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Eddie, it strikes me that you have lost quite a lot of weight - 24 lbs in 2 months is nothing to be sneezed at, you know. It also seems to me that you will continue to lose weight. The fact that your mate is losing weight much more rapidly than you may be blinding you from seeing the positive aspects of your own weight loss. You have mentioned that your clothes are getting really baggy and people who know you are commenting on your weight loss. This means that you are losing inches as well as having lost those 24 lbs and all of this is really great. I have also heard that sometimes those inches start melting away just while the scale seems to be stuck. Our bodies really are very weird!!! :o

Some people lose weight more quickly than others. This depends on body type. It seems that you and your mate have different body types and because you both have undergone the same surgery and have engaged on the same mission this difference is hurtful to you. I know that I would be having the same feelings right now if I wearing your shoes but do try to focus on how far you yourself have come. You might wish to remind yourself that a slower weight loss is generally considered to be less stressful on the body, the skin, the metabolism, and the internal organs, and thus more healthy. It is also said that folks who lose weight more slowly are less likely to regain. Try to remain your happy, charming, loving self and remember that Sean and the kids love you and you love them. ;)

By the way, we miss your voice in Rants and Raves, eh..... :kiss2:

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Eddie, I think the best thing you can do is go back to the gym. But you need to work out 5-6 days a week. 3 days a week is good if you want to maintain your weight, but when you want to lose, you need to exercise almost every day. Please don't feel bad when you read this because I'm saying this out of love and I want to help you -- I know it's probably not the answer you want to hear, but working out more is the best thing you can do to improve your metabolism and weight loss. And if you hit a plateau, you have to keep going. I completely understand the frustration you are feeling, I think all of us know what it feels like to be stuck in a place. We are here to support you.

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:) Eddie, just a few facts to throw in the pot. looking into a few figures, you want to shoot for aprox 30 fat grams total! that and no exercise seems to be the main issues. I can't stress enough the importance of weight training mixed in the bag. My kid had been losing wt. (40 lbs.) this past spring (a 28 yr.old straping 6'1" very good looking , you'd love him kind of guy.....but very straight!) by wt. training on a bowflex and eating losts of chicken and broccoli, no band. I used to have a bowflex and did well when I used it. Of course I got tired of doing it , stopped ,( gave it to my other son ) and also stopped losing. I know, I know!

Anyway, no more than 25% of your calories should come from fat. 82g x 9= 738 cal !!! 30g=270cal or 25% of 1080cal. you can do the rest of the math. your body can't use the fat except for small amt. for vit. absorbtion and it helps your skin some, so it stores it for the future!

you also didn't mention how much salt/sodium you are getting??? need to keep that under 2400 mil.

Now, I'm very happy for your hubby, but he has a big head start on you AND he had a lot more to lose...plus I recall that at one point you said he had stopped losing also and then got another fill, 3rd I think? So, stop this foolishness......Ok?! :love: ya, time for bed :notagree.

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Eddie, I agree with everything that has been said. Keep your chin up , ignore those scales, everyone is telling you - you are getting more gorgeous by the day. Those scales will move - trust me. I know it is very frustrating. Know that all of us here support you & wish you well.

I thought I knew everything about weight lose (having lost hundreds of pounds in my lifetime) but Juli & Cheri - you two are Masters !! XX

Love to all !

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Morning Family~

I am back!!!! Feels so good to be home, drinking coffee w/ Susanne, and posting here! We had a great vacation, but it is always nice to come home.

Juli~ We need to talk. We will be there Aug. 4-11! We must do dinner or at least coffee. Then if we meet in Vegas, we will already be friends!

Eddie~ I think everything that has already been said is the best advice...just want to add one more thing. It is not a race. You are in this for the long haul. Don't feel pressure...just enjoy the ride.

Cheri~ I am impressed. I read your post twice, but don't know where you got the 9 from??? I am glad your here, our resident nutritionist!

Have a great day family! I am gonna drink my coffee and play scrabble online. If your interested, Quadplex it is fun! I am kity there too!


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Ok, let me qualify what I'm about to say by saying that I'm not doing the Atkins Diet here. However, there are a lot of principals in it that do work for me. I know that not everyone's body responds in the same way, so I understand that a low-carb diet works for some people, low-fat works for some, and low-cal works for others. Low-carb is the only way my diabetes will stay in check. Over so many years of insulin resistance and overstimulation of my pancreas, I just about burned out all my beta cells (they're the ones that produce insulin). Low-carb eating gives the remaining ones enough rest that when I do eat carbs they can now keep up. The band has been a great tool for helping me stay on the lowered-carb path, as evidenced by the fact that I'm off all my diabetes meds and have better blood sugar control than I ever have, even on meds. Now, if I want a few carbs, I eat them and it doesn't shoot my blood sugar through the roof. When I was on my low-carb, low-fat pre-op diet, I lost 11 lbs in two weeks. I've tried to reproduce those results post-op but it didn't work. That's the only reason my fat intake is so high right now, because I've added the coconut oil to help get me moving. It had been well below 85 g per day for almost all of the previous weeks. And I was going to the gym too. I was doing everything by the book (the only deviation was eating less carbs) and still not losing. I'll say again that I should be very happy that I'm losing inches and am off the meds, but there's just something psychological about not seeing the scale move. It's so discouraging. Oh, and BTW, Sean's lost another six lbs since his latest fill on Tuesday.

But now that I've bitched and vented, I do have some good news - I've dropped three pounds since Wednesday! :whoo: Woo hoo! Don't know if it was the coconut oil but I'm going to continue on it for a few more days and see what happens. I am also going to try to lower the rest of my fat intake to offset what I'm getting from the CO and see what that does. If I can eat pretty much fat-free the rest of the day, maybe that will do even more.

I can't tell you all how much it means to me that you care about me and are here for me. :) I know that with you guys here, I can accomplish anything!!

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Oh, almost forgot, here's yesterday's totals from FitDay: 973 cal, 77 g fat, 25 g carbs; 43 g Protein. Cheri, according to FitDay sodium has averaged 1941.9 mg over the past three days. That includes what I've used for cooking, as well as what I've used from the shaker at the table. And another thing to bear in mind with all my counts is that if I can't find an exact figure for a food I tend to way overestimate what's in it. The only exceptions tend to be protein and carbs, they're usually right on target.

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Hey, well made it back from a week on the beach, what a nice time. I was hoping to come back a few lbs lighter but came back a few added. It was to cold to get in the Water, I was able to get in one day, I get way to cold any more. and I will confess I was having happy juice in the evenings as my gd likes to call it. Help to keep me warm.

I missed you all, it sounds like you all got eddie fixed, and I see some new names, welcome. Lets have a great week.

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hay everyone, thanks, but I don't pretend to be an expert nutritionaist. It's just years of reading about all this stuff, and being in health care I'm expected to know it!

Pamala, the "9" is the 1g of fat= 9 calories. Protein and carbs have 4 cal. per 1gram.

Eddie, no problem on the sodium. I think lo-carb is fine. but the 30 g on the fat isn't considered "lo-fat"diet. it is what the heart people tell us EVERYONE should be eating. I readup on the coconut oil, I hadn't actually heard much about it. what are you using it for??? get going how?? there must be better ways. it's a wopping 117 cal per tab!!:o the site I went to said they suggest 3.5 tab. a day ? that would only be 410 cal. Let me know how that goes. It actually sounded very tasty:cool:!

:whoo: on the wt. loss for both of you!!!:clap2:

Pam and Juli, you two will almost be in my back yard going to P town!

and P.S., my name is Jo but cheri will work too!

Dammm, 1 minute to Monday morning! have a great week, oops, it is monday morning..nite all:notagree

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Ok peeps, you're not going to believe this - I'm now down another pound since yesterday's post!! The coconut oil thing seems to be working. I was so stoked I went and worked out last night! Cheri, I'm taking in about 1 1/2 - 2 Tbsp per day, max. Plus I'm adding a little grated fresh coconut in with it for some added benefit (as well as Protein and fiber). I also started cutting back on my other fat intake yesterday. I know now that I'm not going to lose like Sean, but as long as I'm losing something I'm ok with that.

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I've heard a lot about coconut oil, actually. I used to know someone who swore by it. She was anorexic, so I don't know if that was all she ate, but there's a lot of research out there that says it can help with weight loss.

I put one T of Flaxseed oil in my Protein smoothie every morning. I was wary that I was just adding more calories, but it's full of Omega 3 fatty acids and is supposed to help you stay full longer...I don't know if it works or not, but I haven't ballooned up or anything (at least, not any more than I already am).

I am getting my first fill on Wednesday and I can't wait! I have been hungry and eating a lot -- at this point I can eat about 1/2 the amount of food that I used to eat before banding and that is still a lot! I don't want to be super tight, but I need some balance!

Dez, where on earth did you go that the Water was so cold? I would kill to have cold water right now! It is SO hot right now that the pool and the ocean are usually unbearably warm. I've been swimming at 9pm and it's still hot!

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Hey All~

Just a quick post. Susanne is in the yard fixing a broken spicket...it is 1:30pm and 110 outside. I need to make sure she didn't pass out.

Jo/Cheri...thanks for that info. 1 gram of fat = 9 cal, and 1 gram of prot or carbs = 4 cal... that is very interesting. I know so many people look at different things when trying to lose weight. I focus on the calories and sugars.

I am going for my second fill Wed and can't wait. Now, it is just as before the band, except for the golf ball feeling if I eat too fast. Other than that it is "anything goes". I did work out this morning and that felt great!!!! I can't believe I missed it so much.

Ok, gotta check on Susanne...have a great day everyone!

Eddie, congrats on the loss...you rock.


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Hey all! Almost a month out so far so good! Had a little spell the other night had hot sauce and my gas was built up in my band and so painful i went into shock! no more of that! My fill is July 30th and im ready since i have slowed in weight loss since i have started eating again. Went in and saw the doc and he showed me my band on the x ray monitor and made me drink some liquid and i watched it go down! It was so cool. Hope all is well! :)

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Hey Lucy we was at San Onfre (sp) It is the top of North San Diego County or the Very South of Orange County. The temp never got above 75 during the day it was overcast most of the week. I think they call it a coastal eddie. Anyway it has got too be in the upper 80 or 90 before I will get in the Water, I love too boogie board, I am not real good at it but I love to do it.

The cold never bother me before I lost my weight but now that I have it really bothers me. LOT less fat on these bones lol. I sit in the house with a cover over me in the evening when we have the cooler running, and in my office I keep it about 80, I cant wait until everyone comes back from summer break, they will crank the ac down too 72 I will have too bring a sweater. lol

I can work outside when the temps are above 100 and it does not bother me to much, it does get as hot as 118 here it is a dry heat, not like what Kity has, humidity yuck. 110 in ps is way too hot.

Have a good day all.

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We have awful humidty here in Miami. I had to walk a few blocks outside today and I was covered in sweat by the time I got back to my car. It has been unbearable! I envy the dry heat of southern CA!

I'm always freezing in the A/C -- I can't wait until I lose a lot of weight and I'll be even more cold! :confused: I always have a jacket with me so when I go inside I don't shiver all day long.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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