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Public Smoking Bans

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If you employ people, who are non smokers... is it fair to ask them to put their health at risk?

Would you ask a man to clean out a cyanide tank without proper protection?

So, I guess the answer for business is to provide respiratory equipment for staff!!! Sensible?!? I think not! Practical.... Hell NO! ;)

would it be easier stop others around them hurting them..... Hmmmmmm..... let me think about that..... YES!:P

Guess what? In England Everybody has to quit smoking in public places on July 1st! :clap2:

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...But you stated you eating a Big Mac at Mcdonalds is not hurting anyone but you with putting on weight or getting heart disease and your right. BUT I watched a show many years ago for people that are Anorexia or Bulimia and they are out some place and they see an overweight person eating it makes them sick and makes them not want to eat or go through up because they are so scared that they will end up fat. That is an addiction for them...

To me this is not even remotely close to being the same thing. Smoking can harm a healthy person, anorexic people and bulimic people are sick to begin with, and it's watching another type of eating disorder that makes them feel ill. If they got help with their addiction, the other wouldn't affect them. The smokers (and some ex smokers) seem to be (at least, this is how I am taking it), trying to put this into a light that will "make us understand" (us being non smokers). I'm a non-smoker, before I happened it never occurred to me that people shouldn't smoke in public places, and it didn't bother me unless it was right in my face. But I do understand the logic behind it, for example: I'm a non-smoker and I have asthma. I'm a waitress looking for a job and the only job available in my small town is at a bar full of smokers. I can't work there, because it'll affect my asthma. BUT, you NOT smoking at a bar, while it might give you the jitters, isn't going to make you sick. You can step outside for a few minutes for a cig. No one is telling you NOT to smoke, they are just telling you WHERE NOT to smoke. Hell, if you want to compare it to obesity, how many of us are/were closet eaters because we KNEW what people would think if they saw us eating the way we were?!

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OhioChick---no worries, your post does not offend me in the least.

But as Lauren pointed out, there is a difference, in the fact that the case you bring up, those individuals are already fighting their own demons of illness, in the anorexia or bulemia. In some cases, possibly seeing the obese in dining, has kept others from overeating to avoid that....I am sure it works both ways.

It is not the person with these existing illnesses I find myself concerned with over this issue. It is my small grandchildren---why should they have to breath anyones exhaled smoke, or even worse the smoke off of a smoldering cigarette? Which is non filtered smoke---full of the worst of the chemicals.

I do have very mixed feelings regarding yet another law, and the fact that the government is digging themselves even deeper into our personal lives. BUT---in this case, where they are not telling you that you are no longer allowed to smoke, only that you cannot do it where it may affect others---I agree with it. Should they "allow" a Smoking Lounge---similar to a bar----I would be fine with it. Anyone entering would know it was just that, you would be carded at the door, same as a bar, so no children being drug in with Mommy so she can smoke---having to inhale all the dangers. The employees would know and expect the cloud of smoke. I could choose not to go there, same as I can choose not to go into a bar. My inlaws will not go to a restaurant where alcohol is served, they are so strict in their beliefs. But in my case, the guy at the next table can be drinking a whiskey sour, and unless he has a few too many of them, or I look at his table, I have no idea what he is drinking. The smoke on the other hand wafts over to my table, and I have no choice but to "smoke" with him---as I breath. That is my problem with public smoking.

They have done other things to clean the quality of the air we must breath. Factories must adhere to strict clean air guidelines, many states have emissions regulations.....lots of things have helped us to breath easier. This is just another step to help those of us who choose not to do something (smoke), from being forced to do so by those who choose to smoke. We aren't asking for EXTRA rights.....we feel you too are free to breath the cleaner air. We just don't want you taking that right away from us by your choice....make your choice for you, not for me too.


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This is the only post I am ever going to make to this thread. I'm not going to debate the issue or give any opinion either way. I only have one statement to make. On November 17, 2004 my mother (who smoked for 50+ years but had quit ten years earlier) died of complications of lung cancer. She will never see my children grow up.

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You must of missed my previous post where I stated that I no longer smoke and can't stand the smell of it due to pregnancy.

You must of also missed the posts where I stated that I do agree with venue's either being totally smoke free or allowing smoke, that way the public is allowed to choose and no one has to be subjected to smoke if they don't want it.

The last I checked I lived in a free country, so smokers should not be made to feel like the outcasts of society when there doing something that is totally legal.

What got the fire going in my belly is years of comments such as "Don't you know it's bad for you" and "battery acid and ammonia" just to name a few. I will say it again, smokers are not dumb or stupid they know that it's not good for them, but like any addiction, smoking, over eating, drugs or alcohol it's an addiction.

It is great that you gave up smoking during pregnancy Angel. That is very selfless. Susannah

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I believe that there at this moment two different discussions going on: one is to do with anti-smoking laws and the other is to do with the question of the smoker's addiction.

Where I live has strict laws, as I have mentioned earlier in this thread, concerning smoke-free work places. As things presently stand no one is allowed to smoke inside a work place. We smokers are now accustomed to hitting the streets and the open air in order to top up our nicotine levels and this can be tough in the Canadian climate.

The issue of the physical and psychological addiction to cigarettes is altogether another thing. Nicotine is a powerfully addictive substance, for some more than others, for this will depend on your particular metabolism. I once read that nicotine can be more addictive than heroin but I am unable to comment on the truth of this statement.

What I can tell you is that nicotine is a government sanctioned drug. It is not illegal although it is becoming increasingly expensive to obtain. I can also tell you that we smokers are fully aware that smoking is bad for us. We know this not only academically but because we can feel some of the negative effects of this activity on an intimate level. Nevertheless, we keep on doing it until we can't stand to do it any longer. This is because smoking nicotine, just like smoking crack, is not only highly addictive, it is also pleasant.

As for my own personal level of addiction, I am kinda stuck. I am on Zyban under its other name, Wellbutrin. It is one of the antidepressants which I am on. Unfortunately it ain't doing too much with respect to trimming back my nicotine habit, dammit!

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Well, I have said enough, as one private message sent to me stated. Like I have said in every post these are my personal opinions I wouldn't talk for anyone else so again to the one that was offended Im sorry and anyone else at that point. Im keeping my mouth shut from here on out. Like I stated many times before I see both sides. Since I was a smoker for almost 9 years and now Im a non smoker. I don't think anyone is wrong everyone has good points. Have a great week :)

Hey, you're entitled to your opinion. I don't think you ever said anything outrageous or offensive. I personally don't agree with you, but I think you've stated your opinion in a courteous way. Don't stop posting on account of a private message...if you can work it out with that person, great, but most of us see that you weren't trying to attack anyone...at least I didn't feel like you were on the attack :)

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Hey, you're entitled to your opinion. I don't think you ever said anything outrageous or offensive. I personally don't agree with you, but I think you've stated your opinion in a courteous way. Don't stop posting on account of a private message...if you can work it out with that person, great, but most of us see that you weren't trying to attack anyone...at least I didn't feel like you were on the attack happy.gif
Neither do I. Sharing opinions is what a message board is for, after all. No one is going to agree with everyone else 100% of the time. You were polite and you didn't bash anyone else's opinion, which is all that can be asked for.

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Yep, I agree with the above posters. Ohio, you should not allow yourself to be thrown off this bucking bronco just because of a PM. This is our forum.

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When New York passed its Smoking Ban, many bars had to either significantly reduce staff or close altogether. It was sad, and many of my friends lost their jobs, so I'm not partial on this subject.

The same thing is happening here in Colorado. It would be nice if this country wasn't so big on extremes and there were places smokers could go if they wanted to.

I think it's a slippery slope. Yes, it's bad for your health, but so is drinking and being obese.

Side note: I think ex-smokers are the worst. They are so self-righteous and punitive toward others that it reminds me of born again Christians: "I had my fun, but I stopped, now I want you to not have any fun, either!"

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I think it's a slippery slope. Yes, it's bad for your health, but so is drinking.
But the thing is, you drinking has no affect on my health, unless you drink and drive.

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You brought up a good point (im not sure if it was you per say you may have quoted someone else if so Im sorry) but that's why I'm replying back to you please don't think I'm trying to be rude I'm not. Like I said these are just my opinions.

Ok BB stated that Smoking is like Obesity and in a way she is right because yes its an addiction just like over eating, making your self get sick, drinking and taking drugs. Everyone has some kind of an addiction it might not be any of the above that I have stated but it could be shopping, purses, shoes, buying movies or having to many cars. (you get my point).

But you stated you eating a Big Mac at Mcdonalds is not hurting anyone but you with putting on weight or getting heart disease and your right. BUT I watched a show many years ago for people that are Anorexia or Bulimia and they are out some place and they see an overweight person eating it makes them sick and makes them not want to eat or go through up because they are so scared that they will end up fat. That is an addiction for them. Now I know some of you are gonna have a hay day with this post please don't think Im being a butt Im not. I just trying to show a point that no matter what someone's addiction is gonna bother someone. But I don't understand why smoking people are getting all the laws. I mean would you all be saying the same thing if a law was passed that us overweight people shouldn't be allowed in a restaurant to eat with our families because someone seeing us eat could make them sick or speed up their addiction.

No, you would be stating that its not fair nor is right that you cant go out the places you enjoy because there is going to be someone that doesn't want you there? When I watched that show and I have seeing it In my Health Care training classes that this is really a common thing. I never gave it thought ya know I was shocked. But that's my point I know many wont see it but some will. Im sorry if I have offended anyone that was never my intentions.

I understand what you are trying to say here but removing fat people from society would not be a reasonable nor realistic means to an end.

This is how I look at clean air acts. If a person chooses to light up, it truly is their choice like it is mine to eat Krispy Kreme donut with the creamy white filling. The problem with the logic that "it's only harming them" is that it doesn't just harm the person smoking. Children who grow up in a home where someone smokes have a greater risk for a respitory disease. People who do not smoke but live with a smoker die sooner.

"Even for those who have never used tobacco, regular exposure to secondhand smoke in the home can have an impact on mortality, according to study results published through the British Medical Journal's Online First Internet feature."


This article is from 2004, there are so many articles to support this.

So for this effort, a person truly cannot say that it only effects THEM if they smoke. The smoke permeates the enivoronment and contacts others in that environment with negative effects.

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The smell of smoke.

Anyone here have close friends who are musicians? Yeah. I would LOVE to go out and support my pals but to tell you the truth the stench of the bars send me to the moon. It would be the same as if someone could fart and had a farting PERMITTED rule in their establishment.

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OhioChick---hit the ignore button, and post away---both sides have valid points, and your opinions on such are just as welcome as any one elses. Letting someone run you off, lets them win....and plainly speaking...to hell with that!!!

The places I go in that no longer allow smoking have not seemed to be drastically affected, or have compensated for it.

I don't compare it to drinking or obesity, because as has been pointed out, unless you drink and drive, those other things do not directly affect my ability to be next to you in a building. You do not ooze obesity on me, nor does the alcohol in your drink seep into my pores. Your smoke does end up in my lungs....without question.

As I have stated, I have no issue with a smoking lounge---or similar set up---but smoking "sections" were a joke! They did not keep it out of the air.

I am not intending to be self righteous, nor spoil your fun----simply taking the control of my health one step further. I personally quit something I enjoyed---smoking---for my health and that of my family around me. And in following suit, I do not want you or another smoker to undo what I am trying to do health wise.


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I want to get your opinions on something. How would you approach the topic of body odor with a smoker? I haven't had the experience of having a super-stinky smoking student in one of the classes I teach yet, but I know it is inevitable. When I was taking a class a few years ago, there was a super-stinky smoker it it. Even though I sat several rows away from her, I could still smell her the instant she walked in the room. I always felt so sorry for the people that sat around her. I don't want to inflict something like that on my own students. How would you guys approach the topic with someone like that? I wouldn't want to offend them, but I would have to think of myself and my other students.

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