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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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That's why this forum is a great place. We can all be bitches to each other and who cares?!?!! If you call that bitchin', keep it up............it's giving me a good chuckle. LOL:wink_smile:


It's nice to be able to be REAL here!!

Sometimes I wonder if we still deal with hormones even at my age because I definitely have days when I have a much shorter fuse than others.

This is for me:


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Ok computer pple out there (car & phyl) how come when I tried to log on to lbt tonite out of my aol - it can't find the site - phyl even the link you sent me didn't work - so I closed aol and open internet explore and the site loaded.. I have had that happen before with aol...

well now it's 8:50 - and it's my t.v. time - so just stoping in to say hi !!!

Talk to your all in the morning - sweet dreams



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Good Morning Gang....

How's everyone today??

Phyl hows the moods - yep I think we still get pms even after menopause. Somedays I am up and others down or pissy..

Well, just cking in this morning - Steph where are you - hows the blood sugar thing going - we are anixous to hear..

Kari - Have you gotten around the world yet on your bike?

Denise - what's up you havent posted in a while..

Ok I really gotta get to work...


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Good Morning Gang....How's everyone today??

Phyl hows the moods - yep I think we still get pms even after menopause. Somedays I am up and others down or pissy..

Well, just cking in this morning - Steph where are you - hows the blood sugar thing going - we are anixous to hear..

Kari - Have you gotten around the world yet on your bike?

Denise - what's up you havent posted in a while..

Ok I really gotta get to work...CBL

Hey! Good Morning!

Well, no one's offended me yet this morning,

but I haven't been out of the motor home yet!

Time will tell!

Yesterday after Water aerobics, while still in the pool, I was lectured by a lady who USED TO work in the office, about what is appropriate internet usage at this stage of the Wi Fi rework! She was nice about it, but I've heard it all from the administrator! AND, it told me that I've been the object of the office gossip circle because she should've had NO knowledge of what transpired between me and the system administrator, who is also part of the family who owns the park. DH says ignore it... let it roll off my back. But it annoyed me! So... like I say... we'll see how it goes this morning! :(:biggrin::tongue: I kept my cool but I was doing a slow burn and couldn't wait to get back and vent to DH!!

Gotta get off here, finish on the internet and get ready for the pool!

Have a great day, everyone!!

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Morning everyone. I was traveling yesterday and got in a little late. .... and then I had THREE PAGES to catch up on.

I have to do some running today. I promise I will post this afternoon. I got an appointment tomorrow afternoon to see the doctor. It's unheard of to be able to get into see him so quickly, but it's going to be nice to get this off my chest. I'm going to sit down tonight and write notes so I don't forget anything.

Gotta run. Rose is chomping at the bit to get on the road. Talk to you later ladies. Phyl, don't kill anyone, in this economy we may not have bail money for you! Janet, wish I could help with the computer issues.


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Hey! Good Morning!

Well, no one's offended me yet this morning,

but I haven't been out of the motor home yet!

Time will tell!

Yesterday after Water aerobics, while still in the pool, I was lectured by a lady who USED TO work in the office, about what is appropriate internet usage at this stage of the Wi Fi rework! She was nice about it, but I've heard it all from the administrator! AND, it told me that I've been the object of the office gossip circle because she should've had NO knowledge of what transpired between me and the system administrator, who is also part of the family who owns the park. DH says ignore it... let it roll off my back. But it annoyed me! So... like I say... we'll see how it goes this morning! :(:biggrin::tongue: I kept my cool but I was doing a slow burn and couldn't wait to get back and vent to DH!!

Gotta get off here, finish on the internet and get ready for the pool!

Have a great day, everyone!!

Appropriate internet usage... Jump in a lake... That would piss me off - Who are they to tell you how and what you can and can't do on the internet...

Morning everyone. I was traveling yesterday and got in a little late. .... and then I had THREE PAGES to catch up on.

I have to do some running today. I promise I will post this afternoon. I got an appointment tomorrow afternoon to see the doctor. It's unheard of to be able to get into see him so quickly, but it's going to be nice to get this off my chest. I'm going to sit down tonight and write notes so I don't forget anything.

Gotta run. Rose is chomping at the bit to get on the road. Talk to you later ladies. Phyl, don't kill anyone, in this economy we may not have bail money for you! Janet, wish I could help with the computer issues.


Tell Rose Hi ... I love the bail Phyl out of jail - I am the closets so I guess I will be the one to go spring her..

back to work cbl

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I'm doing MUCH better today!


I think you understand, I've had a FEW frustrating episodes the past few days. I think the healthiest reaction was the long scooter ride in the dark! I kept my hazard lights on so I didn't get run over by a golf cart or something!! And to scare the snakes away!

And I undestand the Wi Fi problem... the bandwidth restrictions, etc., and I'm trying to exercise extreme restraint until they get it all upgraded.. which is supposed to be in two more days!

I just don't appreciate it being discussed in the office gossip circle, espeially since they include someone who doesn't even work there anymore! She is a busy body!! And Earl says I need to just ignore her! But she was trying to explain things to me in the pool, in front of anyone within earshot, and it was all stuff I'd already been told by someone who had the authority to explain it to me, which she DID NOT! I didn't even speak to her this morning and she kept her mouth shut, too. I'm sure she doesn't know she pissed me off, but if she does it again, I'll clue her in!! :(:biggrin::tongue:

I got my hair cut this afternoon! It's SHORT, but I love how she did it! Earl says it's just right! Next door neighbor was getting hers done just before me. She's a retired beautician, so she had to get her two cents in, too, which is fine. Between the two of them, they persuaded me to leave a little length in the back to "soften" the look. So I said okay. It's real short on the sides because otherwise, it isalways sticking out when I have my glasses on! Don't wear my contacts very often becase the Rx is al wrong now and I can't read with them on! So I have a spunky new do! Looks good with all my earrings... thre on each ear now!

We're throwing a "happy hour" party Saturday night!

I told DH it was our turn to throw a party!

C'mon over, Janet!!


Earl is getting chicken wings, meatballs, potato salad, Beans and birthday cake!!

Edited by phyllser

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I'm doing MUCH better today!


I think you understand, I've had a FEW frustrating episodes the past few days. I think the healthiest reaction was the long scooter ride in the dark! I kept my hazard lights on so I didn't get run over by a golf cart or something!! And to scare the snakes away!

And I undestand the Wi Fi problem... the bandwidth restrictions, etc., and I'm trying to exercise extreme restraint until they get it all upgraded.. which is supposed to be in two more days!

I just don't appreciate it being discussed in the office gossip circle, espeially since they include someone who doesn't even work there anymore! She is a busy body!! And Earl says I need to just ignore her! But she was trying to explain things to me in the pool, in front of anyone within earshot, and it was all stuff I'd already been told by someone who had the authority to explain it to me, which she DID NOT! I didn't even speak to her this morning and she kept her mouth shut, too. I'm sure she doesn't know she pissed me off, but if she does it again, I'll clue her in!! :rolleyes2::biggrin::tongue2:

I got my hair cut this afternoon! It's SHORT, but I love how she did it! Earl says it's just right! Next door neighbor was getting hers done just before me. She's a retired beautician, so she had to get her two cents in, too, which is fine. Between the two of them, they persuaded me to leave a little length in the back to "soften" the look. So I said okay. It's real short on the sides because otherwise, it isalways sticking out when I have my glasses on! Don't wear my contacts very often becase the Rx is al wrong now and I can't read with them on! So I have a spunky new do! Looks good with all my earrings... thre on each ear now!

We're throwing a "happy hour" party Saturday night!

I told DH it was our turn to throw a party!

C'mon over, Janet!!


Earl is getting chicken wings, meatballs, potato salad, Beans and birthday cake!!

I'm there !!! What time and what can I bring - I'll call you tomorrow or Thursday to get directions- what's a good time to call??

You guys don't go to TOPS any more??? You use to talk about it all the time..

I went to the gym and only did a mile.. My Ipod battery died so I went to Marshalls to see if they had the dress I wore today (I got mine in San Diego) cuz my GF at work loved it and wanted one - but they don't have them at mine..

Came home clean kitchen gave Angel a bath & top knot hair cut so she can see and Bear got a butt bath :lol:

I am getting carpets cleaned on Friday - so Thursday nite I am going to have to vacuum and move living room furniture

food today - WW egg mcmuffin topless - lunch 4 oz Fish 1/3 c rice and veggie - dinner is 4 oz pork chop cooked in Tomato bisque Soup and 1/2 c rice and maybe some veggies.

Oh I found these new granola bars by Quaker - banana coconut macadamia nut - 140 calories and oh my they are deliouce - I had one for a snack today - tonite snack will be sherbet - my fav daily treat now a days...

Well that's about if for my day... I am full of energy I must be in my manic high mood today - been up since 4:30 and it's 7:25 right now and I am full of energy... I like these days... better than the alternative...

Ok off to ck my mentor thread - stoping in to say Hi

and looking forward to Saturday -

Pre-Bday Party with Phyl 13_4_7.gif [/url]

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Hi Everyone, I've been lurking.

Phyl- Your stories are a hoot. You also have a lot more patience than me. If hubby told me something about a snack I'd say something like, "I'm sure I'll work off the calories trying to get my foot out your ass." If DH dared to count my calories he'd wake up with something super glued to his leg. I keep him scared, he knows better. I'ze Crazy!!!!!

And someone pisses me off every single day

One of todays gems....

This morning I had some crazy ass parent come to my office and go off for 20 minutes about having to pay for an ID. She went on continually about being poor, and don't everyone know LA is poor, and she can't afford no 5 dollar ID. So when she walked out, I asked her kid how much her shoes costs. She said 80 bucks, I said my kids are 40. Of course that was politically incorrect cause you can't say crap like that. Lord knows you can't hold parent accountable. So then she went off some more. So I called the cop. How sad is it to have to work in a school that has to have a cop.

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I'm there !!! What time and what can I bring - I'll call you tomorrow or Thursday to get directions- what's a good time to call??

You guys don't go to TOPS any more??? You use to talk about it all the time..

Ok off to ck my mentor thread - stoping in to say Hi

and looking forward to Saturday -

Pre-Bday Party with Phyl 13_4_7.gif sig.jsp?pc=%5Bobject%20Object%5D&pp=ZKxdm005YYUS

Best time to call...afternoon or evening. So glad you can come. Hope I give better directions this time!

Yeah, we still go to TOPS...in fact, one of the other ladies asked me if I'd be co-leader with her. Apparently the gal who is leader now doesn't want to do it anymore. So I'll have to transfer my membership from my WA group to do it... I'm just a "traveler" to this group here. I guess I don't talk about it when the scale doesn't go down and it hasn't moved lately!! Hoping for a drop Thursday! I keep going up and down! I was up 1/2 lb last week. Got on the scale in the weight room this afternoon and it read about where I was last week! But, it was mid-afternoon and my weigh ins are always first thing in the morning.. and I don't know how accurate that weight room scale is.

Hi Everyone, I've been lurking.

Phyl- Your stories are a hoot. You also have a lot more patience than me. If hubby told me something about a snack I'd say something like, "I'm sure I'll work off the calories trying to get my foot out your ass." If DH dared to count my calories he'd wake up with something super glued to his leg. I keep him scared, he knows better. I'ze Crazy!!!!!

And someone pisses me off every single day

One of todays gems....

This morning I had some crazy ass parent come to my office and go off for 20 minutes about having to pay for an ID. She went on continually about being poor, and don't everyone know LA is poor, and she can't afford no 5 dollar ID. So when she walked out, I asked her kid how much her shoes costs. She said 80 bucks, I said my kids are 40. Of course that was politically incorrect cause you can't say crap like that. Lord knows you can't hold parent accountable. So then she went off some more. So I called the cop. How sad is it to have to work in a school that has to have a cop.

Oh, my!! That is quite a story!!

Sounds like a challenging job!!

I think we've come to a truce.... temporary, at least, with regards to my snacks! I told him exactly how many calories my Snacks are... whether I decide to have cottage cheese and fruit cup or salsa/queso and my veggie crackers. 105 calories vs. 120 calories and I usually have one of those two things for my night time snack. He just gets all up tight when my TOPS weigh in tanks.. and he thinks it's HIS job to fix it!

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I'm there !!! What time and what can I bring - I'll call you tomorrow or Thursday to get directions- what's a good time to call??

You guys don't go to TOPS any more??? You use to talk about it all the time..

I went to the gym and only did a mile.. My Ipod battery died so I went to Marshalls to see if they had the dress I wore today (I got mine in San Diego) cuz my GF at work loved it and wanted one - but they don't have them at mine..

Came home clean kitchen gave Angel a bath & top knot hair cut so she can see and Bear got a butt bath :tongue2:

I am getting carpets cleaned on Friday - so Thursday nite I am going to have to vacuum and move living room furniture

food today - WW egg mcmuffin topless - lunch 4 oz Fish 1/3 c rice and veggie - dinner is 4 oz pork chop cooked in Tomato bisque Soup and 1/2 c rice and maybe some veggies.

Oh I found these new granola bars by Quaker - Banana coconut macadamia nut - 140 calories and oh my they are deliouce - I had one for a snack today - tonite snack will be sherbet - my fav daily treat now a days...

Well that's about if for my day... I am full of energy I must be in my manic high mood today - been up since 4:30 and it's 7:25 right now and I am full of energy... I like these days... better than the alternative...

Ok off to ck my mentor thread - stoping in to say Hi

and looking forward to Saturday -

Pre-Bday Party with Phyl 13_4_7.gif

Oh I am so jealous!!! Janet have fun at Phyl & Earls place.... We will all be with you in spirit! :lol:

I listened to one of my old hypnosis tapes for Weight loss this a.m.... actually I listened to it twice... as my BRAIN would not relax completely and was still thinking of other things (it gets quite noisey in there hee,hee) so I did a "do-over"...

It must have taken, cause when I woke up I had this urge to take TWIG for a walk in the snow.

It was the most beautiful morning! Steph and Kari will know what I mean... its below zero and the trees are covered in ICE CRYSTALS, the sky over the lake is dark grey but the sun is shining like its never been UP before!

I wish I had taken my camera...

Phyl, I reread a couple of days posts. I do not think you are bitchy... some people can get a well deserved 'reaction' out of us at times. I would FREEK on my DH's head if he ever told me what to- or what not to eat... and suggest an appropriate snack? OMG....

Well , you are probably much more diplomatic than I because I've been married to the guy for 34 yrs... and he's learned! :rolleyes2:

As for the gal in the pool about the Wi-fi? You would be totally in the right to SAY something appropriate to HER.. she should MHOB!

KNEES, I'd opt for that too... my Mom had a total knee replacement 20 yrs ago, she's now 85! SHe golfed 18 holes several times a wk until she started having her stokes at 78... she did have to take anti=biotics prior to all dental ck ups... but she NEVER got any kind of infection settle in her knees in all those years since.. She recovered from the procedure well, and did all her physio as recommended, healed well.

Janet; Your vacation days are coming up... is that how you're spending them... going to see the P/S??? How exciting is that! I wanna know all the prices... I don't know if I'd have the guts.. but I sure admire others to choose to do so. You are so funny, you're not Manic, just starting to feel more like your old self honey:biggrin:

Steph; Good luck with your re-fill, my can they just give you a Wee tad of what you had taken out the last time??? It sure seems to be a tricky balancing act. Say Hi to ROSE... hey, where are her AFTER pictures????

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Shees, I've been long winded today???:lol:

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Hi Everyone, I've been lurking.

Phyl- Your stories are a hoot. You also have a lot more patience than me. If hubby told me something about a snack I'd say something like, "I'm sure I'll work off the calories trying to get my foot out your ass." If DH dared to count my calories he'd wake up with something super glued to his leg. I keep him scared, he knows better. I'ze Crazy!!!!!

And someone pisses me off every single day

One of todays gems....

This morning I had some crazy ass parent come to my office and go off for 20 minutes about having to pay for an ID. She went on continually about being poor, and don't everyone know LA is poor, and she can't afford no 5 dollar ID. So when she walked out, I asked her kid how much her shoes costs. She said 80 bucks, I said my kids are 40. Of course that was politically incorrect cause you can't say crap like that. Lord knows you can't hold parent accountable. So then she went off some more. So I called the cop. How sad is it to have to work in a school that has to have a cop.

Denise, I LOVE it!!!!:rolleyes2: Nice to see you back and posting

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Good Morning Gang

Candice - Last night as I was thinking about you - that you hadn't posted - and that got me to thinking about what you were up too (in my mind no good since you weren't posting :rolleyes2:) but glad to hear that you went for a walk with your baby - Heck Props to you cuz I don't know if I would go out in the snow - heck my poor babies would die in the snow - angel doesn't like the wet grass - bear being a boy doesn't care.

Denise - Girl - I couldn't do your darn job - I would be pissy 24/7 - I hate excuses and thats what pple are full of now a days.

Phyl - didn't you say you were going to get a new space this yr - I know now what side you are on - so it should be a little easier

Glad you got DH off your back on the snack issue - that would drive me to eat more - the old catholic school girl in me - rebellion - tell me I can't do it and I will show you I can - heck that's what I have done w/my band - you said I can only expect to lose 50 to 60 % of my excess weight in 2 yrs with the band - hell I'll show you I will lose 100% in one year...

Well off to do what they pay me to do -


Yep I am a bit mantic nothing too bad but .. But I am feeling better too..

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Hi ladies.

Just a quick post before I go see doc. I'll check back in with a full report from him. My blood pressure is beginning to spike just thinking about it. Oh...I have to remember, my bp at my fill was something like 105 over 60. The lady seemed a little disconcerted. Usually they say "very good" and this time she cocked an eyebrow.

Yesterday i did really great foodwise until evening and then started munching on the goodies that dh bought when i wasn't home. Just couldn't stop. I'd tell myself I wasn't going to have ONE MORE BITE and then 5 minutes later there I was chewing again. I did get all my liquids in yesterday. That in and of itself was a victory.

Okay...off to the doc.


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We will be waiting for a full report darling

heck don't feel like the lone ranger with you not perfect eating - dinner didn't want to go down last night - so only ate about 1/2 of my cup and then for desser 2 sf dark choc puddings with walnuts - but then at midnite I was eating cheeto puffs ... like 2 hand fulls - not super sure cuz I got a small handful then went back and got the bag cuz there wasn't much in it.. and I didn't get all my water...

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