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LBT already has the ads for "lawyers, sue your bariatric surgeon" crap. Very disappointing but I'm sure it won't change in the near future.

You are so right. There will be no shortage of advertisers due to the content in R&R. We might like to think that corporate America is deeply vested in good taste, but it just ain't so.

On the other hand, I don't visit my other WLS boards nearly as often as I did before, simply because of all the off-topic threads on LBT. After two years, I'm ready to talk about something other than the Lap Band once in a while. And I like the diversity - everything from Jerry Falwell to boy-love to Mormon underwear to abortion to wedding planning. Where else can you get a smörgåsbord of topics like that?

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I love R&R. This is where we get to debate the important topics and ideally learn something new while doing so. I find this to be intellectually very stimulating and I doubt that I would be visiting WLS near as much if this arena wasn't here.

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On the other hand, I don't visit my other WLS boards nearly as often as I did before, simply because of all the off-topic threads on LBT. After two years, I'm ready to talk about something other than the Lap Band once in a while. And I like the diversity - everything from Jerry Falwell to boy-love to Mormon underwear to abortion to wedding planning. Where else can you get a smörgåsbord of topics like that?

:nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod: :nod:

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I think it is all great that you love LBT and the RnR section. That fact is not negated by removing the topics from the top 5. And the need to keep those topics in the top 5 is really just a selfish move. Its forcing the whole to face threads that maybe only 10% read and contribute to. Again, no one is asking for the threads to be censored. People are asking for the RnR section to be taken out of the top 5 so the rest of the LAP BAND board can be spared from seeing the words "abortion" or "boy-love" or other topics that they did not come to this board to see.

Quite frankly I am surprised that the mods are so quick to take the side of a minority group here. The purpose of a mod, in general, is to conform to the wants and needs of the greater whole. Not the loudest individuals. This is a lap band board, and while the RnR section is liked by some, it is not the focus of the site aptly named LapBandTalk. So the focus should be taken off of the "off topic" (see the irony in that term there? silly isn't it.) and put back onto the "on topic" threads.

Taking the focus off does not censor anyone in anyway, so whining about it not being an improvement is a moot point.

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Quite frankly I am surprised that the mods are so quick to take the side of a minority group here. The purpose of a mod, in general, is to conform to the wants and needs of the greater whole. Not the loudest individuals. This is a lap band board, and while the RnR section is liked by some, it is not the focus of the site aptly named LapBandTalk. So the focus should be taken off of the "off topic" (see the irony in that term there? silly isn't it.) and put back onto the "on topic" threads.

Actually, I thought the poll showed that it was a majority that was either fine with things as they are, or with being able to hide given forums. The minority was the group that didn't want the threads in the top 5 or new posts.

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Actually, I thought the poll showed that it was a majority that was either fine with things as they are, or with being able to hide given forums. The minority was the group that didn't want the threads in the top 5 or new posts.


Actually, I am refering to the larger majority and minority. Not the poll. I didn't even see the poll, and they are rarely an indicator of what the whole really wants. its more an indicator of what the loudest mouths want. Seeing as how this thread is in the RnR section, an area where only 10% (and I am being really generous here) of the membership base frequent and post, of course those who want this section to remain in the face of everyone else will even out the score.


The majority I have refered to is the majority of the lap banders who have come to this site looking for support and information and do not participate in the RnR section because of the nature of the beast. I bet, if the mods were gutsy enough to face the info, they could do a global pm to everyone asking their opinion and directing them to a poll, with no chance for comments. Just a poll. Should the thread titles in the Rant and Raves section, an off topic section for inflamatory threads, be in the Top 5 section? I can guarantee you that a majority will say it should not be there.

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Funny, the Top 5 listing is just a reflection of the activity on the site, nothing more, nothing less. The mods have not taken a position on anything. My personal comments are my personal opinion, not those of the site management.


For what it's worth, I personally wish there was no Top 5 listing at all. I don't see what the point is on a site with so much activity. It changes every 30 seconds. "New Posts" serves the same purpose without making it look like there's only 5 active threads.

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The poll wasn't IN Rants and Raves, though. Everyone had the opportunity to go and vote. If they didn't bother, well, that's their fault. The mods can't just keep making polls because some people didn't bother to vote. They'd be never-ending.

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Lauren, please, you have missed the whole point of my post. My point is you cannot use a poll as your basis for your argument when the poll is not a controlled one, polling everyone that is active on the board.


Alexandra, I hear ya on the personal basis, but you have to understand that when you become a mod, which you have been for a long time here, your personal posts and mod posts cannot truly be seperated. If you post in the RnR section a lot, which you do (nothing wrong with it either) you will have your own personal feeling distract from the mod decisions you have to make. Its impossible to seperate them, no matter how much you say they are seperated. Its an absolute truth that as a mod you are one of the largest representatives of the board. What you post reflects as "the word" of the board simply because of your status. On other boards that I mod on I really hold back on certain things that i post because I represent the board first, and am a general poster second. Its just common sense. Its like a manager of a company sitting around bad mouthing the company they work for. It might be a personal feeling, but as the role of a manager you are to present the company you and your employees work for in a great light to maintain morale and keep things running smoothly.


As for the Top 5. I totally agree. no need for it at all. But I think the idea of taking the Rant and Raves section, and even the off topic section, is a great one. But it is certainly not my decision to make. It is Alex's. And past experience tells me that Alex will do what Alex feels is appropriate. that is how the RnR section came to be. Most of the posters in the RnR section have no idea why it is there to begin with. Its an interesting history. :( And certainly one I am sure LBT does not want coming back into light. But that right there should be evidence as to why the threads in the RnR section should not be mingled with the other sections specifically designed to help support those who are needing lap band help.


If you want to read or post in the RnR section, you know where it is. Very simple fix. Remove it from the rest of the sections in top 5 and new posts, and everyone still has the place off topic hot debates.

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Lauren, please, you have missed the whole point of my post. My point is you cannot use a poll as your basis for your argument when the poll is not a controlled one, polling everyone that is active on the board.

Then how would any of us really know what the majority wants? If people are active and reading, but don't bother to answer the poll, what does that mean?

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My point is you cannot use a poll as your basis for your argument when the poll is not a controlled one, polling everyone that is active on the board.
And MY point is that you can't poll everyone that is active on the board. There are always going to be people that don't go and vote. It is never truly "controlled." The poll was there, and everyone had the opportunity to vote.


But that right there should be evidence as to why the threads in the RnR section should not be mingled with the other sections specifically designed to help support those who are needing lap band help.
I don't see why it shouldn't be. Everyone that comes to this site is an adult, whether or not they act like it. They have the intrinsic ability to make decisions about whether or not they want to click on a thread, whether or not they want to read a thread once they've clicked on it, and whether or not they want to reply to a thread. No one forces anyone to click, read, or reply.


If people don't want to even look at RnR thread titles, they can go into their control panels and change the setting that determines whether or not that forum shows in "New Posts." Heck, I still think that all new members should be required to read a message that tells them about the board and its forums, about the rules of the board, and about the ability to control the different settings, and be required to acknowledge (by at least clicking a box) that they've read it before they can begin posting. If they decide to click on the box saying "I have read the preceding message and I understand" without actually reading it, that's their business. At least they wouldn't be able to say that they didn't know what RnR was or that they didn't know how to change certain settings (if they didn't want to be exposed to certain types of threads).

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Not everyone who comes to the board is an adult. we have teens here. we also have people with good taste, that are offended by even seeing the thread titles that refer to such things as boy-love.


Lauren and Lisah, the majority I am refering to, because I need to explain it again, means the majority that do not participate in the RnR threads. A lot don't even participate in the off topic forum. Only a small percentage do. Their lack of participation in those two forums indicate that the majority of the active users on this board are here for LBT support, and that should be the main focus of this board. When the "off topic" (again, aptly named) threads show up and push out the threads on lap band support, those threads become the main focus, as well as the representation of the direction of this board.


I know that keeping the RnR threads in the top makes sure that everyone is forced to deal with your political views. I guess my question is why you need to push that on people. And stop using the cop-out of "Take it or leave it". An intelligent person would see that a thread title can mislead people into reading a thread that possibly attacks their moral stance and opinions, and humans are emotional people. It is impossible to not effect people. Your argument does not hold Water.< /p>


I think that neal put it right in that when he goes to the support side it is hard to not form opinions of people and their suggestions because of the way they have carried on in the RnR section. You form personal opinions of folks by reading the way they vote, practice religion, and generally treat others in that forum. If I do not agree with your political stance, and you have been fairly bullish or rude in your delivery, there is no way in hell I am going to accept commentary or suggestions from you on the support side. and sadly you could be the one with the right answer to a situation. It removes the support from a support board. Seems kind of stupid to me in honesty. Why force someone to see your vile side, then expect them to openly receive support from you later. It just doesn't happen that way. Not in normal society at least.

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Not everyone who comes to the board is an adult. we have teens here. we also have people with good taste, that are offended by even seeing the thread titles that refer to such things as boy-love.


That is truly comical. Well, FunnyDuddies, I may not have "good taste," but like Charley tuna, I can assure you that I sure do "taste good."

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Originally Posted by WASaBubble Butt viewpost.gif

LBT already has the ads for "lawyers, sue your bariatric surgeon" crap. Very disappointing but I'm sure it won't change in the near future.

True, but at least they aren't the giant, obnoxious, technicolor ads that OH has. The ones we have right now are easily ignored.
Lauren and Lisah, the majority I am refering to, because I need to explain it again, means the majority that do not participate in the RnR threads. A lot don't even participate in the off topic forum. Only a small percentage do. Their lack of participation in those two forums indicate that the majority of the active users on this board are here for LBT support, and that should be the main focus of this board. When the "off topic" (again, aptly named) threads show up and push out the threads on lap band support, those threads become the main focus, as well as the representation of the direction of this board.
No one is forcing anyone to use "New Posts." And again, people have the ability to choose whether or not they actually want to read something. I won't feel sorry for people that let their curiosity get the better of them.
I know that keeping the RnR threads in the top makes sure that everyone is forced to deal with your political views. I guess my question is why you need to push that on people. And stop using the cop-out of "Take it or leave it". An intelligent person would see that a thread title can mislead people into reading a thread that possibly attacks their moral stance and opinions, and humans are emotional people. It is impossible to not effect people. Your argument does not hold Water.< /div>
"Pushing it on people?" Are you serious? "Pushing it on people" would be requiring them to read every post they see. "Pushing it on people" would be requiring them to respond to every post they see. Last time I looks, I don't control what everyone else does. I'm sick and tired of the, "Poor me, those crazy liberals made me click on that thread, read it, and respond to it. I'm SO weak-willed that I can't decide whether or not I want to read a post, I have to let others do it for me." crap. Why can't people just grow the hell up and take responsibility for their actions instead of blaming it on everyone around them?

I think that neal put it right in that when he goes to the support side it is hard to not form opinions of people and their suggestions because of the way they have carried on in the RnR section. You form personal opinions of folks by reading the way they vote, practice religion, and generally treat others in that forum. If I do not agree with your political stance, and you have been fairly bullish or rude in your delivery, there is no way in hell I am going to accept commentary or suggestions from you on the support side. and sadly you could be the one with the right answer to a situation. It removes the support from a support board. Seems kind of stupid to me in honesty. Why force someone to see your vile side, then expect them to openly receive support from you later. It just doesn't happen that way. Not in normal society at least.

To be honest, that says more about YOU than the people you talk to in RnR. The mature people around here know that you can disagree with someone and still support them. Heck, look at the fight I had with WasaBubble in the smoking thread. We fought like hell in there, but we're still friends and we still support each other on the rest of the board. As MANY people in RnR have shown, that is part of life. Just because YOU are incapable of it doesn't mean everyone else it. And again, there's that "force" word. Take responsibility for your own actions, for Pete's sake. You are an adult. No one "forces" you to do anything.

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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