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Day five post Lap band surgery and I am HANGRY. Thats Hungry and angry smushed together. I went to see my surgeon today because my incision in my belly button was leaking. Once in there they fixed it up and put me on the scale. Down 16 pounds in five days. Great....but I reallly dont like how my attitude has changed over the last few days. I had no energy, I was snappy and mopey. I guess food made me happy. lol Sort of pathetic...but still. I feel like I should be just dancing a jig or something but all I feel is pissed off bc my husband who stopped drinking soda two weeks ago has his bowl of ice cream sitting on his 6pack that reappeared las week. I know Im doing this for all the right reasons... I WANT this more than anything so I can be there for my daughter for a very long time....but what good am I if Im a bitch 24/7?

Thanks for listening.


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You're six days out from MAJOR SURGERY!!!

You will be tired and drained and low energy. That will change.

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Honey you will be so happy you stuck it out.. It's difficult to get through the early stages but once you are able to eat and get some Protein you will feel a lot better. We all have our mopey, grumpy, angry time.. make yourself a promise to get healthy for your daughter she will be so grateful and proud of you ...

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Heh, and all this time my surgeon was telling me it was a nothing surgery. A quick snip and a snap. lol I guess that was his way of reassuring me. Even though I knew he was the best in the state. I guess Im just used to being super mom and now I just want to be super sleeping mom. lol

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Sounds over simplistic, but listen to your body. Grab rest and a nap whenever you can. I remember this feeling soooo well. As far as food is concerned, I remember fixing some hot cream of wheat, kind of runny, and thinking it was the best thing I had ever ate! Lol!

It gets better my friend! When you are allowed, a Proteins shake, smoothie, frappe , will help you feel like you too are having a treat, while hubs has ice cream. When you are properly adjusted, you will find you can easily pass up the desserts... You are on your way, it's going to be amazing!

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Hang in there. This too shall pass. And it does get better! A LOT better!

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My tolerance for bull$#!+ went down in direct proportion to the number of calories I consumed post op. I ate for a reason. So I wouldn't have to feel the feels. Some of those feels aren't pretty.

Like others have said, hang in there. It gets better. Find another way besides food to self-care and do it. Often.

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I remember Day 5 was the worst for me. I don't know why but it just was. Also, the anesthesia stays in your system for awhile which doesn't help. Don't worry it will get better.

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Hey there, hope you're feeling that return to self soon -- for me I think it was also about day five. I was also very constipated and had to address that. Was much better after. Even though I didn't do pain medication (which can really affect the mood) the anesthesia threw me for a bit of a loop. Walking really helped. I walked and walked and found that very grounding. Congratulations on the surgery and all that is ahead!

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Day 8. Im still here! Ive learned some very valuable lessons through trial and error over the last few days. On monday my doc said I could hit the soft stuff see how I do. I did great. SF pudding. Good. Hard boiled egg chewed reallly well, goood. Cream of wheat Goood. Everything was awesome until I was cooking dinner for my family and it was bowtie Pasta. Out of habit I guess when I went to test the bowtie I popped it in my mouth gave a chew or two to see if they were done and swallowed. I IMMEADIATELY knew what I did was a big ruht roh scooby and I waited. I felt it go down and then get to the band. Now this is where it got tricky. I felt one piece I chewed off I guess pass through the band (Weirdest feeling ever I wont lie) and then the other slip to the band then stop. I just stood frozen I had no idea wtf to do. And then it hurt. So I took a few sips of Water....and then...well you can imagine what happened next.
I was so damn mad at myself all night because I messed up. But a lesson learned is a lesson earned I always say.
I dont own a scale so I have no idea if Ive made any more progress. I do know my jeans dont fit and I no longer have a second chin. Guess Ill have to pick one up. :D

**EDIT** Pick up a scale. Not an extra chin :P

Edited by HJ Harley

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Lol...your posts cracked me up. I too have the habbit of taste testing everything as i cook for my family....how have things been going? Has the hangry passed?

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      1. NickelChip

        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

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