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What’s a 38 year old girl with a BMI of 36 to do?

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Well, I went to a bariatric surgery seminar at my local hospital last week. The surgeons require attending one before they'll allow you to schedule a consultation. As I headed out the door, I told my husband I felt awkward, because I knew I'd be one of the smallest people in the room. “Don’t worry,” he said.

After checking in and taking a seat, a nurse took it upon herself to come over and speak with me, because I “looked like a lightweight.” She didn’t want me to “waste my time,” by staying for the seminar, since I “probably didn’t qualify.” Mind you, I was the only person she singled out, we’d never met and she had none of my medical information. Even though she continued to quiz me on what obesity comorbidities I have, I stayed. During the presentation, they focused heavily on gastric bypass and sleeve and glossed over banding. When I asked a question about it, the surgeon said he’d still consider it, depending on the patient, but it was on its way out. Embarrassed and disappointed, I cried all the way home.

So, what’s a 38 year old girl with a BMI of 36 to do? My mother had gastric bypass 13 years ago. She was well over 400 lbs, but they really didn’t know, because that’s as high as the scale went. I’ve always been the smallest female in my family by at least 100 lbs. I can see where I’m headed and just don’t want to participate. I have two children under the age of 5 and feel like I’m missing out on their lives. I’m tired, grouchy, my joints hurt and there’s not a single picture of me with them.

The more research I do, it seems like banding may actually be a good choice for people like me. I was amazed to find there’s actually a “Low BMI Bandsters” board! Earlier today, I made a list of the dozens of diet plans I’ve been unsuccessful at since high school. My husband and PCP are supportive. I’m pretty confident my insurance will approve me, based on my orthopedic issues. This is not a whim; it’s been on my mind for years. It just doesn’t seem intelligent to me to wait until I get even heavier and my health deteriorates to get banded. Why not do it now, while I’m healthy enough to withstand surgery and enjoy life? Am I nuts to be considering this???

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My BMI was down around 37 when I had surgery but my doctor actually suggested the band and still does to this day.

Post surgical care such as fills, follow up visits and consults regarding any complications are just as important as having the band placed around your stomach. We see so many patients who fail to lsoe due to their surgeons unwillingness to support band patients for years after surgery. Don't make the mistake of allowing a disinterested surgeon place the band and kick you to the curb.

You sound like a good band candidate? Although, we have many many banders here who are quite successful and had BMI's up around 45-55. For me, I didn't want my stomach removed, period. I think the sleeve and bypass and DS are all very good surgical techniques and on average produce faster and better results than the band. But, all I really wanted was a little help with reducing my hunger and allowing me to feel satisfied with less food. That's what the band did for me. And that's all I wanted.

If you think you might need more from the surgery, you might not be a good candidate. If you need a tool that will only allow you to eat 4 ozs of food at a time, the sleeve or bypass might be a better choice. Because I still have my lower stomach, I can still eat a lot of food, IF, I want to. But I don't, because the band helps me feel satisfied with less and keeps me satisfied for hours after a meal. Good luck and I look forward to many comments to your topic.


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It all depends on your insurance and what your surgeon is willing to do but personally, I qualified for the vsg with a BMI of 35 and GERD. My BMI actually dropped to 34.8 and I was really worried I wouldn't qualify because 35 was the cut off but my doc fought the insurance company for me and I qualified. Yes, it was awkward going to the group requirements feeling like people were judging me. I just kept telling myself that I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to get this done before I am older and before I have way more weight related complications.

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No, I dont think you're nuts because you want WLS. It sounds like you're doing your research well. Smart thinking on your part ! Just because you hit one brick wall does 'nt mean you should give up, it just means you might have to shop around for a good surgeon who is willing and able to work with you. A big part of success with WLS is to be on the same train of thought with your Dr. , so keep looking ! You need to be happy and healthy to raise your kids, and it sounds like you're on your way ! Good luck !!

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Don't let one surgeon stop your show girl. I had a bmi of 35 when I started. My surgeon prefers to band lower bmi's. He feels it easier to level their weightloss and just as effective. Banding from everything I've researched hasn't lost its ground.

Edited by blacktxbelle

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Hi there, my insurance required a BMI of forty and I was a wreck about that, had to gain some plus heavy pockets for those weigh-ins. Wish I had slouched for inch or so shorter. I was in the 240s and needed to be 250 for my height. Since I "should" (?) be in the 140s that is 100 pounds -- geez, not fat enough for you, insurance co? But even though that was all a little stressful I am hardly able to recall all those appointments, etc. this time last year as I got ready for my surgery.....cause now I am jumping for joy every single day. It's not just the weight loss -- it's having the appetite monster off my back and feeling at peace with food.

Check with your insurance company re: any requirements and find a surgeon who is committed to the followup. In the first year that's what it's all about. And don't let one nurse stand in your way. She was inappropriate.

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Find another surgeon. I had about 60-70 pounds to loose. Had the banding done Feb. 24 2014. Lost 77 lbs in 6 months. I have trouble walking due to medical condition. If I didn't loose the weight I could be house bound. It takes a life time commitment to maintain. You will feel better and have a different outlook after weight lose. Go for it.

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        All I can tell you is that for me, it got easier after the first week. The hunger pains got less intense and I kind of got used to it and gave up torturing myself by thinking about food. But if you can, get anything tempting out of the house and avoid being around people who are eating. I sent my kids to my parents' house for two weeks so I wouldn't have to prepare meals I couldn't eat. After surgery, the hunger was totally gone.

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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