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Soon to be banded in Richmond

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My surgery date is June 1st with Dr Schroder at St Mary's. First time I've ever had surgery so am quite nervous, but am getting more and more excited as the date draws nearer. Anyone else out there from the Richmond area? :)

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Hi, I am seeing Dr Brengman who is in the same office as Dr Schroder. I hope to get banded soon. How long did it take to get approved? Good Luck!


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It didn't take me long to get approved. I have Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance. I have over a 40 BMI and two co-morbidities so they didn't require any type of proof of being on a surpervised diet and just approved me within a couple weeks. I started this process last November but knew that I wanted to get banded in June, so I took my time in performing all the requirements (attending the pre-op seminar, going to they Psychiatrist). Actually the doctor's office had originally scheduled me for a mid-March surgery but then I had to ask them to change it to June.

Today I started the Pre-op diet and am not liking the taste of the Slim Fast shakes! I hope I can learn to like them! I can't wait for dinner when I can have a sandwich and some vegies!

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Hi, I post on the June bandster site with you and saw you were from VA too. I see you were banded at St. Mary's too! I do not have the same surgeon, I went to Commonwealth Surgeons, Dr. Batista. The hospital blends both surgical groups together in there support groups and educational center. Did you attend the nutrician and education session in May? We may have been in the same class.

How was your experience at the hospital. Over all mine was great. I only had a delay in my surgery time due to my doctor. I was a bit frustrated. I did not want to know what happened in the prior surgery that took longer.

Where do you live in VA? I live in Stafford, which is about 60 miles north of Richmond. I chose the hospital and Commonwealth Surgeons because I knew of others who went there for bypass.

Have you gone to any support groups? I beleive there is one this week, which is to soon for me to go and then next month it is the week after my son's wedding, so I am not sure if I will get there. It would be great to meet up with folks we talk with on line.

Hope all is well with you. How is your diet going? I go back to the doctor tomorrow for my follow up visit. I think I start mushies then... I am excited about that.

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Hello band mates. I am having my surgery performed by Dr. Schroder to. Did you have to stay in the hospital overnight? I live in Dinwiddie.

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Hey Luvlinke! I live in Mechanicsville, and go to the same office as you. I just finished all my evals, and I am attending the Diet class at St Marys on Monday. I too would like to know how long the hospital stay is! Go Hokies!

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Mary and Luvink Glad fo finally talk to some Virginians!!! It seems that so many posters are from out West! Or that go to Mexico. I do not go to Dr. Shroder, but Commonwealth Surgeons, Dr. Batista. However, Dr. Batista and Dr. Shroder combine their trainings meetings and support groups at St. Mary's. Their Dr. offices is in the North building office entrance. Is yours?

Well, I had my surgery last Thursday, June 7! I can't believe that it is a week already. I had to go back for my follow up on Wednesday and I am now on Mushies!

I did stay overnight. For two reasons, I beleive it is what Dr. Batista likes and it garentees that your insurance pays the maximum. If you are outpatient, you could be stuck with a larger bill! That does not make sense, but I researched it and then called their business office before the surgery and they explained this was one reason we stay overnight. I am glad, I really needed it! I did not have my surgery until late afternoon on Thursday and was very ill from the Morphine. I did not feel great on Friday. The hospital overall was GREAT, and I had great nurses through out every stage. I felt the staff at the hospital to be very nice.

Let me know if you ever plan to attend a support group. We can meet up!!

Every day I felt better. Now I feel great! Are you both on the June thread!!

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Hello everyone!

So sorry I have been responding. I wasn't ignoring you purposely. After my last post it took about a month for the next post and I had just given up on this post and was watching the June 2007 Bandsters thread - which has so many posts it's hard to keep up with them!

I had my 2 week post op appointment with my doctor today.

My scale matches their scale. I am down 20 pounds since my first visit with my doctor and down 28 pounds from the time I first visited my primary care physician and asked him to refer me for the lapband.

My doc told me I was doing very good and that I can slowly start incorporating regular food into my meals. He said I could also slowly start incorporating any exercises I wanted to with the exception of crunches which he doesn't feel is a good exercise in general (never heard a doctor say that before!). He told me I was doing the right thing in that as soon as I start feeling pressure in my chest I stop eating.

He said my incisions are doing very well. They are all scabbed over right now. He told me to keep bandaids on them so that my clothes don't pull them off. It's better for the scarring to let them fall off naturally.

He also told me that I have the new AP band. He said he was one of the first ones to use the new band and he has been using it for a couple months now. He told me I have 8 CC small band.

I asked him about visiting a nutritionist and he suggested I wait a couple weeks until I am on regular food a couple weeks.

I told him that I joined this website and he seemed pleased about that. He said I it's good that I am getting info from people who are going through the same issues, emotions I am. So thank you for joining this thread and let's be there for each other!

So my main concern of the day is.... I have been slowly incorporating more foods into my daily meals. And now I am afraid that I am going to be adding the wrong foods. Ok - so I stared at a piece of cheesecake at Ukrops for 5 minutes the other day going back and forth... "it's mushy so I can eat it"... "no you can't have it"... "but it mushy"... "but no you can't have it"... In the end I bought fat free, sugar free cheesecake pudding and lite coolwhip. I am trying to limit myself to 1/2 cup per day but on Sat I had 2 half cups. But now I have to be careful that pudding doesn't lead to some other sweet, which lead to another, and then before I know it, sweets will be all that I am eating, just like what I used to eat before the lapband (although the band will prohibit me from eating three donuts in one sitting!!!!)

Oh and I told my doctor that I was trying to follow the guidelines for the food for the mushy diet but that I wasn't getting in all the food or Water and he just shrugged and said that was ok. So I guess I don't need to worry about that! Just what my choices are.

I think I am going to go to the Support Group on Thursday to see how that goes.

I don't know how you feel about it, but while I still want to read the June Bandsters thread when I can, I think it will be easier for me to follow and reply to this band, so I will try to be better about following this band from now on!

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Thinner1( Mary)

Great to hear about your doctor visit. It is funny because I had the same experience the day I left the doctors, I went to costco and one of the samples was cheescake! I figured, it was a tiny sample and a mushie/soft right:) I also bought one of their fatfree soft yogurts on the way out and said to myself, " wow, this is way to much what did I do!" I brought it home and stuck it in the fridge after I ate a less than a 1/3.

I emailed my nurse too about the mushie diet, because I was struggling with the amounts of added food and Protein. Her suggestion was reach for 60g of Protein and 64 of h2o or other liquid. And if I can fit in some fruit and veggies, fine. So, yesterday I had more Protein shakes and slimfast, some egg drop Soup ( sad I could only eat 1/2 but now I ahve the other 1/2 for lunch today). I exceeded my protein, however this was the first! How are you doing the few days since the doctor appointment?

That is cool about the new band. I don't think my doctor had it, so I beleive I have the old one? I will have to ask. But I think they are all good, just different. Did he tell you when your fill will be? When do you go back to him? I go back July 3 and at that time they will schedule it for 2 wks after that, which will be 6 wks from surgery. My doctor, well the nurse practioner, will do it in xray for the first time. I hope mine did not flip or anything!!

Have you felt the full feeling yet? Or had food kind of get stuck? I ate fish to fast last week, and the pain was difficult, but it passed in a few minutes, with me pacing and bending over. But I ahve heard of others lasting much longer. That was a wake up call to me!!

Let me know how the meeting goes! The lapband only meeting is on a Tuesday, I think the second Tuesday at 7. Are you going to the joint one? I want to go, but my son's wedding is July 7 and I am so busy. Even though the band meeting is the tuesday after his wedding, I am hoping to go, maybe we can meet there!!!

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I too was glad to find some folks from VA. I'm soon to be banded (7/12/07) @ St. Mary's - Dr. Schroder. This morning I go for the labs and then I start the pre-opt diet. I've never had surgery or been in the hospital before and I guess if I allowed myself I'd be more nervous, but maybe its just too soon. I'm more worried about the labs today because I don't want a single thing to get in the way now. I'm a self pay and it's a whole lot of money to have something throw a monkey wrench into the works at this stage. I just can't wait until October when this is all behind me and the weather is better. lol I'm very interested in all you've all written about the hospital/Surgeon/post op experience. You have told me so much more of the things I really wanted to learn about. Thank you! Best Wishes to all of us who struggle with this issue every waking minute of every waking day. We are strong!

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Hi Mary

Congrats on your impending banding. You are right, we are strong. :confused: I hope to be called in the next few days to schedule my pre-op and start my diet. Did I really say I am anxious to start a diet? Anyway, I have had a lot of knee surgeries at St Mary's and the hospital staff is really great. So I think we have all made a great choice. And I have talked to a lot of Dr Schroders patients at seminars and such and they all rave on about him. My doctor is Dr Brengman (new guy- YIKES!). Anyway I can't wait to get this done. My niece had the lap band put on last year and lost over 100 pounds and looks and feels awesome. She says that it is the best thing she has ever done, and has never for one second regretted her decision.

God Bless

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Congrats Mary,

Boy there is alot of Mary's in the Richmond area for I too am a Mary.

Everything is going good for me except one thing... I'm not losing any weight!!!!! And it's so darn frustrating!!!!! I lost 28 pounds up to the point I started mushy foods 2.5 weeks ago and now nothing! I was weighing myself every day but then last Friday decided to only weigh myself on Sundays and Wednesdays. So last Sunday I weighed myself and I was finally down two pounds and I was so excited. Today I weighed myself and I was back up those 2 pounds. And I really don't feel like I am eating too much. Only on three occasions has my body reacted and told me I ate too much - one day being yesterday. And I'm not eating sweets all day long like I used to!!!! Most of what I eat is Protein and vegies. AHHH!!!!!

Yesterday for Breakfast I had 1 cup of cheerios. For lunch I had 1/3 of a taco salad. For dinner I had almost all of the rest of the taco salad (probably 80% if it) then waited a half hour and had a half cup of fat free, sugar free pudding. About 15 minutes later I had an extremely bloated feeling in my stomach, a side cramp, and shoulder pain which lasted a couple hours. I ended up not walking the 2.5 miles I normally walk every night cuz by the time I got home from work/errands and ate dinner it was late and dark outside. I'm sure walking would have helped the symptoms.

I have my 2nd post op Dr's appointment next Thursday. I hope I've lost some weight by then! If not, the Dr Schroder better tell me why I am not losing any weight!

But even though I am frustrated, I have lost 28 pounds, so I should be happy about that! I know at some point it will start coming off, it's just frustrating having to wait for it to happen when it came off so easily during pre-op and one week of post-op!

But don't let me frustrations discourage you soon to be bandster! Reading other threads I haven't heard anyone else complaining about not losing weight so I think I'm just odd - and I still would have this surgery done again in a heartbeat!

Keep posting here and let me know how you all are doing!

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I know what you mean about the Mushies. Is it because our bodies were on liquids for 3 weeks and the shock of real food? I don't know?? I emailed my nurse practioner asking her if she thought I ate to much last night, a cup of spagetti and meat sauce. I felt no pain and it went right down! I just ate a 1/2 c of tuna salad for dinner. I had a few pain moments, that is because of the texture and eating to fast! It is a challenge for sure. I also told her that this is the first week, week 3 after surgery, that my stomach is saying I am hungry! I have not heard back from her yet.

Welcome all you other Richmond banders, or soon to be!! I went to Dr. Batista at St. Marys too. My hospital experience from the first pre test to discharge was great.

Mary did you get your bill Yet?? I got mine, $38,000!!!!!!!!!!! I think i was given a golden band...LOL

talk to you soon.

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Got my approval today. I have UHC and it took the insurance company only 4 days to send my approval!! But my nurse is on vacation this week, and so i have to wait until Monday to find out when my pre-op appt is going to be...bummer!

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GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!! I am glad you were approved. I don't have the same surgeon, I was banded by Commonwealth Surgeons, same building, same hospital. The work together with the support groups, educational classes, etc. Keep us posted on your scheduling. Try to be patient, I know that is hard. It took me a month or two to get on the schedule after I was approved. Maybe your surgeon has more openings on the schedule!!

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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