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So I'm going through classes for WLS. I have 2 classes left and one of the dietitians told me that because I'm vegetarian (almost vegan) that the doctor should not sign off. I'm very concern, I did all labs, finished 10 of my 12 classes, started a support group, down 5% of my body weight; I think I'm off to a great start, so for my next appointment I wanted to put together a eating plan for me vegan style meeting all my Protein needs for post surgery. Showing them I can do it. So what are some of the menu plans you used for protien right after surgery. I plan on the basics Protein Powder, soy milk. What did you do to insure you got enough protein.

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You may have to compromise and go vegetarian without being vegan if that is an option. I can't see how you would be able to have a diverse enough or healthy enough diet as a vegan because there isn't a ton of Protein in many vegetables. cheese is a great source of protein for us sleevers, is that something you would consider eating?

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Chicabo, how many grams of Protein does your doctor want you to have?? New whey makes a liquid Protein that comes in a 3.8 oz bottle that has 42 grams of Protein, 2 carbs, and NO sugars. Mix it with a liter of Water and sip on it all day long. Then have a powder Protein shake in the morning and one in the evening and boom u got 82-87 grams of protein!!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR JOURNEY!!!!!

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Thanks Packerfan61964 doc says 70-80 grams. I will for sure look into that Protein Powder. I just order a bunch of sample and stuff to try. You make it sound very tolerable right out of surgery

Edited by chickabo

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Protein.aspx" rel="external nofollow">http://www.gardenoflife.com/Products-for-Life/Foundational-Nutrition/RAW-Protein.aspx

this Protein powder is organic and vegan. i really like the chocolate.

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Hello, chickabo. Please know that I come from a place of wanting to help provide you some information and share my experience. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, this is just my experience over the past 8 weeks. And I know when I was pre surgery I wanted as much information as I could get to help me.

Before I go into my story below, I found a doctor online, Dr. Garth Davis, (http://www.thedavisclinic.com), who is a Bariatric surgeon in Texas -he is a 'plant based' doctor. I found this guy after I had my surgery, but he seems to be a good resource and one that I wish I would have found pre-surgery. You may find his information helpful or at least contact his office to get information sent to you so that you have some to help you with your doctor.

Here is my story, if you want to read further:

I was a vegan for several years pre-surgery. So was my family (husband and two sons). We did it for the animal issue, not the health issue. Trust me when I say I have seen more than most people on animal cruelty and food and I battle mentally with it everyday.

When I first started looking into the Lap-band, I didn't find anything on vegan and Lap-band. All I kept seeing was 'Protein, Protein, protein' and more 'protein.' But I knew, as a vegan, that I could get enough protein to hit 60 grams or more a day per what my doctor was telling me I had to have. I had done it for years and didn't see the issue.

(When I say protein here is what I mean: There are only a few "complete proteins" (a protein that contains all the 8 essential amino acids that your body is unable to make on its own) for vegans and they are soy milk, tofu, and tempeh (these are the only true "complete proteins" for vegans). All other Proteins that you get from plants are called "incomplete proteins" like grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. Now as vegan, you can take two "incomplete proteins" and combine them to can get a "complete protein." Example: grains + legumes or legumes + seeds/nuts.)

So the issue wasn't getting "protein" per say. The issue that I saw right away was getting the enough of the right "protein" (complete proteins) which lead me to where I would have the biggest issue being vegan-- the volume of food that I would need to eat to get a minimum of 60 grams of protein a day.

You see, when I was vegan (pre band), I could eat a large tofu "egg" wrap with a cup of broccoli and vegan cheese inside for Breakfast. This would give me ~14 grams of protein for ~350 calories or so (including a low carb wrap). However, when I look at the numbers in more detail with my post-band rules, this just doesn't give me the right amount of protein for the calories (10/1 - for every 10 calories in the food it should have at least 1 gram of protein). So, even thought it would give me "complete protein" for the meal, it wasn't the 10/1 rule. But more importantly, that is a HUGE amount of food to be eating after Lap-Band surgery. There is no way I could eat that much in one sitting. I might be able to make two meals of it now. That means for two meals I would only be getting ~14 grams of protein.

So, having said that, I could (and do on occasion) supplement with Protein drinks (Sun Warrior Original Flavor chocolate or vanilla is the absolute best tasting and it has a 80 calories / 4 carbs / 15 grams of protein - which is great), but I quickly learned after I moved to soft solid foods (after the liquid diet pre and post surgery) that I wanted to eat food - I was SICK of drinking my calories. So Protein Drinks can fill in the gaps for getting more protein, but I found that I wanted to eat my calories instead of drinking them. So this wouldn't be an option for me longterm.

So, what's an animal loving vegan who really wants / needs a Lap-band to do? As I was doing research, I ran across an article that talked about a devout vegan (animal lover) who was vegan for years and all of a sudden started craving animal protein. Long article short, she took a bite of something that had animal protein in it and as she said, "guess what, the world didn't end!" That was my moment. I thought, I have spent years battling my weight and part of that was doing everything that was 'best' for everyone else and it was time that I took care of me. So that is when I made the switch to vegetarian. I had huge amount of guilt (that I still carry around) but I knew I needed to at least try it versus continue down my road of being obese and miserable.

You see, WLS patients aren't choosing the easy way out, contrary to what you might think, read, see, or hear. We chose surgery where we are cut open and surgically altered - that is not easy. We chose to eat very minimal amounts of food when others around us are eating pounds of it - that is not easy. We chose to exercise at least 210 minutes a week - that is not easy. We chose to have to chew every little bite we take 20-30 times - that is not easy. We have to take Vitamins that are horrible every single day - that is not easy. So to me, making a few food changes to my diet didn't seem that hard compared to all the other "not easy" stuff I was agreeing to do.

So, after my pre-op and post-op diet of all liquids (which I had for 3 weeks), when I made the move to soft Proteins I incorporated some yogurt (which I still can't stand) and then I incorporated some string cheese and some egg whites (not eggs). I did this very slowly. I then progressed to eating salmon, tuna, and shrimp. I still use all my vegan Condiments (vegan mayo, cream cheese, sour cream, etc.) but I chose to add in easier proteins to my day. I'm not going to tell you how great I feel or how I'm losing weight by the lbs daily, but I'm just going to tell you that it is working for me right now, today and that's all I have. Opening my mind and putting more focus on me is working for me, today. And everyday is another day to do it better. I have tried to get away from "I did bad today," to "I will try to do better tomorrow" and that has helped to.

I hope some of this has helped you a little bit. It's okay if it didn't. I just want you to know that whatever you choose to do, do it for you. This is YOUR time and no one or no thing can take it away from you.

Sending you all the best and well wishes. Keep us posted on here!


Edited by newlifejen

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Whoo hooo go Jen.

We also have a list of vegetarian Protein sources. Vega is great, Garden of Life is, I've tried Sun Warrior. There are pea Proteins, etc. too. Can you get some of those and show them to the doctor and ask why they would have a problem with it if you got the 60 grams from your food and those? Beans are great too.

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So I'm going through classes for WLS. I have 2 classes left and one of the dietitians told me that because I'm vegetarian (almost vegan) that the doctor should not sign off. I'm very concern, I did all labs, finished 10 of my 12 classes, started a support group, down 5% of my body weight; I think I'm off to a great start, so for my next appointment I wanted to put together a eating plan for me vegan style meeting all my Protein needs for post surgery. Showing them I can do it. So what are some of the menu plans you used for protien right after surgery. I plan on the basics Protein  powder, soy milk. What did you do to insure you got enough Protein.< br>

Almond milk has more protein than soy milk, seitan has a ton, Chia seeds and flax seeds can give shakes a boost.

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So I'm going through classes for WLS. I have 2 classes left and one of the dietitians told me that because I'm vegetarian (almost vegan) that the doctor should not sign off. I'm very concern, I did all labs, finished 10 of my 12 classes, started a support group, down 5% of my body weight; I think I'm off to a great start, so for my next appointment I wanted to put together a eating plan for me vegan style meeting all my Protein needs for post surgery. Showing them I can do it. So what are some of the menu plans you used for protien right after surgery. I plan on the basics Protein  powder, soy milk. What did you do to insure you got enough Protein.< br>

Oh, and broccoli had a ton of Calcium.< br>

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On 3/12/2017 at 8:17 AM, Knittychic said:

Almond milk has more Protein than soy milk, seitan has a ton, Chia seeds and flax seeds can give shakes a boost.

I love Chia seeds. Was told by my nutritionist that I'd have to lay off of them for a while after surgery. I haven't even had surgery, yet, but am already looking forward to being able to add them back into my diet post-op!

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Hello, chickabo. Please know that I come from a place of wanting to help provide you some information and share my experience. I'm not saying I'm right or wrong, this is just my experience over the past 8 weeks. And I know when I was pre surgery I wanted as much information as I could get to help me.
Before I go into my story below, I found a doctor online, Dr. Garth Davis, (http://www.thedavisclinic.com), who is a Bariatric surgeon in Texas -he is a 'plant based' doctor. I found this guy after I had my surgery, but he seems to be a good resource and one that I wish I would have found pre-surgery. You may find his information helpful or at least contact his office to get information sent to you so that you have some to help you with your doctor.
Here is my story, if you want to read further:
I was a vegan for several years pre-surgery. So was my family (husband and two sons). We did it for the animal issue, not the health issue. Trust me when I say I have seen more than most people on animal cruelty and food and I battle mentally with it everyday.
When I first started looking into the Lap-band, I didn't find anything on vegan and Lap-band. All I kept seeing was 'Protein, Protein, protein' and more 'protein.' But I knew, as a vegan, that I could get enough protein to hit 60 grams or more a day per what my doctor was telling me I had to have. I had done it for years and didn't see the issue.
(When I say protein here is what I mean: There are only a few "complete proteins" (a protein that contains all the 8 essential amino acids that your body is unable to make on its own) for vegans and they are soy milk, tofu, and tempeh (these are the only true "complete proteins" for vegans). All other Proteins that you get from plants are called "incomplete proteins" like grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. Now as vegan, you can take two "incomplete proteins" and combine them to can get a "complete protein." Example: grains + legumes or legumes + seeds/nuts.)
So the issue wasn't getting "protein" per say. The issue that I saw right away was getting the enough of the right "protein" (complete proteins) which lead me to where I would have the biggest issue being vegan-- the volume of food that I would need to eat to get a minimum of 60 grams of protein a day.
You see, when I was vegan (pre band), I could eat a large tofu "egg" wrap with a cup of broccoli and vegan cheese inside for Breakfast. This would give me ~14 grams of protein for ~350 calories or so (including a low carb wrap). However, when I look at the numbers in more detail with my post-band rules, this just doesn't give me the right amount of protein for the calories (10/1 - for every 10 calories in the food it should have at least 1 gram of protein). So, even thought it would give me "complete protein" for the meal, it wasn't the 10/1 rule. But more importantly, that is a HUGE amount of food to be eating after Lap-Band surgery. There is no way I could eat that much in one sitting. I might be able to make two meals of it now. That means for two meals I would only be getting ~14 grams of protein.
So, having said that, I could (and do on occasion) supplement with Protein  drinks (Sun Warrior Original Flavor chocolate or vanilla is the absolute best tasting and it has a 80 calories / 4 carbs / 15 grams of protein - which is great), but I quickly learned after I moved to soft solid foods (after the liquid diet pre and post surgery) that I wanted to eat food - I was SICK of drinking my calories. So protein drinks can fill in the gaps for getting more protein, but I found that I wanted to eat my calories instead of drinking them. So this wouldn't be an option for me longterm.
So, what's an animal loving vegan who really wants / needs a Lap-band to do? As I was doing research, I ran across an article that talked about a devout vegan (animal lover) who was vegan for years and all of a sudden started craving animal protein. Long article short, she took a bite of something that had animal protein in it and as she said, "guess what, the world didn't end!" That was my moment. I thought, I have spent years battling my weight and part of that was doing everything that was 'best' for everyone else and it was time that I took care of me. So that is when I made the switch to vegetarian. I had huge amount of guilt (that I still carry around) but I knew I needed to at least try it versus continue down my road of being obese and miserable.
You see, WLS patients aren't choosing the easy way out, contrary to what you might think, read, see, or hear. We chose surgery where we are cut open and surgically altered - that is not easy. We chose to eat very minimal amounts of food when others around us are eating pounds of it - that is not easy. We chose to exercise at least 210 minutes a week - that is not easy. We chose to have to chew every little bite we take 20-30 times - that is not easy. We have to take Vitamins that are horrible every single day - that is not easy. So to me, making a few food changes to my diet didn't seem that hard compared to all the other "not easy" stuff I was agreeing to do.
So, after my pre-op and post-op diet of all liquids (which I had for 3 weeks), when I made the move to soft Proteins I incorporated some yogurt (which I still can't stand) and then I incorporated some string cheese and some egg whites (not eggs). I did this very slowly. I then progressed to eating salmon, tuna, and shrimp. I still use all my vegan Condiments (vegan mayo, cream cheese, sour cream, etc.) but I chose to add in easier proteins to my day. I'm not going to tell you how great I feel or how I'm losing weight by the lbs daily, but I'm just going to tell you that it is working for me right now, today and that's all I have. Opening my mind and putting more focus on me is working for me, today. And everyday is another day to do it better. I have tried to get away from "I did bad today," to "I will try to do better tomorrow" and that has helped to.
I hope some of this has helped you a little bit. It's okay if it didn't. I just want you to know that whatever you choose to do, do it for you. This is YOUR time and no one or no thing can take it away from you.
Sending you all the best and well wishes. Keep us posted on here!

I realize this post is several years old and I'm not sure if you still use this app, but I love your post. Thank you so much. I am vegetarian and, as I ready myself for surgery, I am having some difficulty finding the "right" kinds of proteins to add to my diet. Your post is really helpful. Thank you.

Transitioning from lapband to bypass on June 12!
HW: 402, CW: 314, GW 185

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look into some of the high Protein Pasta thats out there. They taste good and you can get up to 30 grams of protein in a 3 ounce serving. Don’t give up, it just takes more work. I’m willing to add protein to my Water or drink shakes if it keeps me on track. The key is just to try whats best for you. There has never been more quality info out there for people like us to take advantage of.

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first of all vegan sausage is VERY high in fat. Try eating veggies or tofu. Check out Dr V bariatric surgeon on iTunes. He is a surgeon who’s patients eat vegan.

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I see this is an old post and I hope after these years you have figured out that there just was such bad advice and not enough information on being vegan after WLS. First of all being vegan is an ethical choice and we should never be killing animals for our tastes. There is enough scientific evidence that a whole food plant diet is the healthiest option. There is no problem getting enough Protein and our society is obsessed with protein. People are thriving on this lifestyle after WLS and I am one since 2012. If you haven't already check out Dr. Garth Davis. Dr. Neal Barnard at PCRM also has a podcast by Chuck Carroll the weight loss champion who had WLS and is vegan. He is such an inspiration

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