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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Candice - Last night as I was thinking about you - that you hadn't posted - and that got me to thinking about what you were up too (in my mind no good since you weren't posting :)) but glad to hear that you went for a walk with your baby - Heck Props to you cuz I don't know if I would go out in the snow - heck my poor babies would die in the snow - angel doesn't like the wet grass - bear being a boy doesn't care.

I wouldn't be out walking the dog in that cold & snow either!!

Phyl - didn't you say you were going to get a new space this yr - I know now what side you are on - so it should be a little easier

Glad you got DH off your back on the snack issue - that would drive me to eat more - the old catholic school girl in me - rebellion - tell me I can't do it and I will show you I can - heck that's what I have done w/my band - you said I can only expect to lose 50 to 60 % of my excess weight in 2 yrs with the band - hell I'll show you I will lose 100% in one year...Well off to do what they pay me to do - CBL:biggrin:

We are in a different space.. our original one, actually... right next to where we were last year. Have a big palm tree at this one. Yeah, I'm a bit rebellious, too!!

Hi ladies. Just a quick post before I go see doc. I'll check back in with a full report from him. My blood pressure is beginning to spike just thinking about it. Oh...I have to remember, my bp at my fill was something like 105 over 60. The lady seemed a little disconcerted. Usually they say "very good" and this time she cocked an eyebrow.


We'll be waiting for a report!

Checked my BP at Sam's Club last week and it was 114/42 and I raised an eyebrow! I don't think my doc cut me back enough. That's too low! My stupid wrist cuff doesn't work very well and I paid big bucks for a new one not that long ago!!

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Tomorrow morning I go in for a glucose tolerance test. He says that right now I'm eating a fairly good diet for hypoglycemia, but that it sounds like that's what the problem is. He wants to be very certain first though.

I guess I'll do some research of my own. He also told me to keep my blood sugar monitor with me and if I have any more episodes to take my level so we can monitor that. Seeing that they are so infrequent...but more frequent lately....I worry that I won't have it with me when I need it. It's just a habit I need to get into I guess.

So ladies, I'll talk to you tonight or tomorrow and let you know how it all goes. Have a great rest of the day.

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Oh...he seemed a little worried about my bp...we'll have to keep an eye on it. Today it was 90 over 48. He said not to worry unless it gets lower than that, but he did have me get it taken laying, sitting, and standing. Sitting was the highest but still in the 90's....so who knows.

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I have to agree with Janet about your goals. As she said, goals can change. When I started this process, My goal was 150 lbs. Weight in college. I mean, if I'm gonna do it, aim high. Well, what I didn't take into effect, is that I am almost 59 years old, and my skin isn't quite as elastic as it was at 18. Talk about sags and bags.........I've lost 120 lbs so far, weigh 171 and when I look in the mirror, this old lady keeps looking back at me. Bags, sags, lines, and wrinkles. So, I keep gaining and losing the same 3-5 pounds for the past month or so..and it's never in the same place. I keep seeing more and more wrinkles and saggy baggy skin. I'm beginning to rethink my goal weight as of right now, and getting rid of that excess belly skin should put me somewhere about wedding weight. 165. I'm afraid if I keep going to my original goal weight, my body will look fantastic in clothes (that goes without saying) but my face is going to look 10 years older. So now I have to figure out what my goals are to be now. I am now much healthier........no more high blood pressure meds, no more diabetes meds, no more electric carts in the grocery store, no more plus size stores, no more back pain, (just knee pain) no more depression, I'm loving life again and getting out and about. I'm active, sleep great with no more sleep apnea..............SO should I stay where I'm at, or should I aim higher?

Hey Kari,

Fellow Boomer!!!! I just turned 58 so I am (a-hem) your junior.

Ain't it great to see the meds being cut back, and the legs not aching at the end of the day, and eating because you have to, not because you want to!?

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Oh...he seemed a little worried about my bp...we'll have to keep an eye on it. Today it was 90 over 48. He said not to worry unless it gets lower than that, but he did have me get it taken laying, sitting, and standing. Sitting was the highest but still in the 90's....so who knows.

Ah, Steph....I researched your numbers and your DR is right on. Here is some info from the American Heart Assn: "Blood pressure lower than 120/80 mm Hg is considered "normal," and the term “low blood pressure” is relative. (Note: Your blood pressure is usually lowest at night and rises sharply upon waking.) Low blood pressure is generally considered dangerous when it drops suddenly or is accompanied by symptoms, such as dizziness or fainting. Severely low blood pressure can indicate serious heart, endocrine or neurological disorders and can deprive the brain and other vital organs of oxygen and nutrients, leading to shock, which can be a life-threatening condition. Symptoms of low blood pressure to watch for include:

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness

  • Fainting (called syncope)

  • Lack of concentration

  • Blurred vision

  • Nausea

  • Cold, clammy, pale skin

  • Rapid, shallow breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Depression

  • Unusual thirst

There is no specific number at which blood pressure is considered too low. Most doctors consider chronically low blood pressure dangerous only if it causes noticeable signs and symptoms."

See....you ain't falling apart yet.

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Ok computer pple out there (car & phyl) how come when I tried to log on to lbt tonite out of my aol - it can't find the site - phyl even the link you sent me didn't work - so I closed aol and open internet explore and the site loaded.. I have had that happen before with aol...

well now it's 8:50 - and it's my t.v. time - so just stoping in to say hi !!!

Talk to your all in the morning - sweet dreams



Can we all say "firewall"???? AOL is blocking that particular address. I'm kind of afraid to broach the question, but have you thought of using someone other than AOL? You obviously have a good grasp of the Internet and I don't believe that you need AOL's hand holding. Now I'm ducking. Don't hit! Even long distance! I'm sooo sensitive.

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Hey! Good Morning!

Well, no one's offended me yet this morning,

but I haven't been out of the motor home yet!

Time will tell!

Yesterday after Water aerobics, while still in the pool, I was lectured by a lady who USED TO work in the office, about what is appropriate internet usage at this stage of the Wi Fi rework! She was nice about it, but I've heard it all from the administrator! AND, it told me that I've been the object of the office gossip circle because she should've had NO knowledge of what transpired between me and the system administrator, who is also part of the family who owns the park. DH says ignore it... let it roll off my back. But it annoyed me! So... like I say... we'll see how it goes this morning! :):biggrin::unsure: I kept my cool but I was doing a slow burn and couldn't wait to get back and vent to DH!!

Gotta get off here, finish on the internet and get ready for the pool!

Have a great day, everyone!!

Phyl, the expression to use is "Eat rocks and die!". Are you downloading movies, videos or music? If the answer is no, then repeat after me, "Eat rocks and die!"

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Shees, I've been long winded today???:)

New knees are a thing of great beauty! But do them 1 at a time. I am the bionic woman! Airport security loves me.

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Hey Kari,

Fellow Boomer!!!! I just turned 58 so I am (a-hem) your junior.

Ain't it great to see the meds being cut back, and the legs not aching at the end of the day, and eating because you have to, not because you want to!?

Feels great, Carolyn. Hey, did I ever mention that the name on my birth certificate and driver's license is Karolyn. We have something else in common.:)

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Here is some info from the American Heart Assn: "Blood pressure lower than 120/80 mm Hg is considered "normal," and the term “low blood pressure” is relative. (Note: Your blood pressure is usually lowest at night and rises sharply upon waking.) Low blood pressure is generally considered dangerous when it drops suddenly or is accompanied by symptoms, such as dizziness or fainting. Severely low blood pressure can indicate serious heart, endocrine or neurological disorders and can deprive the brain and other vital organs of oxygen and nutrients, leading to shock, which can be a life-threatening condition. Symptoms of low blood pressure to watch for include:

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Fainting (called syncope)
  • Lack of concentration
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Cold, clammy, pale skin
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Unusual thirst

There is no specific number at which blood pressure is considered too low. Most doctors consider chronically low blood pressure dangerous only if it causes noticeable signs and symptoms." See....you ain't falling apart yet.


Excellent info!! Thanks for sharing that. I'm a retired RN and I didn't know all that... well, except for the symptoms. I just was taking a ride around the park and decided to stop and ask lady who heads up our emergency response team and have her check my BP since my stupid cuff won't work. Digital wouldn't work, but when she got out the old standby pump up cuff, she got something like 118/72... excellent! And I have NO symptoms of low BP. I will just continue to check it at Sam's each week, I guess.

Can we all say "firewall"???? AOL is blocking that particular address. I'm kind of afraid to broach the question, but have you thought of using someone other than AOL? You obviously have a good grasp of the Internet and I don't believe that you need AOL's hand holding. Now I'm ducking. Don't hit! Even long distance! I'm sooo sensitive.

LOL!! I've been wanting to say that for a while, but I know how dependent people get on that AOL browser! And I'm close enough to get hit!

:) Thing is, she never had trouble with it before... and she's been using AOL for a long time?? My primary browser is Mozilla Firefox. SIL works for Microsoft, but sometimes I defect, and I've had to many problems with Internet Explorer!

Phyl, the expression to use is "Eat rocks and die!". Are you downloading movies, videos or music? If the answer is no, then repeat after me, "Eat rocks and die!"

Not downloading anything like that. I've even asked most of the people who email me on a regular basis to PLEASE not send my any video clips for the time being. I should've added, no PowerPoint, either! But, I think the bandwidth hog is Facebook, which I use a LOT!! They have video ads going half the time, and now this site is doing more of that also! I have to be polite because they're actually letting us use the internet as a courtesy right now while they are bringing it up to speed. They won't actually start selling the service until Jan. 1st. If it continues after that, I will for sure remember... "EAT ROCKS AND DIE!!" and then I will contract with Time Warner for cable internet!

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Can we all say "firewall"???? AOL is blocking that particular address. I'm kind of afraid to broach the question, but have you thought of using someone other than AOL? You obviously have a good grasp of the Internet and I don't believe that you need AOL's hand holding. Now I'm ducking. Don't hit! Even long distance! I'm sooo sensitive.

No ducking needed I am not a violent person :0) well not most of the time..

Yep I know enough to be dangerous on the computer - heck it's just that I am just use to the way AOL looks and it's my email - and how come it does is sometimes but not others??

So Ok I know now that when it happens just go to explorer - in the beginning of the internet (which was 1996 when I got my 1st computer - I thought you had to have AOL - I didn't understand that really the internet is free you just have to pay for mail service etc)

I like the aol hand holding - yep it's just familar to me that's all..

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Here is some info from the American Heart Assn: "Blood pressure lower than 120/80 mm Hg is considered "normal," and the term “low blood pressure” is relative. (Note: Your blood pressure is usually lowest at night and rises sharply upon waking.) Low blood pressure is generally considered dangerous when it drops suddenly or is accompanied by symptoms, such as dizziness or fainting. Severely low blood pressure can indicate serious heart, endocrine or neurological disorders and can deprive the brain and other vital organs of oxygen and nutrients, leading to shock, which can be a life-threatening condition. Symptoms of low blood pressure to watch for include:

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Fainting (called syncope)
  • Lack of concentration
  • Blurred vision
  • Nausea
  • Cold, clammy, pale skin
  • Rapid, shallow breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Unusual thirst

There is no specific number at which blood pressure is considered too low. Most doctors consider chronically low blood pressure dangerous only if it causes noticeable signs and symptoms." See....you ain't falling apart yet.


Excellent info!! Thanks for sharing that. I'm a retired RN and I didn't know all that... well, except for the symptoms. I just was taking a ride around the park and decided to stop and ask lady who heads up our emergency response team and have her check my BP since my stupid cuff won't work. Digital wouldn't work, but when she got out the old standby pump up cuff, she got something like 118/72... excellent! And I have NO symptoms of low BP. I will just continue to check it at Sam's each week, I guess.

LOL!! I've been wanting to say that for a while, but I know how dependent people get on that AOL browser! And I'm close enough to get hit!

:) Thing is, she never had trouble with it before... and she's been using AOL for a long time?? My primary browser is Mozilla Firefox. SIL works for Microsoft, but sometimes I defect, and I've had to many problems with Internet Explorer!

Not downloading anything like that. I've even asked most of the people who email me on a regular basis to PLEASE not send my any video clips for the time being. I should've added, no PowerPoint, either! But, I think the bandwidth hog is Facebook, which I use a LOT!! They have video ads going half the time, and now this site is doing more of that also! I have to be polite because they're actually letting us use the internet as a courtesy right now while they are bringing it up to speed. They won't actually start selling the service until Jan. 1st. If it continues after that, I will for sure remember... "EAT ROCKS AND DIE!!" and then I will contract with Time Warner for cable internet!

Why would I hit someone over the internet issue - you are too funny - I really don't care as long as it works.. Now if you were talking about my kid or grandkids them are fighting words :unsure:

But I don't know diddly crap about these browers thingies you are talking about :Mozilla Firefox: what's that and where do you get it...

AOL for 12 yrs... So I guess you guys will just have to school me on this stuff -

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Why would I hit someone over the internet issue - you are too funny - I really don't care as long as it works.. Now if you were talking about my kid or grandkids them are fighting words :)

But I don't know diddly crap about these browers thingies you are talking about :Mozilla Firefox: what's that and where do you get it...

AOL for 12 yrs... So I guess you guys will just have to school me on this stuff -

We're just messin' with ya!!

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Phyl - I know :0).... But really I see you talking about all this bandwith stuff and browers before - I really don't know about it :0)

Steph - I have a gf who has low blood pressure but not as low as yours. You are having issues - they better figure out what's up... Just throw your tester in your purse eat somethng every few hours.. and keep us posted

Candice - you haven't been posting your calories - whats up girl friend... you got 3 weeks..

Just got back from the gym - I am pooped but I didn't eat a good lunch - just some steak maybe 2 oz and a granola bar around 3 - yogurt and granola for bf... GS has pizza but I don't feel like pizza - I want some scalllops in my lean cusine fetuccunti alfredo - maybe I'll go to costco it's only 6:13 -

or just cook my catfish, rich and spinach..

Who knows..

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Hi ladies. I hope all are doing well.

Wish I could come to your party too Phyl. I would snack and give Earl a stroke just watching me. Then he wouldn't have to worry about YOU. I'm glad you've come to a silent agreement. As for the lady in the pool. I agree. Eat Rocks and die. I will have to remember that. I love the phrase.

Car, thanks for the info on low bp. My PCP seemed to not be OVERLY concerned. He said as long as it doesn't get worse he is fine. The way he put it, if your top number is 120 instead of 130, good....110 better than 120, 100 better than 110, and 90 better for me than 100...but if it gets lower than that, and stays that way, he will begin to worry. That doesn't bother me nearly as much as the blood sugar though. But I do appreciate the heads up. I was wondering how low was too low and what to watch for. Interesting that the symptoms are similar to what I was feeling with what I thought was low blood sugar. Who knows.

Today I checked my blood sugar before dinner. It was down at 81. Interesting it was that low and it hadn't been too long since I had ate, but I was doing some reading on monitors and that was a little scary. I guess they aren't very accurate. But that was on wiki so it could be not so accurate either.

I will do a 5 hour glucose test tomorrow. Nothing after midnight tonight. Start at 830 finish at 130. I think that by lunch tomorrow I'll be VERY hungry. How many calories is there in 100ml of that crud I have to drink? Hopefully not more than 300.

food today was good. 1/2 pbj for lunch (left over from kids, and I ate it before I realized it so left it at that instead of adding), dinner was chx, broc, rice casserole and fresh pineapple. Oh...breakfast. Not postive. I know I had coffee with Creamer. I'm almost positive I ate something, but not sure what it was. I just don't know what it was. I was so concerned about my morning chores I guess...and making sure that I knew what I was going to tell doc.

There were a couple of other things I was going to say, but in the last 45 mins since I started this I have forgotten. I'll have to go back and reread the last few pages.

I'll talk to you later ladies.

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