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Lucky # Sevens- July 07 Bandsters

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I had been exercising daily but my knee flared up when I started the Couch to 5 K training and I was advised by the doctor to rest it for a week or 2 and sure enough after a couple of weeks, the knee stopped bothering me but I had gotten out of the habit of exercising so I really need to get back into it.

As for food, right now I'm on day 2 of the 5 Day Pouch Test but normally, I just eat normal food in much smaller amounts than I used to prior to banding. I don't eat bread anymore (although I've tested it to see if I can and I still can). I don't miss it so I don't eat it. I still eat a tiny bit of Pasta and a tiny bit of rice on rare occasions. I love them so I just stay away from them. I have had a bit of trouble over Halloween chocolate (ate it every day for a week straight) but miraculously did not gain any weight. That probably means I would have lost had I not indulged. I just really suck at tracking food on a diary. I hate it and don't want to do it. It makes me feel like I'm a slave to the food and in fact makes me feel even less in control. Does that make sense?

Donna - I hit the candy this yr more than I did last yr too and I was 137 this morning - so I can't say it hurt me - but scares me at the same time cuz I don't want to get in the habit of dabbling in it to often as I am afraid to lose control.

Ok you are eating the same foods that you ate prior to being banded but in smaller quainties - that's all good as long as they are healthy foods - I have always 7 days a week had some kind of starch (rice/pasta/tatoes) with my dinner - 1/4 to 1/2 cup. My pre-band food was full of fat and hardly any veggies and way more carbs/starches..

Tracking gives you the # of calories you are eating - you may not be eating enough.. In my weight loss phase I kept my calories between 800 - 1200 and varied them according to my hunger.. I am still doing that (varying) as some days my hunger is more than others. Today I am starving and I just ate a salad for lunch and am still hungry..

I logged my calories for the 1st year - along with weighing and measuring foods - I thought of it as a learning tool.. Now I can eyeball 1/2 cup 4 oz with pretty good accuratcy..

and it makes you accountable - it is so easy to forget those 2 cracker - then the handful of nuts or whatever you happen to snack on or mindlessly eat during the day.

Tracking isn't something you have to do for the rest of your life - but think of it as a learning tool ....

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Good Morning!

How is everyone this morning??

It's been a busy week already and have a tea to go to this afternoon.

I've had a couple of episodes of severe gut pain in the past week, right under my rib cage on the left side. First time it wouldn't go away until finally just went to bed and once I stretched out it was gone. Last night it came back again. It only lasted a short time this time. DH said, "is that where your port is???" Duh! Yeah, he's right. Why didn't that occur to me before?? So I hope we don't have a problem! I've really been trying hard to focus more on my stomach muscles when I'm doing Water aerobics... making sure I feel those muscles working. So maybe it's just from that. At the moment, it's nothing to get excited about. It's intense when it happens, but it goes away.

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Good morning. I'm on day 3 of the 5 Day Pouch Test and wondering WTF? The first 2 days are liquids and I expected to have some weight loss but I got 0! My DH is doing it with me just for kicks and he lost 3.5 lbs!

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Snowing pretty hard. We still don't have too much here in town but I had to go pick up the dogs at the groomer and they have about 6 inches out there in the country. It's not supposed to stay. I'm okay with it. It was in the 70's Halloween day.

Puppies were loving playing tag in the snow. They really are a couple of nuts in some ways. I have to find a coat for my little girl. she's so much smaller than my boy that I won't be able to share them. Going to do that tonight. Tomorrow taking Allie to the groomer for a good bath and conditioning because her skin is so dry. I hope I can stave off some of her shedding. It's too cold for her to lose all her hair.< /p>

Ladies, can I talk to you all a bit about underwear???? Phyl, maybe you don't want to hear about it. But Jeff has asked me to get rid of the granny panties. I never really thought of them as granny panties but he prefered the more "young" style. The kind I've compared to dental floss for most of my life and swore I would NEVER wear. Well....he convinced me I needed a pair. I bought 1 to humor him. Well....he insists that they do for my bum what my professional bra fitting did for my girls. I don't know if he's right and they really do, but he has been able to tell a difference this whole week when he's come home. He can tell me whether I'm wearing grannies or flossies. I'm going to admit I'm really excited he's not home for a couple of days because I prefer the other...but I never thought there was a difference. I guess I was wrong.

Okay...going to go figure out dinner. I'll talk to you all later.

Hi Steph,

Do you mean thongs??? I have a few pairs and they are the most uncomfortable things in the whole world. Tell DH that turn around is fair play. If he will wear them, so will you.

With your new petite figure you can wear just about anything. I really like some of the specials that are run in OneHanesPlace. A few pairs of sexy, frilly undies can be quite a mental lift.

High wind warning at our house today. DH is home with a cold. I have no sympathy.

Took the pups out bird hunting on Sunday. That's my idea of exercising! They just love those big, smelly (as far as dogs are concerned) winged things.

Have you tried looking on the greyhound rescue sites for winter wear? At least one of them links to stores that specialize in items just for those sleek pups.

Better get back to work.

Stay warm.


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Good Afternoon, Ladies. I decided this morning, that I needed to get back to basics. So after I finished my pedaling, I got ready to go to the gym. I put on my favorite top from before banding. DH just laughed when he saw me bu hat is what I wore to work out in. I needed that reminder of how far I had come and hope that it will give me a kick in the butt to shape up.:D

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I agree here with Janet. I'm lost without LBT. I really don't think I could done it without these ladies. I am just so sorry I couldn't make the get-together last summer. I can't wait till next year. There is no way I'm gonna miss it. You ladies are family. You understand. Luv you guys.36_2_80.gif

You are not the only closet pop tart lover here. Brown sugar and cinnamon............yummy, Before, I'd eat both that are in a packet, toasted, lots of butter.........(better stop now) Now, I'll eat the same kind. But only one...and not toasted.......and only for Breakfast (instead of as a snack) Maybe once a week.:D


PB Nature Valley Granola Bars. I'm a real sucker.

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Good Morning!

How is everyone this morning??

It's been a busy week already and have a tea to go to this afternoon.

I've had a couple of episodes of severe gut pain in the past week, right under my rib cage on the left side. First time it wouldn't go away until finally just went to bed and once I stretched out it was gone. Last night it came back again. It only lasted a short time this time. DH said, "is that where your port is???" Duh! Yeah, he's right. Why didn't that occur to me before?? So I hope we don't have a problem! I've really been trying hard to focus more on my stomach muscles when I'm doing Water aerobics... making sure I feel those muscles working. So maybe it's just from that. At the moment, it's nothing to get excited about. It's intense when it happens, but it goes away.

Hi Phyl, Been there, done that. For the longest time I had muscle spasms(?) around the port area. I would try stretching out my stomach muscles to get away from the pain while I was sitting, but couldn't get comfortable until I was lying down. Maybe this is the lapband equivalent of the 3rd trimester. I don't think you need to worry. Have you tried IB to stop the pain?

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I ate!!!! I ate!!! I forgot how wonderful it was to eat!!

Okay. I know it was bad but I had to eat SOMETHING on the ride home and because of the horrible roads and traffic, McD's was the option. Because chicken scares me still, I opted for a quarter pounder. Actually, in my eat this not that, it's one of the better choices. But I ate it!!!! No pain. No slime. No horrible feelings!!!

Then tonight Jeff and I had fish and a salad! I haven't had salad in months. It was so good. I could have eaten more just out of the shear joy of eating. I had about 5 strawberries dipped in (don't slap me) sugar for dessert. I can't dip them in splenda and they were too sour to eat plain.

I stopped when I was full and I am not hungry. I want to eat, but am not hungry. So I have resisted. It's not an overwhelming urge, just a knowledge that I can and it's very exciting. More importantly I'm thirsty. I've been struggling with liquids. I haven't been able to get those in hardly so I've been really dying for liquids. How weird is that? Again....so exciting.

I will have to watch that I eat slowly and in the right order. I chewed really well and savored every last bite though. Knowing it wasn't going to cause pain allowed me to really enjoy my meal. I will also have to watch what I have available in the house to eat. I'm going to have to go back to reading labels, measuring my portions, and really being present when I'm eating. I can do this though.

On a bright note, there were some awesome sales at the mall. I went to Eddie Bauer and they almost sucked me in to way too much. Got a few work sweaters for when I have to be professional this winter. But I tried on a size 2 for grins.....and it zipped! It wasn't any tighter than my 22's were when I started this process, but didn't look good. I left them there on the hanger.....but they did zip! I'm happy with my 4's and know that without the dimple belly they would have been fine, but just knowing that I COULD was enough for me. AMAZING feeling pulling that zipper up.

Okay. I need to get to bed. Its been a very busy day. Who would think one hour difference could cause jet lag, but I believe it has.

Night ladies. I hope we hear from Candice, and Ruby, and Kari, and Karri, and Donna, and Denise tomorrow. There are others but my brain just did a reboot. Karri!!!! Check in lady. Did you blow up your chem lab?? How is your marathon training going? Talk to us. Even a 'hi, I'm here, nothing to report" would be better than complete silence.

Okay...now truly...off to bed. Night

O.k. I am here! This is the first day that I've had time to sign on... I changed my days and hours at work this week, so I'm still geting used to it.

Food choices have not been too good, but I will do better!!

Exercise has been good, getting some of that in.

Steph, I am so happy for you that your Tummy troubles are resolved. We were getting worried about you!

Phyl, I just love your new picture... man you look good~!

Janet; Yes you are still getting all the HUGS you need... we'll just keep 'em coming until you tell us to stop. o.k.? I know its a ruff time.

One month from today I'll be in Havana CUBA!! :D I am so looking forward to my trip.

Car, & Donna; nice to see you posting so often... this is a great little group! Welcome:tt1:


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Hi Phyl, Been there, done that. For the longest time I had muscle spasms(?) around the port area. I would try stretching out my stomach muscles to get away from the pain while I was sitting, but couldn't get comfortable until I was lying down. Maybe this is the lapband equivalent of the 3rd trimester. I don't think you need to worry. Have you tried IB to stop the pain?

Ah, that's encouraging to hear! Muscle spasm makes sense. Like I said, I am really concentrating on exercising my "core" so, I modify some of the exercises the other ladies are doing. Like if we're supposed to be on our stomachs holding on the side doing flutter kick, I use my foam barbell things instead because it keeps me flatter on the surface of the Water and I can really feel it in my gut a lot more that way. I discovered that about a week ago... which is when I had that first episode of pain. Didn't take any IB... just went to bed the first time and it went away right away. This last time, it really didn't last long enough to take anything. In a few minutes it as over. glad to hear I'm not alone in experiencing this type of pain.

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Hi ladies. Traveling so I'm just peaking in before bed. Remember I'm out of town until Monday so it will be sporadic for me.

Had a weird blood sugar incident while traveling. Took care of it, but it was scary while it was happening. . I don't want any of you to worry, and I will explain it later. I will be making an appointment with my PCP for when I get back. This is the 3rd incident in a couple of weeks. Similar to last Sunday (nov. 1) I think I might be dropping to low levels even though I'm eating. Who knows. I'm not a doctor.

Gained a couple of pounds since unfill. I guess I should expect it but it was a little disappointing. I will focus on good foods and not on the scale and as long as my new clothes continue to fit I promise not to panic. I just so wanted these last few pounds gone. I was down to 2 to go, now I have almost 5. Oh well....nothing to panic about.

I'm going to bed. My episode wiped me out. I will talk to you all tomorrow hopefully. Don't worry about me....I am fine. Honest. I would tell you if I was really worried.....I always do, remember?

Night ladies. Oh...I invited a couple of ladies to peak in on the board and hopefully they will say hello. If I'm not around, give them a great 7 welcome and tell them I'll be here soon.

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Good Morning Gang

Good Morning Gang

Well I gotta vent here - I was so friggin pissed off last night - went to the gym - that was all good - then came home to tackle the computer issues (I am wireless - gs computer is hooked up directly to the modem)

So first I call AOL - They say it's a linksys issue - so I call linksysm - after waiting 15 minutes the phone dies.. So call back wait another 20 minutes - finally get someone - gs computer freezes - while talking to lady (out sourcing again and diff to understand) so have to reboot - well as I do this guess what happens - the I lose the call (I think she hung up on me)- after 41 minutes of being on the phone -it's now 7:30 something almost 8 - haven't fed the dogs/cat or myself..

I run the disk that came with linksys and it tells me I am not hooked up to the modem - well yes it is.. I am so frustrated I just wanted to cry...

So I think I am just going to go get a new wireless system (mine's 4 yrs old and gs computer is vista which is a mystery to me and I am XP) and just start from scratch.. Most likely won't do this till Frid or Sat.

Ok Steph - now you have us concerned... Is your blood sugar going too low??? Yes it's about eating healthy - this maintanance thing / almost to goal is a very tricky thing - you know who you are sounding like - your mentor Karri...

Phyl - a few days ago it wasn't acutally the port site that hurt or should I say discomfort but behind it - like where my band might be ... weird pain. but it's gone - I do crunch at the gym so I think thats it...

Candice - OK girl - 1 month till Cuba - you gotta get your butt in gear 10 lbs are going to be gone by the time you go ok - good food choices and exercise.... You CAN AND WILL DO THIS !!!

Kari - putting on that old top - i bet you said to yourself - omg i didn't know I was that fat - cuz it had to be falling off of you.. I know I put a dress on that I couldn't wear at my highest but fit at about the 200 lbs range - well - OMW that thing just hung on me and I told gs how come you didn't tell me I was so fat... I think I have gotten rid of 98% of my fat clothes.. I have a few teeshirt that I have from past cruises but that's it..

Ok need to get my butt in gear - I will cbl:tongue:

Oh Phyl - I bet you are going to be happy - our weather is going to warm up for a few days....

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Yikes ladies!!! Where are you?

Okay. I have a few minutes so let me explain my episode of last night....

A little background. When I was pregger with Nick I had gestational diabetes. They gave me a blood sugar monitor and put me on glucophage. Well I soon learned what happens when your blood sugar gets too low. I get sick, shaky, headache, sweat and cold at the same time and amazingly cranky.

I've always had a little of that feeling when I would not eat because I was busy or when out and about with my mother who never eats. As soon as I got the headache, a migrane was on the way if I didn't take care of it soon.

Before my surgery I went to doc saying I was having more of these episodes. He told me I didn't know what I was talking about and there was no reason to worry. My blood work was alright, not great, but alright. I'm assuming that means he sees no spikes.

So I've been doing alright since banding. Very few of these episodes. Maybe once every couple of months. Always brought on when I forgot to eat and easily remedied.

Then there was the halloween weekend. There was one of these episodes before that that week but I didn't put them together. You'll remember I came home from church because I was sick. Didn't want to call it a hangover. Jeff mentioned my blood sugar, I poo pooed it, but when he left I asked my son for a toosie roll, ate it, went to sleep almost immediately and woke up an hour later just fine. I thought about seeing doc then but figured I was making a big deal out of nothing. Cue yesterday. I was driving and picked up some munchies at the convenience store. Drove through McD's a couple hours later....so I had eaten. Then about an hour later I start getting a headache. I figure it's because I've been sitting driving too long and stop in the next town for a coffee. I mixed in some Creamer and sweetner. Drank it, but the further I drove the worse it got. Pulled over in the next town and went in to bathroom but didn't get sick. 10 miles down the road I lost dinner. I began shaking. Remember, I had eaten, drank coffee with creamer, and had munched on a not so healthy candy bar....so wasn't thinking blood sugar. Finally got to the next town and was shaking so hard I could hardly drive or walk. Went in, sure by this time it was blood sugar, bought an orange soda, went to car, drank it, pulled into an empty lot and fell immediately asleep for an hour. Woke up, no headache, no shakes, no cold sweats....like nothing had been wrong. Drove into the next big town (remember I'm driving across NE Montana and these little towns are lucky to have convenience stores let alone motels) and decided to stay the night.

I will go see doc as soon as I get home from these meetings. In the mean time I will keep an orange soda in my purse at all times.

I promise I am alright. My pants are tighter today....I need to concentrate on GOOD food and not the food that is easy while traveling. Went to chinese tonight. Only ate about 1/4 of the plate. I was pretty excited about that. lunch was a few pieces of beef Jerky because breakfast was a breakfast burrito and a half and orange juice at mcd's and that was pretty high cal.

Now I'm going to bed. I'll see you all tomorrow sometime. Honest, don't worry about me. Scary but not going to kill me. It comes on pretty slowly, I just have to learn to listen to my body when it happens. I don't know...is it diabetes when your sugar drops like that but doesn't spike?

Doesn't matter. The doc will do what he does. I'll talk to you in the morning ladies. Goodnight.

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Oh Stephanie, you are having your issues GF! Now I am no Doc/Nurse , but what you describe sounds like Hypoglycemia... which needs further investigation too!

Eat LowGlycemic foods, and PROTIEN FIRST, eat something with good quality protien every 3 hours, by the clock! Sliced turkey, deli ham, keep a small can of tuna in your purse, then follow it with WHole Grain crackers, veg or fruit.

A tetra pk of O.J. would be preferable to the Orange Soda... and you can keep tetra paks in your car unrefrigerated too. What about some little mandarin oranges? I can eat those, but not a real Florida orange, too pithy and they get stuck.

Protien shakes, protien bars,,, every 3 hrs... o.k

Please look after yourself.

HUGS Candice

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I have NOT tracked my food for 7 days.....just being accountable...

On plan today

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Steph...........Please, please, please get that checked out ASAP. 'member when I wrote about being in the hospital for two months five years ago with Legionaires Disease? And almost died? Well, it started with low blood sugar. Same symptons and it got to the point that I had no strength to move and was semi-comotose when hubby got home that night. Now, I figure God gave me the low blood sugar thingy cause I needed to go to the hospital so they could diagnose me with LD. If it isn't caught early enough, Legionaire's disease is fatal. I had had a slight fever, but otherwise felt great so if not for the low sugar attack, I never would have gone to the doctor in time and I would be dead now. I don't want to scare you but it could be something signaling that something is wrong. Do I make sense??

Mommy Janet is going to get on your case too, so figure, we're gonna make your life miserable till you get to a doctor.

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