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First, you are all grounded from shopping. NO MORE CLOTHES. Geeze, that's a buttload of stuff you guys left, and it makes me think you plotted together since it's all my size. But my closet is already stuffed with all Michelle's clothes (and a few yummy pieces from Vera.) Chris works with a large woman, and he said she needs clothes really bad. She was supposed to come to the party because she's interested in the band, but she got shy. I'd like to offer some of the clothes to her then the rest to the women's shelter. I can't believe I'm getting rid of perfectly good cloths in my size, but there's just so much!

Now the dirt. Some people think Chris & Babette (Vegas Bab) have something going on. If you only knew the whole story! Babs is the cause of most of my arguments with Chris, but for completely different reasons. The big question at the party was, "who's the 5 year old child and where' her mother?" Well, Babs pulled what she's famous for, which is dumping her kid off anywhere she can, then disappearing. Chris and I adore Chloe and wouldn't love her any more if she were our own. This is her 2nd home because Babs is seriously unstable, both mentally and physically. She drinks, stays out all night at gay bars (she pretneds to be bisexual to get attention) and takes Chloe on her "drug runs" to buy pot. Chris and I have played Crisis Intervention many times. I'd rather have Chloe here than driving around with Babs, who always has a drink in her van with the little one.

Chris and I fight because he doesn't want Babs in our house. Her husband is like Jack Nicholson in The Shining. On the outside he's charming, talk, handsome blue eyes, and from a distance everyone is so jealous of how he dotes over Babs. But it's all psycho, because he's a porn freak with some kind of anger disorder. I took pictures of Chloe's bruises last week. When I told Babs, she just fluffed it off as, "Oh, that's just Johnny." She said she'll tell him to stop hitting Chloe cause he doesn't know his own strength. As if we were talking about him not giving her gum or candy, no biggy, just some bruises.

As you all saw, Chris is really shy at first. It takes awhile for him to open up, then when he does, everyone loves him. In the 13 years I've known him, the man has never had one single enemy. He's just too easy going, so he's tolerant and cordial to Babs & Johnny in front of them, but he's ready to knock both of them in the teeth. I have a hard time calling Babs my "friend." Did anyone notice she's not even in one picture? I grit my teeth over how she lies to me & takes advantage of me... or she "thinks" she's lying and taking advantage, but I'm many steps ahead of her. The reason she's in my life is our precious Chloe, who needs her Auntie Lisa-Lo and Uncle Chrissy more than anything. You guys didn't even see the real Chloe, who is a rotten monster that controls her entire home. Babs is so screwed up that Chloe, at only five years old, makes the rules. A couple weeks ago Chloe locked Babs & Johnny out of the house. When Babs screamed to open the door, Chloe wrote, "NO" on a piece of paper and slid it under the door. They were locked out for 2 hours before one of the boys came home with a key. Babs has zero control over that kid, so she's famous for dumping her off at anyone's house that has an open door. It's not just around my house, this is an entire neighborhood problem.

I worry that Babs is on the verge of doing something extremely drastic, because she's manic depressive and doesn't take her meds, and when she does, they're mixed with booze and pot. She's often missing for days straight, and Johnny just acts like the Stepford Husband, as if it's normal. During her last funk, I went over to find their 5 bedroom home shredded. Like a tornado went through - furniture overturned, everything from upstairs in a heap downstairs, 3 teenage boys playing poker at the table, and Monster Chloe screaming bloody hell, throwing stuff from upstairs at them - they'd just dodge stuff and continue the game. So I went in Babs' room & found her hiding under her covers, nearly comatose. Chloe ran and locked herself in the van. I thought she was suffocating because her face was frying red, but the boys were laughing and said it's just makeup. She painted her entire face with red cream rouge then tore up the house in one of her famous tantrums. So I started loading her favorite toys in my truck to lure her out, so she started screaming and got out of the van. The boys trapped her, we buckeled her in my truck, and I took her to Crisis Control Center (my home) and put her in the "crying room." I tossed in a cold rag and told her to clean her face, and when she's done crying we can talk. This is a regular at my house. She'll eventually cool off, and we've done this so many times that she knows the whole routine: Sit on the couch, drink a glass of cold Water, take a bath, then start apologizing. Then it's dinner and "time out" for the rest of the night.

Chris and I fight because he wants Babs, or "that bag of antlers" (okay to laugh here) and "F-d up Johnny" to stay the hell out of our house, but they keep coming over. We fight because I tolerate Mom & Dad for the sake of Chloe. It's not going to be long before Child Protective Services takes Chloe away. When that happens, Chloe needs to know that Chris and I and Penni will always be here.

I recently encouraged Chris to take Babs out on the bike. It took over an hour to pry her out of bed, but he finally got her geared up and took her up the mountain for burgers & chicken fingers. He nearly had to force her to eat, but the bike ride and getting away from her "hell' did worlds of good.

I told Chris some people might think he's having an affair with Babs, and he was pretty grossed out. The only affair he wants to have with her is his fist in her teeth because "that's my little Chloe McSorley, and her mom is one screwed up bitch." However, we gotta worry about Chris and Karen H! He thinks Karen is the hottest thing cuz she's so cute AND loves Nascar. I asked him, "do you have a crush on Karen" and he said, "yep, she's cute!" So I asked Karen to take him, but Karen said, "NO Way, I already have a 13 year old. He's a loyal old dog. He calls me every day the second he gets home from work, then 2-3 times more before I come home. I tell him, "Honey, I'm busy" but he says, "but I'm lonely for you." I used to keep him on a tight leash, but he's proved himself more than trustworthy. He's got a built in homing device, so I always know where he is, which is either laying on the couch, or out with me. If anything, I'm the problem around her (considering Casey had to climb the wall to retrieve my shorts.)

Some of us have privately talked about Babs. I don't want to play God, but I'm documenting everything, and I kept the pictures of Chloe's bruises. I'm open to any and all suggestions. I have to be very careful, because it's not just Babs & Johnny that we're involved with - they happen to live across the street from our best friends. Coco & CJ, who are also documenting, and have seen and heard even worse than me. We used to all be good friends, but Babs is super jealous and tried driving a wedge between us all, and it nearly ended our friendship with Coco, but our relationship is too strong for even Hurricane Babs. Babs doesn't know all my business. She thinks I hate Coco. She also thinks I hate Kelly (another friend.) I don't share much with Babs about my personal life because she is very destructive. She used to be a good friend, but she's also my worst enemy. She lies to me and takes advantage of me... so she thinks. Misery loves company. She even lied to Chris Saturday - he asked, "so, what did you do all day?" and she had the balls to say, "I was here at the party all day." Uh, NO she wasn't! But like Chris said when I told him I wanted a divorce (over the Harley purchase) "Lisa, just get over it cause we're not getting a divorce and there's always going to be Chris and Lisa."

This might seem long, but it doesn't even start to describe the drama surrounding Babs, but again, Chloe needs a safe place, and that place is here in my heart and my home. Oh, and it's not just Chloe. Babs' sons, Kal and Jake, are warming up to me. Kal came over the other night and actually asked to spend the night. His house is too crazy for him, and he's a living doll, so this is his home, too.

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OK I have to admit I had an inclination that something was "going on" with Chris and Babs. But after careful scrutiny I came to realize the problem isn't with Chris it is with Babs. She is an instigator and loves to cause drama. Chris is so devoted to Lisa it is sickening. I agree he can't stand Babs. They do tolerate them just because of that precious child, Chloe. I wanted to take her home "on that day." She stole my heart.

As I hugged her and kissed her with a tear in my eye Saturday I whispered in her ear that if she wanted to talk or needed me for ANYTHING to tell Lisa and she would call me. Little Chloe just whimpered and hugged me tighter and said in a quiet little voice "OK, I love you Penni." Just broke my heart.

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What a mess. . . and I don't even know these people. Do you know if Babs has any normal family members who might be able to step in? Here in Illinois, the child-protection services people seem to turn to family members first, rather than friends and neighbors, before placing a child in a foster home. That's a drastic step, but it sounds as if these wacko parents are endangering at least one of their kids. Blessings on all of you who are providing love and stability (and limits) for this little girl. She looks adorable in the pictures, but as you say, they don't tell the whole story.

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Okay, now I'm crying "on this day." Penni, you're priceless! First I was laughing, then crying.

Babs might think she's flirting with Chris. She might think she'll drive a wedge between us. She might think a lot of things, but those are the thoughts of a very insecure manic depressive.

There's the whole Kelly drama, also. They were tight friends, but Kelly is now afraid of Psycho Babs. Babs told me "I went to Kelly's to get things she had of mine." But then Kelly called me, petrified. Babs banged on her door for three hours straight, causing a scene in the neighborhood till Kelly finally got the nerve to open the door. Babs is missing a pink shoe, and refused to leave till they found it. Meanwhile, poor Kelly is avoiding Johnny like the plague. What Homewrecker Babs doesn't know is that her husband has the hots for Kelly. Johnny calls Kelly every day and says, "I really miss seeing you every day" and asks, "should I leave my wife?" Kelly only answered 2 of his calls, but he's on her Caller I.D. every day. And Johnny thinks that since Babs & Kelly broke up, that I'm no longer friends with Kelly. But Kelly & I will always be pals, so Kelly tells me every time Johnny calls.

So Babs lies to Johnny, Johnny lies to Babs, Babs lies to me & Chris. Johnny looks and acts like the perfect husband while bruising a five year old, surfing porn, and hitting on Kelly, while kissing Babs' neck while sympathetically consoling her with "Honey, I'm so sorry that Kelly isn't your friend any more." And I just sit here appearing innocent and naive... like any one of you would believe that after meeting me in person. HA! But I won't hate Babs. I can't, because she's a very sick woman. My mom is schitzophrenic, and I don't hate my mom. One day they might really need help. I'll be here when they admit it and reach out.

Chloe is crazy about Penni now. I wish every single one of you could have seen Chloe's face when Penni gave her all those paints. Chloe literally crawled inside the bag, shoved her head all the way inside the bag - just to get to the goodies. It was the cutest thing in the world.

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Zoe, there's no stable family here in Vegas. Chloe's father is a famous hockey coach & her uncle is a professional hockey player. Babs refers to Chloe's father as "my annual "F" buddy." That whole relationship screws her head up even more, because she wanted to marry him, but all he wanted was for her to get an abortion. She was on Prozac during the entire pregnancy and didn't even know she was pregnant till she was 5 months along.

The father lives in Switzerland and has only been here once to see Chloe in the past year. He's happily married with a todler, Aiden. Chloe brags about her baby brother, but there's barely a relationship there. I'd like to talk to her dad, but I'd have to sneak through Babs's stuff to find a number. He's a high profile sports celebrity, so he's not listed anywhere. Maybe one day I can get Chloe to get his number. She's pretty smart.

Zoe, the only reason I haven't called Child Protective Services is because I don't feel like playing God. I totally understand how severe things would get. So I'm taking it one day at a time. When and IF that time every comes, I'll take action. Till then, I'll just keep loving that precious darling.

But she's never, ever a monster at my house. Just a smart little angel, much brighter than other 5 year olds. She knows her boundaries here, and she knows that the only ones she can control is her Mom & Johnny.

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I was there when Chloe was pulling the paints out of the bag, Oh so cute and the heart picture she painted.

Penni you are so beautiful and thoughtful.

Johnny and Babs are control freaks who want the center of attention. Babs told Michelle and I outside that Chloe was a mistake baby and a monster.

When I first met Chloe we shared the ride back from the airport to Lisa's. As we talked and I asked her how old she was (5) I asked if she was in Kinder, then why she wasn't in school today? The whole time I'm thinking of my kids and how Important they are to me.

Seriously, I know of 2 children that were taken from there parents into a Structured/foster Home and when asked If they wanted to go back to there parents they said NO, Cause they had a family that cared for them and did family things together.

Lisa you are very Beautiful!

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There's my little Vera! Chloe thinks your very special, too. I'm bummed that I didn't get to out with you guys, but I was having too much fun here.

I always wondered why Mother Nature won't let me have babies. Chris and I have both been medically checked, and we are both healthy in that department. Haven't used birth control in 13 years, but we never got pregnant together. So I figure there's reasons, and Chloe is one of them, I suppose.

Vera, you got Johnny and Babs pegged as control freaks. I can't believe she had the nerve to tell you her child is a monster. My friends live across the street from them, and CJ is on the board of the Association. They are trying to get speed bumps on their street because people fly down doing 50. Babs lets Chloe ride her bike and/or her scooter at night. No shoes, wearing shorts, no lights or reflectors. Just a crazy five year old zipping carefree down the street, while Babs & Johnny are inside the house. Nobody watching Chloe at all. Coco & CJ are very concerned, and they try to keep an eye on Chloe. We've all talked to Babs about not letting Chloe ride her bike at night in the streets. But hell, a five year old shouldn't be alone outside at all, whether night or day! We were all at a barbeque once and Chloe was missing for several hours before Babs said, "where's Chloe?" Chloe decided to walk home all by herself to ride her bike in the street.

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I too have wondered why I haven't gotten pregnant and I am seeing why everyday, there are so many kids out there who need healthy environments( whatever i can't spell worth a damn) anyway there is no doubt God put you and Chris in Chloe's life but at the same time you have to be careful not to get too attached and believe me I am learning that. Everytime one of the boys here goes home for a visit or gets sent home I get scared because that is how most of them live.But I am in there lives for a reason and we (Billy and I) just try to love them and give them alittle bit of foundation.

Okay I will admit I was curious, I have been around enough women to know that if their life sucks then they are out to destroy yours. My only suggestion is to set some boundries and follow them through. I have had friends like Babs that are f----ed up and that is the only way to put it and I don't-- can't spend to much time with them because they bring me down and me and my mental state have to stay straight or else nothing and I mean nothing will function properly around me.

Lisa you are an amazing woman with more gifts and talents than you realize. You are in my prayers and I look forward to seeing you again.


Dr. Spegiel

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Well since we are all being honest here..I have to admit I thought more that Babs was interested in Chris. I did NOT think they had something going on, just that Babs seemed very flirty towards Chris, more like she wished or wanted something to be going on.

Chris did not sem to be too interested in her from what I was seeing.

Chloe is a sweetheart. I have a soft spot for little girls since I have all boys..she is so smart and so loving. That poor little girl is just wanting to ber loved. I did see a split second of a sign of her tyrant when she got right up in her dads face becasue he wanted to move her paints out of the middle of the floor. Her anger was quite shocking for such a little cute 5yr old but as Vera said Babs told us straight up that Chloe was a mistake and the devil child so if a child hears that enough she will beome that. I wonder how many times Chloe has heard her mother tell people that? Yes I was also quite suprised to see Babs with a drink in her car drving us to the Luxor with Chloe in the backseat with no seatbelt on. I was the one who told her to put it on. Lisa you are a godsend to that little girl!! It was quite obvious how much both you and Chris love her!!

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Teresa: You made it home. HOORAY!! I was wondering this morning when you and K.C. would get home. By the way, I LOVE LOVE LOVE my hat. I wore it all the way home Saturday night.

I will get a pic of me in it on here in a couple of days.

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Well, I got up this morning and planned on staying in, cleaning up a little, watching TV. But my horoscope said to go enjoy the day, so I got on my bike and rode like the wind. I even got on the freeway for the first time - just one street though, then there's this big interchange section that freaked me out, but at least I tasted the real action.

But I had a lot of time to think while riding, and it's so hard, but Ginny, you took the words right out of my mouth. I have been very careful, walking on eggshells, to keep Chloe in my life as long as possible. But there will be a day when she's ripped out from under me, and I'll have to buck up and face it.

As far as keeping an eye on Babs, I literally have not called her in a few weeks. We see each other several times a week, but that's cuz she calls me or stops by. Our garage door is almost always open cause Chris smokes. And like I said, she lives across the street from our best friends, so it's not easy avoiding her. Babs has somewhat of a split personality, so there really is a good side to her, ya just never know which one you're gonna get. She doesn't work, so I would have loved to spend the day with a girlfriend, but I avoided her entirely.

Michelle, Babs adores Chloe, she spoils her with kisses and love, but at the flip of a coin, Chloe takes control. I'm glad you saw a taste of it, because sometimes I just need someone to share this kinda thing with. She tried interferring with CJ and Coco's relationship; she'd say one thing to CJ, then another to Coco, just to get them fighting. During the whole time that Chris bought the bike, all my friends were telling me to "just try enjoying the bike" while Babs was "divorce the asshole."

It's nice because Chloe knows how to call me all by herself, so she calls me just about every day to tell me hi, or to give me the latest kindergarden gossip. She taught me the Tootie Tot song, and I can't believe she forgot to sing it for you!

The saddest thing about Babs is that all she wants is attention, and she's not appreciating the attention she gets. Can you believe her body after having 4 kids? And she actually had a breast reduction, so those perky C cups are real. She gets so much male attention when we're in public, but somewhere along the line she lost all her self-confidence and allowed self-destruction and loathing to surface. Not my problem.

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Babs made two references to me about her child being a wild little "monster" and out of control. I didn't see that. I just saw a normal adorable little girl with sucky parents. I am glad you don't have any suspicions of foul play between Chris and Babs too. KC saw babs flirt with him and it concerned him but I am glad it was all for naught. I used to be a jealous woman but after 10 years of being a couple I tease him and tell him that if someone wants to steal him, they can have at it. LOL... There was this one girl that he had known for years that had a huge crush on him and would try to steal him from me. Even on our wedding night she tried to get him to leave me and go out and play with her. Used to drive me nuts but now thank God that girl is married and lives in Hawaii. She actually married my first "quicky" fling I had when I was 21 years old. I had never had a date or a boyfriend in my entire life at that time. KC has been my only boyfriend ever.

Chloe is adorable. Its too bad Babs just doesn't realize she is screwing up and hand over custody but I am sure that would happen when hell freezes over. Babs would be too selfish for that. How old are her other children?

I had SOOOOO much fun meeting all of you!!! Penni you are adorable and your internet pics don't do you justice at all. You and John are wonderful. Lisa, I absolutely adore you and want to be friends forever. KC and I are definitely going to take both of you up on your offers to come and stay. Everyone is always welcome at my house. I found the entire trip to be amazing and fun, you were all wonderful. Love ya all, Teresa

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I feel weird writing on such a personal subject when I don't know any of the people involved, but I just can't help myself -- I'll try to shut up after this! (Yeah, right.)

Lots of us had wonderful loving adults in our lives when we were kids -- adults outside the family who loved us and played with us and accepted us for who we were. Do any of you get all teary and sentimental remembering them? I sure do. And I know that whatever else Chloe is going to remember from these years, she'll forever have the memory of her kind and loving neighbors, not to mention the wild party ladies who came to visit and showered her with the most precious gift of attention and laughter.

Chloe's little life may be a mess, thanks to her mom and dad -- but no one can take away her memories of the good times. All of you (especially of course DeLarla) are giving her some much-needed emotional nourishment, and that's what makes a real parent.

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I'm a little jealous of Penni. She's got some new thing going on with Ms. Chloe. Chloe is just crazy about her. Well, you can see yourself from all the darling pictures of Chloe clinging to Auntie Penni!

And poor Voodoo is so camera shy that he's not in any of the pictures, so I'm posting one of his famous poses.

Teresa, I absolutely adore you. You & KC are a darling couple. Tell him thanks for keeping an eye on my man. Chris is so dumb that a woman would have to stick her tongue in his ear before he knew he was getting flirted with. We were both getting hair cuts one day, and his girl didn't his wife was sitting 2 chairs away. I watched every move - she'd get way low and giggle in his ear and carress his neck and fondle him. He just thought it was part of the haircut. Afterwards she started asking him out right in front of me. You shoulda seen her lame face when he said, "honey, did you pay for our haircuts?" He used to have a lot of women chasing him, but I had my wild times, too. Now he's just satisfied to come home to a nice fat Polish Mamma and his fur babies. And now that I have a Harley, he thinks his wife is the bomb. If I didn't trust him, I wouldn't be married to him. When I told him that Babs is flirting with him, he just started laughing because that's the furthest thing from his mind when it comes to babs. A kick in the teeth, yes. A roll in the hay... let's just say that's the benefit of having DeLarla around on occasion! He hates when I drink, but he sure likes when DeLarla comes out to play!

KC was so cute - he told me he climbed over the wall special for me just to get my shorts from the street. Boy, that doesn't sound so good, does it? Now who's the slut? OOPS. How far are you from Portland? If you're ever in Portland, you can stalk my ex-fiance' for me. Poor guy lost his marbles - he's not even raising his 10 year old child. I talked to him a few months ago, and he's truly gone fruit Loops. I'd like to know he's okay. I'm still friends with his twin sister, who lives around the block from him and raises his child. I'd love to visit Oregon again - I lived there with Rob 20 years ago. I seriously doubt that Chris would have a problem doing a little salmon fishing. Nope, no problem!

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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