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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Hi ladies. Hope you all had a good day. I will be back on tonight to let you know more about my day but wanted to tell you all about my test.

No results yet....at least officially....my fasting was good, drank the gunk, my 1 hour was low in my mind but that's good I guess, hours 2 and 3 were steadily dropping and then hour 4 was up like my body took care of everything and they didn't even think I needed to come back for the 5th but since I was across the street they said, might as well. Well hour 5 dropped from 105 to 64. 60 is the panic value. So I don't know what that means exactly except I will know more after Kirk figures it out. I'm sure he's going to tell me to check my levels if I feel low and report back on how low and how often. I go back on Monday to get my blood work numbers so I may not know until then. He did give me some strips for my monitor so I could check if I feel low.

Okay...off to do some family stuff. I'll bbl.

Ok does that mean that you can't go 5 hrs without eating??

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Ok does that mean that you can't go 5 hrs without eating??

I know my mom (Janet) will disagree with this but when I sub I often don't eat formal lunch. Actually, I don't know the protocol so I bring something to snack and nibble in the classroom. For example the night I had such issues, I ate a Fiber One Bar and 1-2 oz of Jerky for lunch. For munchies while I was driving I had a candy bar (first in a long time) and some sunflower seeds. 3 hours into trip I had a quarter pounder with cheese. 45 mins after the QP I started having issues and 2 hours after it became a REAL issue. By 2 1/2 I was almost comatose.

So I don't know why after 5 hours of not eating it finally dropped. I think it might have to do with my activity level. Today was mainly sedentary, that day I was teaching. Last time I was out until midnightish and then up early for church and had an issue at church.

The other thing I can't rule out is the blood pressure issue. At church I was standing, sitting, standing when I got icky....and then driving....and on the trip I was sitting driving. Maybe I'm having blood pressure problems. We'll just see what he says when he sees me.

When at home I never go 5 hours without eating while awake....but I can't say that when I'm out doing. Lots of times that's an issue for me.

Edited by Twilight

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My December group had this site on one of the posts. It's interesting. I'm not sure how much stock I put in it, but it gives more info than the normal BMI calculator.

You might want to check it out.


I checked it out and it told me that for my age (58) and height (5'9") that my normal weight should be 192 pounds with a normal BMI of28.4. Couldn't find what my BMI is now. (of course, I'm number illiterate). Anyway, I got on the scale this morning and it moved. 169 lbs. Of course, I was at a friends tonight and she brought out the fudge....................it will probably move again tomorrow morning. (the wrong way)

Janet - I'm here. I can always find something to talk about here, I just don't want to bore everyone. I do have a NSV though. DH bought me an amethyst necklace and ring a couple years ago. The necklace fit tight around my neck and forget the ring. I just left it sitting on the kitchen counter and there it sat till this morning when I finally decided to clear out that corner of the counter. I tried them on. The ring fits perfect, which is great cause I had to put my wedding rings back in the jar cause they were too big. And the necklace falls in the perfect place on my chest. I'm just tickled about all of that!!

Phyl - Congrats on reaching almost to three digits. Great feeling isn't it? Loved the eat rocks and die. Tell that one to DH next time he starts counting YOUR calories. And, tell him to shut his computer off. The stock market will go back up. You just have to give it time. Tell him to CHILL. Anyway, he can always become a greeter at Wally world.

Car - I know it's been mentioned here, but where are you from? I was hoping that you were somewhere close, but you mentioned the euro rate so I guess you are on the other side of the big pond.

Steph - you know from the things I've been reading here, sounds like maybe it is you BP instead of BS. Oops, I mean blood sugar.

Denise - Great to hear from you. Keep checking in often, just to let us know you are still alive and kicking.

RUBY AND KARRIE - We want to know if you both are still alive and kicking. Nothing else if you don't ant to share, .........we can respect that. JUST SAY HI.

Candace, - Had enough of that white stuff yet? Man, I am ready for summer already. Had to go out and buy a new jacket for this cold weather. Found one at Wally world for $15.00. I just love to find bargains.

OK, Janet. Is this enough for you? I mean, everyone here is pretty chatty tonight. Three pages, in one day....OMG. Why doesn't this happen on week ends? At least, I can't stand to see anyone not post, so at least I check in and say HI.


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Hi there ladies. I hope you all have a good night.

My evening food wise was AWFUL. I know it was because I was deprived all day that my mind justified every evil thing I put in my mouth. grrrr. I hate not having self control.

I am subbing tomorrow so I won't be around and will be able to limit my cals all day. I will make a good lunch for me though so I won't have a problem.

Jeff has irritated me tonight. He is being such an @$$ about my dogs. I just don't know. He came home late. Sat down and ate dinner. Put his plate away but nothing else....even though everything was left because HE was late. Then he does nothing with the kids tonight. And then he refuses to put MY dogs out. He's just being an @$$. I think he's trying to make a point about me leaving but he agreed to it when I brought it up to him in August...I think I may just have to tell HIM to eat rocks and die! GRRRRR I am so frustrated.

And tired...and since I'm subbing tomorrow I had better get to bed. Have a good night ladies. I will talk to you all tomorrow afternoon.


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Alright ladies, I am back...and I desperately need to be. I got my swift kick in the rear end from my mommy (asked her for it!) and I need to be here. Things have not been going well, and I think just checking in on a regular basis will help me stay true to myself. But I need some help (and believe me I don't like to ask for help!) If I have not posted everyday by 5PM PST I need people to start emailing me. I will send you my home and work email address from the list I have (I don't want to put my work email addy on the board!). Yes I need to give you my work email because I tend to not check my home email as often. I get too tired and by the time I get home, I usually take a shower and go to bed. No kidding! Up at 4AM, to work by 5AM, work until 6 or 7 PM, go to the gym, come home...go to bed. DH has decided that we should have moved our new TV to my classroom so that he could have something to do when he comes and visits!

In a nut shell...work has been disasterous this year but the end of the first trimester is right around the corner and then it gets WAY better. I have been working 12-16 hour days, 7 days a week, for the better part of the last 10 weeks. As a result...keeping up with food and exercise has dropped totally off of my priority list. Well today (actually last night starting when I got my mommy's email) it jumped right back up to the top of the priority list. Fortunately that corresponded with a time at school that worked out well. Today is our last day before a week long Thanksgiving break. That break is what is going to give me the time to get caught up, and ahead as well as giving me the opportunity to start focusing on ME.

On a good note, I have a half marathon coming up on November 30 in Seattle. I have not given up on the exercise as much as I have the food. I know thye reason I started eating poorly again. I caved to peer pressure. We have had a lot of teacher gatherings lately because we are all so stressed out that we get together and have some fun for a little while. Well everyone kept saying, have some of this, have some of that, you can't live your life eating like that, have some fun. So I caved. Poor excuse, but that is what happened. Now I know... I do have to live like this forever and I can't listen to anyone who wants to tell me otherwise.

Well I have to get to work, but I just wanted to let you know that I am back.

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I know my mom (Janet) will disagree with this but when I sub I often don't eat formal lunch. Actually, I don't know the protocol so I bring something to snack and nibble in the classroom. For example the night I had such issues, I ate a fiber One Bar and 1-2 oz of Jerky for lunch. For munchies while I was driving I had a candy bar (first in a long time) and some sunflower seeds. 3 hours into trip I had a quarter pounder with cheese. 45 mins after the QP I started having issues and 2 hours after it became a REAL issue. By 2 1/2 I was almost comatose.

So I don't know why after 5 hours of not eating it finally dropped. I think it might have to do with my activity level. Today was mainly sedentary, that day I was teaching. Last time I was out until midnightish and then up early for church and had an issue at church.

The other thing I can't rule out is the blood pressure issue. At church I was standing, sitting, standing when I got icky....and then driving....and on the trip I was sitting driving. Maybe I'm having blood pressure problems. We'll just see what he says when he sees me.

When at home I never go 5 hours without eating while awake....but I can't say that when I'm out doing. Lots of times that's an issue for me.

Steph - I agree w/you - Dr Janet AKA Mom - thinks it may be blood pressure too - but again I don't have a license :laugh:

I don't eat perfect all the time but I do most of the time but again - I don't have a DH and house full of kids and I don't like fast food - never did..

Janet - I'm here. I can always find something to talk about here, I just don't want to bore everyone. I do have a NSV though. DH bought me an amethyst necklace and ring a couple years ago. The necklace fit tight around my neck and forget the ring. I just left it sitting on the kitchen counter and there it sat till this morning when I finally decided to clear out that corner of the counter. I tried them on. The ring fits perfect, which is great cause I had to put my wedding rings back in the jar cause they were too big. And the necklace falls in the perfect place on my chest. I'm just tickled about all of that!!

OK, Janet. Is this enough for you? I mean, everyone here is pretty chatty tonight. Three pages, in one day....OMG. Why doesn't this happen on week ends? At least, I can't stand to see anyone not post, so at least I check in and say HI.


Kari - Yep your stuff isn't boring it's your life - I report boring crap every day all day... I just post what's going on - you guys are my DH :angry: If I remember correcly Car is from France??? or some place over there in europe...

Congrats on your NSV !!!! - Now take your wedding set and get them sized...

Hi there ladies. I hope you all have a good night.

My evening food wise was AWFUL. I know it was because I was deprived all day that my mind justified every evil thing I put in my mouth. grrrr. I hate not having self control.

I am subbing tomorrow so I won't be around and will be able to limit my cals all day. I will make a good lunch for me though so I won't have a problem.

Jeff has irritated me tonight. He is being such an @$$ about my dogs. I just don't know. He came home late. Sat down and ate dinner. Put his plate away but nothing else....even though everything was left because HE was late. Then he does nothing with the kids tonight. And then he refuses to put MY dogs out. He's just being an @$$. I think he's trying to make a point about me leaving but he agreed to it when I brought it up to him in August...I think I may just have to tell HIM to eat rocks and die! GRRRRR I am so frustrated.

And tired...and since I'm subbing tomorrow I had better get to bed. Have a good night ladies. I will talk to you all tomorrow afternoon.


Steph - Men - eat rocks and die - I think men have it made - we work come home take care of kids house cook - the just eat and but their feet up..


Alright ladies, I am back...and I desperately need to be. I got my swift kick in the rear end from my mommy (asked her for it!) and I need to be here. Things have not been going well, and I think just checking in on a regular basis will help me stay true to myself. But I need some help (and believe me I don't like to ask for help!) If I have not posted everyday by 5PM PST I need people to start emailing me. I will send you my home and work email address from the list I have (I don't want to put my work email addy on the board!). Yes I need to give you my work email because I tend to not check my home email as often. I get too tired and by the time I get home, I usually take a shower and go to bed. No kidding! Up at 4AM, to work by 5AM, work until 6 or 7 PM, go to the gym, come home...go to bed. DH has decided that we should have moved our new TV to my classroom so that he could have something to do when he comes and visits!

In a nut shell...work has been disasterous this year but the end of the first trimester is right around the corner and then it gets WAY better. I have been working 12-16 hour days, 7 days a week, for the better part of the last 10 weeks. As a result...keeping up with food and exercise has dropped totally off of my priority list. Well today (actually last night starting when I got my mommy's email) it jumped right back up to the top of the priority list. Fortunately that corresponded with a time at school that worked out well. Today is our last day before a week long Thanksgiving break. That break is what is going to give me the time to get caught up, and ahead as well as giving me the opportunity to start focusing on ME.

On a good note, I have a half marathon coming up on November 30 in Seattle. I have not given up on the exercise as much as I have the food. I know thye reason I started eating poorly again. I caved to peer pressure. We have had a lot of teacher gatherings lately because we are all so stressed out that we get together and have some fun for a little while. Well everyone kept saying, have some of this, have some of that, you can't live your life eating like that, have some fun. So I caved. Poor excuse, but that is what happened. Now I know... I do have to live like this forever and I can't listen to anyone who wants to tell me otherwise.

Well I have to get to work, but I just wanted to let you know that I am back.

That's my girl !!!! You should have seen the smile on my face when I saw that you had Posted this morning :cursing:

Peer Pressure - I have pple telling me to eat more toO - I just look at them and laugh... I eat normal (well a little on the small side) portion sizes.. I eat 3 meals most days (maybe not on the weekends) I eat Snacks every night - that includes a sherbet ice cream cone..

Also, most of these pple telling me to eat or making statements that I eat like a bird are over weight themselves - so what the heck do they know about eating healthy... I know what works for me - Yep I will have a taste every now and then but if it taste too good (like that banana cream bread at my gf house a few weeks ago) I just say HELL NO - NO MORE !!!

As I said last night you know we are all here for you and we will get you thru this...

You know what needs to be done - and you deserve to be healthy - You deserve to feel good about yourself - their is nothing wrong with having pride in your accomplishments - You have every right - you are a valuabe person and their is nothing wrong with putting yourself 1st

  • Never ever deprive yourself of good-tasting food, even if it has more fat and calories than "safe" diet foods. If you refuse to eat appealing foods that you really want, you will feel deprived and crave them. Then you are vulnerable to bingeing. Remember Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden? The one food they were not supposed to eat was the one they could not stay away from.

  • Until you have achieved some balance and perspective, stay away from temptation. Don't go to all-you-can-eat salad bars. If ice cream is a binge trigger, don't keep it in your freezer. When you want potato salad, for example, or rocky road ice cream, go to a sit-down restaurant and order a single portion, ideally as part of a balanced meal. By doing so, you accomplish three things. You avoid depriving yourself. You avoid the urges to binge created by deprivation, and you also learn how to integrate normal food into a reasonable and healthy meal plan.< /span>

  • When you do feel powerful urges to binge, postpone the act for thirty minutes. Surely you can wait half an hour. During that time think about what is going on in your life. What stresses are you facing? What is missing right now from your life that you need in order to be happy and avoid the looming binge? Make a list of things you could you do instead of binge eating to deal with your situation. If you are truly committed to recovery, at least some of the time you will choose one of these healthier behaviors instead of binge food.

  • Take charge of your life. Stop using words like, "I wish," "I want," "I hope," and "I can't." They are weak victim words. Say instead things like, "I choose," even if you are choosing to binge. Say, "I will," . These are words that express responsibility, power, and control. If you can choose to binge, then by implication at some future time you can choose NOT to binge. and then choose a healthier and more effective way to deal with whatever is going on in your life.

Ok the above is about relapsing - I read that you can't have recovery without a relapse - it's normal - we aren't going to change our habits in just 1 yr - this is no diff than any other addiction it's going to be a lifetime battle for us - we do have to keep our guard up alway...

Hugs - Off to work... CBL :)

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Relapse prevention: everyone

  • Nourish yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Accept that everyone has needs, legitimate needs, and you don't need to be ashamed of yours. Learn how to meet your needs in healthy, responsible ways. If you make yourself feel needy, you will be tempted to look for comfort in diet books or the refrigerator. Especially make sure that every day you spend time with friends. In person is best, but phone calls and e-mail are better than nothing.

  • Also every day spend time doing things you are good at, things you can take pride in, things that demonstrate your competency and abilities. Allow yourself to enjoy your accomplishments and refuse to listen to the nagging inner voice that insists you could do better if only you tried harder.

  • Schedule something to look forward to every day, something that's fun and pleasurable. Watch comedy videos and laugh out loud at outrageous jokes. Play something -- a board game, a computer game, a musical instrument, tapes or CDs. Go outside and enjoy the birds, trees, flowers, and fresh air. If you live in the middle of a big city, go to a park. Make something with your own hands. Figure out how to give yourself a fun break from the daily routine, and then do it.

  • Keep tabs on your feelings. Several times during the day, especially in the first stages of recovery, take time out and ask yourself how you feel. If you notice rising stress, anger, anxiety, fear, sadness -- and even strong joy -- be alert to the possibility that you may try to dull these strong emotions by turning to, or away from, food. Find a better way of dealing with your feelings such as talking them over with a trusted friend.

  • Do something meaningful every day, something that gives you a sense of having made the world a better place, if only in some small way. If you do this consistently, you will build a sense of your dignity, value and ability to make a difference in your world.

  • The 12-step folks have a useful formula. When they feel on the verge of falling into old behaviors, they say HALT! Then they ask, "Am I too Hungry, too Angry, too Lonely, or too Tired?" All of those states are strong binge triggers. Additional triggers for people with eating disorders seem to be Boredom and Unstructured time. If you find yourself stressed by any of these feelings, figure out a healthier and more effective way of dealing with them than binge eating or starving.

Ok I am on a roll here - Karri LBT is what helps keep me honest with myself - I can't give advice without following it myself.

I think this goes for you too as you don't strike me as being a hypocritical person... You do what you say and you say what you do...

xoxo Mom

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Hi Kari,

Nah, possibly the other side of the mountains...though. I'm from the mountains of Colorado about 35 miles west of Denver.

About 6 years ago my husband had a mid-life crisis and we took the plunge to follow a dream...we bought a house right on the Med. on the coast of France about 1 1/2 hrs. north of the Spanish border. For a major part of the year we rent it out mostly to Brits to help out with the mortgage, but we still use it 1 to 2 times a year during off seasons. Ok crew, let's hear the boo-hissss.

I guess you would say it's a way to diversify our holdings.

We'll be heading there for the holidays this year, then catch a visit with our son at Penn State Graduate School on the way back.

By the way 5'9" and 169 lbs---WOW!!!!!!!

I'm hoping that the message I copied from an email came out ok. It's a day brightener for us women...

Husband of the Year Awards

The honorable mention goes to:

TheUnited Kingdom


...followed closely by The United States of America


and then ............... Poland


but3rd Placemust go to........ Greece


it was very very close but the runner up prize was awarded to....

............. Serbia


but the winner of the husband/partner of the year ...... is .........


Ya gotta love the Irish.


The Irish are true romantics. Look, he's even holding her hand.

Woman hasManin it;

Mrs. hasMr.in it;

Female hasMalein it;

She hasHein it;

Madam hasAdamin it;

Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now...

I never looked at it this way before:

Ever notice how all of women's problems start withMEN?

MENtal illness

MENstrual cramps

MENtal breakdown



AND ..

When we have REAL trouble, it's a

HIS terectomy ..

Send this to all the women you know to brighten their day.

Send this to all the men just to annoy them ......

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I was totally cheering when I saw that Karrie had posted18_1_103v.gif. WELCOME BACK, KARRIE. Janet had some excellent suggestions. You know, I needed them too. I really have to agree with the one that says don't deprive yourself. That one will bite you in the a$$ if you do. Although, that is probably why I am at a plateau. But, I can say, while I may not be losing, I'm not gaining either. And, I am not unhappy where I am at.................well, not totally happy either..........so, I'm maintaining. If all else fails, PRAY, God is with you and I know I couldn't have accomplished what I have without him.

Janet, You asked me the other day if I've pedaled around the world yet. Well, I don't know. I quit keeping track but I got out my calculator this morning and worked some figures. I figured that I've been pedaling for at least fourteen months........at least for an hour each day........it's somewhere around 17 miles per hour. So, the total mileage, (minimum) is 7650 miles. Anyone know what the circumfranse (sp) of earth is??

Okaym, gionna check back later. NOW, RUBY........IT'S YOUR TURN. WHERE ARE YOU????


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Car............is jealousy allowed here? Gosh, you and DH had a great idea. Wished I had thought of something like that. Where in CO are you? One of my oldest friends, lives in Boulder. Have a great time on your holiday. Wish I could come along.:drool:

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I was totally cheering when I saw that Karrie had posted18_1_103v.gif. WELCOME BACK, KARRIE. Janet had some excellent suggestions. You know, I needed them too. I really have to agree with the one that says don't deprive yourself. That one will bite you in the a$$ if you do. Although, that is probably why I am at a plateau. But, I can say, while I may not be losing, I'm not gaining either. And, I am not unhappy where I am at.................well, not totally happy either..........so, I'm maintaining. If all else fails, PRAY, God is with you and I know I couldn't have accomplished what I have without him.

Janet, You asked me the other day if I've pedaled around the world yet. Well, I don't know. I quit keeping track but I got out my calculator this morning and worked some figures. I figured that I've been pedaling for at least fourteen months........at least for an hour each day........it's somewhere around 17 miles per hour. So, the total mileage, (minimum) is 7650 miles. Anyone know what the circumfranse (sp) of earth is??

Okaym, gionna check back later. NOW, RUBY........IT'S YOUR TURN. WHERE ARE YOU????

No I don't know the cirum of the world but now that Karri's back she will... :drool:

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Karri, it's good to see you posting again. I've often wondered how you are doing and was hoping the reason you weren't posting was because you were too busy and not for any other reason.

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Karri, it's good to see you posting again. I've often wondered how you are doing and was hoping the reason you weren't posting was because you were too busy and not for any other reason.

Speaking of not posting - We haven't seen you in a while Donna...:drool:

Where have you been and what are you up too...

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I-I'M BACK!!! (you asked for it Janet).

Anyway, I know I'm gonna get a God Smack for this........but I just can't resist.

HEY, CANDACE ! ! ! ! Nah-nah-nahnah-nuh! ! ! ! ! Are you all hunkered down?? Stocked up? Ready for the cuddle alert? It's missing us. (no surprises for us in nine months):drool:

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I-I'M BACK!!! (you asked for it Janet).

Anyway, I know I'm gonna get a God Smack for this........but I just can't resist.

HEY, CANDACE ! ! ! ! Nah-nah-nahnah-nuh! ! ! ! ! Are you all hunkered down?? Stocked up? Ready for the cuddle alert? It's missing us. (no surprises for us in nine months):w00t:


Glad you are back - I love it when pple post it gives me something to do - you all know that sometimes I have no life other than you guys

Well gues what I came home to.... Beside's wet carpet... and can't move the furniture back until tomorrow (all my living room furniture is around my kitchen walk way)

Brownies - I guess GS wanted brownies so a batch is sitting in the kitchen - Understand that brownies are one of my most fav things especially the batter... Well #1 they have no walnut so that's a plus but they are still tempting me so I cut them up and put them in baggies and put them in his room..

I did keep one out - but I have already had a cookie today - oatmeal raisin (fiber :drool:) so who knows if I will eat it or not.. I did have a lite Breakfast 140 cal - lunch a mex shrimp cocktail so maybe 250 max - really only at the shrimp and then the cookie - I will guess 500 so that's 890 that leaves me 610 for the rest of the night

I am on my laptop on the back patio - cuz I can't put the office chair at my desk with the wet carpet.

Well I need to go call Phyl to get directions to her house tomorrow.. So will cbl,,

Candice WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU.. Now that I yelled at you I hope nothing major is wrong - Hope your Mom is ok..

Karri - we didn't get your work emails today...

but you know we have your personal - if you guys dont have it pm me and I will give it to you,.. Heck I have her # too.. but can't get to my other computer right now..

Our baby girl needs our love and support ladies..

Ok bbl

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