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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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Steph...........Please, please, please get that checked out ASAP. 'member when I wrote about being in the hospital for two months five years ago with Legionaires Disease? And almost died? Well, it started with low blood sugar. Same symptons and it got to the point that I had no strength to move and was semi-comotose when hubby got home that night. Now, I figure God gave me the low blood sugar thingy cause I needed to go to the hospital so they could diagnose me with LD. If it isn't caught early enough, Legionaire's disease is fatal. I had had a slight fever, but otherwise felt great so if not for the low sugar attack, I never would have gone to the doctor in time and I would be dead now. I don't want to scare you but it could be something signaling that something is wrong. Do I make sense??

Mommy Janet is going to get on your case too, so figure, we're gonna make your life miserable till you get to a doctor.

Good points Kari :tongue2:

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Yikes ladies!!! Where are you?

Okay. I have a few minutes so let me explain my episode of last night....

A little background. When I was pregger with Nick I had gestational diabetes. They gave me a blood sugar monitor and put me on glucophage. Well I soon learned what happens when your blood sugar gets too low. I get sick, shaky, headache, sweat and cold at the same time and amazingly cranky.

I've always had a little of that feeling when I would not eat because I was busy or when out and about with my mother who never eats. As soon as I got the headache, a migrane was on the way if I didn't take care of it soon.

Before my surgery I went to doc saying I was having more of these episodes. He told me I didn't know what I was talking about and there was no reason to worry. My blood work was alright, not great, but alright. I'm assuming that means he sees no spikes.

So I've been doing alright since banding. Very few of these episodes. Maybe once every couple of months. Always brought on when I forgot to eat and easily remedied.

Then there was the halloween weekend. There was one of these episodes before that that week but I didn't put them together. You'll remember I came home from church because I was sick. Didn't want to call it a hangover. Jeff mentioned my blood sugar, I poo pooed it, but when he left I asked my son for a toosie roll, ate it, went to sleep almost immediately and woke up an hour later just fine. I thought about seeing doc then but figured I was making a big deal out of nothing. Cue yesterday. I was driving and picked up some munchies at the convenience store. Drove through McD's a couple hours later....so I had eaten. Then about an hour later I start getting a headache. I figure it's because I've been sitting driving too long and stop in the next town for a coffee. I mixed in some Creamer and sweetner. Drank it, but the further I drove the worse it got. Pulled over in the next town and went in to bathroom but didn't get sick. 10 miles down the road I lost dinner. I began shaking. Remember, I had eaten, drank coffee with creamer, and had munched on a not so healthy candy bar....so wasn't thinking blood sugar. Finally got to the next town and was shaking so hard I could hardly drive or walk. Went in, sure by this time it was blood sugar, bought an orange soda, went to car, drank it, pulled into an empty lot and fell immediately asleep for an hour. Woke up, no headache, no shakes, no cold sweats....like nothing had been wrong. Drove into the next big town (remember I'm driving across NE Montana and these little towns are lucky to have convenience stores let alone motels) and decided to stay the night.

I will go see doc as soon as I get home from these meetings. In the mean time I will keep an orange soda in my purse at all times.

I promise I am alright. My pants are tighter today....I need to concentrate on GOOD food and not the food that is easy while traveling. Went to chinese tonight. Only ate about 1/4 of the plate. I was pretty excited about that. lunch was a few pieces of beef Jerky because Breakfast was a breakfast burrito and a half and orange juice at mcd's and that was pretty high cal.

Now I'm going to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow sometime. Honest, don't worry about me. Scary but not going to kill me. It comes on pretty slowly, I just have to learn to listen to my body when it happens. I don't know...is it diabetes when your sugar drops like that but doesn't spike?

Doesn't matter. The doc will do what he does. I'll talk to you in the morning ladies. Goodnight.

OK Steph - I don't know anything about low blood sugar - I had a BF who was diabetic and if he didn't eat after taking his shot he got like that - Candice's suggestions were good - the doc told him to eat like jerky - keep some hard candies in your purse to - and yes you are going to have to eat good healthy foods every few hours... You can't forget to eat..

Yes as soon as you get home - GO TO THE DOCTOR !!!!

I have NOT tracked my food for 7 days.....just being accountable...

On plan today

Candice - I know you are just looking for an excuse for me to fly up there and kick your butt in person- but right now I just can't - so you better get back on program !!!! less than 30 days till cuba ......



Mommy Janet is going to get on your case too, so figure, we're gonna make your life miserable till you get to a doctor.

Too Cute Kari - Yep she better get her butt to the doc soon!!! We will all stay on top of her..

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Ah, that's encouraging to hear! Muscle spasm makes sense. Like I said, I am really concentrating on exercising my "core" so, I modify some of the exercises the other ladies are doing. Like if we're supposed to be on our stomachs holding on the side doing flutter kick, I use my foam barbell things instead because it keeps me flatter on the surface of the Water and I can really feel it in my gut a lot more that way. I discovered that about a week ago... which is when I had that first episode of pain. Didn't take any IB... just went to bed the first time and it went away right away. This last time, it really didn't last long enough to take anything. In a few minutes it as over. glad to hear I'm not alone in experiencing this type of pain.

If it is any consolation, I'm just surprised that I don't have them anymore. They seemed to be there off and on forever. I had mentioned them to the doctor's NPs and they weren't in the least bit concerned. Watch, I've probably jinked myself.

Having said that, of course be careful if your body says that it is more serious. I seemed to look at them as my body settling into where my fat used to cushion me.

I know that I am spotty with signing on, so call me, if you are suspicious of something above and beyond...303.885.4277 (cell) or 303.330.0524 or just want to talk. :tongue2:--long distance hug.

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Good Morning Gang

Good Morning Gang

Well I gotta vent here - I was so friggin pissed off last night - went to the gym - that was all good - then came home to tackle the computer issues (I am wireless - gs computer is hooked up directly to the modem)

So first I call AOL - They say it's a linksys issue - so I call linksysm - after waiting 15 minutes the phone dies.. So call back wait another 20 minutes - finally get someone - gs computer freezes - while talking to lady (out sourcing again and diff to understand) so have to reboot - well as I do this guess what happens - the I lose the call (I think she hung up on me)- after 41 minutes of being on the phone -it's now 7:30 something almost 8 - haven't fed the dogs/cat or myself..

I run the disk that came with linksys and it tells me I am not hooked up to the modem - well yes it is.. I am so frustrated I just wanted to cry...

So I think I am just going to go get a new wireless system (mine's 4 yrs old and gs computer is vista which is a mystery to me and I am XP) and just start from scratch.. Most likely won't do this till Frid or Sat.

Ok Steph - now you have us concerned... Is your blood sugar going too low??? Yes it's about eating healthy - this maintanance thing / almost to goal is a very tricky thing - you know who you are sounding like - your mentor Karri...

Phyl - a few days ago it wasn't acutally the port site that hurt or should I say discomfort but behind it - like where my band might be ... weird pain. but it's gone - I do crunch at the gym so I think thats it...

Candice - OK girl - 1 month till Cuba - you gotta get your butt in gear 10 lbs are going to be gone by the time you go ok - good food choices and exercise.... You CAN AND WILL DO THIS !!!

Kari - putting on that old top - i bet you said to yourself - omg i didn't know I was that fat - cuz it had to be falling off of you.. I know I put a dress on that I couldn't wear at my highest but fit at about the 200 lbs range - well - OMW that thing just hung on me and I told gs how come you didn't tell me I was so fat... I think I have gotten rid of 98% of my fat clothes.. I have a few teeshirt that I have from past cruises but that's it..

Ok need to get my butt in gear - I will cbl:tongue:

Oh Phyl - I bet you are going to be happy - our weather is going to warm up for a few days....

OOo, ooo, ooo.....I think I can help re the Internet (although I am not an AOL person). I make my living working on government computer security (yea, an expert e.g. a drip under pressure).

You are right on the mark with what you see as being the problem areas. If the power light is lit on the modem, chances are your modem is still alive. Because of all the new hacker attacks, all the software and hardware providers are putting out fixes at an unbelievable speed. If you do not update your operating system, browsers, drivers and firmware (the brains behind your hardware) often enough, you can get left behind cut off when the parts no longer talk to each other. My one year old modem cut out on me about 2 months ago and I needed to install a new driver.

Ok, some ideas. First let's try the free stuff: 1) a) If you can get onto the Internet someplace else, get on to Linksys's site (probably Welcome to Linksys.com) and look up your modem model number under the new downloads area. This will provide you with the latest firmware to shake hands with the latest updates that have already automatically been made to all the other computer stuff around the modem. :tongue2: Save the download to a thumb drive, etc. and c) move it over to your computer which is still hooked up to your modem. d) Follow the instructions which Linksys has provided you along with the download. Are you now ready to beat me up?? 2) If there are no downloads/drivers available for your modem, go over to the customer support area in Linksys and email them a description of the problem. They should come back pretty quickly with an answer --within a day or so(yes, you do have to find someplace else to get onto the Internet to get the answer). 3) Email me your modem's model number and what lights are lit on your modem, and I'll search on the outside support formats that are out there and I'll see what I can see.

Only after all of that fails, yes, buying a new modem will probably solve the proble, BUT you still need to download the latest drivers (firmware) even if the modem is brand spankn' new.

Phew... so I'll be looking forward to hearing the latest.

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Steph, bubshkins (did I spell that right?),

Finally got to the dr yesterday and got 1/2 cc fill. Feeling great, BUT (and this is a BIG BUT(T)), I'm only 6 1/2 lbs from GOAL!!!!!!!! Woopie. 140 is coming up on the horizon! At 5'5" a size 8 would be sweet and that would be a distinct possiblity.

Big hug to you for your support!

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Steph, bubshkins (did I spell that right?),

Finally got to the dr yesterday and got 1/2 cc fill. Feeling great, BUT (and this is a BIG BUT(T)), I'm only 6 1/2 lbs from GOAL!!!!!!!! Woopie. 140 is coming up on the horizon! At 5'5" a size 8 would be sweet and that would be a distinct possiblity.

Big hug to you for your support!

Car - OMW you are doing great - 6.5 from goal - WTG:thumbup:

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Steph, bubshkins (did I spell that right?),

Finally got to the dr yesterday and got 1/2 cc fill. Feeling great, BUT (and this is a BIG BUT(T)), I'm only 6 1/2 lbs from GOAL!!!!!!!! Woopie. 140 is coming up on the horizon! At 5'5" a size 8 would be sweet and that would be a distinct possiblity.

Big hug to you for your support!

Fantastic, you are so close!!!! 6 lbs will be gone before you know it!:Dancing_sorry:

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Many thanks, crew!

Indi, how is the modem? Did any of my ideas lead you astray?

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Hi ladies. I missed you today.

Busy busy and never even a minute to breathe it seemed. I made sure to have food but dinner was late (catering glitch) and I do have a headache. I ate, chicken, salad, a little rice....so I know I have food in my belly. I was feeling munchy so I had a couple pieces of Jerky. Will be heading off to bed soon.

I will do some looking for hypoglycemia online. I knew there had to be a word for it. I have looking at things online though because then I become paranoid. I have everything from tumors to lyme disease to shingles when I start looking at dr. things. It's usually better to just not look.....but in this case I will.

Car, amazing progress!!!! You will be there in no time. Just stay focused. Pull out all the stops as you fight those last 6 pounds. And when you get there, jump up and down shouting GOAL!!!!!!! Maybe a few cartwheels.

Okay...I'm beat. It really was a long day. Night ladies! sleep well.

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Really? No one? Really?

guys, come on. I was so looking forward to seeing what you all had done today. I started meetings at 7:45 am and just got back to my room. Granted we had dinner and cocktails but it's been very math focused for 14 hours. I needed you all as a diversion.

Very good food day for the most part. I need to have some fill put back in though. NO restriction at all. In fact, girl friend and I shared a bagel sandwich for lunch, me thinking I would just eat the inside.....and I ATE a bagel. I should have stopped myself but it was in and gone without my really considering it. And after I was appauled that I had eaten it without thinking, but really upset by the fact that I COULD eat it. So I will be going back in for refill soon.

Okay...it's been a long day. I have a sudoku game to finish on Facebook and then I'm off to bed.

Night ladies. I hope it's an amazing weekend!

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If it is any consolation, I'm just surprised that I don't have them anymore. They seemed to be there off and on forever. I had mentioned them to the doctor's NPs and they weren't in the least bit concerned. Watch, I've probably jinked myself.

Having said that, of course be careful if your body says that it is more serious. I seemed to look at them as my body settling into where my fat used to cushion me.

I know that I am spotty with signing on, so call me, if you are suspicious of something above and beyond...303.885.4277 (cell) or 303.330.0524 or just want to talk. :thumbup:--long distance hug.

Thanks! I made note of your numbers. Haven't had that happen again so far.

OOo, ooo, ooo.....I think I can help re the Internet (although I am not an AOL person). I make my living working on government computer security (yea, an expert e.g. a drip under pressure).

You are right on the mark with what you see as being the problem areas. If the power light is lit on the modem, chances are your modem is still alive. Because of all the new hacker attacks, all the software and hardware providers are putting out fixes at an unbelievable speed. If you do not update your operating system, browsers, drivers and firmware (the brains behind your hardware) often enough, you can get left behind cut off when the parts no longer talk to each other. My one year old modem cut out on me about 2 months ago and I needed to install a new driver.

Ok, some ideas. First let's try the free stuff: 1) a) If you can get onto the Internet someplace else, get on to Linksys's site (probably Welcome to Linksys.com) and look up your modem model number under the new downloads area. This will provide you with the latest firmware to shake hands with the latest updates that have already automatically been made to all the other computer stuff around the modem. :thumbup: Save the download to a thumb drive, etc. and c) move it over to your computer which is still hooked up to your modem. d) Follow the instructions which Linksys has provided you along with the download. Are you now ready to beat me up?? 2) If there are no downloads/drivers available for your modem, go over to the customer support area in Linksys and email them a description of the problem. They should come back pretty quickly with an answer --within a day or so(yes, you do have to find someplace else to get onto the Internet to get the answer). 3) Email me your modem's model number and what lights are lit on your modem, and I'll search on the outside support formats that are out there and I'll see what I can see.

Only after all of that fails, yes, buying a new modem will probably solve the proble, BUT you still need to download the latest drivers (firmware) even if the modem is brand spankn' new.

Phew... so I'll be looking forward to hearing the latest.


We'll come over and help you if you want. We've worked through similar issues quite a few times.

Good suggestions, Car.

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Really? No one? Really? guys, come on. I was so looking forward to seeing what you all had done today. I started meetings at 7:45 am and just got back to my room. Granted we had dinner and cocktails but it's been very math focused for 14 hours. I needed you all as a diversion.

Very good food day for the most part. I need to have some fill put back in though. NO restriction at all. In fact, girl friend and I shared a bagel sandwich for lunch, me thinking I would just eat the inside.....and I ATE a bagel. I should have stopped myself but it was in and gone without my really considering it. And after I was appauled that I had eaten it without thinking, but really upset by the fact that I COULD eat it. So I will be going back in for refill soon.

Okay...it's been a long day. I have a sudoku game to finish on Facebook and then I'm off to bed. Night ladies. I hope it's an amazing weekend!

I will be happy when they fix this bandwidth problem!!

I LOVE that Challenge Sudoku on Facebook! I got on there last night and played a couple of games. Did I beat you??? I don't remember! I was playing so fast trying to get done and get off line so they don't complain about me using too much bandwidth again!! Or, worse than that, shut me down again!

I will add my "AMEN" to the suggestion that you get to the doctor ASAP with that low blood sugar problem!!

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23_33_25.gifDozed off this afternoon, woke up, looked outside..................couldn't see one single blade of grass. 16_4_42.gifCALGON, TAKE ME AWAY ! ! ! !

Yesterday, our church held a Buck Pole with free food all day. (opening day) Did pretty good. with the Soup and chili, but it was those gooey brownies that messed me up. But, the scale stayed the same. Doing much better today. fruit and Cereal bar for Breakfast, a bowl of chicken chili for lunch. And drank so much Water, I feel like I am going to float away. Trying to get rid of that craving for something (don't know what) but.......................

Well, gotta go check out the freezer and see what's for dinner. HAVE A GOOD DAY,



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If you are anything like me and it seems like we have a lot in common..............you're here lurking. You just can't stay away. But you're screwing up and you are embarrassed to post. WE DON'T CARE ! ! ! WE MISS YOU. Don't tell us you're messing up......just tell us. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU.

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Car - thanks for the suggestions - I think part of the problem was the way GS had it set up and that his computer is Vista and my old router was like 5 yrs old... So I just went an bought a new router & adapter (needed it anyway as I have my Bro's laptop) so now I can be watching tv and reading lbt or outside on lbt :wink2: Think I am addicted to lbt :thumbup:

Candice - How was the visit with your Mom??? Be careful girl in that snow - I would kill myself for sure... Give me a sand storm to drive in - I am ok - black ice - hell no...

Hows the exercise - food choices and tracking going - I am back 24/7 now - just not 7a.m. - 4 p.m while I was at work... So I am here... What's up..


I can eat a bagel and I don't need a fill - only 1/2 bagel but I can eat it - I don't think that's a sign you need a fill. Were you full on that 1/2 bagel sandwich - to me its about the amount of food I can eat not the type - Heck I can eat 1 to 1/2 cups per meal..

Yesterday went to San Marco's with GF Debbie (her daughter lives there) we left at 7:30 a.m. and got home at 10 last night - Went shoping - got dress black pants size 4 :0) pencil skirt - 1 pair of boots and 1 pair of ankle boots - couple tops - heck I tried pants on at Chico's and the 0's were too big :sad: - I would say that I am a sold 4 in my pants now...

- BF 1/3 c hash browns - 2 egg yokes mixed in them - 1 oz polish sauage and 1/2 piece sour dough toast - dinner 6 shrimp - 1/2 mash tatoes Snacks 1 candy bar and 1 dounut (my 1st in 16 months) and 3 ribs (tiny baby back) at midnite

I had to go to Winco to get V9 batteires cuz the stupid smoke dectors where going off - yes at midnite I had to get dress and go to the store for batteries :rolleyes:

Having chicken enchillada for dinner tonite...

Ok I gotta restart my computer - to update my McAfee - so be back in a bit..

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