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Pre Surgery Preparation Tips!

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Hi everyone! My surgery date in on December 23rd, which gives me enough time to prepare myself mentally, spiritually, emotionally, and physically. Well, the best I can anyways ☺. I am just wondering if anyone who has had or is having surgery wouldn't mind leaving some tips for me on what they did to prepare. Or what they would've done to help things go better. These forums really help me a lot. I am so grateful to the people on here. I had a blood clot in my leg that traveled to my lung a year and a half ago and I had another blood blot in my lung a little over a month ago. So, I am very concerned about the surgery and making sure not to get anymore blood clots after surgery. I am on blood thinners now to help prevent future ones. I just want to make sure I do everything I can possible to make this all go as smoothly as possible. God has blessed me with this opportunity and had given me time to prepare and I don't want to waste it. ☺

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Congratulations on getting the surgery! I had mine done on Oct. 20th.

What does your surgeon require for a pre-op diet? I had to do a 2 week liquid diet before. My biggest thing was, no cheating. Period. Is it hard? Yes! But it not only makes the surgery go smoother, but I felt it prepared me for my new life. It helped me feel more in control of my eating.

Do you have a family? My boyfriend (close to engaged, LOL) and I have 7 kids between the 2 of us. 5 of them at home, 2 at college. I made the kids well aware of what I was having done, so they wouldn't worry when I came home to recover. My 14yr son wanted to help me out by doing the liquid diet with me, lol. I didn't let him. :P

Let's see.... what else. Oh, I stocked up on the liquids I'd need after surgery too. Just so I knew I'd have them on hand. Being prepared with what you need on hand really helps.

Same with meds/vitamins you'll need. Get those all ahead of time. Another tip is to have some kind of gas medicine on hand. I had Gas X strips, but then ended up making me sick to my stomach. I got the baby mylecan drops and that worked really well. Gas pain from when they "blow up your abdomen" afterwards is at times unbearable! The best way to get it to work itself out of you is to get up and walk, often--as soon after surgery as you can. I'm sure your nurses will tell you this also.

Heating pad also helps. ;)

I'll try and thing of some more stuff. :-)

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Congratulations on your surgery!!! Thank you SO SO much for you tips! I have my preop class on Dec 8th. My BMI is close to 60 so I will definitely be on the 2 week liquid diet. I've heard it is really hard, but I also know how crucial it is to follow it to a T for the surgery. I want to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible. And like you said it will help me feel more prepared for what's to come. I have to bring my Vitamins and Protein Powder etc with me to my preop class to make sure I have everything correct, which is good. I'm nervous about making sure I get everything I need. I am 27 years old and right now, my mom and sister are living with me. I am working full time, but my mom is not working and sis is only working part time. No kids. But they do support me and I have a lot of family and friends who support me as well. As for my mom and sis its going to be a a major change too, with just the lifestyle we're used too. I have to make this change for myself, I want to get healthy and finally start living! I hope they want to join the journey with me, but at the same time if they don't, I can't let it effect me any. I'm doing this for me :-) Thanks for the Gas meds tip! I will definitely make sure to bring something for that!! Sounds painful!

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Hi Asher!

One of the best things I did to prepare for my surgery was to take off the day before the procedure. I gave myself the full day to run errands, do some laundry and make sure the house was in order before I headed out. I also made sure my bag was ready for the possibility of staying at the hospital more than one night. However, when you get your hospital bag ready, I wouldn't advise packing for a vacation- truth be told, I wore my hospital gown the whole time (they'll be in to check you so often & for so many things, my pajamas would have gotten in the way anyway), and went home in the clothes I wore the morning of my RNY. I wasn't able to get a "real" shower while I was there, and honestly, I didn't care enough about hair and makeup while I was there to use anything I packed anyway. ;)

Something else to keep in mind is your surgeon's directives as far as eating while in the hospital. The person who brings you your "food" brings standard portions- it's up to us to remember how much we're supposed to try and handle (and don't use that straw- I got one with both "meals" I was served!)

My last bit of immediate post-surgery advice would probably be to take it easy on yourself, especially when it comes to the protein/liquid amount that will be suggested to you. Depending on your pain and tolerance levels, you simply won't be able to get that 70some grams of Protein and 64 ounces of Water every day, and that's ok. Concentrate on your Protein as much as you can, and as your body heals, the rest will fall into place. I'd stay off the scale too, for the first few days- from all the liquid they pump through your IV, you may appear heavier than when you went into surgery, and who needs that kind of discouragement?! ;)

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Start now practicing chewing a lot, taking small sips and not drinking with meals. If you are already in those habits now, it will help a lot after surgery. Also, see if you can find a support group close to you. I started going to a weekly one before surgery and it has helped so much post op. Find Protein Drinks you like now for preop but don't buy too many because your tastes change post op. I had a BMI of 58 and had to do the two week. I also started walking before surgery so my body was used to it post op. I am 3 weeks out and my recovery has gone really smoothly.

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I am 5 days out from having my surgery and I totally agree that you really don't need to take much to the hospital. I packed 2 changes of clothes, a bathrobe, slippers, tons of toiletries, etc and never used any of them other than a fresh pair of underwear and socks! I wore the hospital gown because it was far easier with the IV and all the wires and monitors. When I would walk in the halls, I just wore a second gown backwards like a robe. Much easier to deal with! I just wore the slipper socks they gave me since it would have been too hard to get them off to put on slippers. I was told not to shower for 48 hours and I was home by then. And it never occurred to me to brush my hair either since I slept most of the time, :-)

I did take my tablet so I had something to occupy myself when I was awake. Reading would have been way to hard after the anesthesia so some simple games were nice. Daytime TV sucks!

As the previous poster said, have a variety of drinks at home so you can get your fluids in. I had tea, juice, several flavors of Crystal Light, bottled Water with flavoring, sugar free popsicles and Jello, and broth. I am grateful for all of that because I found my tummy is a finicky little creature now. I got a variety of Protein powders and shakes too and the first couple of days home, I liked them fine but now I can't stomach the idea of any of them! I also had cottage cheese, refried Beans, pudding, applesauce, and eggs on hand - which I am also very grateful for. I do not intend to pureed meat of any kind! GAG!

The first night in the hospital, I slept with the bed propped all the way up to help with the trapped air. I think that helped a lot. My first night at home, I used 2 wedge pillows, but by the next night, I just wanted to sleep lying down normally and that was fine. So, don't run out and buy wedge pillow - if you can borrow some, that's great, but if now, you can always use a bunch of regular pillows if lying flat bothers you.

Ask for an abdominal binder as soon as you get to your room after surgery. It's like a giant ace bandage that they velcro around you to help support your tender tummy. Definitely helps those first few days as you get up and down.

I got lots of free samples of Vitamins and Protein stuff by emailing companies that sell those things and just asking. I just Googled "bariatric vitamins" and "protein powder" and then found the contact info. Almost all of the companies sent me something. I am also very happy for that because my tastes seem to change daily and the chewable Vitamin I liked one day, I can't stand the next! So it is nice to have options! Don't buy a big thing of anything for a while because I've been told your tastes will continue to change a lot at first.

I had blood clots in the past too. Make sure your doctor is well aware of that. Mine made sure I had pumps on my legs all thru the surgery and the entire time at the hospital. They also gave me Lovenox shots after surgery and they do get you up and about as soon as they can. Be sure and ask when they want you to discontinue your blood thinners. I wasn't allowed anything that would increase bleeding such as Advil, Aleve, etc for 10 days before surgery. You should be fine!

What an exciting way for you to ring in the new year! Be sure and plan on NOT having guests or any big holiday plans - you will need the time to focus on your recovery.

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Start now practicing chewing a lot, taking small sips and not drinking with meals. If you are already in those habits now, it will help a lot after surgery. Also, see if you can find a support group close to you. I started going to a weekly one before surgery and it has helped so much post op. Find Protein drinks you like now for preop but don't buy too many because your tastes change post op. I had a BMI of 58 and had to do the two week. I also started walking before surgery so my body was used to it post op. I am 3 weeks out and my recovery has gone really smoothly.

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I am scheduled for my RNY tomorrow. My husband had RNY on 10/22/14 and he has had great success and has adapted well to the diet and excercise/lifestyle change thus far.

Together, we've gone through the program work since May to prepare for this life saving intervention! The medical, nutritional and psycho/social support system that our program provides has been wonderful. The team is really our cheerleaders and are wonderful and caring people.

I didn't come to this decision easy, I've felt the self-imposed guilt and burden, I battle that hateful voice inside my head that keeps singing it's same old mantra.."I am a failure because I cannot lose weight. This is the easy way....people are going to judge me. You are STILL going to fail...even after all of this...you will still fail" I have been sucessful in everyother aspect of my life, but this is the one thing that has eluded me...that has defeated me. After much counseling and work, I'm ready. I now have the tools to face this demon called obesity.

Today, I am on Clear Liquids only in preparation for tomorrow, I'm physically prepared but despite my best efforts to educate myself and mentally prepare, I'm finding myself very anxious. I'm trying to keep busy, getting my "house" in order, doing laundry, all of the other things one does on the weekend.

I am thankful that I have found this forum...somewhere to share my fears, successes, and even failures with people who will understand and not judge.

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Hi Asher!

One of the best things I did to prepare for my surgery was to take off the day before the procedure. I gave myself the full day to run errands, do some laundry and make sure the house was in order before I headed out. I also made sure my bag was ready for the possibility of staying at the hospital more than one night. However, when you get your hospital bag ready, I wouldn't advise packing for a vacation- truth be told, I wore my hospital gown the whole time (they'll be in to check you so often & for so many things, my pajamas would have gotten in the way anyway), and went home in the clothes I wore the morning of my RNY. I wasn't able to get a "real" shower while I was there, and honestly, I didn't care enough about hair and makeup while I was there to use anything I packed anyway. ;)

Something else to keep in mind is your surgeon's directives as far as eating while in the hospital. The person who brings you your "food" brings standard portions- it's up to us to remember how much we're supposed to try and handle (and don't use that straw- I got one with both "meals" I was served!)

My last bit of immediate post-surgery advice would probably be to take it easy on yourself, especially when it comes to the protein/liquid amount that will be suggested to you. Depending on your pain and tolerance levels, you simply won't be able to get that 70some grams of Protein and 64 ounces of Water every day, and that's ok. Concentrate on your Protein as much as you can, and as your body heals, the rest will fall into place. I'd stay off the scale too, for the first few days- from all the liquid they pump through your IV, you may appear heavier than when you went into surgery, and who needs that kind of discouragement?! ;)

@@SuzeMuze Thank you SO much for sharing this information with me! I agree with taking the day off before surgery to make sure the last minute things are in order. I would rather be over prepared then under when it comes to something like this. I've never had any type of surgery before, let alone one that will change my life forever, so I'm very nervous and anxious. But also very excited of what's to come. I heard about when they come to give you food in the hospital they just give you standard, so it is up to you to remember what your portion should be. And definitely NO straws. I've been trying to practice that. Still hard bc sometimes I do it and don't even know I have a straw. Same with drinking and eating. That's going to be really hard too. I've done that all my life, so changing that is going to be difficult. Its good hear about protein. I've seen a lot of people on here saying how hard it is for them to get in all of their liquids. Which made me pretty nervous about it too. I will do what I can at first, strive for the goal, bit know if might take some time. I will definitely stay away from the scale too....for a while. ????

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I am 5 days out from having my surgery and I totally agree that you really don't need to take much to the hospital. I packed 2 changes of clothes, a bathrobe, slippers, tons of toiletries, etc and never used any of them other than a fresh pair of underwear and socks! I wore the hospital gown because it was far easier with the IV and all the wires and monitors. When I would walk in the halls, I just wore a second gown backwards like a robe. Much easier to deal with! I just wore the slipper socks they gave me since it would have been too hard to get them off to put on slippers. I was told not to shower for 48 hours and I was home by then. And it never occurred to me to brush my hair either since I slept most of the time, :-)

I did take my tablet so I had something to occupy myself when I was awake. Reading would have been way to hard after the anesthesia so some simple games were nice. Daytime TV sucks!

As the previous poster said, have a variety of drinks at home so you can get your fluids in. I had tea, juice, several flavors of Crystal Light, bottled Water with flavoring, sugar free popsicles and Jello, and broth. I am grateful for all of that because I found my tummy is a finicky little creature now. I got a variety of Protein powders and shakes too and the first couple of days home, I liked them fine but now I can't stomach the idea of any of them! I also had cottage cheese, refried Beans, pudding, applesauce, and eggs on hand - which I am also very grateful for. I do not intend to pureed meat of any kind! GAG!

The first night in the hospital, I slept with the bed propped all the way up to help with the trapped air. I think that helped a lot. My first night at home, I used 2 wedge pillows, but by the next night, I just wanted to sleep lying down normally and that was fine. So, don't run out and buy wedge pillow - if you can borrow some, that's great, but if now, you can always use a bunch of regular pillows if lying flat bothers you.

Ask for an abdominal binder as soon as you get to your room after surgery. It's like a giant ace bandage that they velcro around you to help support your tender tummy. Definitely helps those first few days as you get up and down.

I got lots of free samples of Vitamins and Protein stuff by emailing companies that sell those things and just asking. I just Googled "bariatric vitamins" and "protein powder" and then found the contact info. Almost all of the companies sent me something. I am also very happy for that because my tastes seem to change daily and the chewable Vitamin I liked one day, I can't stand the next! So it is nice to have options! Don't buy a big thing of anything for a while because I've been told your tastes will continue to change a lot at first.

I had blood clots in the past too. Make sure your doctor is well aware of that. Mine made sure I had pumps on my legs all thru the surgery and the entire time at the hospital. They also gave me Lovenox shots after surgery and they do get you up and about as soon as they can. Be sure and ask when they want you to discontinue your blood thinners. I wasn't allowed anything that would increase bleeding such as Advil, Aleve, etc for 10 days before surgery. You should be fine!

What an exciting way for you to ring in the new year! Be sure and plan on NOT having guests or any big holiday plans - you will need the time to focus on your recovery.

@@ready2B I can't thank you enough for sharing your experience with me especially with the blood clots, this is what makes me the most nervous, but it helps to know what they did for you and that everything was fine for you! ☺ I will definitely make sure to stock up with drinks. It makes me a lite nervous about all the taste changes, but if I have a variety, hopefully that will help. I'm worried about the shakes too. I haven't gotten any of mine yet. I want to order 2 from unjury the unflavored protein, so I can mix it in with like the pudding and stuff, and I want to get the chicken Soup flavored one. I think that would be great for the cold months ahead. Then get a chocolate one. I just hope I don't get sick of those, since I know how important those are. Where did you get tour shakes from? Also on the applesauce.. Do I get he unsweetened kind?? Same with cottage cheese.. Is one better then the other? I can't purée any meats either..bleck!! I will have to different companies and see if I can get some samples, that woukd be great!! Thank you again so much for your tips! I feel much better about this!

Edited by Asher325

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Start now practicing chewing a lot, taking small sips and not drinking with meals. If you are already in those habits now, it will help a lot after surgery. Also, see if you can find a support group close to you. I started going to a weekly one before surgery and it has helped so much post op. Find Protein drinks you like now for preop but don't buy too many because your tastes change post op. I had a BMI of 58 and had to do the two week. I also started walking before surgery so my body was used to it post op. I am 3 weeks out and my recovery has gone really smoothly.

@@puttingme1st thank you for your tips as well!! I have practiced chewing a little bit and not drinking with meals, but oh man it is difficult. I mean I swallow bites and not even realize I'm doing it and I'm so used to having a drink with my meals, it's going to be very hard. But I have the opportunity to have time to practice and I need to do it. I also agree I need to start walking more too, to get used to it. That's what I am going to have to do right after is walk walk walk! Im SL glad your surgery went smoothly! I pray mine does too! I have my preop class on the 8th, I'm just hoping everything goes well with that, then I will start my 2 week liquid diet bc my bmi is also 58!

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I am scheduled for my RNY tomorrow. My husband had RNY on 10/22/14 and he has had great success and has adapted well to the diet and excercise/lifestyle change thus far.

Together, we've gone through the program work since May to prepare for this life saving intervention! The medical, nutritional and psycho/social support system that our program provides has been wonderful. The team is really our cheerleaders and are wonderful and caring people.

I didn't come to this decision easy, I've felt the self-imposed guilt and burden, I battle that hateful voice inside my head that keeps singing it's same old mantra.."I am a failure because I cannot lose weight. This is the easy way....people are going to judge me. You are STILL going to fail...even after all of this...you will still fail" I have been sucessful in everyother aspect of my life, but this is the one thing that has eluded me...that has defeated me. After much counseling and work, I'm ready. I now have the tools to face this demon called obesity.

Today, I am on Clear liquids only in preparation for tomorrow, I'm physically prepared but despite my best efforts to educate myself and mentally prepare, I'm finding myself very anxious. I'm trying to keep busy, getting my "house" in order, doing laundry, all of the other things one does on the weekend.

I am thankful that I have found this forum...somewhere to share my fears, successes, and even failures with people who will understand and not judge.

@@Janrn91 Congratulations on your surgery tomorrow!!! How exciting! A day away from starting your new life! I know how nervous and anxious you are feeling too! I will pray for you that it will go as smoothly as possible! I am like you, I feel like a failure for not being able to get my weight under control, I feel that this is my core problem for me that bc I am overweight and failing at this that everything else is failing. A mess really. I have struggled with my weight all my life, except for a couple years when I was about 17 18, but I also was addicted to diet pills, as soon as I got off those I started gaining weight and just kept gaining and gaining. I've tried everything, yea, I'll lose a little here and there, then I'll hit a plateau then quit and gain double what I lost. I also love food. Its a very emotional thing for me too. I am very much an emotional eater. I am 5' ² weighing 320 pounds and I'm 27. I've had so many health problems, I'm taking so many medications, I just can't take it anymore. I am ready for a new life. To actually start living!! Ive just been going through the days, not really there. God put me here for a purpose and I'm ready to start fulfilling it. He has blessed us with this opportunity, we have to use it for the good and be successful! We will not fail! I wish you the best on your surgery tomorrow!! Please keep us updated!

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Thank you so much for your support!!

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Unjury didn't have free samples but they do have a really nice starter kit that comes with 10 single serve packs of different flavors of their Protein powders, a shaker bottle and a thermometer since you have to keep the liquid under 140 degrees. You might want to try those before ordering a big container of any certain kind. I really like the chicken Soup one and the unflavored. I never thought I would turn up my nose at chocolate but somehow that just doesn't appeal to me at all now.

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Unjury didn't have free samples but they do have a really nice starter kit that comes with 10 single serve packs of different flavors of their Protein powders, a shaker bottle and a thermometer since you have to keep the liquid under 140 degrees. You might want to try those before ordering a big container of any certain kind. I really like the chicken Soup one and the unflavored. I never thought I would turn up my nose at chocolate but somehow that just doesn't appeal to me at all now.

oh that starter kit sounds great I may just have to do that. Thanks!! :-)

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        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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