travelling. My x-country skis have never failed me (except in the 7' snow fall we got about 3 yrs ago).

Better go so I can rest my head on a nice warm keyboard. Hopefully, my boss won't notice.



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Hi ladies. Hope you are having a wonderful day. I just wanted to pop in and let you all know what the doc said.

He really thinks the problem is my blood pressure but he doesn't want to rule out the hypoglycemia. He wants me to keep my glucose monitor with me at all times and if I do start feeling horrible to take a reading. He did caution that if I felt THAT bad to eat FIRST and then take the reading. It doesn't happen that fast so I'm not too worried about that.

As for the blood pressure he said biggest issue is staying hydrated. He likened it to trying to push too little Water through a hose. If you are dehydrated, I guess your blood doesn't have the volume???? Anyways. He says that when you stop drinking at 9pm or so, that by the time you get up your body is basically a quart low of Fluid. If I then don't drink something because I'm busy or not drinking that day, by lunch I'm worse than that. Anyways....then when I'm dehydrated, not only do I lose blood pressure, but I also get my electrolytes out of balance. So he suggests when I get up in the morning to drink an 8oz glass of fruit juice. It not only gives me a sugar boost for my glucose level, it also has enough salt in it to bring up my blood pressure. He said he looked back and since my blood pressure was always on the lower side of normal when I was heavy, now that I'm pushing 90 lbs gone, my body is bound to have a little trouble figuring out how to deal with it. He even went so far to call it "traumatic". I think that's a little dramatic, but okay.

Anyways...his final suggestion was to make sure I keep some kind of sugar with me at all times. Which I'm going to struggle with because if I have it, I want to eat it. The bottles of juice won't work in the winter because when I need it, it will be frozen if not the bottle broken. Anyways....I will figure it out. I know I will.

So you all can stop worrying about me. My doc is sure I will be fine.

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Hi ladies. Hope you are having a wonderful day. I just wanted to pop in and let you all know what the doc said.

He really thinks the problem is my blood pressure but he doesn't want to rule out the hypoglycemia. He wants me to keep my glucose monitor with me at all times and if I do start feeling horrible to take a reading. He did caution that if I felt THAT bad to eat FIRST and then take the reading. It doesn't happen that fast so I'm not too worried about that.

As for the blood pressure he said biggest issue is staying hydrated. He likened it to trying to push too little Water through a hose. If you are dehydrated, I guess your blood doesn't have the volume???? Anyways. He says that when you stop drinking at 9pm or so, that by the time you get up your body is basically a quart low of Fluid. If I then don't drink something because I'm busy or not drinking that day, by lunch I'm worse than that. Anyways....then when I'm dehydrated, not only do I lose blood pressure, but I also get my electrolytes out of balance. So he suggests when I get up in the morning to drink an 8oz glass of fruit juice. It not only gives me a sugar boost for my glucose level, it also has enough salt in it to bring up my blood pressure. He said he looked back and since my blood pressure was always on the lower side of normal when I was heavy, now that I'm pushing 90 lbs gone, my body is bound to have a little trouble figuring out how to deal with it. He even went so far to call it "traumatic". I think that's a little dramatic, but okay.

Anyways...his final suggestion was to make sure I keep some kind of sugar with me at all times. Which I'm going to struggle with because if I have it, I want to eat it. The bottles of juice won't work in the winter because when I need it, it will be frozen if not the bottle broken. Anyways....I will figure it out. I know I will.

So you all can stop worrying about me. My doc is sure I will be fine.

And dehydration is an infamous problem for those of us in the Rocky Mountain West. We forget that we are actually in a semi-arid area and don't get enough fluids. Often, people here mistake dehydration for altitude sickness.

Stay hydrated. Stay Strong.


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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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