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My doctor says that gastric banding is a waste of time.

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I guess I'm confused, I agree that there are pros and cons to all, but in the end we all have smaller stomachs, if we are all eating right and working out, shouldn't we be losing the weight. I don't like to be to,d the band is a waste of time, how so?

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I guess I'm confused, I agree that there are pros and cons to all, but in the end we all have smaller stomachs, if we are all eating right and working out, shouldn't we be losing the weight. I don't like to be to,d the band is a waste of time, how so?

It's a waste of time for some docs due to reimbursements from surgery to consults and fills. With the other surgeries the downside is the patient gains weight if they overeat. With the band we can suffer severe medical issues like slips, erosions and dilations. Doctors have to spend more time with band patients and less time in the O.R. where they earn thousands of dollars an hour.

Not all docs feel the band is a waste of time. There are some surgeons who prefer not to interface with patients, so they push them towards other surgeries. There are also some patients who should not get the band due to their psychological profile and eating history.

But most docs still perform banding knowing that many people would not get WLS at all if not for the band and the fact it can be removed or revised. The new procedure of endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty will probably greatly reduce if not eliminate laparoscopic VSG and gastric banding procedures. jmo

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My doc recommended sleeve but gladly banded me. He performs lots of bands. However, I haven't seen him since my first post op follow up. I always see the fill nurse.

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I'm feeling kind of spoiled now. My doc suggested the band and sleeve. I told him which one I preferred and why, and he agreed. I've also seen him at each appointment, and he's the one who does my fills.

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I am not going to tell you what to do, I will however tell you my opinion. THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION:

I had lapband surgery several years ago for the very reason you mentioned: non invasive, thought it would help me lose weight healthy ect., , I have never lost even a single pound.<that is MY result only< I suggest you research this thoroughly. In My Opinion I would NEVER do it again. I would never do any of the diet surgeries. In my opinion if you were an over eater before surgery you will be one after and there is always a way around a surgery. In My opinion what would of worked better is : going to therapy to discover and mend WHY I was over eating in the first place and to learn how to eat normal and exercise. all I saw when contemplating the surgery was success stories, I didn't believe the failures..I was somehow "blind" to the failure rates.

If I had the chance to re do that time: I would NEVER have ANY weight loss surgery. Let alone the lap band. In My opinion there is only one way to lose weight : the old fashioned way....portion control healthy eating and exercise.. If you don't eat healthy and exercise right now..what makes you think you can do so with surgery?? If you don't have any will power now how will surgery change that?? The lap band may or may not make you feel "full" but feeling full never stopped me from continuing to eat...

The above is only MY OPINION. What I personally went thru.I in no way represent everyone's results, I'm just saying IMO that you should really consider deep down inside WHY you are eating so much and not living healthy why you can't stay on a regular diet. In My Opinion that is what I finally did. In my opinion what you call "traditional" is not...1 meal a day with exercise and diet pills...that is NOT traditional. Since when do diet pills and 1 meal a day fall into proper nutrition?

In the end it is up to you. I am NOT telling you to do it or not. I am just telling you My experience and MY OPINION ONLY.

IF given a 2nd chance, I would never have done it. Good luck.

I have just started my new weight loss journey. Like many others, I have a history of failed diets and temporary weight loss. Several years ago, I managed to lose 70 lbs in one year using traditional methods such as exercising 6 days a week, eating one small meal a day and taking prescription diet pills. I ended up looking great except for the hair thinning, heart palpations and tachycardia and the loss of 3 teeth and gum disease. Starvation is not a good plan so I started eating 3 meals again. I only kept it off for a short while and within a year it was all back plus 30 lbs more. I now weigh more than I ever imagined I could ever weigh. I am pre-diabetic, borderline hypertension, borderline hyperlipidemia, have probable sleep apnea, osteoarthritis and severe GERD. I am way overdue for a lifestyle change but I need help.

I had a consultation with a weight management doctor last week. He recommended bariatric surgery right off the bat. He suggested I have the gastric sleeve procedure. My insurance will not pay for it so he then recommended gastric bypass surgery or gastric banding. My insurance will pay for either one. He told me that he felt that the Lap-Band is a waste of time and that most of his patients end up having it removed. He recommended that I have the gastric bypass surgery. He has a stellar reputation as a bariatric surgeon. BUT.....

Here is the problem: I do not want any part of my body cut off or re-routed. I do not want my intestines altered in any way as I have enough trouble with them as it is. I do not want my digestive system altered and suffer the effects of mal-absorption. Before I had the consultation with a bariatric surgeon, I had already decided I wanted the Lap-Band to use as a tool to help me lose the weight in a healthy way. So, why are some doctors now saying that it is a waste of time??? Is it really true? What to do now?

I am more confused and frustrated as ever.

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Failed4me, well thank you for your input. And I actually agree with much of what you said. There are some people who should not get WLS, of any kind. Unfortunately, there's no effective filter to determine who will fail and who won't fail? And contrary to your experience, more than half the people who have WLS lose more than 60% of their excess fat.

Compare that to studies that show 95% of dieters fail completely, I think WLS is a very viable option.

That's my opinion and it's based on facts and not personal and anecdotal hysteria.


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Excuse me? Anecdotal hysteria? Really your post is FACT? I'd like to see the research and studies that you have that PROVE without a doubt "over half" of Lap Band WLS patients have Lost and KEPT OFF the weight over their lifetime please. I would also like to see the research and study that prove 95% of dieters Fail.<< And exactly WHAT diets they were on that had a failure rate of 95% seeing as you say : That's my opinion and it's based on facts and not personal and anecdotal hysteria. Yes Please Post ALL facts, research, studies & any other PROVEN information that backs up your claims please! That is NOT given to you by the clinics that perform Lap Band but by independent sources.

You state there is no filter to determine who should get it...so ? what? we all just dish out thousands of dollars and "hope" it works for us?? that is NOT what I was told.

IF you note...I wrote IN MY OPINION ....I did NOT state it was based on anything other than MY OPINION. You can call my opinion a lie if you want but since you state that what YOU say is FACT then BACK IT UP with documentation, research and studies from independent sources. I would really like to see ALL the information that you have that backs up your claims please.

Failed4me, well thank you for your input. And I actually agree with much of what you said. There are some people who should not get WLS, of any kind. Unfortunately, there's no effective filter to determine who will fail and who won't fail? And contrary to your experience, more than half the people who have WLS lose more than 60% of their excess fat.

Compare that to studies that show 95% of dieters fail completely, I think WLS is a very viable option.

That's my opinion and it's based on facts and not personal and anecdotal hysteria.


Edited by Failed4me

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With any surgery, there are risks, I personally believe anyone considering wls should read not just facts but also, forums, before I got my surgery, I read tons and tons of the comments on this site, I went to all 3 of the forums, for the 3 surgerys, I read success stories as well as the problems/ complications sections, I chose lapband for me, I'm a mom of 4 kids and wanted the faster recovery one, I didn't want anything taken out of me, so the band was my option, for every success story there was a story of failure, for any of the weightloss options, you have to commit to a lifestyle change, just like you would with a new diet, I am only looking at this band as a tool, will I overeat when I shouldn't?? Probably, I'm human and old habits die hard. I have no opinion on how great or not great the band is, as I'm newly banded but so far I have no regrets, I have a long journey ahead of me, and I love the support of this site, just to clarify, I'm not saying the band can't fail even if you do everything right, there's always a chance of something going wrong, it's the chance I chose to take, because I was tired of trying and failing on my own. In the end, everyone needs to make the right choice for themselves and do their homework ahead of time????

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Well everyone is different however, my doctor told me the same thing and I insist on the band because it was easy n not as risky as the others however I ended up removing it after 2 yrs n I'm happy I did I lost about 45lbs that's it gained back 20. I went to sleeve in July n lost 50lbs in just 3 months I feel good. The bypass is a bit too much the sleeve was great I had less complications as I did with the band not to mention a foreign object inside me wasn't sitting to well with me. But as I said we are all different. I wish u the best of luck

Edited by MOTIVATED77

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Failed4me Here are a few links to document my opinion and of course you were voicing your opinon. One would have to be illiterate not to have read it several times. And btw, my comments pertain to all WLS techniques, not just the band.

But I have the feeling that no matter how many studies, anecdotal evidence or facts I present you, you're going to discount them all because you have an agenda?

Remember, almost everyone on this forum has undergone numerous and I mean numerous attempts at losing weight via a structured weight loss program, fad diets and calorie restrictive diets. They all failed but there are thousands here who have found success via WLS(all forms).

One question for you? How much weight have you lost on your current weight watchers program and for how long?





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Excuse me? Anecdotal hysteria? Really your post is FACT? I'd like to see the research and studies that you have that PROVE without a doubt "over half" of Lap Band WLS patients have Lost and KEPT OFF the weight over their lifetime please. I would also like to see the research and study that prove 95% of dieters Fail.<< And exactly WHAT diets they were on that had a failure rate of 95% seeing as you say : That's my opinion and it's based on facts and not personal and anecdotal hysteria. Yes Please Post ALL facts, research, studies & any other PROVEN information that backs up your claims please! That is NOT given to you by the clinics that perform Lap Band but by independent sources.

You state there is no filter to determine who should get it...so ? what? we all just dish out thousands of dollars and "hope" it works for us?? that is NOT what I was told.

IF you note...I wrote IN MY OPINION ....I did NOT state it was based on anything other than MY OPINION. You can call my opinion a lie if you want but since you state that what YOU say is FACT then BACK IT UP with documentation, research and studies from independent sources. I would really like to see ALL the information that you have that backs up your claims please.

Failed - I'm so sorry that your surgery failed for you and left you so bitter. However, there are several of us who are seeing success. Several of us who are HAPPY with our surgeries. Several of us who appreciate actual, helpful conversation rather than hysteria and drama. Just because you had a bad experience doesn't mean that the rest of us in this forum are going to have the same experiences as you. So please ... share facts, numbers, and documentation. Please keep the hysterics to yourself or share only with others who are in your same boat. Because, in all honesty, I can't relate. Nor do I wish to. I would rather be supportive of those who are in this journey with me .. with those who accept that sometimes things don't work they way we want them to, but don't go all Drama Queen when we politely disagree.

Have a great day.

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Unfortunately I agree with your doctor. I had it done 7 years ago and have just had it removed. I wish I had never tried to use surgery to solve a psychological problem. My advice to anyone considering it is to think very carefully.

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I have seen this before about a Dr. recommending sleeve or bypass vs. Band. Not sure why they feel it would be better than having a less invasive surgery . I am totally happy with my band. I have lost almost to my goal and I feel like a million dollars. I do have to do my part but you have to do that with any WLS. My husband is a cancer survivor, if he only had part of his stomach he would not have survived without being tube fed. It's your body and your choice. Go with what you feel comfortable with. Any WLS is better than being unhealthy and unable to move.

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Read this article: http://www.yourdoctorsorders.com/2013/05/lap-bands-perfect-storm-and-turn-around/

I thought it gave a TON of perspective. It stresses how important aftercare is and how doctors with minimal aftercare have minimal results and unhappy patients! That furthered my desire to go through True Results (besides knowing people who have had success with them), because True Results has such a solid process, start to finish. I guess they make their money from producing happy patients since self pay is a flat fee?

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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